The Pinstriped Pussy Cat

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Wednesday, December 10th, 2003
4:56 am
Bottle of horrible wine, I defeat you in under four hours!


I bed now.

current mood: drunk
current music: some lame 2ser song (juno reactor something)

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Wednesday, December 3rd, 2003
12:08 am - Lyrics!
Epsilon Minus - 80's Boy )

It's been quite a while since I last .. exercised. It's time for a shower now though. I just got back from a half hour jog.
And now I really need a cigarette.

current music: Excel Saga - Ore Wa Nabeshin

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Monday, December 1st, 2003
4:27 pm
Alphabet name thing. Pantsed from Alchyapple )

How Silly!

Otherwise, today has been spent being ebay-whorey, on the phone, and watching movies. A lovely way to end the weekend. :) (nyers at people who have to work)

current mood: happy
current music: Echo Image - Endless Day (Club Version) // Echo Image - Good Things (Don't Come Free)

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Thursday, November 27th, 2003
11:14 pm
I don't suppose anyone out there would know the lyrics to Epsilon Minus - Just Another Long Shot ?

I can't seem to find the lyrics transcribed on the 'net.

current mood: Epsilon Minus - Just Another Long Shot

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Thursday, November 20th, 2003
12:08 am
Quiz: last.. )

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Wednesday, November 5th, 2003
3:35 pm - heheh
Is it wrong to use a recruiting agencies internet connection instead of doing the proscribed tests? ;D

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Friday, October 31st, 2003
2:52 pm - Gah.
The pain! The PAIN!

I hate this place. It's such a stupid waste of time. Apply for this, apply for that, tell me how you feel about having job interviews, call these people, and those ones, and call the first guys again.

Gawd. I smoosh you with my boots. Hopefully, the next two weeks will just fly by. Ahh. Yes. *watches second hand tick around the clock* Cigarettes. I need cigarettes. only an hour and 15 minutes left on today.. then I'm free for two whole days. Woo wooooo.

The roof on this building is less then.. solid. Whenever there is a gust of wind, the whole thing lifts noticebly, and falls back down. It's kind of disturbing really.

So otherwise. I still have no working internet connection at home.

I find myself with very little time. I'm getting up at 6.30am, to catch the bus into Merrylands station.. where there is a 10 minute wait for the next train to the City.

Then it's a lovely commute during peak-hour, which involves standing up in a carriage full of idiot school children and overweight office drudges (who I plan on joining some day soon).

Then it's spend the time between 8.30am and 4pm waiting for the time when I can escape once more. I trek to St. Leonards to meet up with the [info]azmodai, peak hour train back to Merrylands station and then walk to the car (because hooray, the car is back in working order!). Then after a 15 minute drive, I'm back to the relative comfort and safety of my haus. This haus getting back to occurs at about 7pm.


Emails people! I need emails!

das at astra0 dot net

Yes. That is a zero.

Ooo. Typing this out has killed 10 minutes. Hoooooray. I do not like Redfern.

Yeah. That's it for now, I think.

Hope to see atleast some of you over the next few days.

current mood: cranky

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Wednesday, October 8th, 2003
3:33 pm
Ahh. It's that time again.

I'm on the lookout for a Suzuki Across 250. If anyone has one that they want to sell, or know someone who wants to sell, tell me!

As per usual, reasonable condition would be hella appreciated. :)

Reply here, perhaps send an email to das @ dieyoungstaypretty . com or send an icq message to 101750719

current mood: wanty
current music: Ultraviolence - Immolation // Ultraviolence - Strangled

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5:48 am - Please..
Someone stop the ride. I want to get off.

current mood: crushed
current music: some crap on the radio

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Saturday, October 4th, 2003
3:22 am
Configured for my network?


current mood: drunk

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Sunday, August 17th, 2003
9:22 am - Hands up!
If my mundane life interests/disinterests you, and you would like to be re-added/removed to/from my friends list, leave a comment saying so.

current mood: sad
current music: Incubus - I miss you // Evanescence - Everybody's Fool

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Friday, August 1st, 2003
4:03 am

I'm looking for some *nice* PVC. I went to Spotlight today. They only had really light, easily torn pvc.. I'd prefer it lined, and located in the Western Suburbs of Sydney..

Anyone know any stores currently stocking pvc that's worth my time (getting there) and money?

current mood: tired
current music: Cubanate - Oxyacetylene (extended)

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Monday, July 14th, 2003
7:02 pm - The bleach ate my braaaaaains.

I put some bleach through my hair earlier today. I have a bit of a seaweed colour happening to my hair atm. It's rocking out. (that's because I had blue through my hair before.. blue + yellow = seahag green.)

More bleach shall be put through later tonight.. and then I'll give my hair a rest for a few days..

And ohhhh! I'm loving the new marilyn manson film clip! There's something so wonderfully sexy about girls in military outfits with red spandex underwear, combined with Dita Von Teese in a glass of absinthe.. Expect new user icons. ;D

oh my.. Burlesque. TO THE EXTREEEEEME! \m/

current mood: happy
current music: Monkey - Ep 7

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Monday, June 30th, 2003
10:43 pm - fucking stupid lyrics to a fucking stupid song.
Lyrics: Adema - Skin )

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Friday, June 6th, 2003
6:55 pm
Gah. Had a rant about my hair. And now I don't. (it was deleted by me, YAYAYAYAY!)

Anyway. toot toot, image heavy cam-whorage ahead..? )

current mood: crappy
current music: Assemblage 23 - Away // Assemblage 23 - Opened

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Thursday, June 5th, 2003
2:06 pm
But look Mum! "Sideburns"

You can kinda make them out. I'm sure this will one day go into my "very embarrassing and stupid things I've done to my hair" folder.

no eyebrows, no makeup, and bed hair. (still!) )

current mood: silly
current music: Syntec - angel angel

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Saturday, May 31st, 2003
2:40 pm - I'll be doing a few of these entries..

Stuff that I'm going to be selling. I thought I'd offer them to people on my friends list first.

Skirts )

Boots )

If you are at all interested in any of these items/want more pictures/more information, email me. das at dieyoungstaypretty dot com

More stuff will be coming as I get around to taking/finding pictures of them. If they don't get sold, I will be putting them onto ebay.

I also have a pair of doc size 7 cherry red and black smooth 10 holes. They are in excellent condition, and a pair of cherry red docs (original design, I think.). They don't have a size on them. But I think they are a 9 or a 10, doc size. Rarr. Must find out... Unfortunately, my camera isn't working right now. So pictures later.

current mood: cheerful
current music: Ultraviolence - Hardcore Motherfucker
Thursday, May 29th, 2003
2:56 pm
Happy birthday kilrathiCrystal!



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Monday, May 19th, 2003
11:28 am - okay!
LOTS of pictures from a little gathering at methedrasmethedras's house.

17x400*300 - click click )

If you want a full sized copy of a picture, let me know.

current mood: amused
current music: Evanescence - Bring Me To Life

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Sunday, May 18th, 2003
7:13 pm
I have much disappointment in people. They are far too gullible. Even after meeting me, they will still believe nasty rumours about me.

current music: The Cruxshadows - Tears

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