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21 Apr 2004|09:30pm
mood calm music I Got Stoned And I Missed It - Dr. Hook
I stole this idea from my sissy's ( [info]punkybunny ) journal.

Please, read and follow the instructions.

Post anything that you want here, and post it anonymously.

A story, a secret, a confession, a fear, a love... anything.

Make sure to post anonymously and honestly.

Post as many times as you'd like.

Then, put this in your LJ to see what others have to say.

I'm just curious. It sounds like fun. :D

15 lies|Got a Fever?

  * yes, yes cheese.
16 Dec 2003|04:55pm
mood boogy music laughter
Katy laughed.
Her glasses had gotten knocked from her face.
Boogies fell from her nose.
The end.

26 lies|Got a Fever?

  Friends Only
23 Jun 2003|09:05pm
mood accomplished music cute without the e-Taking Back Sunday

If you can't make meaning out of that sign it basically means:
Friends only. I'm sorry about this. If you want to be friends comment and I'll add ya.

Any who, I made it friends only for one simple reason, bastard people. I could have just disabled the anonymous commenting but I didn't want the bastards reading either. Seriously though, if you wanna be friends comment, I'm a nice person. ;)

Note:  If you're already on my list, I'm not taking anyone off, so don't bother commenting

62 lies|Got a Fever?