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User:arathorn (512997) arathorn
Location:California, United States
Bio:I am a Ranger who lives around the Shire.

I have a son named Aragorn among other names.

My wife left me.

An orc shot me in the eye and I died. I was happy.

Then Ioreth stabbed me and I died again. Didn't care since she took my wife.

Finally I fell in love with a guy dressed in tights. He swings from a web. We get along well.
Interests:40: ale, all the frodos, ammo, aragorn, archery, blur, bullets, dwarves, dúnedain, elves, firearms, forests, frodo baggins, gandalf, gorillaz, guns, hand-to-hand combat, hobbits, kick boxing, martial arts, mespt, middle-earth, mountaineering, music, other men, pipeweed, plasticgandalf, rangers, rock climbing, running, skiing, spider-man, swords, targets, tequila, tobey macguire, tolkien, trees, weapons, yoga. [Modify yours]
People77:aeglos, amras, arathorn, arodofrohan, arwenundomiel, aule, bbolger_baggins, beckythebalrog, bilbobaggins, bingobbaggins, boromirofgondor, butterbur, celbrandybuck, chomsky_sauron, darklordsauron, durins_bane, dwarvenvei, ecthelion, elanorgamgee, elfhild, elrondhalfelven, eomer_of_rohan, erchirion, esmereldatook, faramir, feanaro, fredegarbolger, frodofigment, frodogamgee, frodooftheshire, ghostofisildur, gilraenthefair, gloredhel, gorlim, halbarad, haldiroflorien, hamfastgamgee, hamilcarbolger, horseofrohan, ioreth, jesterofgondor, kingelessar, l_greenleaf, ladyeowyn, legolasgreenlef, lordelladan, lordof_imladris, manofrohan, manwe_sulimo, mayorsamgamgee, me_dracomalfoy, me_harrypotter, meriadocgamgee, merlim, merrybrandybuck, mirabellatook, mithrellas, miz_nenya, mrfrodo, naryathered, nienor_niniel, oisonofvei, pearltook, peregrin_took, poor_grima, ringwraiththree, riverdaughter, samwisegamgee, smaugthegreat, sockpuppets, theodwyn, tobeyman, treebeardtheent, ulmo, vardamile, waterwatcher, wizardgandalf
Communities4:mespt_random, mesptmuns, middle_earth, puppetcare
Friend of:313: 6thgaladriel, 7thequiet, _forsaken_one_, a_legolii, a_ringwraith, adrahil, aeglos, ailosacath, alasseogamgee, alatar, alcawyn, almare, alume, amandil, ambarto, ameniel, amras, anaire, angelicabaggins, angrim, annael, annlarimer, ansongamgee, anvanime, aranrusco, aranwethenoldor, arathorn, aredhel, arfeiniel, arines, arodofrohan, arthad, arwens_evenstar, arwenundomiel, asphodel_bb, baby_liv, bbolger_baggins, beorn_bearman, beregond, beren_erchamion, bergil, bingobbaggins, black_lokiel, borntoramble, bullroarertook, captcirithungol, caradhras, caranthir, celeborn_6, celeborn_iv, celebrianrules, chicachubb, chomsky_sauron, cuine, curufinwe, cysel, daisygamgee, darkelf_eol, daughteroflions, denethor_one, dervorin, dirhael, divaerestor, dr_spengler, drogobaggins, druedain, dudobaggins, duilin, durins_bane, duskdancer, dwarven_ring, ecthelion, elanorgamgee, elemmakil, elenwe, elfhelm, elfhild, elfofdoriath, elfstan, elfwine, elladanthesane, elrondhalfelven, elrosofnumenor, elurin, elusive_frodo, emeldir, eobeth, eol_darkelf, eomer_of_rohan, eonwe, eowyn_eorlingas, eradan, erendis, erendis_serind, erkenbrand, esmereldatook, estethegentle, everardtook, evilfrodo, f_and_f, falastur, faramir, faramir1, faramirtook, farmermaggot, feana, feanaro, felarof, fengelofrohan, finduilasnoldor, finrodfelagund, finwe, fortinbrastook, foscobaggins, foxkingofatvia, fram_i_am, frealaf, fredegarbolger, frodo_junior, frodofigment, frodogamgee, galador, galadrielxiii, galathil, gelmir, gerontiustook, ghan_buri_ghan, ghostofisildur, gildoringlorion, gilmith, gilraenthefair, girloliphaunt, gloredhel, gorlim, gourrybaggins, great_vanimar, greymantle, greypilgrim, groin, guilded_flower, guthlaf, gwaihirwl, gwindor, hador, hama, hamfastgamgee, haradrim, haricot_basil, hasufel, helm_hammerhand, ...
Member of:8: mepd, mespt_daycare, mespt_jobmart, mespt_singles, middle_earth, paidmembers, puppetcare, strudelkingdom
Account type:Free Account

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