Meggs' journal

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Wednesday, April 17th, 2002
2:46 pm - damn straight i am!

Find your emotion!

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Sunday, April 14th, 2002
5:36 pm - ok. this is useful how?

take the cher test.

and go to because laura isn't cher.

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5:22 pm - uummmm.......
I think I'm in love with Wayne Lee Winn Junior........

*sighs in relief*

current mood: pleased
current music: LaLaLaLaLa Around the World- ATC

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5:16 pm - so true

Are you a ho? Find out @ She's Crafty

So haha Amber. fuck off!

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Friday, April 12th, 2002
1:51 pm

you have an ominosity quotient of


you are really ominous.

find out your ominosity quotient

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Saturday, March 30th, 2002
2:00 pm - justin jacobs
So Justin, Yeah, i told u, u wanna be my friend, call me. I can't guarentee if we'll still be friends..... only time will tell. if ur not u anymore, then there's nothing that can be done. I'm not down for a LONG break. so u are to make the decision here, not me. so dn't put it on my shoulders, ur the one who said goodbye. not me. so until i can comment on ur journal, u can't comment on mine to be fair. goodbye. love roo

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1:54 pm - uuhh...... i don't know bout that, WHO thinks of me as FURRY!!???!!
Test Results
You think of yourself as being bright, bold, daring, and citrus.
Others think of you as being furry, independent, precious, and adorable.
Your relationships can be described as cold, salty, boring, and wavy.
When stressed, you feel stumped.
Take this test here.

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Friday, March 29th, 2002
2:15 am - It's that time again... yes, late night quiz binge
CLick here to see all the pretty pics in the boxes... )

current mood: exhausted
current music: Pink- most girls

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Wednesday, March 27th, 2002
11:59 pm - BORDOM
right. HAl-ll-oooo?

current music: none

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3:00 pm
Another stab to the heart. except this one REALLY hurts me......

U care, but I can't be sure how much, and it's not that I'll thank u later, it's that I'll never thank u because of HOW u handled all this, this is just TOO damn much man. too damn much.

u make me sad.

current mood: gloomy
current music: Bumpin me against the Walls- Mystikal

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2:38 pm
I know ur sorry. but don't be .do whatever u got to do. i told u that. I think it's kinda shi**y of u though to kick me out of the SKC when it's not just urs, but everyones... but whatever. What is done is done. All I know is that u writing about it over and over only makes it worse on me man. Cause I don't want u to do drugs, and i don't want u in trouble, and i know it's possible, but it's not ok with u, so for now, bye. love ROO

by the way, u don't have to BLOCK me from ur journal and take me off ur friends list. that's extreme man. seriously..........

current mood: angry
current music: Amazing Grace- TV

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Tuesday, March 19th, 2002
12:50 pm - YA THINK!?!?!?!?

Which Empire Records Character Are You? Find out @ She's Crafty

Unhappy and misunderstood, you have a morbid sense of humour, that alot of people just don't get straight off. Their loss. You're loyal and incredibly selfless (you even sold your Vespa to help Lucas get the money back for Joe). You just like to be left alone sometimes. You're on the introspective side, though you do have quite the spontaneous streak, hence the spur-of-the-moment head-shaving.

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1:36 am - Ah, but i am a girl.......

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Sunday, March 10th, 2002
1:20 am - HAHHAAHAAAA... never looked at one in my life and don't plan to.....
click to find out if you are obsessed!


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Tuesday, March 5th, 2002
12:51 pm - YO YO YO, yo yo yo yo, YO YO YO, yo yo, yo,yo...... DON'T PANIC!


current music: Red Alert- Basement Jaxx

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Sunday, March 3rd, 2002
12:10 am - dumb
Yeah. so today was WEIRD. I am grounded, but my mom let me leave.... So, I got out of the house and picked up Brandon. we went to Target and bought him some clothes. Then, we went to Jenny's and then to AShley's. Wayne and Jason called me so we were all gonna hang, but Brandon had to go to the Bean with Lance since he already had plan. So I droped Brandon off at 9 and went and met up with Jason and Wayne. We drove around for a while and tried to find something to do. We were gonna go to the movies, but I had to be home at midnight so there wasn't time. But then we decided it would be fun to go glowbowling. So, I came home to drop off my car and then we were gonna go to glowbowling, but my mom decided to be mean and tell me that I'm grounded and that I couldn't go. So I'm mad. She let me go with Adam and Amber, why can't i go with Wayne and Jason?? That doesn't seem fair. it's right there in Plymouth..... But no. So, I'm wondering if I will be grounded tomorrow; because we decided that it would be fun to go to the movies tomorrow since there is more time. But I doubt I will be able to go. My mom is weird like that. I get grounded for dumb stuff. I'm a good kid. it's just not right. I only lied to her so that i would be able to drive Justin and Melissa to school last Thursday, it's not like I was out doing anything wrong. I was sleeping. It just happened to be at a guy's house. And if I had just told her I was gonna stay there, then she would of said no, and then justin and melissa wouldn't of had a ride to class. GGRRRRR. My brother never gets in trouble and he's the bad one. She just thinks he's not cause he's never home. oh well. I'm makin mac and cheese so I'm gonna watch So Weird and eat it and then go to bed for the night. ttyl. love ya all, ROONIE

current mood: disappointed
current music: So Weird- Disney show

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Saturday, March 2nd, 2002
5:22 pm - quizzes.....

Which My So-Called Life Character Are You? Find out @ She's Crafty

ewwww. i don't wanna be rickie. i wanted to be Angela...

Which Breakfast Clubber Are You? Find out @ She's Crafty

I don't lie though, maybe i should start....

Who's Your Inner Music Industry Diva? Find out @ She's Crafty

fo sho!

Who's Your 80s Movie Icon Alter-Ego? Find out @ She's Crafty

yeah, that's me i guess....

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2:50 pm - PAINZ!
I woke up today in EXCRUCIATING pains! I feel about as bad as i did when i had my miscarraige nad had to be in the hospital for 10 dayz!!! OOOWWWYYYY!!! someone help me. make me feel better. this just tops off my GREAT week. (sarcasum) SOME ONE TAKE ME OUT BACK AND SHOOT ME!!!! *wimpers* bye

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Friday, March 1st, 2002
8:07 am - Bad Parenting
I am grounded for doing absolutely nothing wrong. I simply told my mom I would be at Melissa's last night, because both her and Justin needed a ride to school in the morning, but I was at Joe's. Me and Melissa slept in one bed, and Justin and Joe in another. So I don't see what the big deal is. none of us did anything. And everyone got to school the next morning. I should START doing bad stuff to actually DESERVE getting grounded for. I can't wait till Brandons parents sell him the house and all of us move in. It will be awesome. So, I guess for now, I prob won't be online a lot. Being GROUNDED and all for nothing. Later guys. ROO

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Wednesday, February 27th, 2002
12:25 am - that's a lot of freakin coding for a picture.....

I took the What Mythological Creature Are you? test by
peacefulchaos !

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