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world domination through frequency modulation [Jun. 13th, 2004|04:07 pm]

[mood |devious]
[music |godspeed! you black emperor - lift your skinny fists]

(this post is all in jest, so don't take it too seriously. i'm aware that not all chinese people excel at playing the violin / musical instruments, just most of them. HAHAH jp)
Thinking about world domination (which is priority #2 on most mad scientists' agendas, second only to #1, move out of Mom's house), i was thinking about world population problems, china's 2 billion citizens, and listening to classical viola music, and an idea dawned on me.

Why not harness the raw material of 2 billion chinese, their musical talent, and use it to take over the world?
If we equipped every chinese man, woman and child with a violin and showed them how to play, created some sort of harmonic redirection amphitheatre that could collect the waves of sound and channel them towards a certain target (bouncing them off of satellite amphitheatres, of course, down towards target cities / structures) and destroy targets simply with the building up of sound waves.

Of course, we would need to demonstrate destructive ability of the 2 billion chinese orchestra to the world, and thus give away our strategic locations, but if we were to act fast and hit hard, it might be pulled off.

Then again, the costs of all the training / individual equipment / engineering for an amphitheatre / logistics would probably add up to more than we could bully out of the world, so i propose a simpler idea:

the world most populated single hop. Imagine, 200+ billion pounds of chinese fury hopping two feet into the air, landing on the ground, and creating tsunamis that would savage the coasts of the pacific west.

Of course, many chinese are still maoist minded, so all one would need would be to convince the masses with a communist pamphlet about the capitalist pigs, the horrors of individuality and the demonstrable power two billion chinese working together, in unison, in the spirit of communism, could accomplish.

this may have been easier to accomplish during mao's era, but i still see application nowadays.

cross-posted to [info]mad_scientist

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Perpetuating Raceface [Jun. 9th, 2004|02:08 pm]

[mood | curious]

Back when William Hung was a hot topic, he was practically equated with yellowface. It's a bit of a stretch to understand how an Asian who portrays himself is the moral equivalent of a non-Asian portraying an Asian stereotype. But whatever the justification, the bottom line was that misrepresentation in general and yellow/black/red/brownface in particular, was bad.

But somebody must have forgot to mention that to the Wayans Brothers who seem to think it's ok to engage in a little race-face of their own.

I admit, this might be a little out of the scope of a community that is focused on Asian issues but since addressing misrepresentation never really goes out of style, I thought it appropriate. Apologies to the moderators if I'm being presumptuous.

Please comment with thoughts about how this movie contributes to the misrepresentation of (and subsequent damage to) ethnic groups by perpetuating the practice of race-face. Links to articles or blog entries is also appreciated.

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Spidey Strikes Back!!! [Jun. 8th, 2004|08:43 pm]


WARNING: Not for the thin-skinned, PC, or humorless!

Spidey Speaks )

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Because I wanted to make it its own entry [Jun. 6th, 2004|02:35 pm]

[music |Giants game]

I understand why a lot of people would like to see ethnic minorities on TV and in the movies... BUT...

I can’t be the only person who, as a kid, a pre-teen, and a teenager, and now, as an adult, never vehemently wished nor cared to see people who “looked like me” on TV or in the movies. I never sought out a role model who was Asian, and I never felt like I had to. The “whiteness” of the entertainment medium didn’t bother me, even if my parents would occasionally make it an issue or comment on it. Even now that I’m 26, and have travelled to areas where the only Asian I saw was me and like 4 other people (Salt Lake City, St. Louis), I still didn’t feel excluded or conspicuously Asian.

I grew up in a upper middle class/middle class suburb of San Francisco, where most of the kids were white and the kids who weren’t white were Asian or Latino. All my dolls that were human were white. Most of my friends were white. Before the Cosby Show, most of the sitcom characters I watched were white. Hell, I watched He-Man all the time and He-Man was an artificially tanned, buffed, white blonde guy. I didn’t care. I didn’t feel excluded or like I didn’t belong just because I didn’t look like the people around me -- fictional or otherwise -- or something.

When I was a kid/pre-teen/teenager, there were more important things to worry about with other people -- like connecting with a person, having fun, playing on the playground, getting a group project done, having fun, stuff like that.

Right? Tell me I’m not the only one.

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PC or Not PC [Jun. 6th, 2004|12:14 pm]

[mood | amused XD]
[music |hilarity on NPR/KXJZ]

(Re. the subject of the lack of minority representation in movies and other forms of media.)

Although my major is marine bio, I took a few early childhood education classes as an offshoot of my interest in psychology.

One of the main things we looked at is how a lack of representation in the media directly contributes to the self-image and feelings of "otherness" that many minority kids feel. We culled countless primary sources and secondary sources relating the stories of young black men and women who as children thought they had no future in life in professional careers or even in vocational careers because the only image they saw of themselves on TV or at the movies were that of maids, gangstas, drug dealers, people getting arrested, or "the token black person/comic relief person," et cetera. And then we went on to look at the stories of how young Asian adults thought as children that they could only work in the sciences or in a laundromat, or be a violinist, or a liquor store owner in Koreatown, and then there were the stories of Hispanic children, et cetera.

One "anti-PC" comment I read was, "Well, whose fault is it that there aren't many minority actors in Hollywood?" The implication inherent in that person's question was that it's the MINORITIES' fault for not pursuing the acting profession as opposed to the industry's fault for not representing more minorities. Too bad this person did not stop and consider the possibility that the main reason many minority people don't pursue acting is precisely BECAUSE they never saw any representation in TV and film as young children and assumed, as media-saturated young children are wont to do, that this means that such professions aren't really meant for them.

The point of this "anti-bias" class that I took was to show how bias limits possibilities for children. How such limits can affect a child's development and future. How lack of representation in the media negatively affects children, especially in this day and age when the kids are being soaked with all forms of media. I remember that when I was a kid it never occurred to me to be anything other than a scientist or a doctor, or perhaps a pianist in an orchestra. Part of that was my upbringing, but another big part of that was my young, naive notion that that was all Asians in America were good at, COULD be good at. And it's not just minority children but white children that are negatively affected, because this kind of inaccurate representation perpetuates such skewed notions of society.

Yeah, Hollywood is about making money, and not about accurate representation, but would whites really leave the theater in droves if Spiderman saved a black woman? Or if a show had a Mexican psychologist LIEK OMG? Some people may consider it "whining" when some people actually voice concerns, but guess what? A lot of what people call "whining" is what creates change, or at the very least starts the ball rolling by getting the damn idea out in the first place.

It is not "PC" to be annoyed at the fact that a depiction of New York City is all-white. Maybe that might fly for where The Nanny lives, but not in the rest of New York City. Nor is it PC to care about how misrepresentation affects young minority children in our society and limits their future growth. If people think that to be worried about such things is a PC endeavor, then fine. Personally I think it's nothing less than human and considerate to give a shit about such matters.

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In support of Uppity Chinaman [Jun. 6th, 2004|02:59 am]

I think people here are in dire need of a clear understanding of what a satire is.

a. A literary work in which human vice or folly is attacked through irony, derision, or wit.
b. The branch of literature constituting such works.

You've all been Bamboozled! HOOD WINKED! representation in the media is a really complex issue that many people don't understand because the implications are so subtle.

watch this movie also if you think you're such an "anit-pcer."
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quit yer whining [Jun. 6th, 2004|04:49 am]

Stop complaining that there aren't enough Asians/Blacks/Latinos etc in movies. Movies cannot cater to every single race group. Mainstream movies are made to make money and reach a certain demographic. People are so concerned about race that they feel every single fucking race issue has to be addressed. Well if you are that concerned, make your own movie. Go be an actor. But keep in mind that when all you can focus is on racial stereotypes and not the issues themselves, your movies are gonna turn out to be like shit.
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*dies* [Jun. 5th, 2004|05:48 pm]

[mood | aggravated]
[music |Bruce trying to distract me with some dumb talk about DVDs]

Reagan is dead! I'm excited, guilty-happy, and kind of surprised. XD I almost want to throw a party or do something to celebrate/commemorate the event, but at the same time I don't want to expend that sort of time/energy/money on hate or on someone I despised.

I know I shouldn't be happy for someone dying - it's politically correct not to be, after all - but I am. The conservative era he helped to kickstart just... UGH. Sixteen years since he left office and STILL we're feeling the ripples of that craptastic tenure. The biznatch blew Carl Sagan off too, and I don't mean in the sexual way, *HAR HAR* I'm talking about nuclear proliferation!

Then again, I'm a "leftist commie Chink fag," so what would I know?

Anyone admired Reagan? Any thoughts?

P.S. I just know Reagan's death is going to inspire even MORE pointless Reagan books than already are in existence. Gag. And see, I used to work at Barnes and Noble, so I had to *touch* those things. They are TEH WORST BOOKZ EVAR.


TEH 808

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Uppity Chinaman vs. Spiderman [Jun. 2nd, 2004|04:27 pm]

[mood |accomplished]

Action must be taken against Spiderman.

Why? http://www.livejournal.com/users/asianrenegade/29238.html?mode=reply

Who will stand up to the bug of racism?

The Uppity Chinaman Cometh !!! )

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Spiderman- Superhero or Super-Racist? [Jun. 2nd, 2004|04:13 pm]

[mood | angry]

Despite the fact that I used to be an avid comic book collector, I have not seen the first Spiderman movie, nor do I plan to see the the second one. It's not that I dislike Spiderman- he's alright. It's more so because I loathe movies based on comic book superheros. Generally, they dumb down the superhero and his/ her story and sanitize all the dark stuff about them turning them into some mickey mouse boyscout in tights. Millions of dollars spent on special effects can't hide a ten cent story.

Anyways, I happened upon the trailer for Spiderman 2 the other day and I noticed something...actually, I noticed the lack of something. Color. In the trailer you see Spiderman swinging around New York City saving people- usually that ugly red-head and some other miscellaneous people. Does anybody else notice that ALL THE MISCELLANEOUS PEOPLE ARE WHITE? I guess in all his travels around NYC, Spidey never made it to Harlem, Chinatown, Washington Heights, or the boroughs of the Bronx or Brooklyn. You know how Blacks, Latinos, and Asians are seldom victims of crime.

I asked my girlfriend who did see the first Spiderman movie if Spidey saved anybody that wasn't white. She said she was pretty sure he didn't.


Can a Negro, Chinaman, and/or Hombre get a hand?

Stay tuned....

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Non-Profit Networking [May. 30th, 2004|06:52 pm]


Looking for a job? Want to do some community service? Want to attend an event?

Come join my community [info]non_profits not to be confused with [info]nonprofits.

This is a place where people who either work for or are interested in working for non-profit organizations can network, ask questions, exchange ideas, post events, post job openings, and plot world domination. Okay, maybe not the last one.

I started this community because I felt that there are many people who want to get involved but don't know where to go. I also feel that it would be nice to connect organizations who need help with organizations who can help.

Feel free to join and post- tell us which organization you're involved in, or are interested in getting involved in.



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this guy is my hero [May. 25th, 2004|11:26 pm]

Dr Henry Lee, World Renowned Forensics Expert will have his own TV show

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[May. 25th, 2004|11:59 am]

[mood | contemplative]

Apparent later consequences of plastic surgery in Asian society - I found this in a British publication in the "quirkies" section:

Man divorces and sues wife over ugly past

The thing is, it does seem to reflect a clash that I could have seen coming from a mile away between two ideas in Asian society:

- The need to continue one's bloodline with the finest genetic material possible
- The need to physically alter oneself via plastic surgery to be acceptable in society

We've discussed plastic surgery before. Despite the fact that people have every right to do what they please with their bodies, I think that nevertheless, there is something fundamentally flawed with Asian society if this sort of thing is so apt to happen. I believe that this scenario illustrates it well.

Points and counterpoints are welcome.

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[May. 24th, 2004|04:33 am]

A love story between a man and his sex doll
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Time for Asians and the Rest of the World to Act [May. 24th, 2004|01:06 am]

[mood | determined]

Civil strife in Sudan 'could kill 350,000 if world fails to act'


STARVATION and disease may kill 350,000 Sudanese if the world fails to quell the violence stirring a refugee crisis in the Darfur area of Africa’s largest country, an influential think tank said yesterday.

"Urgent international action is required on several fronts if ‘Darfur 2004’ is not to join ‘Rwanda 1994’ as shorthand for international shame," the International Crisis Group (IGC) said in a report, referring to the 1994 genocide of 800,000 Rwandans.

"What UN officials have already called the worst humanitarian situation in the world today could claim an additional 350,000 in the next nine months, mainly from starvation and disease."

The United Nations has said an estimated one million people have been displaced by the conflict in Darfur, and calls it the largest humanitarian emergency facing the world. It says about 120,000 refugees have crossed into neighbouring Chad.

Rebels and human rights groups have accused Sudan’s government of arming militias of Arab heritage to loot and burn black African villages, and accused Khartoum of carrying out ethnic cleansing, a charge the government dismisses. Khartoum refers to the militias, called janjaweed, as outlaws.

The ICG estimates 30,000 people have been killed since the conflict erupted early in 2003.

Western powers should mount an aggressive diplomatic campaign to ensure Khartoum implements a promise to provide immediate, full access for aid operations to war-hit populations, including opening the rail line so that the UN can deliver food and medicine from Port Sudan, the ICG said.

This article: 

To find out more and donate to Oxfam’s relief efforts in Sudan, go to: http://www.oxfamamerica.org/art1716.html

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I know, this topic has been talked to death. [May. 23rd, 2004|01:37 am]

Most Koreans that I have ever met don't have natural lidded eyes, and that distinguishes their looks for me. I don't believe that whole myth that they get eyelid surgery to look "White." I know I'm generalizing, but most southeast Asians like Vietnamese, Cambodian, or Filipinos usually have the double eyelids. Koreans will never look white, unless they are mixed. What I'm saying is, if looking a certain way distinguishes you from another culture, and if you are proud of your culture, then why would you change the way you look? I know lidded eyes are considered more attractive, so I could understand the superficial reasons for doing so, but I thought Koreans were very protective of their culture. I think a lot of young girls in Asia secretly want to look exactly like the women in anime. What's worse, as we all know, a lot of Asian parents are competitive. Therefore, it's not just about their kids being the best at school, or having the nicest cars, it's whose kids have the best surgeries.

Also, the types of plastic surgeries are being performed in different Asian countries reflect the culture itself.

more links on the subject:
Plastic Sugery for the kids
Plastic surgery procedures (per capita) (Top 100 Countries)
Teens going 'under the knife'
Eyelid Surgery and Young Asian-American Women
China's cosmetic surgery market flourishes
Tongue surgery for better english I don't know if this is actually true.
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call for submissions [May. 22nd, 2004|11:02 pm]

from [info]de_ex

Co-edited by Nick Carbó and Marlon Unas Esguerra
Submission deadline: September 1st, 2004

When _Details Magazine_ published the article, “Gay or Asian?” in their
April 2004 issue, the Asian Pacific Islander American community responded quickly and en masse, AGAIN to the stereotyping of Asian Americans. From Dr. Fu Manchu to the William Hung phenomenon, the question of maleness has always centered on how others see us. _Son of the Dragon: Literary Dialogues with Asian American Men_ is the first anthology of its kind to closely examine what it is to be male
and Asian in America. In the tradition of _Making Waves_, _Making More Waves_, and _Forbidden Stitch_, we will explore and define for ourselves the realities of our complex community.

We are seeking submissions of Poetry, Short Fiction, Personal Essay and
Non-Fiction from writers whose work identifies with the Asian American
male experience.

Submission deadline: September 1st, 2004

Submission guidelines:
Only ELECTRONIC SUBMISSIONS will be accepted.
Attachments in MS Word, PDF, and/or WordPerfect format accepted.
In the message body of your email, please include a cover letter with your name, address, phone number, email address, and
titles of your work. There is no restriction on the number of pieces you may submit.

Please email your submissions to: sonofthedragon@yellowfist.com

For questions or additional information contact:
Marlon Unas Esguerra, raiseyour@yellowfist.com, 773.368.2286
Nick Carbó, nickcarbo@yellowfist.com

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Anna Mae [May. 19th, 2004|04:52 pm]

What does everyone here think about the Anna Mae He case?

Everything I read is so biased one way or the other that I really don't know what the true situation is, and I'm just curious to know what you think.
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[May. 11th, 2004|06:08 pm]

the article, the video

i feel like shit.
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[Jan. 1st, 2000|12:35 am]

Firstly, I want to apologize if my last entry was out of the community's context and/or if said entry was just plain stupid. I was being bitchy. However, I do wish to share something with this community now that actually does deserve some discussion:

I had been contracted to teach English at a school 2 hours west of Xi'an, during the Labor Day week that started May 1st. Everything went smoothly.

I was disappointed to say the least when I walked into the classroom on the last day of class, to see Kevin (who is a 25 year-old Chinese teacher also contracted to teach English during the week), take it upon himself to propagate something that could only be deemed as malicious ignorance. I was sickened to see the phrase "Jap-pig" being scrawled on the blackboard, with even a phoenetic spelling of the word, and Kevin telling these kids many stories to arouse hatred toward the Japanese!

When I confronted him about this, I asked why on earth he would teach a group of 9-13 year-olds, such a vile term. He began defending his actions by giving examples of mistreatment from the Japanese including such things as: The Japanese car manufacturers selling the BEST quality cars to America at lower prices, while selling China their WORST quality models at outrageous markups - all done intentionally. Another thing he quoted to me was how there were "temples" being raised and frequented for those Japanese soldiers who happened to have killed the most Chinese during World War II. 59 years ago!

Although Kevin is Chinese, and may have valid "reasons" to harbor such a hatred - at least in his mind anyway - it is understandable. But, to teach students something like this is unjustifiable bigotry, and bordering upon evil. The world is full enough of hatred like this.

Is there anything that I can/should do to perhaps diminish this in anyway? Did I take proper steps in confronting him about it? Am I getting too involved in something that could easily be said, by the Chinese government, to be "none of my business?" I was depressed all that afternoon by this, because I love both the Japanese and Chinese people, and frankly don't understand why there would still be such anger after so long.
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