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2004.05.28 06.42 Well, I'll update since no one else on my friend's list has. Kev got a Open Container ticket so wah wah for him. I just got off work and I have a headache. BUT #'s tonight with the ladies. Me = very excited. I need more $$$. I'm thinking about getting another job for the days that I am not working, or do night stocking somewhere. Kevin and I are talking on AIM, that feels wierd. Okay, well I'm going to lay down and rest to prep for the scumberlicious good time. My parents are going to the movies tonight and invited me, the one night I have other plans...then again they are going to see... I have to go, I smell the sweet sweet scent of asparagus. |
(2 fuck overs | fuck me) |
2004.05.27 13.09 Everytime I think I'm getting more intelligent... I realise how big of an idiot I am. |
(3 fuck overs | fuck me) |
2004.05.27 12.06 So today wasn't too bad, I still feel stupid but I'm better. On my break I bought the ginger peach votives I wanted from Pier 1 and before I left work I got the Micro Dolphin Waterproof massager, so needless to say I had a really great bath after work. My check is still pending so I hope that shit goes through soon so it won't look like I am overdrafting. Jess is coming in town this weekend and will be here Saturday night so I am really excited about that, I don't know what we're going to go out and do, but it will be really nice to see her. Saw Kalsshea last night and got my hair cut, it's a little shorter than I wanted but I still like it a lot. I have to remember to call her so we can go out to lunch and call Tamara tooooo. Kev's playing a show tonight and I need to call the Kylemonster. Thats all for now, g'nite. OOOH and scumbers tomorrow with the ladies! AND ALANA WILL BE THERE TOO! *grin* |
(fuck me) |
2004.05.22 11.44 Today was a bad day. I'm still just out of it. I just want to be with all of my friends. But no one is here and everyone is leaving soon enough. I miss being with my friends and things being how they used to be. And I'm tired of my dad snapping at me and then wanting to talk. I'm crying and going to bed. |
(2 fuck overs | fuck me) |
2004.05.16 08.48 Sometimes I just want to slap myself and scream out loud. My contacts are fuzzy. |
(2 fuck overs | fuck me) |
2004.05.10 23.28 About to go to Buffalo exchange and Leopard Lounge and get rid of some of my shit. Girl gotta get bikini money some how. Then I'm going to meet up with John Ho for lunch, he leaves for Vietnam Friday. Mrah I am tired. 1o6.9 ROCKS in the AM. Okay I'm going to finish getting ready so I can get on the road. |
(fuck me) |
2004.05.10 00.21 Boo Boo bee doop. So I woke up at 8:30 this morning, watched 90210 and the history of IKEA. I love Ikea. Wait, IKEA- it only looks right in all caps. I really need to unpack today, and pack to go to Dallas this weekend for Kevin's dad's wedding. I think I'm going to wear my polka dot graduation dress. Kevin said that when he picks me up from the airport Thur. we're going to go lay on a sheet in a field by lake Dallas. Mushy mushy... Saw AssPass yesterday and that was really nice, I had a good time seeing her and realised how much even more I am going to miss her this summer when she is staying in Austin. Oh A-town... And Stepho won't be here either! Nor Chellabella! *Le sigh* Well, I think I'm going to take my afternoon nap and then clean. And look online for some Japanese sushi Restaurant dishes for the apartment. Woo hoo. |
(4 fuck overs | fuck me) |
2004.05.06 11.46 Thanks to sweet sweet sessy Chelle, I now work at Lingere etc.. Those crazy old sex shop ladies... So I am very excited and start on the 20th. Woot Woot. So HA HA to all the jobless hippies now! If anyone needs discounts on lube, I'll hook it up. Prom tommorow, beach&alana; saturday, Woot Woot! I have to leave my sunles tanner on for another hour. GR. Ah, and I welcome Kyle moleydeyus to LJ. Check it out guysANDgirls! |
(8 fuck overs | fuck me) |
2004.05.02 19.03 Sweet sweet relief! I have been one busy damn bee today. I've been in the computer lab for a few hours since I sent my comp. home with my parents yesterday. I typed up and completed my World Lit review for the test tommorow, and went to Schlotskzy's with Heena to review it and make sure I had everything; typed up and completed my final for Presentation Class that I turn in Tues. afternoon, and took my online design final. I AM GOOD TO GO. Now I just have to study world literature and behavior analysis for my finals tommorow, and then prep for my history final on Wednesday because after that I COME HOME! I totally got high on learning today. And got $40 for 2 shit-tastic books! |
(fuck me) |
2004.04.29 18.56 Sittin' nekked at the computer, finally got to take a shower. I think my mom/parents are coming up tommorow to get a bunch of my stuff cuz I wont be able to fit much in my car. Then I will be home Wednesday night. Goodbye patchwork hell! It's going to be weird going home, especially w/o Steph and if Alana gets a job in Austin and doesn't come home. Hm. Speaking of jobs, I need to call Supercuts. My hair will be white after prom with black parts, I'm excited. And since Kev got someone to take over his lease he will be able to come to Houston and visit for longer than 2 days! Fun fun fun. Okay I need to get dressed now and go to my World Literature study session. Ta ta... |
(fuck me) |
2004.04.22 20.30 I am SO going to see Sonic Youth at Lollapalooza this year. Rock it. Beep beep. |
(2 fuck overs | fuck me) |
2004.04.21 11.03 Everyone should check out my new background. Notice how it relates to Scorpios, and I am a scorpio. Also, has a lot of new great pieces. 2 weeks from today I will be done with finals. Thank you God. I have to focus on class now. I got great loving last nite. |
(3 fuck overs | fuck me) |
2004.04.20 21.50 Sleepless in Denton. So, Kevin and I have serious sleeping issues. He sleepwalks, tries to get out windows, falls asleep in his roommate Christian's car, and jumps in bed with Daniel. I talk in my sleep. Last night I told him 'not to leave his swimtrunks on the floor' and he said what so i replied 'you'll get the floor wet' so he said i love you and i said it back in my sleep apparently. And we both grind our teeth. I move back home 2 weeks from tommorow! |
(fuck me) |
2004.04.16 16.39 I think Im going to go eat. Ive been working out a lot lately. So my calves and Boo-tay are sore. I'm ready to finish everything up here. I found out that I have a D in World Lit and I need to get a 85+ on the final to have a C in the class. So Im going to try and get an A on it b/c my parents will whoop my ass. A C wont be that bad to tell them about but a D is a killer. I am still very very tired. I've slept wayyy too much today. Me and Kev haven't been hanging out as much as usual lately, and I'm happy with that. I think it was going to start getting to the getting annoyed with eachother point and if we haven't had a fight yet I don't want one now. But, I still love him just as much! MRah. Gotta go eat. Well. Maybe not. |
(1 fuck over | fuck me) |
2004.04.12 01.36 Mrrh Pfft. I'm just kind of out of it right now. Me and Kev went out and had pizza earlier and I had to work on my project when we got home (my straw corset). i had it taped together and planned on sewing it but the sewing machine couldn't get thru it and broke the needle. SO. Once again my unpreparedness prevails and I have to wake up early tommorow and get tape so I can hold it together that way, but that lessens the quality of my project. Oh well. Now I feel shitty and am ready for bed and wish I was at home. And I have a headache. Isn't PMS grand. End of bitching rant. Mood: Pooped. Music: Someone playing Magic the Gathering... |
(fuck me) |
2004.04.09 13.21 Squirrels & Bluebonnets = 2 things at UNT that don't suck. So I'm not coming home this weekend. I'm going to Palestine to be with Kev's mom & family instead. I am way to broke to go home and spend money I don't have. So that should be nice. Next time I'll be home is the weekend of prom through mid August! Is anyone else taking summer school? Errand time, buh bye. |
(3 fuck overs | fuck me) |
2004.04.05 22.33 So today I left the slick community. I'm not huge into thrift shopping or those styles so I decided to head out on that. Me and Kev are about to go get pizza. And right now I'm watching Family Guy. Alright these updates are getting to lame. Something meaningful soon, I promise. |
(fuck me) |
2004.04.03 17.21 I want to take you to a gay bar... Last night was lots o fun. Me, Jess, and Kyle went to the gay bar The Village Station. It was great, I never pictured Kyle dancing but that boy can dance! SO I had a really great time and exposed Jess to the gay land. Speaking of, I need to get dressed and meet up with her to look at some stuff. Alright thats all my blab for tonite. I think Im going to the Church tommorow. The club not the religious region. Mood: TIRED Music: Hey Mickey... |
(2 fuck overs | fuck me) |
2004.04.01 16.22 Sniffles. Today I've been kind of down. Design was good, the outfit I'm making seems really cool. I have to sew it though so hopefully I'll get around to it before it reaches the point called procrastination. I'm going to hang out with Jess later, shes so sweet. I'm hungry like a bunny. When I lived in Kuwait they had a burger place called hungry bunny and they were horrible. Well, good food BAD service. One time I ordered a cheeseburger, first time they forgot the cheese, 2nd time the burger. Well that was a nice story. I'm going to pour my vinegar now. |
(5 fuck overs | fuck me) |
2004.03.29 11.06 My only comment for the day: Tests can suck it. HARD! I gotta check on my grade bc it feels like their dropping and that freaks me out. Snoop Dogg is on a pic on our powerpoint for the 'punishment' topic in my Behavioral Analysis class. Rock on. |
(2 fuck overs | fuck me) |
2004.03.26 14.23 Dammit my bread is stale. DAMN YOU bread. It smelled so good... Grrr. I am watching my soaps, so I've gotta go. |
(2 fuck overs | fuck me) |
2004.03.10 19.58 Everyone should check out the Christian Dior site, its probably the coolest thing I've ever seen. I have homo-work to do but I don't feel like it. Meh. READY TO GO HOME FRIDAY! |
(fuck me) |
2004.03.10 16.55 Asparagus. I am so ready to go home. I am going to eat A LOT. Me and Alana are prolly gonna do my suicide girls pics too so that should be fun. Anyways, Im going to try and swallow down some cafeteria food. |
(2 fuck overs | fuck me) |
2004.03.07 20.48 MRAHHHH. I am so tired of staring at a computer screen. That and working with prisma-markers. I'm growing delerious. But on a good note, I burned Beastie Boys Anthology-Sounds of Science off of David and I love it. Also, I burned the 2 Beck CDs that I didn't have- Midnite Vultures and Mellow Gold. Muy Bueno. David took me out to dinner bc the cafeteria that is open tonite caught on fire and his mom said to go out to eat and to take me out so that rocks. THank you Tammy Conson! We went to Johnny Carinos and it was pretty good. Thats all for now, just needed a hmwk timeout. |
(fuck me) |
2004.03.07 14.58 Suckin' on mah tatties... Peaches Austin- Emo's April 23rd WHO'S DOWN!? |
(4 fuck overs | fuck me) |