April 01, 2004

I love NY!

I will be gone "finding myself" in New York starting Friday...

Posted by Maddy at 03:15 PM | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)

March 31, 2004

She Said What!

"Walmart? What's that? Do they sell walls or something?"

--Paris Hilton

Posted by Maddy at 06:13 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)

The Sneeze

I found a great site called The Sneeze Today.

Posted by Maddy at 05:19 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)

March 28, 2004

Born Being Gay.

Here is a comment on my site and I'd like to state my defense:

Ok, I just wanted to say that before you judge people you don't understand...you need to at least grasp a SMALL understanding of the English language. If you want to make comments that people will respect and ones to which they will listen, you need to make yourself sound more intelligent than someone who doesn't know the correct use of "there" and who has numerous vocabulary flubs. It is obvious that you either didn't or don't pay attention in school (assuming they would allow you to continue your remedial education without some sort of side by side assistance) and that you, thus, cannot either grasp or form coherent (this word means “rational”) and intelligent thoughts. My suggestion would be to learn a little before you speak a lot. Embarrassment lasts forever. Oh, and I have one more question for you: Did you choose to be straight? Because I sure do remember my parents sitting me down and giving me an option. I think some of your entries have decent points, if not good ones, but you first need to learn how to present them in a manner that will make people want to listen to you instead of laugh at you.

--Posted by The Dalloway Estate

Ouch. That hurt. Ok, I'm a 12-year-old just trying to state my opinions about life. And you said, " learn a little before you speak a lot." I read this article, not to mention, I watch the the news all the time. I do know a lot. I'm pretty bright, ok? You do not even know me so I would like it if you didn't judge me.

Sigh. Why is my life so tough?

Posted by Maddy at 04:17 PM | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)

March 27, 2004

That's really sad

Demrocrats go to Bush's Rally... (Laughs)

Yeah, Kerry has no chance of winning, the Democrats are even behind Bush now.

President George W. Bush is the leader America has needed over the last three years – and he is the leader America needs for the next four years.--And yes this is from a democrat's mouth.

God, I just think it's so funny. (Laughs more)

Posted by Maddy at 08:17 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)

Oh, yeah, this is great.

At least 17 women have been arrested in southern Somalia's Middle Shabbelle region for ignoring a decree banning women from wearing veils

In a country called Somalia, they have banned Muslim from wearing veils.

"Seventeen women have been arrested for defying a decree that banned women from wearing the Muslim veil"

I think this is totally unfair, unjust, and wrong. Question: Why aren't we taking care of the people in this country, they can't even were a type of clothes. That's like taking away the rosary from the Christains.

Posted by Maddy at 08:11 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)


I'm catholic and very religous. I try to attend church, I'm a trained altar server, trained to be a lector, in group (Sunday school), and go to Bible club at school. I believe in God strongly. But this is just plain wrong.

"When Sunday loses its fundamental meaning and becomes subordinate to a secular concept of 'weekend' dominated by such things as entertainment and sport, people stay locked within a horizon so narrow that they can no longer see the heavens" --The Pope

This is wrong. I'm sorry, I just can't agree.

Posted by Maddy at 08:04 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)

March 26, 2004

The Truth about being born gay

Kerry says there born gay. Whatever. People chose who they love. I know that I could never love a certain person, and plus have there is no prove. But of course, Kerry's a demrocrat.

Posted by Maddy at 04:05 PM | Comments (2) | TrackBack (0)

A secret--Shopping on E bay

Most people hate to shop. Especially for clothes. I mean it is a “Perfect Waste of Time of a Perfect.” Or maybe your one of those people who shops and spends WAY too much money. And they when your VISA bill comes in, lets just say--not a pretty sight…But now, there’s a better way to deal with it rather than complain, E bay. Now, your probably like they sell clothes on E bay. They sell everything on E bay!!! Yes, I got 7 pairs of jeans, a Eiffel Tower glitter T-shirt, and a silky robe. All of which was NEW!!! Grand Total: $ 30.00. So go to E bay and have fun, SHOPPING!!!

Posted by Maddy at 03:56 PM | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)

March 23, 2004

Please Notice!

I made some updates to my blog, you can now donate to the George/Cheney for '04 (see side) and I added some more links. ;)

Posted by Justene Adamec at 03:56 PM | Comments (3) | TrackBack (0)

March 22, 2004

Mentally ill children suffer in state-paid centers

I read this and I was shocked,

"At Ohio psychiatric centers, workers molested children, denied them food or gave them alcohol and drugs. Some kids suffered broken bones. Others lived in homes so dirty they urinated on the floor by their beds."

This scares me because I'm bipolar and if I never got medicine for this dreaded diease, then I might have ended up in a place like this.

Kids 'deserve better'

The report found children as young as 10 on six different kinds of psychotropic drugs at once, including an 8-year-old on eight medications that caused serious adverse side effects. It said most weren't approved for use in children.

In another case, a 13-year-old boy was given three shots of Haldol and three shots of Ativan in one five-hour-period. A 12-year-old girl, born addicted to crack cocaine and alcohol and sexually abused until she turned 3, was given six shots of Thorazine, restrained by two or three men 31 different times and put in seclusion 23 times during a nine-month period.

"These children aren't combative anymore, they're just drugged out. They do well to just get out of bed," says Knight, the agency's executive director.

"Who can really fathom yet what the side effects are? The cumulative effects of multi-meds and heavy doses can just gnaw away at a child's life."

Read it here.

This is just wrong.

Posted by Maddy at 03:54 PM | Comments (2) | TrackBack (0)

March 20, 2004


Are you fan of the book "Eragon" or is any of your friends? Well, if you are, you have probably heard of the next book Eldest. Sadly, the publishers have put off the release date. There is two sites that have a petition to have the book released sooner--at its oringinal date. The petition needs 10,000 signatures and can be acessed at Shur'tugal or DuShur'tugals. And please do me a favor by putting this on your site even if you haven't read the book because a lot of fans don't know about this petition.

Thank you.

Posted by Maddy at 03:42 PM | Comments (4) | TrackBack (2)
Terror Alert Level Comments: I do not delete them or edit them unless they are inapporite or have nothing to do with the topic. My Blog Uncle: Dean Esmay