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[07 Apr 2004|11:18pm]

[2] ██

:) [03 Apr 2004|09:47pm]
Hedda was on Dave Chapelle.


[02 Apr 2004|04:32am]

j ai mange ma mere
that's what he says to me
But who is he?
Who is he to eat his mother?
What of his mother's
What of the womb she kept
just for him\

The womb is the incubator
not a food for the soul
lovei t
covet it.
own it.

[1] ██

[30 Mar 2004|02:58pm]
[ mood | tired ]

Tom and I got to hang out with some goats and a nice goat lady. They are strange men that want to eat your clothing. We need to own some monkeys and lay around letting little ones like this crawl all over us. We will learn their language and they will accept us into their love community. Take us to Brazil for we are finished here!
speaking of which....

Given the choice to go to one of three places (for a vacation), where would you choose?

1. England
2. Ireland
3. Rome

[4] ██

HEterorchromia..: [23 Mar 2004|01:09am]

Eye color is a manifestation of the pigment that is present in the iris. Brown eyes are rich in melanin deposits, and blue eyes indicate a lack of melanin. The melanocytes of the iris rest in a richly innervated psuedosyncytium, which is necessary to maintain eye color. Two genes control eye color: EYCL3, found on chromosome 15, which codes for brown/blue eye color (BEY), and EYCL1, found on chromosome 19, which codes for green/blue eye color (GEY). Although previously believed to be inherited in simple Mendelian fashion, eye color has proved to be a polygenic trait. Precisely how these genes interact to provide the full constellation of colors, such as hazel and gray, is as yet unknown. Furthermore, other genes may determine the pattern and placement of pigment in the iris, thereby accounting for solid brown as opposed to rays of color.

up to no good. [09 Mar 2004|11:07pm]
a new s/n to fit my new email.

il paroxysm li

say hello.

[07 Mar 2004|05:48pm]
I quit. haha!

[05 Mar 2004|04:19pm];=photoshop#entries

[20 Feb 2004|03:34am]
man with teats is 5
[1] ██

haha no shit? [08 Feb 2004|07:09pm]
[ music | elvis - rubberneckin' ]

Disorder | Rating
Paranoid: Moderate
Schizoid: Low
Schizotypal: High
Antisocial: Low
Borderline: Low
Histrionic: Moderate
Narcissistic: Moderate
Avoidant: Very High
Dependent: High
Obsessive-Compulsive: Low

URL of the test:
URL for more info:


I think I took that test a few years ago, I wonder how it differs.

I had one beer and now I feel like I'm fiending for another.

[1] ██

[08 Feb 2004|01:42am]
"You're slower than a molasses bullfrog."

oh, the little ones are the cutest ones.

[03 Feb 2004|05:11pm]
I'd interact with any robot.


ya smell me? [02 Feb 2004|07:51pm]
  • fantastic form )
  • [3] ██

    sERIOUSLY [28 Jan 2004|10:34pm]
    [ mood | amused ]
    [ music | teevee, nothing interesting, ]

    [2] ██

    :O [23 Jan 2004|07:10pm]
    [ mood | appalled ]

    I accidentally opened a box full of lubricants and other sexual paraphernalia addressed to my mom today. I was sleepy and thought it was a dsl. that is no.


    [20 Jan 2004|11:09pm]
    [ mood | sick ]
    [ music | news ]

    oh my mum is so kind. she made me cookies to help cure my sickly head.


    for the fucking record [09 Jan 2004|03:07am]

    (he fucking likes the game even though he won't admit it)


    your welcome asslax.

    oh? [20 Dec 2003|12:35am]
    [ mood | sleepy ]
    [ music | my left ear is burning. ]

    Sometimes I'll feel unfit. Many times. Most of the time I feel unfit - permanently on the outside despite my appetite and eagerness. And I feel wasted because every itch leads to a dead end. Most of the time I never gave myself a chance, and I should've at least given myself two. I'm completely indecisive. I lose interest in people, conversations, and projects (involving other people. I'm quite fond of my solo adventures.) the good thing about humans in general is their craving to make good conversation. I am unfit and on the outside because I don't like to repeat myself, i'm picky, and I don't want to know anybody who isn't worth knowing. You must make my eyes swell damn quickly or else I'll leave you alone and you'll never get anything out of me. But even those the one that makes my eyes twitch can't get anything without a fight. I've come to two conclusions:

    If only I knew how to speak to express myself, I'd be a million ways different.


    everyone should be told that music is to be timeless. Those who don't know what it means, should stop making music.

    [4] ██

    ASSLAX IS TEH SUCK [14 Dec 2003|10:42pm]
    X Christ Fxck X (10:33:56 PM): OOOO
    X Christ Fxck X (10:34:05 PM): WELL I'M BORED AS A MUTHAFUCKA
    space x bat (10:34:17 PM): :D
    space x bat (10:36:43 PM): wanna
    space x bat (10:36:44 PM): hang out
    X Christ Fxck X (10:36:53 PM): HA!!
    space x bat (10:36:59 PM): dammit!
    X Christ Fxck X (10:37:00 PM): YOU ASKED FIRST
    X Christ Fxck X (10:37:07 PM): I WIN
    [3] ██

    [06 Dec 2003|12:54pm]
    I can't believe my work called to see if I'd come in today. they're lunatics.

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