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sleeping with the dawn of an aeon
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Unreal music


the mod NeoTokyo Alpha has been released.

I made a song for a map called SNAFU.

If you play Unreal Tournament 2004 you should download this mod.

It's very cyberpunk.
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Stardate 1 June 2004

Began exploring

Started out at earth purchased two Harvest Master ships and 4 used Merchant Farmers, proceeded through warp 53 and began mining Fuel.

Stopped at a shady space station and purchased a few units of Darkmatter the price should be greater somewhere else in the universe.


After sometime exploring the system I had acquired a fair amount of cargo and moved back to earth and sold my wares (fuel). From there I warp jumped to a farther reach of the universe, realizing this one was quite busy, I moved on. Jumping into a reach I didn't realize was controlled by a hostile force I had to flee ending up in Star System #24, Nodus Secondus. Here I found a quiet system and began mining for more fuel and minerals to sell abroad.

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I want this...
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oh yeah I have a Livejournal thing...

Not much has been happening. As usual.

I acquired a Roland Jp-8080 synth, it's really neat, now I need to hurry up and buy my Delta 1010LT

Saturday was fun, I made music with a dear friend, we created some great rhythmic noise... I wanted to dance, I did dance. It was great.

Atomic Music in College Park allowed me to acquire a little guitar multi-effects processor for an affordable price. This will allow me to create more music. I can't describe the sounds I want to create, you will have to hear them. I may even try singing again, this time without distortion. The project will have a very textured, creepy, melodic feel. Almost ... goth I daresay.. not that that is what I'm aiming for, but it's very possible that the end result will be very Gary Numan-esque.. I hate to say that. It's just the sound that's in my head..

Anyone with a decent sequencer/sampler and a few soft synths can create Noise/powernoise/ambient it may not be good, and I have to say that my attempts may not be that good. I want to create ART. Procedural, haunting soundscapes, expositions of myself and philosophies.. the cries of the world....

I leave you with words:

There's nothing in these broken eyes..
..nothing you can analyze...
fleeting glimpse of fading light..
failing hope last hints of night..
Breaking dawn gives shape to fear
in these halls a dim light growing
in my mind memories dawning
times that flow as one a story..
to be told to no one..
there'll never be another kiss
another sigh, midnight...
fingers drifting, softly tickling
never boys, in neverland..
never the soft whispers
never again...
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Cicada Recipes..
I wanna have a Cicada cook out..

It will be fun.
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This looks promising!

I would like to point people's attention to Peersynth

If it is possible to make virtual war by multi-player games it should be possible (and of course much more creative) to produce virtual music by a multi-user instrument. And: If it is possible to share files thru a p2p network it should be possible to share live played musical gestures in the same way.

Downloaded it today it's rather simple but if you have other programs or outboard gear you could have alot of fun.

I'm looking for people to jam with.

I feel:: amused
Now Playing:: Klinik - Pyramid

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Hey fill this out, who knows I might post something.
1. Who are you?
2. Are we friends?
3. When and how did we meet?
4. Do you have a crush on me?
5. Would you kiss me?
6. Describe me in one word.
7. What was your first impression?
8. Do you still think that way about me now?
9. What reminds you of me?
10. If you could give me anything what would it be?
11. How well do you know me?
12. When's the last time you saw me?
13. Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't?
14. Are you going to put this on your LiveJournal and see what I say about you?
1 Jacked In why don't you :Jack In:
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Ok this is retarded
Dear_ Citbiank _Users_,

This _email_ was ssent by the _citibank serevr to veerify _your_ E-MAIL address_.
You must complete this process by clicking on_the link bellow and enttering
in the smmall winddow your Citi_Bank Debit_ full_card nummber and Pin that
you_use in_the Atm_Machine. That is donne for_your protection -L- becaurse some of our
memebrs _no_longer have access to their email _address_es and we must verify it.

To verify your _E-MAIL_ adderss and acces _your_ Citibank_Online
account, click on the link bellow.

kL1Mg1vcGrtyO89tC gpGMAFu6J2M AggV3tTiiewZHNyxXT0zZ

Now Playing:: This Morn Omina - Track 4

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X-Posted from Ceremonial magick section.

Goetia Obsessed?

By the way, Fr:. BShH is me.

Hail All,

I am new to this forum. I have been lurking for quite sometime (a couple of weeks). This is a truly magickal place with some great minds. My question regards the current trend towards posts regarding the Goetia by fledgling mages (this is not derogatory).


I understand that you go boldly with no fear and that you desire, above all, RESULTS.

We all are on the path for one reason or the other and I find that many are on it to see how they can bend their reality.

I do not mean to be off-topic nor do I mean to be patronizing.

Here are my recommendations for newer mages seeking results based magick.

1. Put your heart and soul into your daily workings I AM has made tremendous resources available for your use. Do the LBRP, Middle Pillar, etc. Truly try to FEEL THE ENERGY, "Inflame thyself with Prayer". This will certainly get you results, not results that will scare your friends at a party, but results that will begin to change you for the better.

2. At the same time, we all want real results. I endeavor you to learn about Sigilization and utilize it. This is where I fear treading off-topic. Sigilization is considered Chaos Magick. In essence it has alot to do with Chaos Magick but it can work very well in a ceremonial setting you can use the whirling energy of the Middle Pillar in conjunction with the Circulation of the body of light to hurl your sigils into space. Try Creating sigils using Qabalistic correspondences. The best thing or perhaps sometimes the most scary thing about sigilization is that it works. I recommend following the TOPY initiation schema of doing 1 sigil a month for 23 months. There is a great mystery to this process and it can be a powerful form of self-initiation. Truly try to figure out what energies, things you want to bring into your life.

3. Learn about Servitors, yet another "Chaos Magick" idea that works excellently in a Ceremonial Magick setting. Use Phil Hine's Servitor Creation technique in conjunction with Qabalistic correspondences and Gematria, toss in some G:. D:. Telesmatic imaging and you will create a powerful entity. These entitities will be far easier to control at first, and exert your will upon, than goetic entities.

These are merely my recommendations for newer followers of the Ceremonial Magick path. I worked this path for a long while working through "Modern Magick" when I was around 13. I attained a state of balance quite early in life and went to seek my fortunes at 18, but with that balance came a period of rebellion against the Higher Will. The past 4-5 years has been that rebellion for me, during that wild time I explored extremely dark magick for "fun", and it was for awhile, but the laws of the universe can be unforgiving and has ways of steering you back on the path that are sometimes unpleasant. I recommend results based magick tempered with the discipline and self-analysis of a High Magickal system. I am back on that path myself and I feel better than ever, and the insights of my darker journeys help me to see that the way before me is indeed a splendoured path, with great potential for change. I only hope to share with you ways to get results without endangering yourself, if I sound namby-pamby realize I know what I speak from my experiences, which have both empowered and humbled me.



I feel:: contemplative
Now Playing:: Hecate - 14 - Settle The Score

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It was a simple mistake.
So I thought I'd translate some hebrew words with this neat little piece of software I found.

that was my first mistake. Nothing is that simple.

I began by trying to translate a couple of words. Then I discovered that this software had all the versions of the bible in it also the old testament in Hebrew.

So I started doodling around with Genesis.

2 hours later... I'm sitting here dumbfounded. It's very very very interesting.

Apparently the Eloheem divided the hot and cold spaces with a scream of AHA!

this is interesting.
::Cybernetic Heretic::
User: [info]ward_54
Name: +:Frak:Tw34k:C:+
Back June 2004
Go here, no there.