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Thursday, April 15th, 2004
1:38 pm
Who needs a house out in Hackensack
Is that all you get for your money
And it seems such a waste of time
If that's what it's all about
Mama, if that's movin' up then I'm movin' out

-Billy Joel, Movin' Out (Anthony's Song)

current mood: contemplative

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Sunday, April 11th, 2004
7:43 pm - IR tests with Maco 820c and Sony (IR/UV) on Bear Mountain, NY
images... )

current mood: accomplished

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Friday, April 9th, 2004
4:16 pm - link bookmark

"Norman Borlaug is probably the greatest man that has ever lived... by account, he has likely saved over a billion people from starvation worldwide." -Penn Jillette, on the show "Bullshit: Eat This!" ( )

"Perhaps more than anyone else, Borlaug is responsible for the fact that throughout the postwar era, except in sub-Saharan Africa, global food production has expanded faster than the human population, averting the mass starvations that were widely predicted -- for example, in the 1967 best seller Famine -- 1975! The form of agriculture that Borlaug preaches may have prevented a billion deaths. (from )

current mood: impressed

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Tuesday, April 6th, 2004
12:23 am - rafal olbinski icons
I was inspired to make some more icons of Rafal Olbinski paintings.
icon01.jpg (22217 bytes) icon02.jpg (28486 bytes) icon03.jpg (29775 bytes) icon04.jpg (28506 bytes)
icon05.jpg (34444 bytes) icon06.jpg (24920 bytes) icon07.jpg (22181 bytes) icon08.jpg (28840 bytes)
icon09.jpg (28065 bytes) icon10.jpg (27440 bytes) icon11.jpg (18691 bytes) icon12.jpg (24189 bytes)
icon13.jpg (25746 bytes) icon14.jpg (30508 bytes) icon15.jpg (28501 bytes) icon16.jpg (32404 bytes)

current mood: accomplished

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Saturday, March 13th, 2004
9:46 pm - Light Dispelling Darkness
At Roosevelt Park in Metuchen, NJ there is a Depression era fountain created by Waylande Gregory entitled "Light Dispelling Darkness". Having lived not too far from it for years yet somehow having missed seeing this bit of "Weird NJ", I decided to do some more testing of my new camera (Sony DSC828) in the infrared using that subject. Much to my delight and yet defeat, it appears to be in the process of being restored. It was a cold, cold day, but nonetheless, it was braved to take a few pictures... )

current mood: artistic

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Friday, March 12th, 2004
9:56 am - white out
when I left the house at 8:15, it was sunny.

Now: blizzard. White out.

current mood: annoyed

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Wednesday, March 10th, 2004
4:35 pm - '

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Tuesday, March 9th, 2004
11:37 pm - slow children
Slow Children. 2004, Matthew Harbowy

Infrared image taken on Ilford SFX 200 using Lee 25 Red Filter and Nikon FM10. Scanned using Pacific Image PF3600 film scanner.

Image taken Feb 28, 2004 at Sandy Hook State Park, Atlantic Highlands, NJ. Click to enlarge.

current mood: jubilant

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Monday, March 8th, 2004
12:04 am - I was surprised to hear about this at Platform today.
As if I needed another reason to not get on American Airlines.

current mood: aggravated

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Saturday, March 6th, 2004
9:09 am
Ok, here is my ranked list of trusted non-friends
(see )

Who are your most trusted non-friends?

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Tuesday, February 24th, 2004
8:12 am - hb2[info]pookfreak!
happy birthday Jeanie! *kiss*

current mood: awake

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Sunday, February 22nd, 2004
10:22 pm - Infrared, Ultraviolet, and Visible Imagery
All images taken Feb 22, 2004 from Edgewater, NJ. Click thumbnails to view.

Visible reference image. Grant's Tomb and Riverside Church, Harlem, NYC. Image is unfiltered, F4.0, ISO 100, 1/800 sec exposure, using Olympus C-4000 digital camera. Image cleaned and sharpened in Adobe Photoshop and ABSoft NeatImage Pro.

Same image as visible reference above, taken using 58mm Hoya R72 infrared filter, F2.8, ISO 100, 1/2 sec exposure. I have chosen not to desaturate as usual, and instead I'm using the same procedure often applied to Sony IR images, which involves Adobe Photoshop "Autolevels", swapping the blue and red channels in Channel Mixer (red=100% blue, green=100% green, blue=100% red), deselecting green and increasing saturation 50%. This enhances the minor differences in color response to differing frequencies of infrared. Image cleaned and sharpened in ABSoft NeatImage Pro.

Same image as visible reference above, taken using 58 mm B+W 403 UV black filter, F2.8, ISO 100, 8 sec exposure. Adobe Photoshop "autolevels". This filter allows both ultraviolet and infrared light to pass, resulting in a rather different set of final colors. The clouds and water are heavily blurred due to the strong wind. Image cleaned and sharpened in ABSoft NeatImage Pro.

Two exposures, one similar to the visible reference, and one using the Hoya R72, were combined to generate this image. The red channel is derived from the infrared, the green channel is derived from the red visible, and the blue channel is derived from the greeen visible, simulating Kodak Ektachrome IR film. The short time gap between exposures is most noticable in the cloud, which is marred by a slight colored shadow.

Visible reference image, George Washington Bridge, NYC

Ultraviolet image, GWB as above.

Comparing this with here, I think my work is getting better/more interesting. Ansel Adams wrote in his books on photography that the student should pick one image, and keep coming back, taking that same image, rather than occupying themselves hunting for a lot of different snapshots. I think I should take advantage of the accessibility I have with NYC and continue refining and reworking these shots.

current mood: pleased

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Friday, February 20th, 2004
8:42 pm - on knowledge
Knowledge is a polite word for dead but not buried imagination

---e.e. cummings, Jottings

current mood: cold

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Tuesday, February 17th, 2004
12:13 am - on all the same sex marriage hoo hah.
Couples are things whole and things not whole, what is drawn together and what is drawn asunder, the harmonious and the discordant. The one is made up of all things, and all things issue from the one.


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Sunday, February 15th, 2004
11:01 pm - on philosophy
In this life, there are three kinds of men, just as there are three sorts of people who come to the Olympic Games. The lowest class is made up of those who come to buy and sell, the next above them are those who compete. Best of all, however, are those who come simply to look on. The greatest purification of all is, therefore, disinterested science, and it is the man who devotes himself to that, the true philosopher, who has most effectually released himself from 'the wheel of birth'.

John Burnet, Early Greek Philosophy, as quoted in discussion of the philosophy of Pythagoras in Bertrand Russell's A History of Western Philosophy

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Friday, February 13th, 2004
1:20 pm - Lucky 13, and on turning thirty five.
I'm thirty five today.

Poll #248344 Happy birthday to me.
Open to: All, results viewable to: All

Happy birthday to me.

View Answers

9 (81.8%) 9 (81.8%)

1 (9.1%) 1 (9.1%)

4 (36.4%) 4 (36.4%)

3 (27.3%) 3 (27.3%)

one being least significant, tell me what you and I should think about my turning 35.

View Answers
Mean: 3.17 Median: 3 Std. Dev 1.99
14 (33.3%) 4 (33.3%)
20 (0.0%) 0 (0.0%)
33 (25.0%) 3 (25.0%)
43 (25.0%) 3 (25.0%)
51 (8.3%) 1 (8.3%)
60 (0.0%) 0 (0.0%)
70 (0.0%) 0 (0.0%)
81 (8.3%) 1 (8.3%)
90 (0.0%) 0 (0.0%)
100 (0.0%) 0 (0.0%)

on matters not in general interest

View Answers

I skipped the hard parts behind the cut.
3 (27.3%) 3 (27.3%)

More naked pictures, dammit!
4 (36.4%) 4 (36.4%)

Thanks for sharing.
7 (63.6%) 7 (63.6%)


aging stuff and text that might annoy or upset, skip if you want to keep it lighthearted. )

I'd also like to thank all the people who sent me birthday wishes, current as of when I wrote or edited this last.

[info]lapis_lazuli, mom and dad, [info]pookfreak, [info]zoo_music_girl, [info]tmancuso, [info]lellen, [info]sarahparah, [info]tigerknight, [info]ladonne, [info]cogshiftingman, [info]sythyry, [info]beetiger, [info]janigrey, Dan, [info]diamond_j.

current mood: happy
Saturday, February 7th, 2004
7:27 pm - memeage
Read more... )

current mood: tired

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Sunday, February 1st, 2004
2:04 pm
boarded 505 flt 2837 arr 7pm.

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12:18 pm - infrared spectrum
I have been hoping to perform a test of my camera's actual sensitivity to infrared light- trying to determine what is the actual response to various frequencies of light. I have been concerned that using the Hoya R72 filter, since a small amount of red is passed through the filter I might be fooling myself into believing what I was observing was actually infrared. So, I performed a test: I obtained a bag of prisms and some diffraction gratings from Edmunds Scientific. Read more... )

current mood: accomplished

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Tuesday, January 27th, 2004
11:56 pm - doesn't it just burn you up?
sometimes, i get caught in an endless loop. Like, when I ponder relativity. I cannot seem to escape the paradox of knowing that energy and matter are interchangeable, and light has energy, and light can travel at light-speed, yet matter cannot. Why does light have no mass?

current mood: frustrated

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