Wednesday, June 2nd, 2004
10:21 pm - Bored, bored, bored...
Hey anybody wanna go get slurpees with me? Leave me a message on ICQ, MSN, or here if you're interested. ^_^
current mood: bored
Tuesday, June 1st, 2004
9:34 pm - I'm a boy, and I play with dolls
So I've been trying to decide whether or not I should get these the past couple days...
I finally caved and drove all the way into Richmond to buy them after work today. They're pretty neat, kinda like Barbie... but with GUNS. ^_^
I don't need a girlfriend anymore, I've got my CY-Girl dolls! ^_^
They're also a lot more posable than Barbie so I can put them into all sorts of cool battle stances. ^_^
And there's different dolls and different costumes... Who wants to play doll house with me?... ~_~*
current mood: geeky
Saturday, May 29th, 2004
8:05 pm - Jazz lives!!! *^_^*
More pre-release pics of the new Transformers Alternators/Binaltech have been leaked. I'm giddy as a school girl. Tee-hee! ^_^
Meet Jazz (Meister), featuring the Mazda RX-8!
Earlier prototype pictures showed detailed back seats, his muffler transforming into his gun, and eyes underneath his visor! ^_^
He's so beautiful I want to cry... ~_~*
current mood: excited current music: Stan Bush - Dare
Wednesday, May 26th, 2004
7:33 pm
Rasputina tonight at the Sonar! *^_^*
current mood: jubilant current music: Rasputina - Antique High Heel Red Doll Shoes
Monday, May 24th, 2004
11:19 am - I need a movie watching buddy
I really, REALLY wanna see Van Hellsing. Anyone wanna come?
11:13 am - Bwa hahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!
Friday, May 21st, 2004
5:08 am - Haven't gone to a show in a while.
Monday, May 17th, 2004
7:25 am - Geek out! ^_^
5:09 am - My parents are so completely backwards it's not even funny
Okay... so all my life my parents have forbidden me from getting any piercings or tattoos. (not that I'm actually interested in getting one. Ow, painful!!! ~_~) The other day I decided to pick up a clip on body piercing to see what kinda reaction I'd get from my parents out of it. I decided to put it on as a lip piercing and I actually didn't think it looked too bad. So I'm minding my own business about the house, hoping my lip "piercing" would get noticed and pass my parents and say hi and bye just as they're about to head out to go grocery shopping. They look at me kinda funny for a moment, I think they were kinda shocked, they look away and don't even talk to me as they head out grocery shopping.
Ten minutes later they come back to talk to me after driving half way to the store...
My mom was just about on the verge of tears... They tell me it's not normal, and that I probably have AIDS because of it and I should go see and doctor to get checked out, and if I do have AIDS, I should move out, otherwise I might infect the entire family...
uh huh................... O_o
They were very much relieved when I showed them it was a clip on.
I have such wonderful parents... >_<
current mood: annoyed
Saturday, May 15th, 2004
5:33 am
Uh oh, it's starting to get light out.... >_>
Heh, I should probably get to bed now before the horrible, horrible sun burns me to a crisp. ^_^
current mood: sleepy
Thursday, May 13th, 2004
11:57 pm - Purity test
Wednesday, May 5th, 2004
4:36 pm - No more congee!!! ^_^
W00t!!! I LOVE chicken noodle soup!!! *^_^*
Yes, I feel better today.
current mood: Still sick, but better current music: Frankie Goes to Hollywood - Relax
Tuesday, May 4th, 2004
1:55 pm
9:39 am - If I could speak right now I would be saying "ARRRRRGGGGGHHHH!!!!!!!!!!"
I am sick of plain rice porridge and diluted apple juice.
My throat is still swollen and hurts like nothing else. Eating and drinking has been a bit of a chore.
I've been up early the last couple days... not because I want to, but because of the shooting pains in my throat from every time I swallow my own saliva. I have not been sleeping well. >_<
Argh... I feel like my body is giving up on me, someone please kill me and put an end to my misery. >_<
current mood: sick
Sunday, May 2nd, 2004
2:41 pm - Yay, I got to go to the hospital today. Such fun!
So I woke up today with a throat infection. My throat is sore and swollen. I can't talk and it's incredibly painful to even swallow my own saliva. I'm still in a lot of pain.
At the hospital I got some antibiotics, T3 and morphine through an IV. Yay morphine!
At first I would've figured that going to the hospital would take a long time because of the nurses strike, but it really wasn't that bad.
current mood: sick
Friday, April 30th, 2004
8:55 pm
Ugh, and in other news, I've been having this massively sore throat the past couple days, it hurts to swallow my own saliva. Been getting a lot of headaches recently too. I sure hope I'm not getting sick.
current mood: sick
Thursday, April 29th, 2004
7:08 pm
Life is incredibly good...
I hope.
current mood: contemplative
Tuesday, April 20th, 2004
4:44 am - Hey Habu, how many gods do you have? -"I don't know... I lost count!"
BWA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! OMG this is so funny.
It's 4:44 am, I have to work in the morning... why they hell am I still up?!?!?! O_o
current mood: amused
Saturday, April 17th, 2004
4:44 am
4:12 am