Wed, May. 12th, 2004, 05:33 am

HEATHER. oh my god.

Buddy works at travidia with me now!!! *dies* you're right...he just is always there!
at least he's in the other room...

mom and i are getting a full sized mattress for me today, after i turn my car in to be serviced.

thaaat's about it.

Tue, May. 11th, 2004, 07:31 am
please read this. It's about the verichip...which is the chip they are creating to eventually possibly carry identification on us and stuff. i don't support it, although it is a good idea. i am allergic to many materials and i don't believe it would be good for me.
also they say it won't be manditory, but as soon as it takes over our identification cards...what other choice will we have other than to implant one in our hand.

*sigh* we shall all retreat to the hills. i'm going to washington. state. not DC!

Mon, May. 10th, 2004, 08:12 am

so many things to do today. most importantly yoga.

Mon, May. 10th, 2004, 06:12 am

would you die or serve for this country?

Mon, May. 10th, 2004, 12:43 am

your icon makes me want to fall on the floor in convulsions.

Sun, May. 9th, 2004, 10:21 pm

jack looks stupid.
I was at dinner with john, cuz it's his 20th birthday, at Tres Hombres....yeah and scotty and jack kept walking by. ewww.

today was annoying becaue i tried to sleep..and i guess i did but it wasn't a happy sleep. i'm very irritated now.

i need to make something for john...cuz i didn't get to earlier.

stefan has a performance tomorrow night at Laxon auditorium.


oh and my mom wants me to start paying her. honestly.

John! He says All Aboard!! lol.

Sun, May. 9th, 2004, 09:57 pm

i don't feel good. inside.

it's funny how at the most inconvienient times and best days of your life, you just wish it would all end.
make it go away.
the tears burn as they trickle down my face.
i don't want this. i don't need it.
Why did i throw, what should have been, the greatest gift away.
i think about this all the time.
there's no where to hide, but in my dreams.
haunting and faded.
i need to disappear. not really. just mentally. or is it both?
so. god damned. frustrated.
how much longer can i stay?
the world has to end. please do it now?

of course not.
diseased and sick. i feel.
not beautiful
out of control
and lost.

Fri, May. 7th, 2004, 08:15 am
not for the faint!!! lol. so gruesomely great.

NoTittiKitti Oo: oy.
NoTittiKitti Oo: *stabs eyeball*
NoTittiKitti Oo: i better get to bed since i can't wake up at five thirty today
FatalityGraphics: thats not nice... Don't stab my eye
NoTittiKitti Oo: i stabbed mine.
NoTittiKitti Oo: couldn't you tell?
NoTittiKitti Oo: O.x
read the rest with pictures!!! )

Fri, May. 7th, 2004, 08:07 am


did you know that i have holes in my tonsils??
I haven't thrown up since fourth grade
I lie that i am allergic to tobacco to get away from it and to get people to stop smoking around me
i'm not really 5'5'' like i usually say, but 5'4'' and three quarters
i broke my right arm in eigth grade on a stationary bike
i didn't get my license until i was 17.5 years old.
I had only watched like ten rated R movies by the time I could "legally"
i am an insomniac
i hate writing poetry
play the piano. sometimes, but sing more often.
i told my dad that i would have a band and be singing like shirley manson[Garbage] by the time i turned 11. well i tried, and by the time i turned eleven Hanson started to get out there...and i was like UGH.
i love the spice girls!
i am still a Girl Scout
I love the rain
don't like long hair because it gets all in my face like BLAH!!! I AM IN YOUR FACE!!!!! *grumbles*
i love the smell of laundry..but i HATE... aaabsolutely HATE dragging all my clothes to the other end of the house to get them to the washer.
Spiders are evil!!!
i was a lil tom-boy in fourth grade. and skool sucked. i failed all of my classes.
i ran away once with stefan. we rode down to the church parking lot and hid in the bushes when my mom went looking for us. lol. but it got boring so we went home and got in biiig trouble cuz they were gonna call the cops. whatever.
i wanted to be the next power ranger.
in first grade i would slide around on the blacktop with my shoes pretending to ice skate because it left these bubble trails for a couple seconds.

Tue, May. 4th, 2004, 09:08 am

does molly or anyone else remember Maria Bertapelle??? yeah. she just had a kid a while ago. but....blah. she died last week...the obituary didn't say from weird an sad.

Mon, May. 3rd, 2004, 06:55 pm


I adopted a cute lil' kitty fetus
from Fetusmart! Hooray fetus!

Mon, May. 3rd, 2004, 08:32 am

here are four pictures that stefan took. but he is so stupid at taking pictures, especially with the digital camera.

clickme!!! )

Fri, Apr. 30th, 2004, 09:10 am

1. name: Kat [Katrina]
2. single or taken: swept away
3. sex: can't refuse it. juggalette
4. birthday: August 12, 1985
5. sign: Leo [meow!]
6. siblings: stefan
7. hair color: it's red rite now [naturally septic-tank blonde]
8. eye color: brite blue
9. shoe size: 8 in lady's
10. height: 5'4"
11. hometown: bleh. chico, ca


1. do you have a g/f-b/f?: yeeah
2. longest relationship?: reeal relationship. it's still going. we are at one year and 11 months
3. how many actual relationships have you been in?: 3 or four. but i'd like to deny the stupid junior high "boyfriend" bull
4. how many people have you kissed?: 2
7. are you shy around your crush?: lol. never
8. do you indulge in random hook-ups?: No
9. still have feelings for anyone you've been in a past relationship with?: yeah
10. do you know what it feels like to be in love?: yesss


1. where is your favorite place to shop? hot topic, gottschalks,
2. have any tatoos or piercings? a set of ears. but i can't wear anything cuz i'm allergic to it alll.
3. what is your favorite thing to wear?: pj's or prettty dresses.
4. what is a must have accessory?: uhm... a bra?
5. do you match your belt with your hair color?: ew. belts. i don't sag muh pants below my ass. hips are too big.
6. what are you wearing right now?: kitty pj pants, and my reaally big Big Money HUstla's shirt.
7. how many pairs of shoes do you own?: like six or five
8. what is the worst trend you see today?: NUTHUGGERS! *pukes* fuckin' hicks.


1. do you do drugs? ocasionally. alcohol
2. what kind of shampoo do you use?: oh yes...Yes! YES!!!! the total organic experiance
3. what are you most scared of?: spiders...ew!
4. what are you listening to right now?: twiztid - second hand smoke
5. who was the last person that called you?: Greg, well Mary technically
6. where do you want to get married?: i have no idea.
7. how many buddies are online right now?: 12
8. what would you change about yourself?: my skin condition
9. what are essentials in your life?: Family, Humor, and Friends
10. if you had the power to do any one thing, what would it be?: World Peace
11. what nationality are you?: i am a citizen of usa and austria.

HAVE YOU EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1. Given someone a bath: uh. my little cousins....
2. smoked?: yeah
3. bungee jumped?: helll no.
4. skinny dipped?: yup
5. made yourself cry to get out of trouble?: no...usually if i am i position like that i already am crying. i don't measn to.
6. cried when someone died?: yeah. i think the last person was Khaliya, last year. :(
7. fallen for your best friend?: Yes
8. been rejected?: Yes
9. rejected someone?: yes
10. used someone?: No
11. been used?: i don't think so. i don't really care. i don't think i have much to offer anyways. so i don't see how i could fall victim to it...


1. hair: weird. not spike but not normal. i need to go buy wax later today
2. music: twiztid - spin the bottle
3. make-up: I'm a guy
4. annoyance: constantly irritated skin
5. scent: mint...toothpaste
6. favorite group: Twiztid, evanescence, and t.a.t.u
7. desktop picture: A black and white landscape
8. book you're reading: heh...
9. cd in player: i have no idea...
10. dvd in player: none
11. color of toenails: clean

Thu, Apr. 29th, 2004, 10:49 am

cinderelladreamcome true )

Thu, Apr. 29th, 2004, 06:37 am

happy birthday, lil bro.
that was the saddest drive home ever.

i don't know. i just can't make sense of anything. i guess i should get over it and wipe away the awaiting tears. where's my band-aid.

i hope you reconsider.

Wed, Apr. 28th, 2004, 07:21 pm

1. Go into your LJ's archives.
2. Find your 23rd post (or closest to).
3. Find the fifth sentence (or closest to).
4. Post the text of the sentence in your blog along with these instructions.

from way back in 2001[april somethin']: "GRR"


i got haircut.
greg's mom called in to patrick while he was dying my hair....and was psychic about it too!

i must get pictures up! cut spiky hair and a preview of my dress. not on me of course.

BrianMP84: i feel like doing the chicken dance
NoTittiKitti Oo: yay!

Wed, Apr. 28th, 2004, 07:39 am

okay so get this.

john and i are eating lunch. and jeremy and josh [aaah the attack of the first names with J]..they're all laughin' and then jeremy says, oh kat.. uh... we left a uh whitet thing on your car car. josh:'s not that big...i'm ike...what kind of white thing...and after a few more questions and bullshitting i finally got it out of them that they opened the door and hit my car. okay.......instead of laughing about it and playing fucking stupid, they could have apologized and told me about it. yeah so they scratched paint of of Spot. and she is sad. me too.

Wed, Apr. 28th, 2004, 07:21 am

lifeless, i stare into the reflection of my eyes.
time passes effortlessy.
i see the acid trails dance against the current.
the tears splash into my timeless reflection
awakened. renewed.

i had to remove the butterfly wildly feathering my stomach.
i hold it in my hands and let the wings caress my hands. tickling.
and as the hands separate, i free the butterfly into the sky.
and a sadness sweeps over me.
so i drift. once again lost among the clouds.
if only i could awaken the white light from the crown of my head.
all seven chakras aglow?
i could see where i've been all these lifetimes.
an idigo child, perhaps?
i am still the lost soul i had started out as.

*sigh* so what's the point?
and this is why i stare into my eyes. for the answer that lies within.
one day......

A moment captured by zerocomplex

Mon, Apr. 26th, 2004, 10:47 pm

Everybody needs to leave me one comment. EVERYONE. or i will not post again until my request is completed! so there! don't worry! i'll probably respond if it's a fun comment!


Mon, Apr. 26th, 2004, 10:45 pm

here's the results from my black and white roll of film...

Sacramento River

Mistah John Haley!

clickety-click! )

20 most recent