LiveJournal for joyce.

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Tuesday, January 20th, 2004

Time:9:13 am.
grr, i hate outlook express. my main email is at att. net but then no new messages show up for days. then, i look under microsoft outlook express and i have my emails there. i hate this bc it doesnt ask for a password or anything and i share this computer with my boy, but i still like my privacy. does anyone know how to fix this?
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Wednesday, January 14th, 2004

Time:11:00 pm.
so actually, i got internet this morning.
how exciting, its been since before summer, i think.
i'm eating a heath bar bc its that time of month and its been a long day at work.
i almost miss filling out surveys that circulate LJ.
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Wednesday, January 7th, 2004

Time:8:39 pm.
ahhh! its been forever since ive had a computer and actually i still don't. im at marcy's. i finally have an email:

im so bored now that school is over until the 23rd or so. ugh. new things:
i got a camera phone!
my kitty is so fat now, he eats too much.
xmas was generous
i miss talking to everyone.
marcy and i are watching the simple life, hells yeah.
ok, bye.
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Friday, April 4th, 2003

Time:6:45 am.
Pretty in Pink
Which 80s High School Movie Are You? ...aka the Molly Ringwald appreciation quiz...

brought to you by Quizilla
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Monday, January 20th, 2003

Subject:totally and to the max
Time:12:57 pm.

what decade does your personality live in?

quiz brought to you by lady interference, ltd

What Color Eyes Should You Have?

brought to you by Quizilla
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Saturday, November 16th, 2002

Time:7:57 pm.
someone get me a subscription to Bust Magazine.
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Friday, October 18th, 2002

Subject:aww, as much as i say i am so sick of DC....
Time:6:47 am.

Congratulations, you're Washington, DC., the capitol of the United States.
What US city are you? Take the quiz by Girlwithagun.
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Monday, August 5th, 2002

Time:9:09 am.
i did a cleanup of my friends list, not meant to offend.
reminder: this is a friends only journal.
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Thursday, July 25th, 2002

Time:6:37 pm.
Please tell 10 friends to tell 10 today! (or post it in other friendly community journals or your own journal!)
The Breast Cancer site is having trouble getting enough people to click on it daily to meet their quota of donating at least one free mammogram a day to an underprivileged woman. It takes less than a minute to go to their site and click on "Fund Free Mammograms" for free (pink window in the middle). (There is nothing to sign up for and no cost to you.) The corporate sponsors/advertisers use the number of daily visits to donate a mammogram in exchange for advertising.
Here's the website - Pass it along to all your friends!!

AGAIN, PLEASE TELL 10 FRIENDS TO TELL 10 (or post in your own/community journals!)
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Wednesday, July 17th, 2002

Time:10:11 am.
yeah, my schedule for this fall is something i am not happy with. i had to drop my governent honors class to take photo, and i had to change my science course to take music theory.

1-photo with brew <3
2-music theory with henderson (who's that?)
3-english with eliason (new teacher?)
4-LUNCH, fuckers, i had 4th period lunch last year.
5-US Govt with Toole
6-environmental science with SISTER JANICE
7-study hall (in the cafeteria)
8-catholic thought with Plunkert. i fell asleep in his 2nd period class last year, but now i have him 8th and i'm definitly going to be sleeping all period.
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Thursday, July 11th, 2002

Time:12:06 pm.
!! This dude emailed me and said he interviewed me at the DC Zine Fair in December and it's gonna be on public access next month. I totally dont even wanna remember what i said.
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Subject:haha so true.
Time:9:39 am.

Becky Slater

Take the Which Wonder Years Character are you? quiz by Ben.
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Thursday, July 4th, 2002

Time:10:26 pm.

LAST year's JULY 4th. it was about drinking fortys, alleyways, pissing in driveways, coffeeshops, and thunderstorms.

i thought you might enjoy this, sarah and ashley <3. these are a few pictures that i saved from that night.

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Thursday, June 27th, 2002

Time:1:48 pm.
i found this picture of ashley and kat from last year after a riot grrrl dc meeting and it made me smile.

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Monday, June 24th, 2002

Time:8:57 pm.
Dorothy Zbornak
Which Golden Girl Are You?

hells yeah.

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Friday, June 21st, 2002

Time:10:34 am.
before i get ready for work...

Have You Tried...
Cigarettes: yes
Alcohol: yes
Caffeine: yes
Marijuana: yes
Hashish: no
Inhalants: yes
Methamphetamines: yes
Other Amphetamines: yes
Ketamine: no
LSD: no
Shrooms: no
Ecstasy: yes
Opium: yes
Heroin: no
Mescaline: no
DXM: yes
Ephedrine: yes
Morphine: yes
Valium: yes
Xanax: no
Vicodin: no
Percocet: yes
Oxycontin: yes
Ritalin: no
Adderall: yes
Coke: yes
Crack: maybe
PCP: yes
Codeine: yes

i have pretty much quit all drugs now. i got done with a lot of this stuff before i was 15. thank god because id be a mess. i just drink now.
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Tuesday, June 18th, 2002

Time:9:13 am.
! quick, i need to find my birth certificate and passport so i can get paid...

hey, the Christo exhibit at the National Gallery is looking pretty neat. The Matisse CutOuts one kinda let me down, but whatever. Has anyone been to either one yet?
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Saturday, June 15th, 2002

Time:7:43 pm.

What prep label are you?

i love how that doesnt remind anybody of me. and that i have more style than aeropostale ever will haha.
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Time:8:53 am.
i want someone to play MASH with.

i would like to go to the show/potluck at the disarm house tonight, but i think i need to stay home and paint.
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Thursday, June 13th, 2002

Time:8:05 pm.
sorry you have to hear this boys,
but will the gyno attend you while you're menstruating?
Comments: Read 3 or Add Your Own.

LiveJournal for joyce.

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