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the great lampshade of knowledge

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i slept twelve hours. [23 Dec 2002|05:47pm]
[ music | frank zappa. ]

last night at improv olympic, i had to work the door. it was kind of cool, although i was bored and tired most of the time. i got to meet the 'oh face' guy from office space, apparently he's friends with this girl jesse i know. he was pretty cool. nick was a bit drunk and kind of being annoying, just talking about that scene in office space, and he apologized for being drunk, and greg said something like, it's cool, i was drunk when i shot the scene. also, matt besser and matt walsh were doing a show, i caught part of that. this guy andy daley was hilarious in it.

my first two days of work are done, i think i'm really going to like the job. it's not very hard, and i'll get to read scripts and such soon. and this girl bethany that i work with had a birthday party at a bar thursday night, anthony and i went. it was good to get to know the people a little out of the office, because whenever i'm working somewhere, i'm not usually very with it, especially when i first start a job. the agents are crazy characters. the main guy's just basically insane, and another one is kind of nerdy but fun to talk to. yesterday as we were leaving he said that i should make sure and learn all the things the assistants do because he wants me to take over when one of them leaves. which is good.

tonight, people from my groundlings class are having a party, and greg from incognito. should be fun. oh, and i fixed my ms word finally. today is a good day.

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[19 Dec 2002|11:40am]
[ mood | ecstatic. ]
[ music | the hives are law, you are crime. ]

i am now officially gainfully employed. full-time. working at a literary agency. yay me! i start thursday. it seems like a pretty cool place. not very big. they work almost exclusively in television. so. no more worrying about whether i'll be able to pay rent. fuckin a. i'm very happy. and relieved. now i can work during the day and be able to do comedy and writing in the evenings and on the weekends. tonight is class, then rehearsal for our show. good times.

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bah. [17 Dec 2002|01:10pm]
[ mood | orange juice. ]
[ music | camper van beethoven. where the hell is bill. ]

yesterday. worked with ryan some on skits. eric got drunk at one in the afternoon. i had to work at improv olympic. it was pretty boring. the excitement? i ask eric stoltz for his id. because i'm talking to a friend and see out of the corner of my eye, a girl and a guy walking in, so i automatically turn and ask - and i notice who it is. and my friend says, 'you're really iding eric stoltz?' so, that was a little embarassing. but, no worries. came home and smoked, listened to jesus and mary chain and read confederacy of dunces. i'm not too far into it yet, it's at least pretty good so far. i'm reserving judgement til further reading.

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lust for life. goldfingers never fails. [16 Dec 2002|09:47am]
who was that insanely drunk guy crazy dancing and singing along to fun rock songs like, well, an insanely drunk guy? yeah. that was me. i broke a beer bottle last night. well, it wasn't all my fault. someone ran into my hand, or my hand ran into someone, or something like that. anyway, that was a bit embarassing. but. i perservered. and danced some more. eric was fun to hang out with last night, so that was good. he bought a 1.75 of rum for us, thus the wastedness. so, this girl that i was really close to in high school is online right now, but i just don't want to talk to her. and i don't quite know why. ah well. i really want to sleep more, but i think it'd just be that unproductive sleep where i keep rolling back and forth and can't find a comfortable position. then again, maybe i'll try it anyway.
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boring update on normal things. [15 Dec 2002|05:37pm]
[ music | jack johnson. ]

well. yeah. i'm here. it's been a good week, i think. job interviews on monday were alright, one said they don't have any positions open at this time but they'll call me when they do, the other was not a place i'd really want to work. today, two more interviews. they both went really well, one at an agency one at a commercial production company. they're calling me next week. the script is in the hands of two production companies, so we wait to see what they have to say about that. i'm actually looking forward to going home for a week in december. kind of strange. well, maybe not. i really miss some people that're still back there. plus, it's good to get out of wherever you are every couple of months. mid session conferences at io went well, basically, he said i was talented and funny. which is nice to hear from someone like that, because he's actually been around and has done a lot of comedy. i don't know. i realized i really didn't have anything i want to write right now. oh, eric's moving back. he should be here in less than an hour. i'm glad he decided to come back. hopefully he'll get a place close by, so we can hang out without having to live with each other. too much of a stress on everyone involved. he and i are both people that need their own space. so. we'll see.

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yay! [10 Dec 2002|11:08pm]
[ mood | i...feel...happy! ]
[ music | mercury rev. ]

i finished! i never realized how gratifying it would feel to write the words, "THE END". my draft of "Overdrawn" is now complete. And, if i may say so myself, pretty damn good. so, some fine-tuning, then we see what others think. that's the unknown in this here equation. so. we'll see. two job interviews tomorrow. we'll see about those, too. and meeting with a guy from my improv class who wants me to do a scene with him for a manager. "THE END". i'll drink to that. ha. i'm happy.

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la la la...weird la la... [10 Dec 2002|03:31pm]
[ music | sloan - i am the cancer. ]

last night was interesting. i'm in a good mood. la la la. i just realized i don't feel like writing about anything journal-style right now. going to productive write. on page 93. yessir.

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oh yoshimi...they don't believe me...but you won't let me... [09 Dec 2002|04:02am]
[ mood | on a mission. ]
[ music | built to spill (yoshimi always on the brain) ]

last night. ou alumni party. alright. 7-11 doesn't have a liquor license in the valley? what the fuck? so. not enough alcohol. brooke calls wasted multiple times. one call involves her singing the batman theme song. one involves her saying to call her bunny from now on. good times. go to ye rustic inn after. almost get into a fight at the juke box? once again, what the fuck? they apologize later. and end of the night, random people pouring beer in our glasses. and i invite two lesbians to our apartment to drink vodka with us. oh, and the chandeliers are made of antlers. they don't show up. the lesbians and the antlers. which is good, i guess, because i am feeling ill and pass out upon arriving home. lie around the house all day. watch vertigo. good movie. tonight is 80s dance night. good times. anthony leaves his bartab open? and buys rounds for everyone? i drink rumncoke all night. except now. because there's only miller light in our fridge. anthony wants me to drive him to a girl's place from the bar? i give him crackers and a glass of water and send him on his way. i'm writing, damnit. and it's comic gold.

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[05 Dec 2002|12:09pm]
sometimes the world happens solely for my benefit. and that makes me smile.
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what he said. [05 Dec 2002|11:30am]
"For every fatal shooting, there were roughly three non-fatal shootings. And, folks, this is unacceptable in America. It's just unacceptable. And we're going to do something about it."

-our president.
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[02 Dec 2002|05:15pm]
so, our friend calls and asks if we want 14th row tickets to the sold out strokes show tonight? yes. yes, we do.
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turning on all the lights so i don't want to sleep anymore. [01 Dec 2002|05:42pm]
[ mood | wake up. ]
[ music | queens of the stone age. ]

last night's hollywood block party thing was very weak. i managed to wrangle up a decent time working, but it was no athens. and i couldn't drink until we closed the doors. but i got free beer after that, which was a plus. i was on tv yesterday too. it was strange. i saw myself, and i just thought, 'oh yeah, i remember that.' just background, but it's a little exciting, i guess. it's getting a little colder here, not cold, just long sleeve weather. i have to remember to go outside in the sun every so often, so the fall/winter depression doesn't set in too much. i think i'll make a mix cd for tonight. that should be fun.

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photographs of people i used to know. [31 Nov 2002|12:56am]
[ music | sloan. the lines you amend. ]

laura sent me a link to some pictures of herself and other athens people at parties. kind of makes me sad. i miss them. fun people. i wish i could transport myself to athens magically. just for a few days. pretend like i was still in college. then jump back here. that'd be fun. ah well. coincidentally, i was listening to acrn at my free job this afternoon. i have a job interview tomorrow. i'm gonna be simba. not really. but it's for the lion king. office work. they're wanting to pay me in actual money though, so that's good. and i officially have a full internship at improv olympic. so my classes are entirely free. that's good also. i have a force field. i want to remember the lyrics from one foot in the grave, but they're escaping me at the moment. and i don't feel like searching for the cd. ah well. tomorrow is the halloween celabration on hollywood blvd. i get to work the door at io. it should be interesting. i'm finally rewriting overdrawn. it's going to be really good. one fourth of the way through. yessir.

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the horizon falters, slightly. [28 Nov 2002|12:57am]
i'm trying to think about what matters. and there's clutter. there are always lenses and flags waving at passing motorcades. there are marching bands, luitenants gauging costumed notes through a blank traffic signal. a man with stringy hair and a gray face selling popcorn on the sidewalk, one dollar a bag. and it's cold and stale. he wears a brand new t-shirt proclaiming 'spank saddam' and squints up at the washed orange sky frequently with a look of sad wonderment. like he sees jesus descending from the heavens, and he knows what it all entails. and the sun's up there, somewhere. but morphs like the broken horizon of a desert freeway; a straight path into everything behind you, but you can't keep from wondering whether it all changes...just a few miles ahead. if everything just folds on itself and you find yourself numbing, driving through pixels slightly altered, a change so slow you don't feel it happening until it's all around you, and you're a part of it.
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kazaa is fun [26 Nov 2002|04:25pm]
[ mood | syrup. ]
[ music | jesus and mary chain. down on me. ]

i've been getting my downloading fix ever since i hooked my computer up yesterday. found some good music, and videos? that's always fun. music videos are cool. and i found a site: good stuff. tonight, halloween parties. last night's shindig was alright, mostly zach's clique talking among themselves. they're good kids though. anthony got wasted, was biting people's legs. had to take him home then.

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livejournal, i'm sorry. don't be mad. [25 Nov 2002|05:04pm]
[ mood | the potted flower from nowhere ]
[ music | built to spill - you were right ]

i just wrote an entry and lj erased it. i think it's mad that i haven't been writing of late. i went to portland a few weeks ago for joe biels wedding. it was a great time. josh went with me, he goes to skool in redlands now. such a fun trip, and such beautiful scenery. especially on the pacific coast highway, we took that on the way back. portland was a great city, i think i'd like to live there at some point in my life. and i got to hang out with atom, which was great. haven't seen him since may. he came down from seattle for a night. saw gomez at the house of blues the night i got back to la. it was such a good show. and the guy with the voice? his vocals were mesmerizing in person. improv olympic i'm really enjoying. class is fun, i think some cool people in it. working the door i've met some cool people too. went out with a girl last night. she was alright, i don't think she's crazy enough for me though. but. we'll see. this weekend, lots of parties. la evidently takes halloween almost as seriously as athens. and i don't have a costume yet. i always do this. i was thinking of being a mad scientist, but dont know where to get the chemist's flask and lab coat. anthony wants to be syncronized swimmers, i think it's dumb though. i think he just wants an excuse to not where a shirt at parties. oh, and eric moved out at four in the morning. as much as he was a bitch to live with, i was sad to see him go. i don't think he gave it enough of a chance out here. just convinced himself he was miserable, and he was. but, hopefully he'll be happier in dayton or wherever else he ends up. our apartment will be a happier place now though without his negative energy. it was weird, the two days after he decided to leave, he was the nicest he's been since we got here. so, hopefully it was the right decision for him. and i finally have my computer online, which i'm very happy about. downloading new music as i type. good stuff. parties. yay.

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need order in your life? let the chaos begin. [09 Nov 2002|05:45pm]
[ mood | faded photograph of a sea gull ]
[ music | the daily show theme. ]

i wrote four skits this week. well, four rough drafts. that's good, eh? it's a start. it's time to collectivize some comedic talent in this place. we're in the very early stages still, have some good people.

i start working the door at improv olympic tonight. i'm excited. my class starts tuesday.

someone stole my pants. i only have three pair of pants i actually wear, and two of them were stolen from the laundry room downstairs. it's not like i'm stylish, who the hell would want my clothes? i checked before i went to sleep last night, i was a bit fuzzy and couldn't tell whether i was hallucinating or not, but i checked this morning and they were definitely not there.

and it's time for a road trip. josh (who calls himself rabbit at his skool now?) is coming to portland with me. i was just going to go for the weekend, leave friday and come back sunday, but then i realized, what the fuck? i have no commitments from tonight til tuesday night. so, i'm off. taking to the road. it will be interesting.

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the state [08 Nov 2002|12:50am]
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holy hallucination, batman! [01 Nov 2002|01:12pm]
[ mood | back to one. ]
[ music | motown. ]

last night i got fucked up. i was seeing everything through a lens and in zooming motions and fence pictures. i had to leave the bar and put myself in solitary confinement. it's been awhile. the city was insane on the walk home. everyone was suspect. i want more.

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why is tonto italian? [30 Oct 2002|06:43pm]
[ mood | yippee ]
[ music | the lone ranger ]

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