Weekly Feminazi News |
[ Thursday January 13th,2005@6:47am] |
Feminist Germaine Greer quits Big Brother: "Feminist Germaine Greer quits Big Brother:
[Hollywood News]: London, Jan 13 : Feminist icon Germaine Greer has quit the popular British reality TV show, Celebrity Big Brother, saying she was 'a little naive' to appear on the programme.
The author of 'The Female Eunuch' walked out after spending five days in the Big Brother house with Sylvester Stallone's ex-wife, model Brigitte Nielsen, and British sports commentator John McCririck, reported Contactmusic.com.
Greer had agreed to appear on the show to raise funds to save a large part of an Australian rainforest.
Calling the entertainment project 'a fascist prison', Greer, 65, said: 'The rainforest will be fine. I'll save it in other ways.'
After leaving the Big Brother house, Greer insisted that reality television could not be described as 'wholesome family entertainment'."
Yahoo! News - British feminist Germain Greer walks off reality TV show: "LONDON (AFP) - Germaine Greer, the writer who inspired a generation of feminists, walked off the set of "Celebrity Big Brother" after four days in the spotlight of British reality television.
Speaking to fellow housemates while packing to leave, Greer said she was "leaving over specific issues, but (it's) best for everyone if I don't discuss them."
"I have a problem with decisions, I make them fast and when I make them, I stick to them." "
The Daily Telegraph | Time up for queen of feminism
"ONE of her books was called The Madwoman's Underclothes – and after her adventures on reality TV this week Dr Germaine Greer, feminist icon, may have a new chapter to add.
Dr Greer suddenly withdrew from the London Celebrity Big Brother house early yesterday just five days into the reality TV show which is fighting to preserve its faltering ratings.
She was unsure if her early withdrawal would cost her the fee she negotiated, reported as being between $100,000 and $125,000.
Even then, though, what she was up to was unclear. She had listed the charity her fee would help as being Buglife, an operation dedicated to protecting British insects.
But in her wordy and rambling justification, she indicated the money was destined for her rainforest conservation project in Australia.
During her days in the Big Brother house, Dr Greer had acted as chief cook, done a couple of moderately revolting things, used her customary flowery profanities and called for everyone to take their clothes off."
Ah ah ah! She is super.
INSIDE JoongAng Daily
"Feminist, Confucian deflect hojuje question
January 13, 2005 ㅡ Jang Ha-jin, the newly appointed minister of gender equality, discussed improvements in women's rights with Choi Gun-duk, head of the nation's conservative Confucian groups. Ms. Jang and Mr. Choi, head of Sungkyunkwan, or the National Center for Confucianism and Confucian Societies, met yesterday at Sungkyunkwan University. The rare meeting between the top feminist and the chief Confucianist took about 10 minutes"
Algeria: Women left unprotected from violence and discrimination - Amnesty International: "Algeria: Women left unprotected from violence and discrimination Amnesty International today highlighted the Algerian government's failure to protect women against rape, beatings and widespread legal and economic discrimination, in a 38-page briefing to the United Nations.
The briefing also describes the consequences for women of the government's failure to investigate and bring to justice those responsible for thousands of 'disappearances' during Algeria's brutal internal conflict in the 1990's. "
Terre Promise
"Terre Promise Réalisateur : Amos Gitaï Synopsis :
Une nuit dans le désert du Sinaï, au clair de lune, un groupe d’hommes et de femmes se réchauffe autour d’un feu de camp. Les femmes sont d’Europe de l’Est, les hommes sont des bédouins. Demain, ils passeront la frontière en secret et les femmes seront vendues aux enchères. Elles passeront de main en main, victimes d’un réseau international de traite des blanches. Une nuit, dans un club, Diana rencontre Rose. Elle la supplie de l’aider. Leur rencontre est un signe d’espoir dans la descente aux enfers de ces femmes."
With pictures.
Le Monde.fr : "Terre promise" : Amos Gitaï filme la traite des corps en Israël: "Dans le nouveau long métrage d'Amos Gitaï, de jeunes Estoniennes sont acheminées par des mafieux, vendues à la criée, transférées dans un bordel. La prostitution est l'un des sujets brûlants de ce pays.
Film franco-israélien d'Amos Gitaï avec Anne Parillaud, Hanna Schygulla, Diana Bespechni, Rosamund Pike. (1 h 30.)"
From Le Monde.
Promised Land - ARTE
With a trailer.
Amos Gitai - Promised Land: "A FILM BY AMOS GITAI Promised Land
Synopsis: It is night in the Sinai desert.
A group of men and women keep warm around a campfire under the moonlight. The women speak Russian, they come from the East. The men are Bedouins, who normally tend their herds in the vicinity. Tomorrow, if everything goes well, they will secretly cross the border.
Tomorrow, Diana, Katia, Kristina and the others will be beaten, raped, and auctioned off. They will be passed from one hand to another, victims of an international network of trafficking in women. One night, in a club, Diana meets Rose. She asks for her help. Help, to save her from this network, which is run by Anne, Hanna, Yussuf and Hezi.
PROMISED LAND is the story of their encounter and of some sign of hope in these women's descent into hell."
In English.
Programmation spéciale "Ni putes ni soumises" sur Canal pour les 2 ans du mouvement - Yahoo! Actualité: "Programmation spéciale 'Ni putes ni soumises' sur Canal pour les 2 ans du mouvement
PARIS (AFP) - Le mouvement "Ni putes ni soumises", présidé par Fadela Amara, fête ses deux ans d'existence en partenariat avec Canal+ qui annonce une programmation spéciale du 5 janvier au 1er février sous le signe des valeurs de laïcité, d'égalité et de mixité.
Tous les jours en clair, du mercredi 5 janvier jusqu'au 1er février, Canal+ diffuse à 12H35 "Blessures de femmes", vingt clips de témoignages de maltraitance (18 femmes et deux hommes) filmés par la photographe et réalisatrice Catherine Cabrol. Certains témoignages sont à visage découvert, d'autres non, mais tous sont poignants qu'ils parlent d'agressions sexuelles, d'excision ou de violences conjugales. Ce programme a été fait en collaboration avec "Ni putes ni soumises", SOS Femmes accueil, l'Association internationale des victimes de l'inceste, Inceste.org, Regards de femmes, le GAMS (Groupe des femmes pour les abolitions des mutilations sexuelles)."
"Ni putes ni soumises" is a movement by women from the suburbs (most notably from Maghreb) against the specific sexism and machism in those areas.
Guardian Unlimited | The Guardian | Women of the year: "Women of the year
Condoleezza Rice
Being the most powerful woman in the world is easily reason enough to leapfrog Condi into the list (Wu Yi, vice-premier of China, comes second in Forbes' power list). We might have misgivings over her hawkishness, but her move in November from US national security adviser to secretary of state saw her become the first black woman to fill the role, and her close working relationship with Bush means she will be a major influence on, well, the whole world for the next four years. Love her or loathe her - and being slap-bang in the heart of the worryingly anti-abortion Bush administration does make her one of those people for whom a waiver of the normal rules of sisterhood can apply - she's had an extraordinary year and completely skittled the hoary old notion that female politicians only do the soft jobs."
Plus many other names.