Subculture Nurse's Journal
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Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded in Subculture Nurse's LiveJournal:

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    Thursday, May 6th, 2004
    6:36 pm
    Random thoughts yet again
    I am bored with school work. I wanna go out and play tonight. I broke it off with Carlos yesterday. I feel better now that I've done that. I feel less stress without him. I want money to go clothes and shoes shopping. I can't believe that this 34 D bra that my mom bought actually fits me. They just keep growing and growing. I have to go to the woman's shelter for psychiatric nursing tomorrow and I don't want to. It's located in the heart of South Central LA. It's really scary there. I really want to be a forensic nurse, but I am not getting enough info on it. I want to investigate crime scenes and deaths. Flight nursing is still another good option for me when I get experience after I graduate and work in the ER for a couple years. I wonder if I should continue working at UCLA when I graduate or work for USC county. I just wanna work at a hospital that has the most trauma. My statistics professor is a fucking wierdo. He told me that I need to drop his class because I won't pass. He's a liar. I wish Edwin would stop texting me. We never hang out, so what is the point? He thinks that we have some kinda dating relationship through the phone or something. I love Hocico. I wonder if they'll play in TJ this year.

    Current Mood: bored
    Current Music: Hocico- A Broken Glass
    Wednesday, May 5th, 2004
    4:00 am
    why did i drink those energy drinks after the bar???? it's 400 and i am soooooooooooo awake!!!

    Current Mood: awake
    Friday, April 23rd, 2004
    9:46 pm
    You're supposed to me my friend?
    You're a fucking bitch!

    Current Mood: pissed off
    Wednesday, April 21st, 2004
    3:04 pm
    Like woah
    I have 69 friends on my lj, hehehehehe.

    Current Mood: sick
    Friday, April 9th, 2004
    12:59 pm
    Another day on the psych unit
    One 50 year old lady with bipolar, who I though was getting better, totally regressed today. She was in a manic state. She was imitating the nurse's Filipino accent and talking like she had one half of the day. I looked though at her history and found out she was taken in the psych unit for running naked in her front yard. A guy that is 20 years old was bought in for running in and out of traffic. He kept sitting next to me and staring at me all day telling me how much he liked this and that about me. He was staring a me in his disgusting sexual way that was so obviuos in group therapy that another 18 year old patient told him to stop it. My teacher later pulled us out of the unit telling the students to stay close to me in case he tries to sexually attack me. It had been charted that he was "hypersexual". Ha, what a term. Earlier I was teased by some classmates because he was in the tv room wtaching mtv across from us dancing and taking his shirt off while staring a me. He was like doing a striptease for me or something. It was fucking funny as hell! The 18 year old just kept making fun of him the whole day calling him " stupid white boy." The 18 year old suffers from a psychosis of unknown specification. It is most likely induced by all of the ecstacy he had taken. He was really funny and friendly though. He was just making fun of everyone and we couldn't help but laugh although we are supposed to try and control ourselves. The 18 year old and "white boy" just kept fighting all day. Today was the best day so far. Very entertaining and interesting.

    Current Mood: full
    Current Music: classical that my mom has on
    Wednesday, April 7th, 2004
    9:59 pm
    Random thoughts...
    Psychiatric nursing is boring and my professor belongs in a psych ward. 3 guys were chasing me in a car all over the 5 during rush hour trying to get my phone number and asking me to pullover at the nearest exit. They were scarey. I am glad that I reconnected with Ruby and she will be picking me up to go out to an 80's club tomorrow night. I am really wanting some chocolate. School is stressing me out yet again as I am taking 14 units of hard classes. I like my job, but I wish I could work there only once a month when I have time. I don't like the neuro ICU at all. I don't want to write any papers since my professor is the APA format nazi. My baby brother is so cute, although his crying inthe morning keeps me from sleeping. Sitha and I predicted that the professor is low on CO2 and needs an her arterial blood gasses checked every time she laughs. The people in my nursing school are lops. Carlos irritates me and I wish he would stop calling. It's so over, I don't feel anything for him. Ok, so when I am horny I do. I don't want to wake up early tomorrow and drive to the Kaiser Mental Health place in downtown LA and sit there for hours and try and communicate with patients that are manic, schizophrenic, and psychotic. I don't understand what the hell I am supposed to say. My legs are a bit tender from the gym. I want beer.

    Current Mood: listless
    Wednesday, March 31st, 2004
    9:44 pm
    Not another one!!!
    What's up with me getting hooked up with El Salvadorian boys?? It's a tiny country, and it seems that they all flock to liitle me. This is too wierd.

    Current Mood: amused
    Tuesday, March 23rd, 2004
    2:25 pm
    I need help!
    After many recommendations to use Soulseek, I have finally downloaded it. I am so lost on this thing. I keep typing in files that I want to find and nothing ever shows up. What the hell? Can someone explain this phenomenon to me, please?

    Current Mood: confused
    Saturday, March 20th, 2004
    5:16 pm
    Looks like I am driving to Hollywood by myself to meet up with people. I am so scared!!! Why does eveyone have to live so far from me? :(

    Current Mood: scared
    4:02 pm
    Should I stay or should I go?
    I RSVP'd a while back to go to some club in Hollwood called Joseph's Cafe for a girl in my nursing school's birthday. I kind of want to go since some of my friends from the class are gong and have been asking me to go, but of course I have to work a 12 hour shift tomorrow. If I go, I can't really drink adn I have to leave early. This means that I would have to have good self-discipline tonight. If I am having a wack time, then it would be easy to call it an early night. If I end up having a good time, I know I will not want to leave. Since I had such a bad time last night, I really want to do something tonight. I also have the house to myself as well. If anyone want to play, let me know.

    Current Mood: blank
    Current Music: Gridlock
    Tuesday, March 16th, 2004
    4:27 pm
    I'm stuck in a career with lame asses!!!!!
    I crossposted my last lj entry to the student nurses community, since I thought it was relevent and they might be able to share some of the same frustrations. But, no, no, no, what the hell was I thinking? Many of these people are just like the retards in my classes. People need to not be so uptight, and most nursing people are unfortunately this way. This is something that really concerns me about getting into this career. I actually have to work with people like this.

    Current Mood: disappointed
    Monday, March 15th, 2004
    11:32 pm
    Kiss Ass
    So, I am in the middle of taking a nursing final today and I stumble across 4 questions that have the answer listed next to them for the scantron. I pretty much knew the answers anyway, but this reassured me. A few minutes later the smartest bitch in the class raises her hand. This chick has absolutely no life and studies nursing night and day, which is why she has straight A's. She is also the one to always answer EVERY question in class, right. The teacher comes over to her and I just knew what she was going to do- tell him that he listed the answers there. I was so fucking pissed!!! This means that he could totally take those questions of the test, and I really needed all the extra points I could get. Lucky for her, he announced to the class that this is our "accidental spring break present from him. If he would have voided those questions, I woulda kicked her ass after class!!! Some people are just idiotic!!!

    Current Mood: annoyed
    Monday, March 8th, 2004
    1:46 am
    Smokin the hookah*
    Tired and lonely after a bizarre, but interesting night with my friends, I called him again. He answered at 130 am bright and awake, and I hung up. Who knows, he's probably up and about with some girl or something. Damn, I cannot stop dreaming about him. I did dream again of him last night. In every deam I am so in love and so happy.

    Current Mood: crushed
    Saturday, March 6th, 2004
    5:36 pm
    Candy on my mouth
    So, yesterday I am at the hospital during clinical rotation and I am waiting with my friend Sitha for the elevator. We were both comtemplating who was going to eat her strawberry candy, and I am the one who ended up eating it. As we were standing there at the elevator across from the ER, 2 firemen come in with a patient on a gurney. I swearr the rest sounds straight out of a movie- The hot one takes off his sunglassess looks at me and says "hi." Stunned that he was talking to me I said hi back in a slow, coy way. I couldn't believe this- a latin fireman, this is the man of my dreams!!! Staring at him in a daze, my friend grabs me to pull me into the elevator that we had been waiting forever to get into. She starts laughing at me as the door closes. I am still feeling all suqishy inside. She then tells me that I had the niggest piece of candy stuck to my lip. I youch my face in disbelief and sure enough,I had a huge ass piece of candy on me. I meet the man of my dreams and I have candy on my face. No wonder he said hi. He probably thought I had a mental disability for having candy on my face and staring at him with a fixed gaze. Dammit!! My luck!

    Current Mood: amused
    Thursday, March 4th, 2004
    7:33 am
    Here are [info]synthetikdoll's most trusted friendsWho are your most trusted friends?

    Here are [info]synthetikdoll's least trusted friendsWho are your least trusted friends?

    Here are [info]synthetikdoll's most trusted nonfriendsWho are your most trusted nonfriends?

    Current Mood: bored
    Current Music: Hocico
    Saturday, February 28th, 2004
    5:41 pm
    A little update
    As always, a lot is going on in my life. My mom just adopted a newborn baby boy a couple of days ago. She has been on an adoption list for a couple of years now. Last friday, she received a phone call from a social worker saying that a mohter had left her baby at a hospital and her and my stepdad had 5 minutes to decide of they wanted him. They said yes, and we had to convert a room in our house into a nursery overnight. Luckily, tons of friends, family, and neighbors gave us almost all the supplies we needed. We got a crib, tons of clothes, a bassinet?, car seat, and accessories. He is the most cutest thing in the world! I love my new little brother. It is kind of wierd though. The fact that I am 21 years old and have a new adopsted brother. I havce had plenty of time to get used to the possibility of having another adopted sibling for the past couple of years now though. It's nice when Carlos comes over and helps take care of him too. He is so good with the baby. He is totally in love with him!

    I am still so involved with school right now, it's not even cool. I hate it, but whatever. I miss going out. I do go out, but not nearly as much as I would like. Carlos and I went out to a Karaoke bar on Tuesday night. It was so much fun. We made friensd witth punkrock couple there and got really drunk off $2 raspberry beers. We sang Berlin- Sex (I'm A...)with the couple. Damn, I must have been wasted to do that! This place had awesome music to sing to.

    Current Mood: okay
    Current Music: Icon of Coil- Consumer
    Wednesday, January 28th, 2004
    7:39 pm
    I would like to thank you for the all of the wonderful sex that you have given to me today. Hahaha :)

    Current Mood: thankful
    Tuesday, January 20th, 2004
    10:18 am
    This is why I always leave you
    I waited for you to call me to tell me whether you were going to work or coming over my house. You never called. I call you this morning because I am worried sick, since it is not like you to not call me at all. I call and you are sleepy adn tell me that you worked last night and were too busy to call me. Since when the fuck is night shift ever so busy that you can't even call me??? You do get an hour break. Besides that, night shift is definitely has hours of downtime. Then when I talk to you this morning and you are telling me you were too busy to call, you say you are soooo tired and you have to get off the phone. I don't fucking trust you. You never have done this to me. I don't give a fuck how tired your ass is, I deserve an explanantion for why you never called. I was expecting you to possibly come over last night, and you don't even have the decency to let me know if you are working or not. And I know you so well, you will think that you did nothing wrong in this situation. You won't be sorry or apologize. Fuck you!

    Current Mood: infuriated
    Thursday, January 8th, 2004
    9:17 pm
    Care plans are completely useless and pointless. How the hell can you have a real "evaluation" if you only have the patient a couple hours! Waste of time if you ask me!

    Current Mood: frustrated
    Current Music: Misfits- 20 Eyes
    Wednesday, January 7th, 2004
    6:02 pm
    Nurse tattoo designs
    Does anyone know where I can get tattoo designs of various pin-up or any type of nurses? I keep searching on the internet for nurse tattoo designs and I am not finding shit! I need it to be specific. I want this sort of tat, but I want it to look the way I want.

    Current Mood: hungry
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