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Queen o' Speed

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[07 Sep 2004|02:58pm]
What's new man.......
I'm a Brooklynite again. Not so thrilled. My apt is good, and the neighborhood is very pretty, but the people are BORING!!!! I'm not even exaggerating. Me and Smackie have tried to go out and have a grand time, but it keeps being really shitty. Yesterday really topped it off though, we went to have an afternoon cocktail and were surrounded by wannabe intellectuals reading books on Kerry and such so they could look cool in public. There was even a couple having a beer, but reading their own separate magazines, not interacting with each other whatsoever! I can only hope that the winter will bring a better scene cause it'll be harder for the actual fun people in Brooklyn to run away to the city.
On another note I started school. I must say it didn't go nearly as badly as I had expected it to. The only problems I've seemed to run into are sitting still for an hour and a half! It's torture! ADD meds here I come. My courseload doesn't look too bad, but only time will tell. Things always seem to look better at the beginning, Brooklyn for exapmle!
Well I'm off to write my first paper of the semester. Wish me luck.
1 whisper | talk to me

[24 Aug 2004|02:23pm]
My summer is winding to a close...... I am extremely devastated. This has been a really kick ass summer. Me and Jackie bitch daily about hhow we're going to padlock the door and not move out. I start school Monday. Yuck? I'm excited.... but I'm sooooo not done summer partying. It's definitely going to be hard to ween myself off the scene.
In other news.... RNC? Are we all following this? I hope so. August 29th watch the news and look for a girl with pink hair getting wrestled to the ground by the NYPD. That will be me. A quarter of a million are expected for the opening protest. I will be one of that quarter million. IF you can't make it down here to act up, find something you can do to stick to the Republicans. That is all.
1 whisper | talk to me

[11 Aug 2004|01:42am]
[ mood | calm ]
[ music | Poe - Walk the Walk ]

Well my trip home can definitely be called a success. I got to see my family which is wonderful. I got to see cousins I haven't seen in ages. I got to see my cousin Greg's daughter. Holy shit is she cute! I got to see my father and meet his 25 year old girlfriend. Yes I said 25. I was so ready to hate at full force, but fuck, I couldn't. She's a cool ass person. I had more fun with her than my dad! Scores is in motion. Keep the fingers crossed for that. I had the pleasure of hanging out with my buddy Brian. We had a lovely sit in City Hall Park(till the bats came) and then drinks at Bombers Bar. It was my first time in, and I must say I enjoyed it. And today to wrap everything up I got to spend time with Angie and her new baby Matthew. What a precious child. It's so hard to see Angie as a MOM, but goddamn it, she's kicking ass at it. My girl's all grown up *tear*.
So I head back tomorrow morning. Back to life and stupid responsibilities. Yucky.
ta ta for now!

1 whisper | talk to me

Hells bells, i guess I'll do it too [10 Aug 2004|04:17pm]
The Alphabet of My Life?
A is for age: 21
B is for boyfriend: I don't commit. I date.
C is for career: bartender
D is for dad's name: Jeffrey
E is for essential item to bring to a party: lip gloss
F is for favorite song at the moment: I don't wanna be - gavin degraw
G is for girlfriend: a good girl is just too hard to find.....
H is for hometown: Albany, NY
I is for instruments you play: flute
J is for jam or jelly you like: polaner all fruit baby, black cherry
K is for kids: demons?
L is for living arrangements: with my buddy smackie
M is for mom's name: Barbara
N is for name of your best friend: Silvia
O is for overnight hospital stays: no thank god
P is for phobia[s]: clowns
Q is for quote you like: "When the planes hit the Twin Towers, as far as I know none of the phone calls from the people on board were messages of hate or revenge - they were all messages of love. If you look for it, I've got a sneaky feeling you'll find that love actually is all around." ~Love Actually
R is for relationship that lasted the longest: 4 1/2 years
S is for sexual position: bent over a barstool, hehe
T is for time you wake up: ha. when i feel like it. i work nights!
U is for unique trait: being a cameleon of sorts i guess
V is for vegetable you love: asparagus
W is for worst habit: drinking
X is for x-rays you've had: chest, leg, sinus
Y is for yummy food you make: linguine in a white wine clam sauce.
Z is for zodiac sign: Libra
2 whispers | talk to me

[10 Aug 2004|04:07pm]
dude, direct loans needs to send me my mother fucking movie check..... this school thing is just way to damn expensive!
talk to me

[07 Aug 2004|09:34pm]
I think I brought the cold weather back toAlbany with me. I buggered it up. Oh well. Deal with it!
Anyways, yeah I'm here. I had the pleasure of leaving work at 4:15am and getting on a 5:15am bus to arrive in Albany at 8am to try and get a few precious hours of sleep before having to go to my aunt's party. Needless to say I didn't sleep and I am pretty dead fucking tired right now.
I have a mildly full agenda. I'm taking mom and Gab to see Fahernheit 911. Very excited. Then I get to experience my very first seance. I wonder how that's going to go....
But yeah, whatver, if anyone would like to hang out feel free to call and see if I'm around. 646.924.7884.
1 whisper | talk to me

[02 Aug 2004|03:20pm]
Ahhh. I have finally gotten my last class(statistics, ugh) registered for the fall semester. thank fucking god. it's taken F-O-R-E-V-E-R!!! It still leaves me Wednesdays free. Not too shabby.
I talked to my father recently and got some shocking news. Turns out one of his good friends, someone who has known me all my life, has a brother who owns a bar in NYC. What bar you ask? Fucking SCORES(http://www.scoresnewyork.com/scoreseast.htm)!!!!!!!
If I bartended there..... holy shit. I can't even coceptualize the amount of money I would make. My co workers friend pulls in about $500-$700 a night. That would definitely facilitate me being able to find a hot apt in the e. village.
Margaret Cho is coming to the Apollo. Tickets go on sale tomorrow. I am quite excited. I don't know who I wan to bring with me though. I don't really know if Mark would apprecaite her humor. I KNOW Beni wouldn't get it... silly immigrant:)
blah. i'm bored. time to go amuse myself before heading off to work.
5 whispers | talk to me

Suuuuumertiiiime.... and the livin is easy [21 Jul 2004|04:40pm]
I think my choice to move into the city for the duration of the summer is one of the best idea's that I have had in a very long time! It's been 21 days so far and I have yet to find a complaint. Jax is a bomb diggity roommate and my building is hot. Work has been going well. I'm working a fashion show tonight. I'm not quite sure what it's going to consist of, but it's a fashion show for christ sakes! It's gotta be a good time. I've been really busy with work and dates and what not that I don't ever get any time to breathe! I can't believe it's been almost a year since I've moved. So much has happened/changed, but yet it still seems like no time has went by at all. I'm all around a much happier person, I do know that. I know that I could never leave this place. It's sooooo my home. I'm going back to school in a month. What an indurance trial that has been. I'm a little nervous about going back and getting back into the learning routine. I can't believe I let myself take so much time off. I guess I was just around very bad influences that kept me from realizing that I need to actually do something with my life. It's all good though, cause you have to make mistakes to learn, right?
Well I have to run. I need to get to work early so I can deck myself out. Can't work a fashioin show looking like I just walked in off the street, huh?
Ciao, babies!
talk to me

[17 Jul 2004|05:59am]
god life is good... i am in a cool ass new apt..... i have a wonderful boy in my life....... my job kicks so much ass...... what more can i ask for?
1 whisper | talk to me

[08 Jul 2004|04:16pm]
Well thank god the contents of the last post didn't fuck up my shit like I thought it might. I guess I would probably have to give a little background on the last post for any of this to make sense. On Saturday I decided to go to my bar La Caverna and drink almost 3 big ass bottles of wine. Then I proceeded to give Beni the finger MULTIPLE times throughout the night because I was mad that he was going to Atlantic City instead of coming home with me. Then after I realized that no amount of pouting was going to change the outcome I topped out by punching two walls outside and almost dislocating my finger. Yikes. Oh yeah I forgot to mention that the wall punching happened in front of the bouncer, so needless to say Beni heard all about it.

Who graced my lovely new apartment last night and spent a kick ass night with me? Oh yes. This is good. I refuse to let my insanity scare the poor boy away.
On a different note, me and Jax have decided that Beni might actually be prettier than me. Can I deal with that?
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[07 Jul 2004|02:23pm]
Hormonal irrationality strikes again........
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[30 Jun 2004|02:47pm]
I absolutely have to write about my lovely date with Beni. So we finally got a day together. We had been trying to coordinate this for some time now. So Monday we worked it out and decided to go to Coney Island. It was seriously the perfect day. Not too hot, not too cold. We walked on the boardwalk for like and hour just talking and stopping for the occasional kiss....
On our hunt to find where we wanted to eat(cause we're both SO indecisive) we passed a Nine West Store and my heart started racing and my eyes lit up and what did he do? He NOTICED and asked if I wanted to go inside. Yeah I know. Is he a unicorn??? I think he was going to very well buy me shoes too, but I just took a spin around cause I didn't want to make him stay there forever.
Then he took me to this FABULOUS resatuarant in Sheepshead Bay. I'd never really venture to that area of Booklyn, but I must say it was pretty damn nice! For any of you cityfolk that read my journal it's called The Living Room Cafe on Avenue U. We had the whole basement couch are to ourselves the whole night. The food was great, the ambience was great, the two bottles of wine we tanked was great, and the fact that he paid for everything made my jaw drop. Gotta love non-american men. Anyways, I gotta run. Silvia's here in the convertible and it's time to ride!!!!!
1 whisper | talk to me

[26 Jun 2004|03:40pm]
Ok so I have to move in like 4 days and I have still not locked in an apt. Smackie...... it looks like I'm coming to live with you. I have an IKEA couch...?
2 whispers | talk to me

Ick? [25 Jun 2004|04:15pm]
I am distressed. DJ Beni is trying to act like boyfriend material. And that's not even the problem. The problem is..... I think I like it!
This is exactly what I was trying to avoid. How was I to know that he had the potential to be so fucking nice. I guess I should have assumed it, him being foreign and all. He's Albanian. So hot. Definitely the hottest person I've ever "dated". Silvia came to see me at work last night and she met him and he got an enthusiastic two thumbs up from her.
Oh I don't know. I guess I'll just have to let it ride. There's not a push to be exclusive, so technically there really isn't anything to worry about, but it looks as though it could be on the horizon.
1 whisper | talk to me

[21 Jun 2004|04:51pm]

So Pride is coming up but I'm so goddamn busy that I don't know if I'm going to be able to go!!!!! Waaaaaaaaaah! And it doesn't look like David is going to make it down this year either. I had the absolute best time last time, and I can't imagine not doing the same damn thing this year. Argh. And my dear Smackie is gone. I'm not pleased.....

Oh yeah. My hair is PINK! Muah ha ha.

4 whispers | talk to me

[16 Jun 2004|08:37pm]
God my life has really never been so fucking hectic. I work like 50+ hours a week! But damn the money is awesome. I made like $700 bucks in the last week. Shoes? Oh I think so. Ack. I have to register for my classes tomorrow. It's all making me crazy!!! Oh yeah and find an apt. I think I'm just going to move in with Jackie till Sept and the try and find a place in the fall. The selection is much better. I decided that I REFUSE to live in Queens. The rents are so cheap and tempting, but it's Queens for god sakes. Have you ever seen how they write their addresses!
I have tomorrow off thank god. I had a date but it had to be rescheduled. I really enjoy this casual dating thing. So much less stressful. And I get to enjoy the conversation and company of so many different people. I'm currently "seeing" a physical therapist and a dj. Sexy shit.
Anyways. Gotta run. Ciao!
3 whispers | talk to me

[24 May 2004|03:01pm]
Well I've finally made it to being a full fledged Manhattan bartender. I'm working at La Caverna in the LES. Very trendy. Saturday night was a crazy night. There was a promotion party of about 300 or so people. It was fun as hell though. So much eye candy too! Anyways i ended up making almost $300 (tip total for the night was like $850 and it had to be split 3 ways). I love The Cave.
4 whispers | talk to me

[16 May 2004|05:45pm]

Did I post that I got my lip pierced? No? How in heck did I forget to mention that? I like it.

In other news me and Silvia went to see an apt today. It was pretty cute, but we didn't take it. Jax is going to see if her mom friend has any open apts up near 7th ave. how heavely would that be.

4 whispers | talk to me

[04 May 2004|04:05pm]
Well I have returned from the weekend and I am still in one piece. This upstate trip definitely kind of sucked ass. I got in at 3am Friday night/Saturday morning so i took the liberty of simply crashing since I had worked all day. I went to the dreaded mall on Saturday with my mom sister and Aunt. What a hellish place. I'm really glad that I don't have to go to malls anymore. I saw Sara Vesey which was nice. I also stopped into TSX to see Arthur. He is well as always. He actually opened a new skate park in Kingston. Exciting. It's amusing because he only had one other store and it was in Danbury so me and Mark had him in common. Arthur was happy to hear that Mark was well. He got a kick out of the fact that we were together. Anywho, I didn't do a damn thing Saturday night cause Albany exhausts me with its infinite boredom. I went to Angie's shower on Sunday and that was fun. I miss that girl like crazy. She is HUGE. I don't even know if HUGE is the word. But we had a good time. She got lots of stuff and I got to see some Empire Vision crew. That was nice. All in all a boring weekend though. I should stop complaining though cause it was some serious head clearing time. I need that every once in awhile.
Oh in other news I got a new bar gig. I still work out in Sunset Park but I have added some more days to my life at this place called Sofo. It's near Red Hook. Exciting. The sweet gay boy who I met with is so dreamy. Might I have found a new gay boyfriend since my David has left me? Perhaps. But yeah, the place is hip. It's got a big ol' patio in which the owner likes to have weekend barbeque. I'm won over. A new BBQ joint. What more can I ask for. So yeah, that's actually where I'm headed now so toodles!
1 whisper | talk to me

[26 Apr 2004|06:56pm]
I like dates. Dates are fun. It really is something that I should do more often.....
Yes this weekend was something interesting. Friday night me and Mark's break was again redefined. He came over at like 5 in the morning and we spent the next two hours talking and just being happy like it was before all the recent draa. It was so refreshing. He makes me really THINK, ya know? I mean conversation is one thing, but what we have is really more like discussion. I go away feeling like I got something besides just entertainment. IT's weird. I'll shut up now. But anyways that was good, and bedtime was REALLY good..... and the "break" boundaries further shift..... oh who knows what I have. In my new found sober clarity, I think I have the ability to just let it roll. I don't have time for stress.
So Saturday was an awesome date. I knew i would have fun, but I had a lot more than I thought. So Joseph came and picked me up and I ust say he is a handsome boy. He cleans up well. We went to LoKi this sweet little bar i my neighborhood, and then we went to this lounge in Bay Ridge(yes I said Bay Ridge) called Muses. I didn't know such spots even existed in Brooklyn. I am Brooklyn-ignorant and I am aware now. I just don't spend any time here. It so much easier to just go to the city. Anyways I had a kick ass time. I didn't get home till late as hell and had to work the next morning, but it was so worth it.
I' coming back to the old hometown this coming Friday cause my friend Angie is having her baby shower on Sunday. I got THE cutest little onesie! It's blue and says "ice ice baby". Hahaha. She's corny like me so I know she'll appreciate it. I got some Ralph Lauren layette too, cause you know I'm a label whore. Hell what's wrong with starting the little one out right! Anyways, I'll be around in case anyone cares. I can be reached via the good ol' cell, or leave me a message here. I don't know how long I'll be sticking around for, but we'll see. There's only so much of upstate i can take!
3 whispers | talk to me

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