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Thursday, November 15th, 2001
3:38 am

I am 62% Grunge.

I am pretty dirty, all right and, I reek of teen spirit... I would sell my own children for a moldy hotpocket, man.

Take the Grunge Test at Fuali.com!

mmm...moldy hot pockets hey! i'm not dirty!

Click here to find out what robot you really are

current mood: grunge as fuck
current music: watching The Wall, so Pink Floyd - The Wall

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Wednesday, November 14th, 2001
4:33 am

I am 28% EMO.

Not quite Emo
Hmm.. i suggest I stopped listening to Dashboard Confessional.... enough said... Now that I stopped looking at my shoes, I know how the real world looks.

Take the EMO Test at Fuali.com!

i don't think i've even ever heard a song by dashboard confessional. emo's are those things they raise on an emo farm, right?

current mood: not "emu"
current music: Jack Off Jill - Star No Star

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4:20 am
strawberries are good. i like strawberry stuff. raspberries are good too. i like raspberry stuff too. which one do i like more? when are strawberries in season?

current mood: confused
current music: Jack Off Jill - Strawberry Gashes

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Sunday, November 11th, 2001
5:50 pm
~ * Your Magic Fairy's Name * ~

Thorn Rainbowweb


A bringer of fortune and colour.

Seen When;

Only in the mist of an early morning.


In brambles and blackberry bushes.


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Saturday, November 10th, 2001
4:19 pm - Invader Zim
Sat 10 4:30 PM Invader ZIM: Germs; Dark Harvest NICK
Sun 11 5:00 PM Invader ZIM: Bolognius Maximus; Game Slave 2 NICK
Sun 11 5:30 PM Invader ZIM: A Room with a Moose; Hamstergeddon NICK
Sun 11 6:00 PM Invader ZIM: Attack of the Saucer Morons; The Wettening NICK
Sun 11 6:30 PM Invader ZIM: Plague of Babies; Bloaty's Pizza Hog NICK
Sun 11 7:00 PM Invader ZIM: Bestest Friend; Nanozim

According to tvguide.com.

(this is central time now. i had eastern up before...)

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Friday, November 9th, 2001
3:52 am
nothing on tv. shoot me.

i'm old. almost all of the new music/bands i've heard recently really suck. i don't even know who anyone on mtv is anymore. they used to play good music. (yeah, 6 years ago...) same with the radio.

i'll watch natural born killers for the 987,643rd time. not like i know every line or anything. *s*

current mood: annoyed
current music: half-watching MacGyver (i used to like this show...why?)

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Thursday, November 8th, 2001
4:21 am - yay for more quizzes!!!
yay!!! i gots me some jumping beans from walgreens!!! i thought they were sleepxing, but now they're quite awake. ha, ha... the jeffersons is on. Movin' on up w/ gary and weavie... okay, must be awake in under 6 hours. i sleepx now.

--Quiz 1-- (Pick colors and it tells you this stuff.)
Your Existing Situation

Seeks a close and understanding bond in an atmosphere of shared intimacy, as a protection against anxiety
and conflict.

Your Stress Sources

Eager to make a good impression, but worried and doubtful about the likelihood of succeeding. Feels that
he has a right to anything he might hope for, and becomes helpless and distressed when circumstances go
against him. Finds the mere possibility of failure most upsetting and this can even lead to nervous
prostration. Sees himself as a 'victim' who has been misled and abused, mistakes this dramatization for
reality and tries to convince himself that his failure to achieve standing and recognition is the fault of

Your Restrained Characteristics

Believes that he is not receiving his share--that he is neither properly understood nor adequately
appreciated. Feels that he is being compelled to conform, and close relationships leave him without any
sense of emotional involvement.

Feels trapped in a distressing or uncomfortable situation and seeking some way of gaining relief. Able to
achieve satisfaction through sexual activity providing no turmoil or emotional agitation is involved.

Your Desired Objective

Demands that ideas and emotions shall merge and blend perfectly. Refuses to make any concessions or to
accept any compromises.

Your Actual Problem

Disappointment and the fear that there is no point in formulating fresh goals have led to anxiety,
emptiness, and an unadmitted self-contempt. His refusal to admit this leads to his adopting a headstrong and
defiant attitude.

Your Actual Problem #2

Depleted vitality has created an intolerance for any further stimulation, or demands on his resources. This
feeling of powerlessness subjects him to agitation and acute distress. He reacts by considering that he has
been victimized, and insists--with indignation, resentment, and defiance--on being given his own way.

(thanks for feeding my quiz obsession Nya!)

(Ummm...am i the only one that is disturbed by this quiz?)
Your Burrito

Your Order: carne asada jack lettuce sourcream mild

Price = $3.99

Your Burrito and You

Hmm, you appear to be something of a burrito newcomer. Or perhaps you haven't allowed yourself to explore.
You are able to strike a balance, as shown here by your pairing of a relatively dry meat with sour cream.
You have great fear of risk -- you have avoided all strong flavors.

Your Burrito Fortune for Today (Thursday, November 08, 2001 ) Today is an outstanding day to have a burrito.


(Everything's coming up Milhouse!)
Simpson's Trivia Quiz;
Springfield's Best
487 LatentLunacyie 38 Thu Nov 8 10:10:38 2001


meow... =^.^=

current mood: blah
current music: blah, blah, blah... tee hee...

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Wednesday, November 7th, 2001
3:55 am
everyone probably guessed that once again i would accomplish nothing tonight. i have, once again, decided to work on these projects later. ummm...i should say start them. grrr...too much in my head right now. i think i'll declare bankruptcy. (the man in the commercial just told me to) one happy thought to go with my insanity at least. maybe if i concentrate hard enough She'll wake up and call. ha ha, i'm dumb... someone draw these damned projects for me. while you're at it, just go to my classes for me too. okay, done bitching 'bout all the shit i keep putting off... bye. "Buy my book, buy my book..." great, now i'm gonna have episodes of The Critic in my head all night.

current mood: lonely
current music: The Brady Bunch REALLY sucks!!!

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12:56 am
i really need to stop skipping my classes. no sleepx tonight. i still have that damned project that was due 2 months ago and another due tomorrow. at least i went to my night class tonight, after realing there was a quiz today... i sooo hate school. i can't wait to be done.

cafreeen and 5 million pots of coffee later, i still feel like sleepxing instead of doing work. i'm a pine tree. i shouldn't be required to do anything. i wish i was a squirrel instead... tee hee, evyl rat is eating pie i gave him. it's stuck in his fur.

mmmmm...coffee flavored crackers...

meow... =^.^=

current mood: apathetic
current music: Queensr˙che - I am I

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Monday, November 5th, 2001
5:15 am - fuck it...

i really need to stop putting things off till the last minute. once again i'm skipping class because i didn't do any of my work. i skipped my night class last wednesday cuz i never did the project due almost 2 months ago, and i still have yet to start it. i decided i don't want to go to either of my classes today. oh well. i'll bullshit my way out of it later like i always do... slacker? yes, i know. i'm dumb. maybe i'll actually work on stuff today. must sleepx first. grrr...i hate this feeling. it doesn't matter how many people i'm around, i still feel so alone. i should be used to this by now. still not tired, wayyyyy too much coffee. Webb's coffee, not even real coffee. ewwwwwwww... i spend way too much time there. i think most of the people i know tend to live at that Webb's. ha, ha. my life is so dumb. it's nice talking to arolyn-Cay again now that she's back. i missed her. i soooooooooooo don't want to do these projects. someone come over and do them for me. pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeezzzzz!!!!! okay, how much does this suck, i'm going to try to take one of the student loans i was offered just to pay off bills, live, etc. i'm sooo in debt. this sucks. only till i'm done w/ school at least. squirrels are good. She didn't call again. :(

i wish i had a snail that meowed. none of my snails do. they suck. and my fish suck cuz they keep eating all of the baby lobsters. i want a few to survive at least. they're so cute. maybe i can feed my evyl rat to the fish instead... my last rat was so sweet. i miss him. and i want my babyies back too. can you sue for custody rights for ferrets? at least visitation? i miss my Jezzybell...i miss them all. i haven't seen them since like May, and that was for 15 minutes i got to play with them.

okay...done bitching for now... bye...

5am TV sux. Kill Your Television.

current mood: lonely
current music: Tori - ieee (lipgloss arsonist mix)

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Sunday, November 4th, 2001
7:06 pm

I am 26% Raver.

Well, I have been to a rave. I probably know a bunch of ravers, but they may think of me as an outsider. That's okay, at least I am not a complete freak.

Take the RAVER Test at Fuali.com!

How is it that being in college and owning vinyl pantz makes me 26% raver? I've never been to a rave either, so this test doesn't even know me...

Sam's a raver, i don't care what the test says!!!

current mood: stressed
current music: Frente! - Most Beautiful

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Saturday, November 3rd, 2001
3:36 am
pizza shuttle is goood...

yay, i wanna see the wall next friday and chasing amy the next week. (i need pink floyd or my head will explode and i will die...) mmmmm....mmmmmmm...mmmm...chicken!

i can't believe we spent so much time at the mall today. i really can't believe i didn't buy anything! shopping is all too addictive.

who all needs a ride to planet??? let me know.

Narpickarpi, karpeep prarpactarpicarping yarpour arparp. arpOr yarpou warpill barpe barpanned frapom arpevarperarpywharpere.

squirrels are good. i wish i was a squirrel.

ich halte purpurrote Hummer in der Spülmaschine für meine eingebildeten Eichhörnchen

=^.^= meow...

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Thursday, November 1st, 2001
9:56 pm
I AM 64% GOTH.

Image and attitude are my paths to Goth-dom.
Graceful and scary. I am the Master, with
many slaves.

Take the GOTH Test at Fuali.com!

I'M NOT GOTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I AM 11% GEEK.

I wanna be a geek. But I'm not. Why would
I even want to be one. Do I think it's fun?
I should try writting an online test application at 1
am in my underwear.

Take the GEEK Test at Fuali.com!

I AM 26% PUNK.

Well, I may know what punk is, but... Okay
maybe some people think I am punk, but is
that enough? Nope.

Take the PUNK/POSER Test at Fuali.com!

make your
                                  own punk doll

You were PJ Harvey in a past life! You're can be somewhat reserved, but when there's an issue you feel strongly about you're not afraid to share your opinion. You're the walking definition of sophistication and people admire you for your strength and composure. You are highly artistic and enjoy creating masterpieces any way you can!

Does this mean i wasn't Kat Bjeland in a past life anymore, or was i both now?

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1:57 am
i'm scared... i think i wrote this test in a past life, or last week...but i didn't. i've done way too many strange things in my life... i love this test!


Here is the result of your freak Purity Test.

You answered "yes" to 390 of 500 questions, making you 22.0% freak pure (78.0%
freak corrupt); that is, you are 22.0% pure in the freak domain (your strangeness is

the things i haven't done just give me good ideas...tee hee...

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Tuesday, October 30th, 2001
1:23 am
Invader Zim Personality Test


Rank #1 equals your best match

# 1 Gir
# 2 Zim
# 3 Gaz
# 4 Dib

The Simpsons Selector
Rank #1 equals your best match
# 1 Grandpa
# 2 Bart
# 3 Milhouse
# 4 Ned Flanders
# 5 Marge
# 6 Sideshow Bob
# 7 Apu
# 8 Dr. Hibbert
# 9 Nelson
# 10 Reverend Lovejoy
# 11 Chief Wiggum
# 12 Lisa
# 13 Mayor Quimby
# 14 Mr. Burns
# 15 Principal Skinner
# 16 Maggie
# 17 Lionel Hutz
# 18 Smithers
# 19 Troy McClure
# 20 Fat Tony
# 21 Homer
# 22 Moe
# 23 Patty or Selma
# 24 Barney
# 25 Krusty the Klown

current mood: dorky

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Monday, October 29th, 2001
5:27 pm - lima bean and toasted dryer lint sandwiches...hmmmm...
i h8 skool.

i'm bored. my breaks between classes are waaaay to long.

card reading at webb's last night was way too fitting to my life. financial crap--yes, i'm overly anti-social--yes, i'll never see any of the money sheeeeee owes me--yes(and the rest of my stuff too, i'd assume), main part being my anti-sociallyness, specially w/ certain people. watch out for the blonde boi sam. that was just weird you guys were in my cards too.

i know not everyone reading this has signed my guestbook on my craptacular site either, SO GO SIGN IT ALREADY! http://angelfire.com/zine/ibentmywookiee

well, almost time for class. i must depart and try calling Her before then. meow... =^.^=

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3:45 am
I'm mad. I've been sitting here watching these stupid videos on VH-1, waiting for them to play Tori's Strange Little Girl Video. They still have yet to play it for me tonight. grrr...my mom saw it yesterday when i was at Rocky Horror. I wanna see it!

ha ha... my hair is hairsprayed all poofy and it's standing straight up. i'm dumb.

okay...back to yesterday. brief summary.
went to erin's, put on my red long wig/cat ears/tail/etc, went to Wendy's (Dave Thomas was staring at me from the signs), got sam from work, got melanie from the ghetto, took sam to planet, took melanie home to change, got Rikki, went to planet which was about the deadest i've ever seen it. i actually got in, which was nice. never thought i'd be saying i want to be under 21 again. went to rocky horror, had to see ann in her underwear (which means staring at the screen a lot.) Damnit Janet! Get dressed! Took erin and melanie home, dropped/picked up stuff from Denny's, took Rikki home (i miss Her), went home. All in all, way too much driving... oh well... meow...

not like anyone cared to read that, well too bad, cuz if you're reading this you probably already read all that boring stuff. if you don't like it screw you cuz...uh...what was i typing about?

screw VH-1, too much r&b;/rap shit. cd time.

grrrr...i so don't wanna go to class. DĘTH!!!

=^.^= meow...

current mood: cold
current music: Bowie - Space Oddity

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Friday, October 26th, 2001
3:10 am
i hate sheriffs. i can bullshit my way out of things with officers, but almost all sheriffs seem to be jerks and just like to give tickets.

71 in a 55 on 894. 16 over = $153.00 citation and 4 points. what fun...

grrr...gotta watch those points. i don't want to lose my license again.

current mood: pissed off
current music: Watching the Flintstones.

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Thursday, October 25th, 2001
7:58 pm
partially hydrogenated flying oasis.

that is all.

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Wednesday, October 24th, 2001
4:25 am
tonight was good.

Tori, as always was wonderful.

I'm so glad She went. It made the concert that much better. Once again I ended up crying through pretty much all of the show, but it's a good thing. I really lost it during '97 Bonnie and Clyde, her opening song, and , of course, Me and a Gun. I can't even handle listening to that song on the cd. Hearing her perform it live can not even be put into words. She saw me at one of my very weakest moments and She just held onto me the whole time. I really don't like people to see me like that, but with Her, I somehow didn't mind. Here. In My Head and Flying Dutchman were beautiful. I didn't handle Silent All These Years very well either.

Here's her setlist from tonight...
'97 Bonnie & Clyde
Real Men
Hey Jupiter
Devil In A Blue Dress improv.
Silent All These Years
Flying Dutchman
Not The Red Baron
Little Earthquakes
Doughnut Song
Bells For Her
Here. In My Head
Me and a Gun
Windows Of The World
1st Encore:
Pretty Good Year
2nd Encore:
Tear In Your Hand
Sister Janet
Baker Baker

I didn't want the show to end..but it was good.

very good...

current mood: touched
current music: Tori - Past The Mission

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