Friday, December 10th, 2004
11:22 am - Fear Is The Enemy!
Last trip to Bandung grant me with (again) a confusion about my whereabout in life. Upon my return to this city, I asked myself... "What am I doing here??".
Sometimes I lost track of my goals and get carried away with all this big city's luxury and pleasure. While far away, there are people who wishes for my wellness, in each of their prayers, sacrified their everything to make sure that I all my needs are met, so that I'll grow up proud, and end up better than where they are.... And those things are sometimes I take for granted...
But seeing what I got to sacrifice now I think I realize that this is not a time for me to settle yet. Not in this age, not in this time, not at this level. 30+ life is still a life suppose to be full of thorns and bloody fights!
Nah... I don't take pleasure in pain... it's just that many times I spent so much just to avoid that, and ending up save but nowhere near the place I wish I am. Turn out to be (in a good portion), challenges, pain and failures are tools that encourage our growth thus made us strong. And love is a shower of rain that soothes and enlighting, it made us revives and ready to fight another rounds.
Nope, I don't need that iPod or a US$ 1000 G4 iBook, and I don't even think to spend my wealth trying to acquire that... not for now, not for this reason of showing off... I always find a better workaround to meet my needs, and I will this time too...
What I need now is to make sure that I will become one of those winners in life. A man is a leader, a provider, a protector, and a nourisher... it should always be.
Now I think I remember what I need... Some rush of adrenaline in facing my own fears, and fight for what I have to accomplish!
On with my goals, off with my extra baggage.
But hey wait a moment... isn't it too early for a new year resolution? =|
[ring me a bell]
11:19 am - Wedding & Warlords
I'll be leaving for Bandung tomorrow morning, to attend two weddings. I was planning to also visit Dea's new computer but she said she'll be at the bride's house for the final preparation. So the plan is changed, I think I'll stay at Atlas with mom.... Or borrow Dea's keys and stay at her place? Ade was wanting to go but I told her not to since it's not a really crucial wedding for her to attend, and beside, my budget for this month had some sucked by the last month's holiday trips...
Btw, while on confusion I bought a DVD with six games, all are RTS. Now I'm spending times playing Warlords Battlecry III. And I got to admit, it disturb my schedule... but at least I don't end up bengong while in the confusion mode, and I got the refreshing I need.
[ring me a bell]
| Thursday, December 2nd, 2004
5:15 pm - Islamic Issue - Touching other gender cancel your wudhu?
Ade and I are still regularly disagrees on the believe that touching/touched by a different gender cancel your wudhu. She stands with the common believe that it does cancel your wudhu, while I stands on the opposite side.
Upon asked why it does, Ade (and most friends I've talked with before) said that touching with the different gender who are not our muhrim is a sin. And since it's a forbidden thing, so it also automatically cancel your wudhu upon done.
Now I know that that's a nice logic, and me too had read about that verse somewhere on Al-Qur'an, but Islamic rules must be based on solid grounds, i.e.; verse or hadith that stated specifically about the subject, so the verse we talked about here have to state it clearly. Well upon asked, Ade could not produce convincing eveidences (nor most of my friends I've talked to), but neither I could produce a convincing evidences that oppose it.... So the topics were brought up everytime it's happening...
That's stupid... I mean, talking about things that we both had no solid ground on it, over and over again, without seeking for the true answer to it.... It's a waste of time.
And now, after weeks and months of forgotting we always had the issue (though I browse the internet all the time), I managed to fire up my Firefox and search Google for the issue. And the result is....
Though some scholars thinks that it's a thing that cancel our wudhu, I stand with the other scholars who believe otherwise. But NOT without a reason, since I had read the evidences, what are the scholars thoughts on the subject, and decided for myself which one is more confincing.
Appendix - The Laws That Governs, and Their Explanations (in Indonesian).
1. Soal bersentuhan dengan wanita membatalkan wudhu. (dari buku: "Soal jawab berbagai masalah agama", A. Hassan, jilid 1).
Ringkasan : Fihak yang menganggap batal wudhu lantaran bersentuh dengan perempuan itu, dalilnya satu hadits yang diriwayatkan oleh imam Ahmad dan satu ayat Quran, An-Nisa: 43:
Seorang laki-laki pernah datang kepada Rasulullah saw lalu ia bertanya: Apa hukum Rasulullah tentang seorang laki-laki berjumpa seorang perempuan ia kenal, lalu ia lakukan kepada perempuan itu segala apa yang seorang lakukan kepada istrinya, tetapi tidak ia bersetubuh dengan perempuan itu Di waktu itu turun ayat ini (yang artinya):"... kerjakanlah shalat di dua bahagian siang dan di permulaan malam karena kebaikan itu menghilangkan kejahatan". Maka Rasulullah saw berkata: "Pergilah engkau berwudhu lantas shalat." (HR Ahmad)
Hadits yang diriwayatkan oleh imam Ahmad itu tidak shah. Hadits itu juga diriwayatkan oleh imam Bukhari dan Muslim, tetapi dengan tidak pakai perkataan: "Pergilah engkau berwudhu lantas shalat.". Oleh sebab itu tidak boleh dijadikan alasan. Walaupun dipandang shah, tidak bisa dijadikan alasan untuk batal wudhu, karena orang yang bertanya itu tidak menerangkan yang ia sentuh perempuan itu ketika ia ada berwudhu.
Sungguhpun Rasulullah ada perintah ia berwudhu tetapi tak dapat dikatakan yang orang itu asalnya berwudhu lantas batal wudhunya dengan sebab bersentuh perempuan itu. Hanya diperintah dia berwudhu berhubung dengan shalat.
"...atau kamu menyentuh perempuan." (qs An-Nisa: 43). Maksudnya: bahwa menyentuh perempuan itu membatalkan wudhu.
Perkataan "lamastumun-nisa" di ayat itu sungguhpun menurut asal berarti "menyentuh perempuan" dengan tangan, tetapi disini tidak diberi arti itu lagi, melainkan wajib diberi arti "bersetubuh dengan perempuan", karena:
Kalau dikatakan bersentuh batal, niscaya bersentuh dengan ibu dan anak perempuan juga batal. Ada beberapa hadits yang lemah tetapi shahih lantaran banyak riwayatnya, yaitu hadits yang menunjukkan Rasulullah pernah cium seorang istrinya lalu terus shalat dengan tidak berwudhu lagi. Ada hadits yang shahih, yaitu hadits riwayat Muslim tentang Aisyah memegang tapak kaki Rasulullah yang sedang shalat.
...telah berkata Aisyah, "pada suatu malam saya kehilangan Rasulullah saw dari tempat tidur, lalu saya meraba dia (di dalam gelap) maka terletaklah dua tangan saya di dua tapak kakinya tercecak, sedang ia di dalam sujud" (HR Muslim)
Kesimpulan : Bahwa menyentuh perempuan itu tidak membatalkan wudhu, walaupun perempuan itu yang halal dinikahnya (bukan muhrim).
2. Soal bersentuhan dengan wanita dalam bersalaman (dari buku "Fatwa-fatwa Kontemporer", DR Yusuf Qardhawi, jilid 2)
Pertama, berjabat tangan antara laki-laki dan perempuan itu hanya diperbolehkan apabila tidak disertai dengan syahwat serta aman dari fitnah. Apabila dikhawatirkan terjadi fitnah terhadap salah satunya, atau disertai syahwat dan taladzdzudz (berlezat-lezat) dari salah satunya (apalagi keduanya), maka keharamannya berjabat tangan tidak diragukan lagi.
Bahkan seandainya kedua syarat ini tidak terpenuhi, yaitu tiadanya syahwat dan aman dari fitnah, meskipun jabatan tangan itu antara seseorang dengan mahramnya seperti bibinya, saudara sepersusuan, anak tirinya, ibu tirinya, mertuanya, atau lainnya, maka berjabat tangan pada kondisi seperti itu adalah haram.
Bahkan berjabat-tangan dengan anak yang masih kecil pun haram hukumnya jika kedua syarat itu tidak terpenuhi.
Kedua, hendaklah berjabat tangan itu sebatas ada kebutuhan saja, seperti yang disebutkan dalam pertanyaan di atas, yaitu dengan kerabat atau semenda (besan) yang terjadi hubungan yang erat dan akrab di antara mereka; dan tidak baik hal ini diperluas kepada orang lain, demi membendung pintu kerusakan, menjauhi syubhat, mengambil sikap hati-hati dan meneladani Nabi saw bahwa tidak ada riwayat kuat yang menyebutkan bahwa beliau pernah berjabat tangan dengan wanita lain (bukan kerabat atau tidak mempunyai hubungan yang erat).
Dan yang lebih utama bagi seorang muslim atau muslimah yang komitmen pada agamanya ialah tidak memulai berjabat tangan dengan lain jenis. Tetapi, apabila diajak berjabat tangan barulah ia menjabat tangannya.
Saya (Qardhawy) tetapkankeputusan ini untuk dilaksanakan oleh orang yang memerlukannya tanpa merasa telah mengabaikan agamanya, dan bagi orang yang telah mengetahui tidak usah mengingkarinya selama masih ada kemungkinan untuk berijtihad. Wallahuaa?lam.
dirangkum dari sumber: http://kafemuslimah.com/article_detail.php?id=34
[10 rings | ring me a bell]
| Monday, November 29th, 2004
3:00 pm - Prolonged Holiday
After consulting with three doctors, it's been decided to postpone the surgery on my appendix, since now there's a possibility of misdiagnose!
Symptoms that support the theory of acute appendicitis: pain on lower right part of the stomach, that stays for a while, adn the "non-filling appendix" result of my x-ray photoes.
Symptoms that oppose: the missing of fever, which is a trade-mark of the illness, accompanied with the missing of severe pain and my ability to still raise my leg in a way that all other with appendicitis guaranteed can't perform.
Two of the last doctors that's familiar with the disease then explained to me that appendicitis can't be detected by x-ray photo, since it almost always hid behind the bowels. The last doctor which was going to handle my surgery suggested me to do a further diagnozing by performing an USG scan. But since the palpation test turned out negative, he didn't reccomend me to pursue the matter further and decided that I didn't need a surgery, at least not in the moment. Contradicting to the opinion I got from my family doctor, which describe my case as "carrying a time bomb" and suggested me to lift the acute appendix to avoid the possibility of future's problem, the last doctor (but is a well-reputed surgeon), thinks that my appendix is still fine and there's no need for a surgery. He's in favor of "don't do it, until it's necessary" idea, and I think it's very-very unwise to challenge him.
The second doctor told me this possibility too and stated that a kidney stone could produce the similar symptoms. And it is not uncommon that doctors misidentified appendicitis with illness of the something-denum of the bowel. He also stated the tendency of Jakarta's doctors to get a bit commercial toward their patients.
Later day, my mom took me to a close friend of our family and got me treated with alternative therapy. Mas Litong told me that what I got was rather not an appendix problem but a kidney problem. It is suspected that during that time a crystalized kidney stone was released to the canal and somewhere during it's trip it got stucked in an area close to the appendix thus made the doctor thought it was the problem with the appendix.
So, though my mom urges me to get another opinion by visiting another one of our surgeon relative, for now I don't have appendicitis,
[3 rings | ring me a bell]
| Monday, November 8th, 2004
11:19 am - Surgery
Well... well... well...
We had our "Open Together" at "Ya Udah" Bistro last Friday, with just tupaikecil, tupaibesar, and saxsilverain absent. I brought along my Appendix X-Ray photos, and show them the laboratorist's notes.
When it wrote "non-filling appendix", everyone was glad and saw it as a good news.
Imagine my surprise later upon visiting the doctor that same night, and she said "Tuh, kan, emang usus buntunya" ("There, you see, it is indeed your appendix"). She caught my unbelieving smile and then explained to me that "non filling appendix" meant that the BaSO4 I drank did not enters the appendix thus indicate a problem!
Wee Heee... so we were all wrong on the earlier diagnosis.
After checking out if I developed some fever or cramp, the doctor reccomended me to visit a surgeon specialist, as this illness would come and go almost unnoticed until one day it create major trouble.
Now I only informs my dear and my close friends. I did not inform my family as I could guess that their reaction would be more severe than fortheblossom's panics =D. So I think I skipped it for the time being, and find a better time later.
Luv u too dear, but please not to worry too much. =)
[9 rings | ring me a bell]
11:03 am - Twelve Islamic Kingdoms in Irian?
Upon the last Friday Sholat, the mosque made an announcement that after the session is over, there will be a representative of Irian Jaya's moslem that would inform us about the recent update of our brothers and sisters in that part of the world.
Of course, at the very beginning, he correctly guessed and addressed our biggest question... "There are moslem in Irian???". Well... yes they are, and the number is growing. They're alot of mualaf (reverts), and they're currently on humanizing program after years of misinformation about not taking bath with water, etc.
That's surprising... because we never heard of any moslem community there... But what's even more surprising is the fact that Islam entered Irian Jaya long-long time ago, in the 13th Century, while Catholics in the 19th, and Protestants follows... There were twelve Islamic kingdoms ruled in Irian, and some are still exist! The speaker itself is one of the decendants of one of the royal family, that's continually preserve and maintain the Islam presence in that Eastern part of Indonesia.
But why do we never know about these facts? Because upon Portuguese arrival and conquest, moslem tribes were wiped out systematically, so there's only small number left... only about two millions in all the area (if I wasn't mistaken).
Now.. Islamic kingdoms in Irian??? Well considering two of the most powerful Islamic Kingdom were located in Maluku (Ternate & Tidore), wouldn't it be strange indeed that the neighbouring land would also be exposed to the same kind of influence?
And it also turned out that the government decision to divide Irian into three provinces has given a chance for moslem leaders to took some key positions on the government seats.
The Irian Jaya moslem delegation are now visiting our Kosgoro Bldg's mosque, and waiting for our donations of clothes, soaps, and money, to be sent to our needing brothers and sisters there. Anyone interested?
[ring me a bell]
| Thursday, November 4th, 2004
12:30 pm - BaSO4 anyone?
Last Saturday I break fast at Carrefour with a nice cup of cold Coffemix (Coffe Cream). The next day I was allright but later I developed some pain on my abdomen. By Monday the pain increased and I recognized it as something familiar: upset stomach. I figure this was the result of the nice cup of coffe I had the other day.
By Tuesday the pain didn't dissipate so I got to took more serious medicine and it managed to soothed me a little. But by evening it got worsen and somehow it moved down to my appendix area. By then it had becoming a clinging pain. The night was even worse, and so I thought that instead of a maag, I got appendixitis.
So Wednesday morning I went to the doctor accompanied by fortheblossom, to receive a news that indeed there could be something wrong my appendix, and so I was given some medicine and painkiller, and an appointment for an x-ray the next day.
The radiology lab then gave me this odd substance that I have to drink ten hours before the photo session (yay!). It's a mixture of BaSO4 (Barium Sulphate), which I recon is used to "light up" the appendix area. Barium is an Alkali Earth Metal, on the same group with Mg (Magnesium), Ca (Calcium), and Sr (Strontium). Perhaps it's metallic property increases the effectivity of the X-ray photography.
So I drank the mixture at night, around 11 p.m., ten hours before the scheduled 9 a.m. photo. The laboratorist warned me of a possible awful taste. But upon drinking, turned out that it tasted... nothing... just a white liquid that's more tasteless than a flour solution, or even the lightest low fat milk... simply plain with some grains... So it was okay...
But what they didn't warn me is that the possible reaction of allergy. My skins develop itches, with some bumps on some parts, and my hand was even reddened. Now, I'm not pinpointing the mixture as the sole reason, but I don't have allergy upon the regular medicines they prescribed me, so it got to be that BaSO4 thing.
But oh well... still can stand it and it doesn't get worse, so I figure I will be back to normal in couple of days.... In the mean time, I'm waiting to discover wether I'll need an appendix removal or not... If it does, then it will be my first ever surgery.
[12 rings | ring me a bell]
| Monday, October 25th, 2004
12:26 pm - Layarkata
Yesterday Ade and I attended the Layarkata Network's gathering that discuss about Intellectual Property Rights for the writers.
There was Mr. Hendri from IIPS (Indomedrian Intelectual Property Society), and Aris Nugroho, the original director of Bajaj Bajuri. Now I didn't know why he was invited to talk about IPR, so my question to him was about how to look for good writing ideas =).
The talk was interesting, we learnt that Aris with his ANP (Aris Nugroho Production) is among one of those few (or the only one) that's able to come to a PH and give them a contract to study, not vice-versa. And he hold the IPR for his series, not the PH! And we're all should too! That means, whenever there's a rerun or re-port (to wide screen for example), or any other uses of the story we create, we're also entitled to a share of the profit made!. That's royalty! And just a very few of us understand about this important matter!
Today, due to the lack of knowledge of the writers, they hold no IPR right over their works, mostly because they don't know that it's theirs, not the clients. Nowadays PHs in Indonesia are harvesting great deal of profit by reruns, merchandise, etc., based on the creator's lack of his/her own rights.
Mr. Hendri also gave a really powerful insight about Indonesia's law that protect IPR. On one of the verses is the statement that "IPR born automatically upon completion of a work", no registration with any office needed! So that's mean, when I created a script or a webpage, the IPR are granted automatically to me, unless stated otherwise on a contract or some legal documents.
Aris also told us his vision for the creative community in Indonesia. He wished that soon, writers and directors will be regarded as high (or even higher) than the casts, as it already happens abroad. And therefore, he seeks legal counsels and helps from some lawyer firms in developing the general contract ANP always uses on every project.
On other issue, he said that his ANP writer group is different with the others, especially in rewarding his writers. I.e. he said, the writers are paid following the work that has been done, regardless of ANP's deal with the PH or the TV Station. (Big droll...)
That's a great luxury... in today's business where we would got paid weeks or even months after our completion of the work. The industry (especially the Indian driven PHs), still treat writers as writing-labour, instead of the inventor or creator of the work.
Our writing group, o.t.o.h., I believe are fighting over this issue ourselves. Even now we're still on not too strong position compared to the PHs or the TV Stations, Mr. Sjarif already had a plan to apply the royalty system on everything that we created, so that us the writers, would also have an automated passive income instead of the active writing fee that we made for completing the script. Perhaps because he's a foreigner so he has more awareness on this area?
One important message Aris also said about writing is an old cliche we tend to forget all the time...
"Don't write about things that you don't know" Only write when we have sufficient knowledge about the story, about the things happen on the story, so we will be able to create something that envoke the feeling of logical correctness in the audience.
As for Bajaj he said, it's very much extracted from the daily life he used to life in... During his hard times, when he opened up his room's window, there's Mpok Hindun, there's Mpok Minah, there's Emak.... it's all are real people he encountered during those early times... And that's why the early episodes of Bajaj Bajuri felt so "real"...
I also met Erno (Emon!) there, who was as surprised as I am in finding each-other there. And he turned out to have known Ade from some while ago. He said he'll teach Ade and I on what he know on writing... He also offered Ade to get involved in his recent project of creating a movie for children.... very interesting...
[7 rings | ring me a bell]
| Monday, October 18th, 2004
12:51 pm
Arrived early at the office, to found out that my computer was dead... I tried to revive it by borrowing the other graphic computer's power supply, but after a laborious process I found out that my computer is still dead. Then Riston suggest the possibility that my MoBo is dead also. Well I think it's reasonable since a failure power supply often damaged the MoBo altogether. So then I was preparing to migrate my HD and modem card to the other computer for the time being...
That's when I heard this sound of water flowing, right above our ceiling. I didn't know that there's a plumbing across our ceiling, and I've never heard such sound before. Not long after, the trouble begun... Water was dripping, and quickly, it started to pouring down heavily into the CPU, Monitor, and the power outlet. I quickly turned off the electricity and moved my things off the leaking area.
Wonderful... 3 hours of trying to revive my computer, and now the leak... Feels like going back to my bed to catch up on my sleeping...
[ring me a bell]
| Friday, October 15th, 2004
1:27 pm - First Day of Ramadhan
The first Sahur was accomplished succesfully, I was awoken early, and the catering came on time. I manage to drunk about a litre of water and eat a multivitamin. Then I tried to call mom and Ade's mom. After Subuh I watched the last two episodes of West Wing 2nd Season, and work on the FM project to apply the drop down menu and do some minor changes to the template. However, due to the intense staring at the monitor, I got dearly thirsty in the morning. And now I have this tingling headache that wont go away.... perhaps caused by the prolonged exposure to the electric fan.
And Mr. Sjarif asked for another help again, as the new writer can't seem to make it on time with the script writing. So it will be another episode of marathon writing for me, while unluckily my shoulders is still stiff... Perhaps tonite I should ask Ade to accompany me to a massage parlor, instead to a dinner =)
[1 ring | ring me a bell]
| Thursday, October 14th, 2004
4:11 pm - On Book Hunting
On my search for the right book for my current website project, this afternoon I went to Plaza Indonesia as Chika told me that Kinokuniya has expanding their store. I imagined that it would be as big as one at Plaza Senayan and have a good collection of books on the subject.
At first, I visited the Times Bookstore at the basement. Surprisingly, I found this new book, Branding Online by Keith Drew (02), at 200K. It was one of the candidate, which at QB was offered at 360K. On the other hand, Cutting Edge Web Design by David Carson, et all., which was published in 1998, was still offered at a ridiculous above 500K at Times Bookstore and Kinokuniya, while at QB it's offered significantly cheaper at 290K. But I couldn't find the Simple Web Sites by Stefan Mumaw (02) which I saw at QB PI at 450K, but with some damages on the cover's jacket.
However I found this Web Sites Index 4 (03) that contains lot lot lot more examples (1000 more screenshots), at Kinokuniya at 300K. And another misterious showcase-like book titled "Websites, 100% Loaded", at 200K.
So, thinking about the current situation, I should take advantage of QB's sale, ONLY IF the right book is available. Else I better look for one that's suitable to the project at hand, that's within the budget range, regardless it's discounted or not.
I was thinking to search Gunung Agung PIM if I have time, else the Web Design Index 4 is good enough; it answer my need, it's within the project's budget, and it contains up to last year's websites. It may not explain alot about the process running pre the creation, but then again, what I need more at this moment are examples.
On the other hand, there's also a book that I'd like to obtain at QB about food packaging's design. It's offered at about 450K (around 270K after discount), and it consisting good examples that would be useful for future projects on food packaging design, or food related projects (like the recent Dj's Steak's). The matter is, I only had enough free cash to buy one of them, else I have to use my saving.
Mmm... Any comments?
[3 rings | ring me a bell]
| Monday, October 11th, 2004
1:45 pm - A Field Guide to the Urban Hipster
Taking advance of the discounts at QB World Bookstores, beside the Graphic Design book I also bought a funny book I discovered accidentally at QB Sunda. It was written by Josh Aiello, and titled "A Field Guide to the Urban Hipster".
A quick glance over it's pages with illustration on the hipsters was enough to stop myself from having a second thought and just went to pick up the book.
However, what I thought was all humourous and entertaining, turned out to have unseen potential. Though the topic and the narrating style is superficial (i.e.: the hipsters are presented and diagnozed as they're each an unique different species), the content is not. It's not just someone's mumbling but a quite well study on human psychology. It contains alot of useful and important informations... Just that it's done casually and... hillariously...
A Field Guide to the Urban Hipster is surely worth a browse and place on your book shelves.
The price is 140K at QB, with 40% off it's reduced to 75K.
[ring me a bell]
| Thursday, October 7th, 2004
4:26 pm - Komentar atas wawancara dengan mas Samudra
Rasulullah SAW merupakan teladan utama buat perilaku Islam. Bagaimanakah perilakunya dalam menghadapi kaum kafir dan musyrik? Apakah penuh dengan adab dan kasih sayang (walaupun dalam ketegasan)? Ataukah menghalalkan segala cara dalam berjuang? Misalnya dengan menyebarkan teror dan ketakutan, membunuh penduduk suatu kaum tanpa pilih kasih, dan melakukannya dengan sembunyi-sembunyi?
mas Samudra (imamnya sopo?) cuma mencoreng muka Islam ditengah segala perjuangan simpatik yang Islam berusaha raih di dunia. Karena tindakannya tidak membawa kemenangan apapun buat ummat, malahan segala image buruk soal ummat Islam makin terkuatkan, bahwa Islam itu brutal, Islam itu tidak toleran, Islam itu keras, Islam itu terror!
Dan dengan asiknya, dia nggak usah menanggung beban perjuangan yang makin berat akibat "perjuangan"nya, karena sebentar lagi beliau akan dipanggil untuk menghadap sang Khalik. Sementara saudara-saudara muslimnya yang masih hidup harus menanggung segala resiko yang ditinggalkan. Masih untung Islam itu mayoritas di Indonesia, kalau tidak, tentu sudah disewenangi oleh pihak penguasa. Masih untung pemimpin negara kita bisa taktis, dan posisi politik regionalnya cukup kuat, kalau tidak, tentu nasibnya sudah seperti Irak.
Seringkali hati manusia masih bisa dimenangkan lewat jalan halus, dan hal ini sudah terbukti keberhasilannya dari masa ke masa, termasuk dalam jaman kepemimpinan Rasulullah SAW. Berapa banyak sahabat yang terdorong masuk Islam karena kemuliaan akhlak Rasulullah dan indahnya ajaran Islam? Dibandingkan dengan karena terpukau oleh kepandaian dan kekuatan perang pasukan Islam?
Jika Alloh SWT bermaksud memberi muka atau image yang lebih keras pada Islam, bukankah lebih cocok Umar bin Khatab, atau Khalid bin Walid yang Alloh angkat menjadi Nabi, bukan Muhammad SAW yang lembut dan santun?
Apabila Allah SWT bermaksud menyebarkan Islam melalui "pedang", bukankah lebih cocok kalau sebagian besar isi Al-Qur'an adalah mengenai aturan perang dan pembuatan senjata pemusnah?
Dan Alloh SWT Maha Sanggup untuk melakukan hal tersebut, kalau memang itu maksudnya (bener nggak?).
Lalu kalau yang dia maksud sebagai tokoh Islam yang ia tertawai itu adalah Aa Gym, seberapa jauh dia mengikuti sepak terjang Darut Tauhid? Apa dia tau kalau Aa Gym dulu bisa bikin orang panas dingin menahan kesal kalau ia sedang ceramah?
Kalau ia anggap Suhada itu sedemikian indahnya, ya memang betul. Tapi apa itu berarti jalan berjuang Islam di dunia itu hanya melalui perang sampai mati?
Bukannya saya sok tau, tapi saya lihat mas Samudra terlalu fokus sama satu sisi dari Islam (sisi keras) dan terbutakan dengan pemahamannya sendiri.
[3 rings | ring me a bell]
12:03 pm
And to top the completion of the scripts, Flash Mobile is back on track! Uuuu I felt so high!
[ring me a bell]
| Friday, October 1st, 2004
3:12 pm - PHP, MySQL, & Apache
Right now I'm in a middle of getting acquinted with these new creatures; PHP, MySQL, and Web Servers. The first two are harmonious couple, while the last is a choice of using Windows's IIS, or adopting the other harmonious friend of the couple; Apache.
And having your own computer helps alot. Mind the dry eyes, mind the tiredness, mind the heat, mind the stiff shoulders, or the ferocious mosquitos... programming can be addicting... In seeing that you'rea able to create, and more precisely create something you wish you could. And more elaborately, creating something that you want, and getting paid!... he he he
As for myself, I'm breaking my own limit by doing what I thought was something that's too hard to do.
Experiences come from extended exposures and problem-facing. No, no mastery yet, just begin to get to know my ways around...
[2 rings | ring me a bell]
| Tuesday, September 28th, 2004
1:23 pm - Kisah Tengsin di Sabtu Sore...
Dengan pede nya saya masuk ke halaman kantor tanpa ba-bu sama yang jaga. Yang jaga pun keliatan sempet curiga tapi karena saya pede maka dibiarin aja....
Sekilas memang suasana tampak lain, dan mobil yang diparkir pun tidak familiar. Di ruangan depan ada banyak orang sedang duduk bersila, dan mereka terlihat bingung dengan kedatangan saya. Untungnya sebelum mengetuk pintu, saya mikir dua kali dan akhirnya kembali keluar pagar untuk nanya sama mas-mas yang jaga di depan....
KB: Mas... ini kantor XXX kan? Mas-mas: Oh bukan pak, ini kantor YYY KB: Hah?... Trus kantor yang dulu pindah kemana ya? (pertanyaan redundant) Mas-mas: Nggak tau pak
Orang dari dalem ruangan lalu keluar dan menyambut saya. Dengan sopan dan tengsin saya cuma minta maap dan lalu permisi. Lalu saya kirim sms serapahan pada teman saya. Dan saya pun berjalan dengan gamang menyusuri pinggiran aspal, dengan tujuan untuk meredakan amarah lapar yang sudah mulai mempengaruhi urat pening... Mie ayam yang saya makan tadi pagi ternyata efeknya udah expired.... mungkin kelak ada mie ayam yang efeknya 18 jam macem Pepsodent?
Kebetulan beberapa waktu sebelumnya di acara Book Club nya Reader's Digest, Mr. Bond (Bondan Winarno, Jalansutra) cerita soal Tauto di pasar Tebet. Dan karena denger2 pasar PSPT sudah tinggal sepemakan sirih jauhnya dari lokasi insiden, maka saya pun mengarahkan tujuan kesana.
Setelah nyaris tergoda untuk mampir stand Siomay Bandung, dan berjalan beberapa menit, tempat yang dicari pun ketemu. Pura-pura awam, saya lalu nanya soal masakan disitu sambil berusaha ngasi kesan kebetulan lewat... Ga penting banget... Si bapa-bapa yang jual, tapinya, keliatan paham kl saya cuma jaim. Dia ini kebetulan cukup sadar kalau warungnya ini sudah dimuat di buku Jalansutra, dan sudah berkali-kali kedatangan tamu misterius yang datang sambil nyelidik-nyelidik buku dengan pandangan curiga....
Setelah tau harganya affordable, maka saya pun duduk manis sambil menyelidik bapak-bapak separuh baya yang meladeni, mempersiapkan semangkuk Tauto panas buat saya.
Sewaktu datang, si bapak dengan ramah bilang kalau Tauto ini makanan khas Pekalongan. Keliatannya dia ngga keberatan kalau diajak ngobrol... tapi sayanya yang lagi nggak mood buat nanya-nanya, mungkin terutama, karena dagangan dia ini sudah dimuat di Jalansutra jadi saya nggakan nemu informasi baru.... plus ntar ada kemungkinan dia bakalan nanya soal apa saya ni anggota Jalansutra ato nggak, yang mana ntar pasti bakalan saya timpali soal Epicurina, yang pasti dia ga tau dan malah jadi masalah... hmmhh.... worried too much
Tapi Tautonya enak... segarrr. Jadinya sore itu semangat nyala lagi dan perjalanan bisa dilanjutkan...
[3 rings | ring me a bell]
| Thursday, September 23rd, 2004
4:12 pm - Hadiah...
Waktu ke acara bedah buku "Jalansutra"nya Mr. Bond (Bondan Winarno), saya ama fortheblossom ketemu lagi ama Lia, plus mayang. Lia masih tampil dengan seragam yang sama dengan waktu kita ketemu di HFiHC bbrp waktu lalu. Mayang menyusul bbrp saat kemudian dan akhirnya kenalan ama Ade juga, so rencana kita buat ke Java Bleu di masa-masa mendatang bisa terwujud karena mereka dah ketemu dan kenal ama Ade.
Selagi bingung apa ada snack ato nggak, Lia mulai menyusur daftar menu... sementara saya mah karena bokek ya cuek bebek aja... Ade juga ngerti jadi ngga bertindak yang nggak-nggak... lagian dia sih jarang haus... minumnya ngirit...
Ade adem ayem aja duduk di sebelah sambil sesekali cemberut kalau asep rokok si mbak-mbak di sebelahnya mampir ke ruang angkasa Ade, sementara itu Lia ngasi liat kita tulisan dia terbaru yang dimuat di Reader's Digest Indonesia....
Ternyata datang dua menu kejutan berupa pizza dengan terung, dan pangsit goreng berwarna hitam, yang tadinya saya kira kerang ijo... Rasanya lumayan enak, dan kita pun dengan segera menyerbu habis dua hidangan ini dengan rakus....
Waktu akhirnya pak Bondan dateng, moderator lalu beraksi dan Mr. Bond pun bertutur panjang lebar mengenai latar belakang dia nulis buku tersebut, latar belakang munculnya kolom jalansutra, dan beragam hal terkait dengannya.
Satu hal yang amazing ialah kegemaran beliau menulis yang ternyata sudah dimulai sejak umur sepuluh tahun, sewaktu dia gemar menulis untuk majalah Si Kuncung. Setelah kemudian pindah ke Jakarta, Mr. Bond pun lalu menulis untuk Intisari. Masa itu koran Kompas belum terbit.
Sewaktu ditanya soal tips menulis, dia bilang bahwa untuk menulis, bahan tulisan harus lengkap dulu.... Dan mulailah menulis... Jika buntu, tinggalin dulu dan nanti kembali lagi menulis. Selebihnya ya pengalaman... Dia pun bilang kalau untuk menulis itu bakat cuma berperan 1%.... selebihnya ya usaha keras...
Di bagian ini saya terus nyikut-nyikut Ade, godain dia yang masih sering kalah dengan persepsi "ga punya bakat khusus". Thanks God dia denger sendiri itu keluar dari mulut seorang penulis kawakan, jadi ngga bisa dianggap bualan ku semata...
Selanjutnya waktu acara kuis... mbak2 di sebelah Ade yang ngga berenti ngerokok, dan ternyata adalah stewardess, berhasil menjawab pertanyaan kuis pertama dan memenangkan voucher berlangganan tiga bulan RD... Dalam kesempatan ini, sesuai bakat saya yang apes kalau soal undi-mengundi, saya ga berharap banyak.
Tapi ternyata Tuhan berpendapat laen... Malem itu panitia lalu minta Mr. Bond untuk memberikan pertanyaan lain... yang tentunya berkaitan dengan makan-makan.... my expertise....
Setelah bbrp pertanyaan standar bisa dijawab dengan mudah oleh banyak peserta, Mr. Bond akhirnya menanyakan bbrp pertanyaan yang rada sulit.... Jadi waktu beliau bertanya kepada forum, Bahasa Inggrisnya "Kapulaga" apa.... tidak ada yang ngacung kecuali saya.... he he he....
Kebetulan soal ini cukup menghantui pikiran saya dalam bbrp waktu silam, jadinya inget banget kalau bahasa inggrisnya itu... "Cardamom".... Dan benar!! Sebenarnya sedikit salah karena saya jawabnya "Cardamon", tapi di biarkan sama panitia. Jadi deh dapet Tupperware plus kaos dari RD! He he....
Untuk pertanyaan lain yang lebih sulit, pak Bondan nanya nama Jepangnya dari Sushi dengan ikan Salmon... yang tentu juga ga sulit buat saya jawab karena saya maniak sushi.... Jadi begitu ga ada yang jawab bener, kembali giliran saya jawab "Sake Sushi", dan di amini oleh Mr.Bond. Namun karena sudah dapet hadiah maka jawaban benar saya di diskualifikasi... He he he...
Waktu giliran pertanyaan ketiga soal arti dari "jalansutra", semua pada bisik2 tapi ga berani bersuara... sementara itu Lia dengan tangkas mengkonfirmasi pengertian dia soal hal ini, dan saya pun ngangguk. Waktu Lia akhirnya ngacung, dan ngasi tau jawabannya, sebenernya rada gak pas ama arti sebenernya tapi menurut Mr. Bond it's okay jadi di amini juga.
Ada perbedaan antara "ilmu" (science), dengan "pengetahuan" (knowledge). "Sutra" itu artinya pengetahuan (knowledge).
Setelah semua happy... tiba giliran penarikan door prize... dan tau siapa yang dapet? Ade !!! He he he... jadi kompaklah kita bertiga di sudut itu menang hadiah... Rencananya foto2 kegiatan bakalan dimuat di RD edisi bulan Oktober, we'll see...
Tupperwarenya bagus... termos minum ukuran sedeng warna ijo gelap... tadinya mau aku bagi dua ama Ade tapi ternyata cuma atu... dan Ade pikir lebih baik buat aku karena aku doyan minum...
Itu tuh malem pertama, setelah sekian lamanya gak pernah dapet hadiah apa-apa dari event undian.... Kira-kira ini berarti peruntungan hadiah ku berubah, atau berarti aku ga bakalan dapet hadiah lagi dalam waktu yang lama? He he he...
[ring me a bell]
2:49 pm - Extra Baggage
It's an amazing thing to see some people tend to cary around their extra baggage instead of just thrown them away.
Can u imagine a man who always travels with all his belonging everywhere he go?
[ring me a bell]
| Friday, September 17th, 2004
1:18 pm - Lieuuurrr ?!
Tadi ada hal aneh lagi di khotbah Jum'at nya... Di bagian akhir pengkhotbah menceritakan mengenai Musa AS yang meminta kepada Allah SWT untuk ditunjukkan bagaimana caranya Allah SWT menghidupkan kembali mahluk yang telah mati.
Singkat cerita, Allah memerintahkan Musa untuk mengumpulkan empat burung untuk dicincang. Keempat burung ini menurut Jalaludin Rumi (lho koq jadi Jalaludin Rumi??) adalah burung merak; yang menggambarkan keangkuhan manusia, burung gagak; yang menggambarkan sifat pemangsa, bebek; yang menggambarkan keserakahan manusia, dan ayam jantan; yang menggambarkan nafsu seks. Keempat sifat itu harus diberantas.
Yang jadi masalah... kan tadi lagi ngomongin soal gimana Allah SWT mau menghidupkan mahluk yang sudah mati bukan??? Kenapa jadi lari ke interpretasi Jalaludin Rumi soal sifat buruk yang harus dibunuh???
Apa orang ngga bakalan malah jadi rancu dan jadi nganggap bahwa sifat2 tersebut (burung) akan dicincang dan dimatikan, tapi akan diselamatkan dan dikembalikan oleh Allah SWT? Pan lieuuurrrrr !?!? (posisi berbicara seperti wayang cepot nya Asep dari Giriharja, dengan dagu dikedepankan dan digoyang2 kiri kanan)
[1 ring | ring me a bell]
| Thursday, September 16th, 2004
3:19 pm - Islamo-fascist terrorism
A distant online friend of mine posted in his journal about Islamo-fascist terrorism. Some issues I feel the need to be addressed are these issues:
He would not say that all Muslims are terrorist, but all the terrorist are Muslims.
He also aksing why the peace loving Muslims never decrying the atrocities being committed in the name of the "religion of peace", how come the world's Muslim community is not coming out against the beheading, bomings, butcherings, and sheer inhuman brutality being committed against innocent people in the name of Islam. (also refering to Nick Berg beheading)
And why would a group of people sit silently by while the perception of their faith becomes tarnished with the blood of children? (refering to Beslan tragedy)
According to that, my initial reation surely was furious...
How come anyone even could come up with such conclusion?
But come to think of it, there's no need in bashing others just to make them felt frightened, or just to lash out anger. So the correct way would be to correct his way of thinking. How? By presenting facts and references.
About "All terrorist are Muslims"
I quickly searches the web for reference on "Christian Terrorism", to see how people reacted to that word alone. On this site I found a response that commenting on a story on Washington Post on Eric Rudolph.
In conclusion it wrote that (quoted):
"The comparison breaks down because supremacist groups who use the Bible to justify their violence and beliefs fail to follow Christ. They misinterpret and twist Scripture to fit their preconceived ideas. Supremacists may be categorized as extreme rightists, but they can't be called Christians because they don't follow the teachings of Jesus Christ."
It smartly tries to cut any link between their religion and the terrorism act, by saying that the person did not follow the true teaching of Jesus Christ. When such mishappens occurs, they just denied that they carry the flag of their religion.
But well they true... they did not carry the flag of their religion... It's just some hard-liners who thinks they're practising their religion right.
But on the other hand, how come they think that every terrorism done by moslems are carrying the flag of their religion? Have they all studied Islam before making accusation about terrorism is endorsed by Islam's true teaching?
I did not support terrorism (cliche), but I can see that there's more to an act of terrorism than just expressing one religion's belief.
About the decrying the atrocities being committed in the name of the 'religion of peace', and the later
Yes the moslem did... the moderate moslems which made up the most of the moslem population, condemns the act of atrocities. Follow this link from CNN.
But if you hope that moslems will speak out under one representative's voice like "Islamic Pope", forget it... we don't have such organization.
(And If you hope that our God speaks, that's a different forum to open)
The Nick Berg execution itself, some believes that it was just an intended, exclusively, to defray attention from the scandalous sexual abuses of Iraqi POW's that took place at the Abu Ghraib prison outside Baghdad. Evidence in fact shows that the Berg decapitation was filmed inside the walls of the notorious Abu Ghraib prison.
(quoted from http://www.aztlan.net/berg_abu_ghraib_video.htm)
This article even questioning about US government involvement in the story, as Berg was held in custody by American soldiers, not by Al Qaeda.
Btw, did that Abu Ghraib prison incident having any western attention?
And speaking about voices, perhaps some Moslems did not see why they need to raise a voice on that issue, since their voice will seldom be heard or matters...
After all the westerners had failed to listen to Islam voices many years ago...
They failed to listen the Palestinian cries, Bosnia, Kosovo, Chechnya, Afghanistan, and recently on Iraq invasion.
And speaking about decrying, and also brought up the issue about "more to an act of terrorism than just expressing one religion's belief", can't you see why all these terrors awaken?
Have your mighty US government ever just once coming out against what the Israelis have done? (Palestinian massacre happens daily, FYI).
Indeed, it was western support that kept Saddam (and so many other brutal dictators) in power for so long but those now crying crocodile tears for the people of Iraq don't like any discussion of that fact and pretend they know better what is best for the people of Iraq. As if to add insult to injury, the west finds no case for liberation of, or even sending in of peace keepers for, the several million Palestinians who suffer under the bloody Israeli military junta that occupies their land with an iron fist. Even when Israeli terrorists attacks western citizens (USS Liberty, King David Hotel bombing, Rachael Corrie-peace activist, UN envoys etc.) no call for a global war on Jewish terror emanates from the west.
(taken from http://www.islamaphobia.org/)
I believe that nowadays it is wise, to treat news as something that are not always pure... either in telling the truth, or by their nature. We have to suspect the possibility that some of them are driven by certain agenda.
Thanks God for internet, we can search for ourselves and decide what's the truth, and not to always eat on what the media serves us.
[3 rings | ring me a bell]