LiveJournal for circus girl without a safety net.

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Thursday, January 8th, 2004

Subject:lj's galore
Time:3:14 pm.
So Dave joined the cult and is now [info]daverhoe.

And I made a LJ community for kick-butt hall: [info]kickbutthall.

AND I made a Walkabout community: [info]walk_about.

whew. i'm exhausted.
Comments: keep me warm.

Saturday, December 20th, 2003

Time:9:01 pm.
i wasn't ready for you to leave when you did and i'm not ready for you to come back.
Comments: 1 fuzzy blanket - keep me warm.

Tuesday, December 9th, 2003

Time:2:07 pm.
Mood:so fresh and so clean, clean...
PastelleWolf: i love the way you write showerrrr

Auto response from circus of citrus: showerrrrrr!

PastelleWolf: it's like a kitty
Comments: keep me warm.

Monday, December 8th, 2003

Subject:light show
Time:6:48 pm.
Music:garbage - "sex never goes out of fashion".
Look what my digicam can do with these lights....

looklooklook, it's pretty )
Comments: 2 fuzzy blankets - keep me warm.

Time:3:12 am.
woowa. five people did the survey i did. because of meee. makes me happy.
Comments: 2 fuzzy blankets - keep me warm.

Sunday, December 7th, 2003

Subject:heehee.. pictures
Time:8:41 pm.
Mood: bouncy.
kick-butt picture of the day (from the par-tee) )
Comments: 2 fuzzy blankets - keep me warm.

Subject:you tell em merlin
Time:6:06 pm.
I love my MS Word help guy.

merlin is fashioncore
Comments: 2 fuzzy blankets - keep me warm.

Time:5:52 pm.
Mood: crazy.
survey whore )
Comments: 2 fuzzy blankets - keep me warm.

Saturday, December 6th, 2003

Time:11:07 pm.
and it's undeniable at this point.
i am maad impulsive.

i am becoming more and more aware of it every day.
Comments: keep me warm.

Subject:kbh xmas
Time:10:30 pm.
Mood: bouncy.
coming to you LIVE from kick-butt xmas party...

haha. wheeee. fun.
i'm in the basement comp lab in esopus, everyone's in the kitchen a few doors down.
this party rawks. it literally is the polar opposite of lame.
adam's been dj'ing with his iPod and wyatt's been keeping a lid on everyone and big bear's been videotaping it and all of kbh has been running around and dealing with food and dancing and socializing.
and lex played guitar... he's actually in the middle of his second set right now. people love him. his first gig in kbh and we love him.
and alixx and aimee came!!! awesome.
and i danced with people and people danced with each other and the smokers took frequent endless cigarette breaks and it's still going onnnnn and wheee!
this night is offsetting an attack, i think. which is a good thing.

edit: okay alixx and aimee are mad drunk.
we just had adventures through the first floor of esopus. teehee. i love those girls.

we're breaking out the champagne really soon. a kbh toast.

this was a good night.
Comments: keep me warm.

Time:6:18 pm.
for those of us who hate winter and want to kick the asses of those of us who love winter
Comments: 3 fuzzy blankets - keep me warm.

Subject:snow + dreamcatcher + pantsing + alon
Time:2:47 am.
Mood:just ducky.

at 8 it finally started snowing here. and it's -still- snowing now. hurray!
before long wyatt and i were courting danger by walking across the gunk.
when we got tired of that, we went inside, and kat and i made strings of kix with a needle and thread (decorations for kick-butt xmas).
and we watched dreamcatcher, which is a scary and insane movie.
when we took a break halfway through, i went to go pee, and dave leaped out from behind a partition and scared me so much that i screamed.
people came out of their rooms into the hallway because the scream was of such great magnitude.
"all i heard was this bloodcurdling scream, what happened?"
i felt like a doof.

two things happened yesterday.
first, i pantsed adam. not on purpose exactly; i presumed that either a.) the pants would not go down, or b.) he would be wearing underwear.
nope, and nope.
heather and brian were there; the four of us doubled over laughing. it was hysterical.

second, alon came up for a visit.
he and i and dave and big bear went for pizza, and alon's awful driving scared everyone shitless, and later that night we got a chance to talk, and yeah.

today i saw rob in shoprite, which was random.
all of kick-butt hall's supplies totaled $90-something.
we got sooooo much food!! aaaah i can't wait for tomorrow.

and yay snow!
Comments: 1 fuzzy blanket - keep me warm.

Friday, December 5th, 2003

Time:7:28 pm.
why is it not snowing yet...
Comments: 9 fuzzy blankets - keep me warm.

Subject:snow coming + kbh christmas
Time:2:05 pm.
Mood: creative.
I tell you, I can smell the snow coming.
It's exciting. Snow is the only redeeming part of winter. It's pretty and soft and white and yayyyy.
Big Bear and tall Brian and Wyatt and Michelle and Adam and Dave and I are going into town today, to get supplies for our Christmas party (which is tomorrow nite at 9pm in the Esopus kitchen :) ) and I think I'm going to stock up on warm foods like Easy Mac and oatmeal and such.
And lots of Swiss Miss packets for the hot pot.

Kick-Butt Christmas is going to rock.

And the snow will be just icing on the cake.
Comments: 3 fuzzy blankets - keep me warm.

Time:1:13 pm.
i ♥ my friends.
Comments: 2 fuzzy blankets - keep me warm.

Thursday, December 4th, 2003

Subject:high againnnn
Time:9:31 pm.
Mood: chipper.
My god, Nelly Furtado sounds almost as fantastic when you're high as when you're not.

(i am the former, in case anyone missed that)
Comments: 1 fuzzy blanket - keep me warm.

Subject:flb quiz... i'm addicted
Time:4:31 pm.
witch baby
Witch baby

Which Francesca Lia Block girl are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
Comments: keep me warm.

Subject:wheeee i love it
Time:4:07 pm.

Comments: keep me warm.

Time:1:59 am.
Maya Angelou spoke tonight, in the gym.
I swear, it was packed to bursting point.
That woman is quite something. I understand now what the fuss is about.

Dave's high right now, in Esopus. Probably watching cartoons with Kat and tall Brian.
Here in my room, nothing's happening. Kara's on Long Island for a few more hours.

I have the ice cube scene from 9 1/2 Weeks running through my head...
Comments: 6 fuzzy blankets - keep me warm.

Time:12:12 am.
Begin transmission!
This is Dave, Captain of the Something Something Something Something Nick.
It has been one month since my last transmission, and I can only hope that there is someone there to hear this message.
We have met a new species of bottlecap aliens. And only this species is non-hostile.
They have given us medicine, foodstuffs, and energy to continue our travels.
We don't know why, but for some reason, we're more than seventy years from earth. we now begin our journey in request that from henceforth we be known as the USS VOYAGER.
Ripoff? No.

Am I crazy??? Maybe a little. But this whole damn war makes us all a little crazy.
What I do know is this: I will get this ship home, whether or not home is still there.
God bless all peoples. Goodbye, perhaps for the last time.
End transmission.

[ dictated to catie by dave ]

[ dave is high ]
Comments: keep me warm.

Wednesday, December 3rd, 2003

Time:12:30 pm.
You're the FVBD!
You are fun, freewheeling and fast-paced. You don't
only spot the latest trends; you set them. A
free spirit, you're not afraid to wander out to
Coney Island with your friends for a bit of
surrealistic fun.

Which New York City subway line are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
Comments: keep me warm.

Tuesday, December 2nd, 2003

Time:8:27 pm.
Mood: curious.
anyone have any suggestions for a good striptease song?
Comments: 12 fuzzy blankets - keep me warm.

Time:5:28 pm.
Music:nelly furtado - "powerless (say what you want)".
Aside from the craziness, yesterday and today were good.
Went to Eckerd last night with Wyatt and Kat and tall Brian and Dave.
Jars of Clay was playing on the radio in Eckerd. Wyatt and I both noticed it. It was special.
Brian pushed me around the parking lot in a shopping cart, and nearly killed me by almost letting me smash into a car.
I got little to no sleep, and ended up walking back from Esopus at 4 in the morning -- but I saw the snow!! which stuck, for a little while anyway... yeah.. it was nice.

I don't know what the hell to do with this invoice that just arrived in my mailbox.

No attacks as of yet today... it's fucking cold, man. Snowing on and off, windy as hell, fuckin 21 degrees outside... waah i don't like the cold.

You're a Typical Lesbian!
Typical Lesbian:
You are basically the poster child for lesbianism.
You're kind of a tomboy, but you have your
femme tendencies. Youre a "happy

What Kind Of Lesbian Stereotype Are You???
brought to you by Quizilla
Comments: 2 fuzzy blankets - keep me warm.

Monday, December 1st, 2003

Subject:i was trying for marisa
Time:2:31 pm.

Which O.C. Character Are You? Find out @ She's Crafty
Comments: 4 fuzzy blankets - keep me warm.

Sunday, November 30th, 2003

Subject:teehee... jon weir
Time:10:31 pm.
JUniversalTheory: well im going to go to bed
circus of citrus: it's early
JUniversalTheory: i have to get up at 6 tommorow
JUniversalTheory: i keep falling asleep during environmental science
JUniversalTheory: its cause the room is so warm
circus of citrus: i know we all did that
circus of citrus: just snooze away in our crazy creeks
JUniversalTheory: those things are like cradles man
JUniversalTheory: lol
Comments: keep me warm.

Subject:equation for disaster
Time:10:27 pm.
Mood:can you hear me smiling when i sing this song, for you and only you.
Music:the all-american rejects - "the last song".
Cabin fever + desire for drugs + anxiety attacks + borderline-ness + hornyness = where i'm at right about now.

Comments: keep me warm.

Time:10:24 pm.
So, I'm back... who knows for how long.
Check out [info]unacquiesce for whatever you may have missed.

Basically, what's happening now is this:

+ Dave and I are on good terms again. As long as I keep my raging sex drive under control we should be just fine.
+ David has a girlfriend.
+ The Walkabout alumni lunch was Wednesday (pictures are here) and much to my surprise it was AWESOME. I had the feeling that it would be awkward and dramatic and bad, but it completely wasn't. It was just fun. And nice. And happy. And silly. And I loved it and I wanna do it again.
+ People noticed that I'd lost weight!! :)
+ I met Kat's ex/current boyfriend Bruce. Weeeeiird situation.
- Rhode Island (where the break was spent) was fun but dull.
+/- I, um... called Leigh. Ten minutes ago. It was weird. Hearing his voice was weird.
+/- I'm back at this lj for awhile.

think that's it for now.
Comments: keep me warm.

Wednesday, November 26th, 2003

Time:9:48 pm.
Mood: amused.
Walkabout alumni lunch ROCKED my SOCKS...
pictures on the way.
I'll be en route to Rhode Island in about twelve hours... marrr.

After Thanksgiving break, I'll be back here.
Comments: 1 fuzzy blanket - keep me warm.

Friday, November 21st, 2003

Time:8:36 pm.
Mood:i'm so scared that i'll never.
Music:...get put back together.
next semester )
Comments: 1 fuzzy blanket - keep me warm.

Saturday, November 15th, 2003

Subject:but i'll come back
Time:5:09 pm.
I'm taking a hiatus from littleaphid and the blog.
Comments: keep me warm.

LiveJournal for circus girl without a safety net.

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