April 13, 2004

That's DR. Hot Black Chick

Over the weekend, Genius Journalist Geraldo Rivera referred to White House National security Advisor Condoleeza Rice as, I kid you not, "a hot black chick." Brought Fox News' usual idiocy to a complete halt as the other panelists completely blanched at Rivera's description, and all but physically moved their chairs back from him. The moderator immediately clarified that that was Rivera's personal opinion and not his and not Fox News', but nothing saved the moment (other than it being Fox News and Saturday; I've seen no mention of this faux pas anywhere). I *suspect* I've been insulted worse, but I couldn't swear to it. Rivera's condescending tone is really necessary to understand how patently offensive this came across.

It was utterly astounding to see Gerlado lob both racism and sexism at so accomplished a person at the same time. It was, for Rivera, a personal best. Just when I think he could not possibly disgrace himself further, he goes and shows me something.

Oh, and for the record, while I find Dr. Rice very attractive, I'd hardly consider her "hot." Beyonce's not hot, either. In fact, fairly few "hot" people are actually hot. Lord knows Christina's not hot. Janet is surely not hot and hasn't been hot in a very long time. Alicia Keys-- bleh. Not.

Posted by priest at April 13, 2004 09:49 AM

Janet's not hot??!! Are you dead?

Scott's top 5:

1) Janet Jackson
2) Angelina Jolie
3) Claudia Black
4) Bif Naked
5) Nelly Fertado

Posted by: Scott at April 13, 2004 12:44 PM

My Uncle Danny made Condi Rice cry in 4th grade by making fun of the Christmas play she wrote.

That being said, Condi Rice is attractive. The things in the world that are the worst for you usually are.

Posted by: G. Edward Jones, Jr. at April 13, 2004 12:50 PM

Oh my God. Do you have a link to that quote, Jim? I'd love to spread the word. By the way, Geraldo used to be a hot Jewish-- I mean, Latino dude, back in his Willowbrook-scoop days...

Posted by: Elayne Riggs at April 13, 2004 02:15 PM

No link-- it was broadcast Saturday on Fox News, so there may be a way to look it up on their site.

Posted by: priest at April 13, 2004 03:09 PM

What I really want to know, Priest, is the context in which Geraldo brought up this factoid. I mean, did it just come up out of the blue? Were the panelists debating who should replace Halle Berry as Storm? Or were they just discussing their favorite hot black chicks?

Posted by: Jim Smith at April 13, 2004 03:15 PM

I saw it. Did a double take, realized where it came from, sighed, and changed the channel.

I'm pretty sure there is no low Geraldo or Fox could sink to that would actually surprise me. It is the most degenerate, insidious, pandering, LCD channel out there. They've made a mockery not only out of the phrase, but of the very concept of being fair and/or balanced. And they top it off with slamming the rest of the media for alleged bias. The only people who disgust me more are the people who write in, sucking up with glowing praise.

Posted by: Matt Adler at April 13, 2004 05:19 PM

Henry Kissinger said "power is an aphrodisiac". Dr. Rice being described that way only proves the point. It's still a disgusting comment for an alleged newsjournalist to say, but wow...

As for hotness, I find plastic Janet hot despite knowing better, the same way I still get kinda turned on by Anna Nicole Smith.

Anita Hill? Now she was hot! Where's the "sexy black Republicans" spread in Playboy?

Posted by: bootsy at April 13, 2004 07:48 PM

Yeah, I saw it too. If I remember correctly, they were talking about her testimony in front of the 9/11 commission and Geraldo (who I've always thought of as a monkey's asshair) was trying to make the point of how useless the public testimonies are... or something like that. I forgot the complete sentence, but it was brilliant and ageless in it's stupidity.
And it was just as funny to see the other panelists become so unjarred and giving forced chuckles while trying to distance themselves. Moments like those are why I like to watch Fox (although, I honestly do like The O'Reilly Factor).

Posted by: Chris at April 13, 2004 11:14 PM

Wasn't this the same guy who brought skinheads on his show and then flashed the broken nose he got from the ordeal like a badge of honor? I can't say I'm surprised. It's not like she's the most powerful woman in the country or anything. Oh... wait... That's right. She is.

Geraldo must really feel at home at Foxnews with distinguished people such as O'Reilly. Have they signed on Rush Limbaugh, yet?

No wonder I watch CNN...

Hot list...

1.) Halle Berry
2.) Tyra Banks
3.) India.Arie
4.) Lauryn Hill
5.) Jennifer Garner

Posted by: lionman at April 13, 2004 11:23 PM

Good lord, Geraldo actually said that out loud...

Why doesn't that surprise me.

Posted by: Slick at April 14, 2004 05:27 AM

Attractive? Condi is professional looking and tasteful in dress and makeup, but comes off like a school marm. And most photos I see of her are scowling faces.

Posted by: Michael Denton at April 14, 2004 09:24 AM

yeah, "hot" is tossed around too often. it's like the difference between cute and sexy. all too often, women who are merely cute are referred to as hot.

or, they're scary and freakish, like the Hilton sisters, and *not* cute OR hot.

Posted by: Hysan at April 14, 2004 09:29 AM

You've got some blog-spam at the end of the 'This Just In' thread. Just pointing it out...

Posted by: Evan at April 14, 2004 09:45 AM


It was something like, "This is such a farce. They already have her testimony from the private interview. Now [The Democrats] just wanna parade her out in public, as if some hot black chick can shoulder all the blame for this mess."

That's obviously not the right quote, but it was close. I am stunned this was not made into a much bigger bruhaha. It was savagely insensitive and easily rose to the level of Limbaugh's blather that got him kicked off of ESPN.

Posted by: priest at April 14, 2004 10:30 AM

Evan: thanks for the spam heads up. Looks like the spammers have found yet another way to annoy us, and now I and many other bloggers will have to figure out ways to keep them out of here. Please REPORT all spam you see here (other than me shilling for readers, of course) to me at priest@digital-priest.com. Thanks!

Posted by: priest at April 14, 2004 10:42 AM

Wow, Fox News really gets the liberals panties in a wad, doesn't it? Don't they already own all of the other news channels PLUS all the newspapers? My only problem with them is that they have the gall to use "Fair and Balanced." We all know better, right?

Posted by: Brian at April 14, 2004 02:51 PM

This should come as no surprise to you, Priest. Geraldo is the same guy who revealed the location of the unit he was embedded with during the invasion of Iraq.
P.S. - Condoleezza Rice is the most powerful woman on the planet. Do not underestimate her hotness.

Posted by: John G. at April 14, 2004 06:56 PM

I don't think this has been made more of mostly because Rivera is a joke. I think it's come to the point that people don't even want to point at him and laugh at his blatant stupidity.

Secondly, Condoleeza Rice is not hot. Period. Hot smiles once in a while. Hot shows human emotion on one discernable scale or another. Hot is Shannon Elizabeth's joyous, toothy grin. Hot is Halle Berry in pretty much anything but that gawd-awful Catwoman outfit. Hot is my friend Theresa laughing.

Eh. I'm a man of simple pleasures.

"Hot black chick"? Rivera is like a train wreck; you don't want to look, but you have to know what kind of damage was done, and how much more has yet to happen.

Posted by: Jon Grasseschi at April 14, 2004 08:23 PM

Oh, wow.. I didn't know Geraldo chair-to-the-nose Rivera was still in effect.. Glad he doesn't do the regular talk show anymore.. sigh..

Dr. Rice's testimony was kind of to be expected, but i don't see it as much more than window dressing and fraternity (dem and rep) mudslinging.. whop! whop!

on another level, THE BOONDOCKS strip lampoons her on a regular basis, now on the basis that all she needs is a date.. whoo-hah...

Posted by: christopher currie at April 14, 2004 10:12 PM

This is a late post, but I just had to weigh in about the BOONDOCKS/Rice joke. Recently, the New Yorker interviewed Aaron McGruder about the success of his hit comic strip and the upcoming BOONDOCKS cartoon among other things. During the interview, McGruder mentions that Rice WANTED to be mentioned in his strip. Clearly, she had no idea what she was in for: McGruder's earlier comments about her should have been a hint.

Read the full hilarious story here:


Posted by: Frederick D. Weaver at April 23, 2004 09:56 PM
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