tomorrow is my bro's.. uhm.. 23rd birthday - i think. i dunno how old he's turning, lol.. he actually remembered that i made him a promise i'd get him an X-Box. actually, he said i said Playstation 2, but i know i said X-Box. i have no money to get him either though, cause i have no job. blah. it's okay - he's busy with his girlfriend, and work, and hanging with his friends.. when will he actually find time to play PS2? (he has claimed though, when i argued that to him, that he will make time. knowing him, i'm sure he would). he's never even home really! he only comes home to eat, sleep, and change clothes, then ask for money even though he has a damn job. lol. oh well, i still love my bro. he's driven me places, picked my friends up when we didn't have cars/licenses of our own, bought me food, made me food... i guess i'm starting to realize he does care about me.. ie, the times he'll ask where my friends and i are going, which he never did really.
so we've had our moments where we used to fight all the damn time.. like, psycho-fighting, cat-and-dog-type fighting. but hey, what siblings don't? we rarely fight anymore because we've gotten older and matured.. or maybe cause we rarely see each other. i'm out, he's out.. either way - the fighting has diminished. not completely, but rarely do we argue except about who's turn it is to get the fast food or who paid last time.
okay, there was a time he actually made me cry. i've cried before because of his ass, but this time he actually hurt my feelings. he didn't do it intentionally of course, but it did hurt nonetheless. it was the time his girlfriend asked whom he loved first, second, and third. when she asked him who he loved first, he said his "You" (as in, his girlfriend). when she asked second, he said Lucky - his girlfriend's dog. when she asked whom he loved third, he couldn't think of anybody to say! like, HELLO! haha. it's okay though that he forgot to mention me or my parents. i still love him. okay, and he did forget my birthday one time - or twice, and told me, "Wait - it was your birthday today?!" but i still love him. not cause i have to - well, okay maybe part of me loves him cause i have to, but the other part of me loves him cause he's a good person. minus the stubborness he has, and that bad-ass temper.. he's also a funny, weird - but cool weird, smart guy. kinda like, me. lol.
i could easily blackmail my brother, but of course i don't. i know things about him that my parents don't know, but he also knows things about me that my parents don't know about me. probably more than what i think he knows about me. haha. so obviously if i ever did rat all of his secrets out - he'd do the same shit to me. we don't tell each other secrets, or tell each other about our love life. LOL. oh no! we aren't that close and he definitely isn't the brother that tells guys i talk to, to watch out or he'll break their necks if they hurt me - though his girlfriend reassures me he'd be like that if i asked him to.
my brother and i do have very different lives, i think. yet we're somewhat alike. as we get older, we'll still be weird - possibly weirder - and still have those random, funny convos we have; same sense of humor if you want to call it. we'll still watch 'The Simpsons' together, and we'll both eat up a storm at any family event, or every blue moon when he does eat dinner with us. that's how we stay connected.
he's my brother, and i'm really lucky to have him. i appreciate him for all that he's done for me, and definitely for who he is.
happy (day-before) 23rd (i think) birthday.