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Velocity 1.4 Released
Posted by michael on Thursday April 15, @10:07AM
from the more-than-just-a-web-server dept.
JohnA writes "After what seemed to be a 30 year beta period, the Apache Jakarta team has made available the final release version of Velocity 1.4. If you're not familiar with Velocity, it's one of the most powerful and popular templating engines around. And, as an added bonus, a DreamWeaver plugin was also released."

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SecurityFocus Updates 2 Apache Vulnerabilities
Posted by timothy on Mon Apr 12, '04 04:05 PM
from the chin-up-buckle-down dept.
michael path writes "SecurityFocus released two updated Apache vulnerabilities, one affecting 2.0.x (a DOS vulnerability), the other affecting both the 1.3.x and 2.0.x revisions (a buffer overflow). IBM HTTP Server is also affected by these vulnerabilities in similar version numbers."

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Gopher ProtocolHandler for Apache2 Released
Posted by michael on Fri Mar 26, '04 11:07 AM
from the go-fer-it dept.
hardburn writes "One of the stated goals of the Gopher Manifesto (previously mentioned on Slashdot) was to create a Gopher plugin for Apache. That goal has now been realized with the release of Apache::GopherHandler. Get it off Gopher itself or off CPAN."

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Apache 1.3.x vs. 2.0.x: The Debate Returns
Posted by timothy on Mon Mar 22, '04 11:17 PM
from the or-continues dept.
darthcamaro writes "internetnews.com is running a story about the new Apache 2.0.49 release. They actually got a hold of a pair of Apache Software Foundation members and got them to speak out about the 1.3.x vs. 2.0.49 debate! Also Apache Director Sander Striker told internetnews.com that he expects the Apache 1.3.30 release cycle to begin this week... I still use 1.3.x because I've been using the Apache 1.x series 'forever' and I've never found a solid reason to change. Also, as pointed out in this article, the official PHP documentation clearly states, 'Do not use Apache 2.0 and PHP in a production environment neither on Unix nor on Windows.'"

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Apache 2.0.49 Released
Posted by michael on Fri Mar 19, '04 07:07 PM
from the happy-happy-joy-joy dept.
chipster writes "Apache 2.0.49 has been released today. This version addresses some bugs, as well as a few security issues. You can read about the new features here, and get Apache 2.0.49 here. Also available is the 2.0 ChangeLog."

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Secure Mini-Apache for Embedded Linux
Posted by michael on Tue Jan 27, '04 06:47 PM
from the apache-on-the-atkins-diet dept.
An anonymous reader writes "Embedded webserver specialist Mbedthis Software has released AppWeb, a new "mini-Apache" for embedded Linux focusing on high security and designed for 'embedding in applications and devices.' AppWeb can be configured with a memory footprint of only 110K, and targets web services, offline applications, and embedded device management, according to Mbedthis."

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Apache License Updated to 2.0
Posted by CowboyNeal on Sat Jan 24, '04 10:29 AM
from the new-and-improved dept.
Roy_Fielding writes "The Apache Software Foundation has approved an update to the open source Apache License (Version 2.0) that will be mandated across all Apache projects starting on March 1st. I have been working on variations of this license for the past three years, trying to balance the many different goals of the revision. That includes making the license easier for non-ASF projects to use, improving compatibility with GPL-based software, allowing the license to be included by reference instead of listed in every file, clarifying the license on contributions, and requiring a patent license on contributions that necessarily infringe a contributor's own patents. The result is a license that is compatible with other open source licenses, such as the GPL, and yet still remains true to the original goals of the Apache Group and supportive of collaborative development across both nonprofit and commercial organizations." While it has yet to become OSI-certified, it will probably will be so Real Soon Now, and in the meantime it's fun to compare licenses.

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Slashback: Princeton, Terror, Farscape
Posted by timothy on Thu Nov 20, '03 07:59 PM
from the don't-get-a-flu dept.
Slashback tonight with more on whether Princeton really hates open source (hint: No.), the outcome of Australia's mp3s4free.net case, the Farscape-to-return saga, and other updates to recent and semi-recent Slashdot stories. Read on for the details.

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JBoss Queries Apache Geronimo Code Similarity
Posted by simoniker on Mon Nov 10, '03 06:53 PM
from the tomahawks-at-dawn dept.
Kanagawa writes "This morning, Jim Jagielski, Exec. V.P. and Secretary of the Apache Software Foundation, announced on the geronimo-dev mailing list that 'the ASF received a letter from JBoss's lawyers regarding... the similarity of code between [J2EE implementation] Geronimo and JBoss.' The letter is available in PDF. According to the letter, similarities were noticed back in July, and haven't been fixed."

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Apache Axis C++ v1.0 (Alpha) Released
Posted by timothy on Wed Nov 05, '03 11:26 AM
from the kitchen-sink-and-shower dept.
BSD Forums writes "The Apache Axis team is proud to announce the release of Apache Axis C++ v1.0 (Alpha). This implementation of a C++ SOAP engine provides a stable platform for developing Web services using C/C++ as well as a client side library for developing C/C++ client applications. New features include SOAP engine with both client and server support; partial support for both SOAP 1.1 and SOAP 1.2; WSDD based deployment with dynamic deployment tools and more. Both binary and source are available at Apache mirror sites."

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