LiveJournal for My Sanatorium.
Sunday, March 10th, 2002 |
::tired sigh:: Oi. I think I'm PMS'ing & I'm really cranky. Blech. I hate the bloating time. It's like the plague, but more annoying in that useless kind of way. ::shoulders sag:: Just doesn't seem like I have time for anything I want to do anymore & when I do, all I want to do is either sleep or veg. I feel lame b/c I had the entirety of today to get up and do chores and clean house. Instead of being productive I pupaefied on the couch most o/the day, read books, looked out the window & enjoyed the fact that no one else was home. It was great, but now I feel crappy b/c I wasn't doing the things I *should* have been. ::shrug:: I don't know. Can't decide whether I'm having stupid Springtime moroseness (rather like most people's reaction to Winter) or if I'm just being overly lazy & therefore feeding depression. I haven't even *slept* properly of late, which I think is feeding the crankiness. I'm sure it doesn't help. Last night I got paranoid as fuck and kept hearing noises in the house after Lexypher fell asleep, even though I wouldn't be surprised if I was just hearing things that aren't there again. Thought I heard a roommate's window downstairs open & shut a couple o/times while I was in the bathroom brushing my teeth, which freaked me out, then I heard footsteps on the stairs & thought perhaps someone'd snuck into the house. Heard several other noises as well that were rather distinctive, or so I thought. As it turned out I couldn't bring myself to actually go downstairs & found out for myself, so I found a metal crowbar, slept on the couch, and put it under my pillow sleeping w/my hand on it all night. Woke up about every two hours w/diff.nightmares throughout the night about world disasters. The last one I had before I finally gave up trying to sleep was about me going down to New Orleans w/a bunch o/friends to hang out & have a good time. We all decided after evening took over that we’d hit this really smashing party we’d heard about on a the top level of a nearby hotel. So all o/us decide to hit this thing & there’s about 150 people there. The place is packed, everyone’s having a good time, just hanging out, listening to music, everything’s cool. I went up to the front o/the room, where they have floor to ceiling windows & look out w/a bunch o/other people @ the view, over all the other buildings and the skyline in general. All of a sudden I’m sitting there chillin’ out w/beer in my hand, laughing w/someone about a story they were telling when I got a weird feeling. I start looking around, expecting to see something obvious. That’s when I hear someone about 15 people to my right say, “Oh my God! Shit! They hit the Empire State building! Oh my God! Oh, shit!” Only the people around the girl heard it, which of course left the rest of the party still going. All of a sudden I start feeling this strange premonition coming up, but before I can decipher what it means except for the fact that it’s bad, a fireball comes flying out of the night sky & strikes the building we’re in about 10 stories below us. The music that’s playing skips, screeches for a second, then continues. People start freaking out. I start looking around for anyone I recognize & not finding anyone, starting running & shoving through the crowd for the door. No one else seems to have thought of this, so I’m trying to make my way through the masses. Next thing I know I see Matrix. She looks confused, says, “What the fuck’s going on?” I drop my drink & grab her hand, saying, “Just follow me, don’t ask!” I run to the door, yanking her behind me. We run outside to the hallway where there are a bank of elevators. There’s a girl sitting to my right w/her back against a door, huddled in a mass a crying helplessly. I stand there holding Ara’s hand, looking at the elevator, looking at the door to the stairs, wondering which is our best bet to get out of here. Then I realize... ...we’re not getting out of here. We’re dying as we stand there. What now? That’s when I woke up. What a way to start the day. Thing's are wearing on me. I think I’m going to try & look up the diff.aspects in my new dream dictionary. I have so many nightmares I thought it might be useful. ::shrugs, then sighs:: What do you think? Other than Sept.11 influences & what not. And what’s up with you guys lately? |
Monday, March 4th, 2002 |
...and am applying for another part-time one, nonetheless... ...sometimes it sucks being responsible... |
Monday, February 11th, 2002 |
'allo. Ugh. I'm *really* tired. Don't get me wrong, was worth every min.o/it, but I'm still walking the halls like a zombie muttering "ow" to myself every time another muscle is used. Boy, cutting down on smoking is increasing my appetite 10-fold. It's difficult to get used to. I all ready never smoke @ work (I don't take smoke breaks since I work through them), I don't smoke in the morn.on the way to work (b/c unless I'm crunchy creeped out all ready from lack o/sleep & such, it makes me feel gross), & I don't smoke during lunch. The only times I really smoke are when I'm back @ my house, on the way home from work sometimes, or @ Brinkley's. Oh, & @ clubs, when I manage to go anymore. Cutting down is a good thing, but some o/the side effects are a bit obnoxious (i.e. intense, raving hunger). ::shrug:: Eh, well. All for better breathing. In the meantime, while I’m going through this, I’m trying to eat healthy stuff for snacks like soup, salad, rice cakes, etc. I don’t need to replace one bad habit w/another. One makes you wheeze & the other one makes you fat. ::shudder:: Greeeeat trade off. Really need to clean up my room. Need to do dishes as well (I think it’s my turn) & cook something for tomorrow’s lunch &/dinner when I get home. Don’t know what I’m up to this evening, yet, but I’m sure I’ll figure it out. Aight, that’s it for me, need to work. How are you guys doin’? |
Friday, February 8th, 2002 |
Plans for tonight: I’m still trying to go to that BDSM thing, also b/c I’m checking it out for a friend o/mine b4 they go. The only other choice @ this point is Delirium, a new goth/industrial night, that just started, but I’m low on $$, so I think that’s out. Geck. After game on Sat. (actually I may have to leave a tad early) I’m supposed to go to a place in Arlington where my friend’s band is playing. Still not sure exactly where that is. Sunday during the day I’m supposed to try & hang w/one o/my best friends Kris who I’ve not seen for wks. Don’t know ‘bout the evening. Court thing went okay. Went through the metal detector & thought I was cool ‘til they brought a couple knives (that I forgot about) from my purse. Oops. They were nice, though, & just held onto them ‘til I was done. Arrived in my leather, a t-shirt, jeans & combat boots w/my hair soaking wet from my shower (as opposed to everyone else’s suit & shirt nonsense). I got a lot o/weird looks & some chuckles from some people I passed, but I’ll bet I was a Hell o/a lot more comfortable. When I got into the courtroom & found a seat, I realized I’d left my proof to finish out my case (i.e. my receipt for the sticker) in the car. Shit. So I wait a little while ‘til they call my name, get up there & wait for the judge to start. He asks me how I plead, I say “Oh, I’m guilty.” Figured it was pretty obvious. @ this point the cop who pulled me, who’s standing to my right, starts to smile a little. Then the judge asked me whether or not I had representation (i.e. a lawyer). I look @ him & said, “For a county sticker? I thought you’d laugh @ me.” Cop starts chuckling, so do some o/the other people waiting to go up. Judge kinda cracked a smidgen o/a smile, but I don’t think he’s really allowed to grin. Then he asked me if I had any statement to make. I said, “Yeah, actually. I was so worried about getting here on time, though, that I left the receipt for the sticker in my car. Is that okay?” (Now, keep in mind I’m not supposed to get out o/this charge or pay my fine w/out proper proof that I’ve resolved the situation.) Judge just kinda smiles real small, shakes his head, bangs the gavel & halves my fine, then sends me on my way. Got my fine paid, & was out o/there. Pretty simple, really. Went back to security, got my blades & left. :) All in all an amusing visit, I think, though it was still not cheap. But the fact that I cracked up the court was kinda cool. All right, that’s all for now. |
Thursday, February 7th, 2002 |
HOLA!!! Guess what? I was able to get enough time this morning (completely by accident, I assure you) to actually stop by 7-11 & get *coffee* this morning! That means I don't have to immediately drink burnt-ass coffee!! WOOHOO!!!! :D ::big f'in grin:: Phew. ::sighs:: I'm tired. Not horrendously going-to-fall-asleep-this-second tired, but the kind o/tired that permeates a person on a rainy day when it's such a placid grey outside you just want to melt into bed & stay there w/books & warm beverages. Only downside to doing that in my room is that it's downstairs in the basement, which means no windows. Now if only I could figure out how to hook up more stuff in there w/out blowing all the house fuses, I *might* be able to put in more lamps & some space heaters. @ the moment I'm leading an extension cord from an outlet through a hole in my wall, all the way across the main room. This is b/c my room doesn't have any outlets. Looks like they were either removed from the wall or a hole was put into the wall for an outlet & no one ever got around to installing one. ::shrug:: Either way, I need more power! ::insert Tim Allen grunts:: Must figure that out. Maybe I’ll just have to buy a ton o/extension cords & take over all the available outlets in the main room. ::evil giggle:: Ghetto-rewiring. This'll be *fun*. I'm eating chicken noodle soup for breakfast. :) Yum. I love soup. Soup is good. I also had enough time this morning to pick up coffee from the Sleven (7-11) by my house. Woo-hoo! I was getting Mt.Dew when I realized it'd been awhile since having a cup o/coffee that did not taste like burnt ass (i.e. office coffee), so I picked up one o/those refillable mugs that fits in ones cup holder & figured it was worth the investment as refills for it are only about $.79. As it turned out, the guy behind the counter (who *saw* me unwrap the thing & fill it) only charged me for a refill instead o/the cup. :) Cool. Don't know how the day's going to go just yet. Was planning on getting a few extra hours in 2day by bringing my lunch & just staying though all day, but as it turns out I have to leave work on my lunch break so I can go to get my stupid county sticker. My fault. I didn't go this I planned ::sheepish:: Eh, that's all right. I may just stay later than planned after all. Have to remember not to stay up too late 2nite b/c o/my court appt.2morrow morn. Blech. I hate getting up that early. Oh well. Still trying to figure out what I want to do Friday. Was supposed to go to BDSM club to see friends last wk., but couldn’t b/c o/lack o/time. It’s on every weekend, though, so considering the only thing I'll need to go is gas & time (a couple o/old school friends o/mine work the door 1/2 the night & can get me in), it's a definite possibility. Just need to get there early enough to get good parking. I'll see how I feel 2morrow. All I know is that if I want to go, I can't stay late 2morrow to get extra hours, just this evening. Aight, that’s it for now. Carry on. P.S. My girlfriend told me I should be more affectionate... So I got two girlfriends. |
Wednesday, February 6th, 2002 |
My day has been very busy indeed. I'm still planning on going to game this evening, though I don't know offhand when I'm leaving work. Found out some disturbing news about my court date, though. Although work doesn't mind me taking the on Friday (the sched'd date), the cost o/the fees & such just seems to go up every damned time I call. Apparently in addition to the $50 fine for not having a county sticker, I must also pay a $30 processing fee for said fine & a $10 court fee for the judge's time or some such nonsense. In addition to this is the approx.$25 cost for the sticker itself, which I'm planning on getting tomorrow morn. Now, the additional downside is that originally I put aside just enough money to be able to pay a little over $80, which the officer originally explained to me was going to be the sum o/the taxes (i.e. decal) & the fine. He mentioned no processing fee, nor did he mention court costs. It wasn't 'til I lost the physical copy o/the ticket, when I called in the other day to double-check some info., that I found out about this other crap. Blech. Okay, see, this is where I was going w/the money thing: Original Cost as Related by Policeman: $ 80.00 New Cost as Related by Phone Svc.Lady: $115.00 Difference in Cost that I Don't Have: $ 35.00 Look o/Anger & Abject Dismay on My Face: Priceless. Now, I get paid on Friday. I all ready arranged to be able to come by 1st thing in the my so I can pick up & cash my check. My court @9:30, so I *must* be there @ 9:15a. My opens @ 8a. The bank the check is drawn on, however, opens as early as flippin' 9:00a. No *earlier*! I have no bank acct., so if I don’t want more $$ subtracted from my all ready miniscule check, I must go to a check-raping establishment. In addition, I live in Sterling, my is in Herndon, & the f'ing court date is in Fairfax. Somehow I don't see myself cashing my check & casually strolling through mid-morning traffic from Herndon to Fairfax in under 15 min., do you? This means I’ll have to go to said check-raping establishment (*if* they cash checks that early) & volunteer some money to them. Then & *only* then will I be able to go to court & pay my fines, lest I leave the room in shackles b/c I cannot pay right then. AAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRGH!!! *THIS* IS BEGINNING TO *ANGER* ME! ::disgusted:: What a pain in the ass. Somebody drink for me, I’m @ work & don’t have access to Jameson's. |
Friday, February 1st, 2002 |
Go here for all these tests… Seven Deadly Sins Test: Oooh, baby! You're guilty of LUST. Some experts say people have a sexually oriented thought every seven seconds, but you just might throw off the curve. Yes, it's true that we live in a society that caters to those seeking immediate pleasure, but that's not all there is to life. Take love, for example — it offers far more sentiment and emotional depth. But no matter what you think, just try to remember pursuing fleeting pleasures is a pastime that leads to no lasting good. Why is lust so bad? Well, according to early religious scholars, because it breaks down self-control. They believed that earthly pleasures must be regulated, or else they'll pervert the soul's growth and well-being. What's more, because lust is such a self-destructive desire, it will eventually surpass the actual worth of the pleasurable sensations it brings. Take heart, though: Medieval Italian poet Dante Alighieri wrote that lust is the least deadly of the seven sins. (Of course, he was sitting in a brothel when he wrote that. Go figure.) * * * Risk Test: Silly Risk Level- Well aren't you just the silliest thing? You can definitely be off-the-wall and don't have a problem doing things other people think are goofy, which probably means you're looking for lots of fun and excitement when you take risks. And chances are you recognize that the best thing about fun risk-taking is that you don't threaten your physical health but still get to enjoy yourself. Danger Risk Level- When it comes to physical danger, you're willing to take some pretty big risks! There's probably not much you won't try at least once — you may even be known for being first in line. While it's fine to be on the lookout for excitement and new experiences, your tendency toward danger should be moderated with some common sense. Use your head before you take any serious risks — we want you to have fun, not break your neck! Emotional Risk Level- Boy, are you an emotional risk-taker! They haven't invented a life-changing, emotional challenge that scares you. Some people might be afraid to confess a crush or be the first to say "I love you," but you go for it every time. That makes for an exciting, often fulfilling journey through life, as long as you don't put too much of yourself on the line at once. * * * Evil Test: Basic Evil- Yup, you're definitely very evil. Hell is holding a little room with your name on it. (Not that there's anything wrong with that. Lots of successful people have been evil: Donald Trump, Montgomery Burns, Martha Stewart.) You find others' pain funny. So what? You're a sneaky backstabber, luring your prey close, then striking like a vulture. But a cute, cuddly, appearances-can-be-deceiving vulture. Often, the snake lurking inside you will put your evilness to work in the bedroom solely for your own amusement. But we all have our faults, right? So if you want to change your ways, try to think about how you would feel if someone did to you what you do to the rest of the world. Or don't. Whatever. Evil is great — just don't kill anyone with your mind. Keep reading for more evil details! Sexual Evil- We're all slaves to our urges — some just more than others. Sure, you probably shake it a little to get your way, but you don't beat yourself up over it (unless you're into that, of course). For your own sake, realize that getting hurt sexually generally stings more than being burnt with your clothes on. So even if your pillow pal has a mean set of love handles, keep it to yourself. Just listen to that little voice in your head (no, not that one), and the evil sex thing will stop. Passive Aggressive- Yes, you're always smiling, but you hold grudges for years, repress your anger, and then blow up in conniving ways — you've got "postal worker" written all over you. If you want to stop the migraines, look into anger-management classes at the local Y. Passive-aggressive people are often very sympathetic, which is why they hide their anger. So take solace in knowing you're still coming off as kind-hearted. Blackheartedness- Ooo hoo — you're one evil muther. Your heart is blacker than Darth Vader's helmet. For goodness' sake, next time think about that old lady's feelings before you push her down the escalator. And, really — you know as well as anyone that dropping kitties out the window to see if they can land on their feet is just an excuse to act evil. Yes, it's all part of being a free spirit who doesn't answer to anyone. Right or wrong, it's a fun way to live. But be careful — it all comes full-circle in the end. * * * What’s Your Superpower?: Holy sixth sense, you've got the power of PREMONITION. Your answers show a keen sense of intuition and a natural feel for your surroundings. These powers give you an incredible talent for predicting the future. Maybe you answer the phone before it rings or feel a slight tingle seconds before your favorite TV show begins. Coincidence? Don't count on it. You tend to pick up on subtle cues in your environment that other people don't notice. The trick is to trust your gut. Go with your first choice. Follow your instincts and just do it! With a little bit of practice, perhaps you'll soon be able to consistently predict the future and, perhaps, even read minds. To begin your training, you should try to guess what the weather will be like tomorrow. If you get more serious about building your superpower, try taking a job at a psychic hotline or putting a few bets on your favorite team. Get good enough and there will be no stopping you! Stock market guru, world-class meteorologist, professional gambler — the sky's the limit! |
Today wasn't really so bad, I've just found that o/late I've been terribly bored @ work. Managed to sleep a few hrs.yest., which was nice. :) Other than that, not too terribly much going on. Still trying to figure out whether or not I'm going to the club tonight. It would be free, but I'd probably be going alone, unless anyone else wanted to come with. ::shrug:: If anyone's interested, let me know. And now, for your amusement, more test results: Spirit Test: I'm a Fire Spirit You are quick to take action and sometimes quick to judge. Your firey spirit is seen by most as positive energy and a true joy of life. If only your temper was seen the same way, but don't let it keep you from what you truly enjoy, being alive! Daria Test: Jane is cynical, intelligent, and talented (she is a budding artist). Like any good artist, Jane constantly explores the passionate and emotional side of the world. She believes paint-by-number kits are inherently evil. Matrix Test: When it comes to being mysterious, that's what you do best. You like to leave others puzzled and speak in riddles. You're not out there for the fame and fortune, you're just being yourself, doing what you do best. You're strong and courageous, and you're always the leader of the pack. You're skillful; people respect you, and you respect people. |
Don't really have much to say @ the moment. Chillin' alone @ home w/music on, reading a book, making things to eat. ::shrug:: Once again didn't feel like going out 2nite. Blech, fuck it. Have been invited by some old-school friends o/mine to hit a BDSM club w/them tomorrow night & meet their new slave. Haven't decided if I'll feel like coming out, but if so, what a thing to do w/one's Friday. All right, back to my book. Here, have a couple test results. Sexual Appetite Test: Take the What animal best portrays your sexual appetite?? Quiz Random Non-Sensical Test:
Friday, January 25th, 2002 |
Last night I decided to skip the club for the week. Pulling myself through the entire day w/barely any caffeine & next to no sleep was just a tad taxing, especially since it’s been the same routine since about Sunday night. Stayed @ home for most o/the night thinking about stuff & bumbling about on the net. Went out for a little bit to grab more cleaning supplies (scrub brush, more sponges, towels, wash cloths, etc.). Didn’t actually do much, if any, cleaning last night. Too zonked. I’d really like to do some tonight, though supposedly my guests are not going to allow much in that category this weekend. Apparently the plan is to distract me with cider, mead, wine, & whatever else they have & to sit me in front o/the fire to make me chill. ::chuckle:: I didn’t know what to say to that. It’s funny & confusing @ the same time. I mean, I really want to clean the house, but people want to *make* me sit down, not do anything, hang out, & drink. I even received offers to come over & clean the house *with* me if I’d “take a break for a bit”, which was pretty cool. ::shakes head:: I think it comes from my family. If you weren’t always doing something, you were doing something wrong. Going into a cleaning frenzy as I have been for the past wk. would've very much pleased my parents. Doing it now, people look @ me & go, “Honey, sit down. Relax for a little bit, just chill out.” It’s interesting, though not in a bad way, I don’t think. Just odd. Maybe I should just say “Fuck it” & grab some Jameson’s on the way home.... |
Thursday, January 24th, 2002 |
Okay, I have to vent about something really quick, please excuse the "yelling"... KILL!!! OH MY FUCKING GOD I MUST KILL!!! BAD MANNERS ARE EVIL, HORRIBLE THINGS. There is a group o/people on the other side of my VERY THIN cubicle wall discussing the pro's & con's of the new sour Skittles that came out, only not ONLY are they chewing these GOD DAMN things w/their MOUTHS OPEN, they're also SMACKING their mouths & sucking the stupid little candies OPEN-MOUTHED while TALKING!!! They've been DOING this for *15* MINUTES @ LEAST! ARRRRGGH!!!! AND I'M NOT ALLOWED TO KILL THEM!!!!! Sorry. In case you hadn't guessed, that just happens to be one o/my biggest pet peeves...EVER. It's actually sort o/a phobia that comes from something that happened when I was little, & it's never quite gone away. ::shudders:: Blich. $:P All righty, that's all for now. |
I’m currently working for a warranty company, & I just heard this from the customer rep.’s side o/the conversation: “...Oh, is this the case where the TV caught on fire?......Mm-hmm.......I see. And it just caught on fire?.....All by itself?......” I didn’t know dept.stores sold TV’s w/the power to spontaneously combust. ::grins:: What an awesome housewarming gift for someone you hate. |
::chuckles:: Okay, so sometimes I have congealed oatmeal for brains & not the preferred grey matter. Know how I know this? B/c last night I decided, “Wouldn’t it be a brilliant idea if, on top of being absolutely exhausted from a severe lack of sleep & lots of house work in the past week, I decided to go to Brinkley’s, then hang out ‘til God-knows-when in the morning?” ::shakes head, then yells sing-song in “special” voice:: I AM SO SMART! S-M-R-T!! ::shrug:: So anyway, last night I hit Brinkley’s. Am there for only awhile b4 I realized that once again I’ve gotten there so late I’ve missed most of the stuff that was to go on for the evening. ::shrugs again:: Most people would care about this, but it’s just a game. If something’s not happening now, I’ll just wait ‘til it happens later. Decide to hang out w/peeps instead o/gaming, which I do pretty much for the rest o/the night. End up talking to Surfer & he asks me for a ride home. I’m thinking, “Okay, ‘Monie & Justin are heading back to my house, that must mean he wants to stay @ Brinkley’s a little longer & get a ride back there w/me.” I did not think to myself, for some reason, “Gosh, if the man asked for a ride home, he wants to go *home*.” ::shakes head:: I don’t know how that made any sense. My brain’s not been working properly o/late. Anyway, ‘bout 1/2 an hr.later, Little One comes up & asks me for a ride home. Usually don’t have a problem w/that, so I immediately answer, “Yes.” It hits me in the middle o/a conversation (ow!) about an hr.later that these destinations are in completely diff.directions. Shit. This is what happens when you’re trying to do nice things on sleep dep.& you’re not paying attn. It ended up working out, though. Asked Surfer if Lexypher could take him home, turns out he could, I stay a bit longer & take Little One home. (See, every time I take Little One home we end up getting hopelessly lost for about an hour & 1/2 no matter *what* we do, plus it’s the longer drive anyway, @ least the way that we end up going. I figure if I’m going to ask anyone to me a favor, I want it to be the easier of the two. Felt bad that I couldn’t take Surfer home, though, ‘cuz I haven’t been able to talk to him in awhile.) So as expected, Little One & I get lost. We went everywhere but our destination, I’m convinced...@ least not ‘til about 3:45a, anyway. I never really mind in the end b/c we have fun conversation & we end up laughing a whole lot, not to mention whenever we do this I’m paid in either gas $$, food, or alcohol, which is nice. By this time we’re starving, so we scarf some pasta, talk for awhile, & as always, lose track o/time. By the time I look up it’s a little after 5a. I drive home, walk in the door (TO MY SHINY CLEAN HOUSE :), get things done, then crash. Acquired approximately 2.5 hrs. sleep...again. Whoo! Check out the brain on that one. Got up, running a few min.late, but nothing major. Got into work w/a severe lack o/caffeine, acquired Mt. Dew (Evil dispenser of caffeine, you are now my *bitch*!), & am hopelessly trying to keep tiny spreadsheet cells from swimming in front o/my eyes. Luckily I decided on the way out the door to grab my alarm clock so I can try to take a nap in my car during lunch break. ::sighs:: That’d be nice. Sci-Fi’s gonna give me Hell for not getting sleep. Have not decided whether or not I want to be *completely* stupid & go to the club 2nite or not. If not, I will stay home & do laundry, clean things, burn things in the fireplace, & maybe get the recommended amount o/sleep for a normal human worm-baby. I’ll decide later. Man, what I wouldn’t give for Dr. Demento & some Ill Omen coffee. |
Wednesday, January 23rd, 2002 |
Got bored @ work, pasted this into Word & did it. To someone who’s not taking a good look @ my comp., it looks like I’m actually working when I’m really taking a break. ::taps fingers 2gether:: Excellent... APPEARANCE - hair: Dark red - natural colour: Med.brown - eyes: Blue-grey (unless they change - height: 5' 5" - weight: yes - figure: ::shrug:: eh. STYLE - clothing: Whatever I feel like wearing - music: Almost anything except country - makeup: Not @ the moment - body art: Navel piercing, 10 (I think) ear piercings, project razor tatoo on hip RIGHT NOW - wearing: Black pants, black long-sleeved shirt, black knee-high combats. - music: X Marks the Pedwalk - thinking of: I want to go to sleep - feeling: The right side o/my body a little better than the left @ the moment. Stupid heart murmur. LAST THING YOU... - bought: Mt. Dew & Gatorade - did: Went to the bathroom - read: Insomnia - watched on tv: Can’t remember...don’t watch much tv. EITHER / OR - club or houseparty: Depends who’s throwing vs.what club - tea or coffee: MUCHO Java - high achiever or easy-going: Easy going - cats or dogs: Dogs - single or taken: N/A - pen or pencil: Why is a raven like a writing desk? - gloves or mittens: Gloves - food or candy: Food, no question. Not a big sweets person. - cassette or cd: cd - coke or pepsi: Mt. Dew. PEPSI IS THE BASTARD COLA!!! DIE DIE DIE!!! - matches or a lighter: Wooden matches. - sunset beach or the bold and the beautiful: ::shakes head:: Oh that’s just sad. - rickie lake or oprah winfrey: Are you *kidding* me? WHO DO YOU WANT TO... - kill: Random people @ inconvenient times, certain people all the time. - hear from: “This is God, Kent.” - tickle: No one right now. - look like: Someone else that isn’t repulsive. - be like: Someone w/more money that isn’t repulsive. FAVORITE - food: My mom’s spaghetti sauce. - drink: I have a few: Milk, hot cider, Jameson’s, water, coffee, Mt. Dew. - color: Green - album: None - shoes: Combat boots w/treads. - site: @ the moment, Live Journal, but that changes. - song: Eurythmics: Sweet Dreams - vegetable: Corn - fruit: Green apples - last book you read: Stephen King’s ‘Insomnia’ - last movie you saw: The Score - last movie you saw on the big screen: Can’t remember which was first-LotR or Ocean’s 11. - last phone number you called: Random business having to do w/work. - last show you watched on TV: Zim, though I miss Freakazoid. - last song you heard: Chop Suey (sp?) - last thing you had to drink: Mt. Dew. Still drinking... - last thing you ate: Sausage & egg muffin this afternoon. - last time you showered: This morning. - last time you cried: I don’t remember offhand. - last time you smiled: This morning. - last time you laughed: Last night. - last person you hugged: ‘Monie - last person you kissed: Lexypher, on the cheek, after I got home from work yest. - last thing you said: “Hey, smack junkie! What in God’s name is that noise & why is it coming from your cubicle?” - last person you talked to online: Monkey Boy & Qontinuum. - last person you talked to on the phone: Sci-Fi girl, making sure I slept last night. - last thing you smelled: My perfume b4 I put it on this morn. DO YOU... - smoke: Yes. - do drugs: Sometimes. - drink: Yes. - sleep with stuffed animals: Yup. His name is Oliver. - have a crush: N/A - have a boyfriend/girlfriend: N/A - have a dream that keeps coming back: A few o/them. - play an instrument: I’m w/Nick on the jaw harp, little bit o/piano. - believe there is life on other planets: Yup. - read the newspaper: Sometimes. - have any gay or lesbian friends: Loads. - believe in miracles: That all depends... - believe it's possible to remain faithful forever: Yes. Probable, - consider yourself tolerant of others: I haven’t killed anyone yet & people still call me to hang out, so I suppose so. - consider police a friend or foe: Eh, I still can’t get over thinking to myself, “Do I have anything on me?” - like the taste of alcohol: Some types. - have a favorite Stooge: Not really. - believe in astrology: If it’s accurate. - believe in magic: Yes. - pray: Not really. - go to church: No. - have any secrets: Yes. - have any pets: No. Had 2 toads. Loved them much. 1 died, I set the other one free. - go to or plan to go to college: Plan to go. - have a degree: Nope. See above. - talk to strangers who instant message you: If they’re not being stupid. - wear hats: Sometimes. Head rags are more common, though. - have any piercings: Yes. See body art. - have any tattoos: Yes. See body art. - hate yourself: Sometimes. - have a "hot spot": I will *not* answer such personal questions. - wish on stars: Occasionally. - like your handwriting: Yes. - believe in witches: Depends on what kind o/witch you’re talkin’ about. - believe in Satan: Y’know, all he wants is a hug. - believe in ghosts: Yes. - trust others easily: Hell no. Who are you?! WHY ARE YOU LOOKING @ ME?!! - like sarcasm: Depends on who’s saying in, what mood I’m in & what mood *they’re* in. - take walks in the rain: Yes. Love doing that. - kiss with your eyes closed: Sometimes. - sing in the shower: Yeah. :) |
I am a very tired individual 2day. Stayed home last night to clean some more. Made dinner, played ‘Go’ w/Lexypher, made a big fire, went to get new battery for alarm clock, read ‘til 5:30a, showered, hopped into bed by 6:30a. Got up @ 9a. Surprisingly, I don’t feel that bad for only having 2.5 hrs.sleep. This is the cleaning I’ve done since Friday night: 1. 10 hrs.o/dishes (8 hrs. if you include intermittent breaks) on Fri.night. Basically *everything* in the house that could have food placed upon it (& some things that aren’t supposed to be used that way) was dirty. 2. cleaned the stove for about an hour & 1/2 (rings, range, heating coils, etc.). ‘Monie helped scrub around where we removed the coils while I soaked the afore-mentioned items & scrubbed them down. What a surprise when I found out the metal rings are supposed to be *silver*, not black. 3. cleaned the bathroom (sink, toilet, mirror, ‘Monie got the shower). 4. scrubbed the kitchen counters ‘til they’re white. 5. mopped, soaked, & scrubbed the kitchen floor. ‘Monie did basic soaking & mopping w/water on Sun.night. Mon.night I came home, loaded a bunch o/cleaning agents into a bucket w/boiling hot water, soaked the floor for about an hour, then scrubbed it for the next 3. Not only is it *clean*, it’s WHITE. Omg. 6. cursory mopping o/b-room floor. 7. cleaned floor tiles @ front door (still can’t get random paint off, though) 8. swept out the fireplace 9. searching out random property o/varied roommates as opposed to general trash, (most o/which ‘Monie grabbed on Sunday), to either put back where it belongs on the main floor or place in a “Come get your stuff” box in the living room. 10. hung all the coats (found we have quite a lot o/them), folded all blankets (we’ve a ton o/those, too), & put in hall closet ‘Monie cleaned out. We found a 6” long, 1/4" in diameter nail in there. ‘Monie found it, so he gets to keep it. 11. cleaned out all old food in the fridge & re-organized *after* ‘Monie killed the remnants o/Harold the 2nd*, our local fridge-monster. * Harold the 2nd's been living & growing in our refridgerator longer than most roommates have managed to stay @ Ill Omen. Lex destroyed the majority o/his hold on the bottom shelf w/a few hrs.o/soaking him in a puddle o/straight bleach last week. Sunday ‘Monie expunged the remainder o/Harold’s soul & freed our fridge from satanic entities. We still think Harold was working with the carpet & the kitchen floor on slowly taking over Ill Omen. Heh...opposable thumbs & cleaning supplies win again. All in all, I’ve been very productive in the last few days. Night b4 last (after the kitchen floor) made myself a *huge* mug o/hot spiced cider & had a couple shots o/Jameson’s in front o/the fire. Just sat there & chilled reading a book for about an hour. Everyone else was either out o/the house or asleep, & the only thing I could hear was the sound o/the fire snapping & crackling in the fire place. ::smiles:: It was great. I’m determined, @ this point. After the first couple grueling days o/work, I’m still motivated to clean that place. After I finish the upstairs (i.e. living room, hallway, the Mainframe, etc.) I’m hitting the main room downstairs. *Really* needs cleaning up. After all that’s done, I room. ::screams o/terror ensue:: Eventually, though, we will all have a clean house to live in, & w/some basic maintenance & a good scrubbing every now & again, it’d be nice if we could keep it that way, @ least for a little while. We’ll cross that bridge when we come to it, though. |
Thursday, January 17th, 2002 |
I *love* Rozz Williams’ voice. I’ve always liked it, just hadn’t realized how much ‘til just recently. For some reason, no matter what, no matter what mood I’m in, it always either soothes me or gives me energy. Yum! Too bad he’s dead. Blech…no mung. Daz bad. |
Okay, I'm exhausted. Phew. I thought it’d be one o/those types o/days when yeah, I got very little sleep, but I get over the 1st hr. or so & I’m fine. ::shakes head:: Negative, sir. Nope, today I suddenly realized exactly how *little* I’ve slept this wk., then realized that’s why I wasn’t bouncing back so quickly. I’m hoping that when I get out o/here I can go home, shower, & change, and hopefully *that* will wake me up, at least to drive around a bit this evening. Hmm, that was amusing. A co-worker just came up to me out o/the blue & asked me to marry him. Him: Marry me. Me: No. Him: Why not? Me: Because I don’t know you. Him: But those are the best marriages, when you *get* to know somebody. Me: No they’re not. You’re lying. Him: No, really, because if you get to know somebody *too* well, you don’t want to marry them. Me: That’s why people date for a long time. Him: Oh....well then let’s date for awhile. Me: No. Him: But- Me: No. Him: Damn. Yes, I can see how this approach catches women by the sackful. ::chuckle:: Maybe it works like when you were smaller & started out asking your parents for something really big, knowing you couldn’t have it. The only reason you do it is to work your way down, which makes your parents feel like you’ve “settled” for the thing you really wanted in the first place, so they give it to you. ::shrug:: Who knows? Ah, it’s quieter in here now, except for the guy who comes in to vacuum my cubicle. Most people are gone. I’m the only one I know o/who stays ‘til 7p @ night. Most people leave between 4:30p & 6:30p @ the latest. It’s not so bad, though. I still get off early enough to go out & do stuff as long as I don’t take too long to get going, & it affords me a little more time in the morning to sleep if I’m able. Aight, I need to go back to work so I can get out o/here @ a decent time. Talk to you guys later. |
Oi. I’m bloody exhausted. It’s my own damn fault, but *still*. Stayed out far too late last night w/the Little One. Hung out, talked about loads o/stuff, had a good time. Looked @ the clock & went, “Oh my god...hey, sun’s about to come up. I should probably go now.” ::shakes head:: I’m *absolutely* brilliant. As it turns out, I would have been fine, (tired, but fine), had it not been for the fact that my alarm clock has been acting wonky lately. I think it needs a new battery. Yest., just when I was about to leave for work it went off, just randomly. I suddenly realized that the alarm clock wasn’t what woke me up, just internal alarm. (Was too tired to notice when I first got up.) Thought something was funny ‘bout that, but forgot about it. ::shrug:: It’s either a new battery or it’s on crack. Can’t decide which one, yet. If I go home & it’s shaking in distress b/c it hasn’t had its fix, I’ll *know*. ::pauses for station identification:: Hey, cool! One o/my bosses (they one I was talking about yest.) just came up to me & updated me on my project. Apparently they like my work so much that @ the end o/the wk.they’re cutting my team mate, as well as some other people, from the project & giving the whole region to me. She also said the project should go on for @ least a few more wks.& they want to keep me on for that. I am very pleased, & very proud o/myself. Go me! That’s the 1st big compliment I’ve rcv’d on a job in awhile. My previous bosses spent more time on placing blame & beratement than anything else. It’s surprising what working w/one’s employees & praising them on good work does for their continued output. Didn’t realize that this is what bosses are *supposed* to be like ‘til now. Always had an idea, but never worked for a really good one, & I don’t think working for oneself counts in this instance. Okay, drink more Mt. Dew, now, & listen to punk music. Too happy to be tired & that will not do. :) |
Wednesday, January 16th, 2002 |
::chuckles:: One o/my bosses just came up to me to tell me something about today’s list & was looking over my cubicle wall. Forgot that I took off my overshirt & was typing w/my left arm facing her. She saw my arm and said, “Erin, stop scratching so hard! Rub, don’t scratch.” ::chuckle:: I told her it was an allergic reaction & that it just got to a point where rubbing didn’t help. Not *exactly* true, but close enough. @ this point they look close enough to normal finger scratches to pass it off, least from a few feet away. Apparently she’s off in search of Calamine. Claims it’ll help w/the itching. ::laughs:: I don’t think I want to tell her why it won’t do anything. She’s one o/those nice people that are never obnoxious. You know, the kind that if they baked some really awful brownies & gave you one, you’d take a bit & pretend, then spit it out in the trash can when they weren’t looking. She leaves me alone to get my work done. She never looks over my shoulder. She only interrupts me if she has to give me information or to see if I’m feeling okay, & I never have to check in with her when I want to take a break or go to lunch. Very cool I think if she actually manages to find some, I’ll put some on just to make her feel better. I can always wash it off in the bathroom. |
LiveJournal for My Sanatorium.