[ | mood |
| | devious | ] |
[ | music |
| | godspeed! you black emperor - lift your skinny fists | ] | (this post is all in jest, so don't take it too seriously. i'm aware that not all chinese people excel at playing the violin / musical instruments, just most of them. HAHAH jp) Thinking about world domination (which is priority #2 on most mad scientists' agendas, second only to #1, move out of Mom's house), i was thinking about world population problems, china's 2 billion citizens, and listening to classical viola music, and an idea dawned on me.
Why not harness the raw material of 2 billion chinese, their musical talent, and use it to take over the world? If we equipped every chinese man, woman and child with a violin and showed them how to play, created some sort of harmonic redirection amphitheatre that could collect the waves of sound and channel them towards a certain target (bouncing them off of satellite amphitheatres, of course, down towards target cities / structures) and destroy targets simply with the building up of sound waves.
Of course, we would need to demonstrate destructive ability of the 2 billion chinese orchestra to the world, and thus give away our strategic locations, but if we were to act fast and hit hard, it might be pulled off.
Then again, the costs of all the training / individual equipment / engineering for an amphitheatre / logistics would probably add up to more than we could bully out of the world, so i propose a simpler idea:
the world most populated single hop. Imagine, 200+ billion pounds of chinese fury hopping two feet into the air, landing on the ground, and creating tsunamis that would savage the coasts of the pacific west.
Of course, many chinese are still maoist minded, so all one would need would be to convince the masses with a communist pamphlet about the capitalist pigs, the horrors of individuality and the demonstrable power two billion chinese working together, in unison, in the spirit of communism, could accomplish.
this may have been easier to accomplish during mao's era, but i still see application nowadays.
cross-posted to mad_scientist |