Kytty's Journal Oscar-winning director Michael Moore has finished his latest documentary, but The Walt Disney Company is refusing to let the American public see it. The film, "Fahrenheit 911," is critical of President Bush's actions before and after Sept. 11 and describes Bush's relationships with powerful Saudi families, including that of Osama bin Laden. ( Show the Film!!! ) http://www.hsus.org/ace/11809 I don't think corporations are inherently "bad" any more than I think those with white skin or men or those of dominant monotheistic religions are bad. I think that, as with the other groups, there is an institutionalized power that needs to be addressed. When I "buy local," I've found it no more likely that the person I'm buying from leads an ethical lifestyle or engages in ethical business practices than when I buy from a corporation. Just as there is a range of ethical behavior in people, there is a range in corporate ethics. When corporations put out a product which I feel brings the mainstream closer to a more compassionate and just value set, I will consider the option to buy that product along with other "local" choices. Larger companies don't always cut costs through exploitative methods. Sometimes lower prices are due to the ability to buy raw materials in bulk and possession of technology which allows for mass production. I don't have a problem with choosing to buy a lower-priced product from a corporation which has used non-exploitive methods to produce that product. Finding out that that is the case is often quite a challenge, though. I think the mantra that corporations are always evil and one should always buy local most often comes from the middle class...exactly those who benefit from such practices. (surprise!) In fact, I think there is a lot of ignorance and/or neglect of class issues in the anti-corporate movement. Often local products are much more expensive due, from what I can see, to the fact that a large part of the focus of the majority of local business is maintaining a middle-class lifestyle. I am happy to give my business to local craftspersons or companies which also take class issues into consideration when pricing their products. The value of a product shouldn't reflect lifestyle addictions of the producer, imo. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/quer Good food sources of unsaturated fats include avocadoes, peanuts, and certain nuts and seeds such as walnuts and sunflower seeds. Whenever possible, use unsaturated fats instead of saturated fats or trans fats in cooking. For example, use olive oil or vegetable oil instead of butter, shortening, or stick margarine. Use olive oil-based salad dressings on salad instead of creamy dressings. Skip the mayo on your sandwich and use slices of avocado instead to help make the sandwich creamy and moist. http://www.livejournal.com/community/se I saw this when it aired last night. I don't believe this is an isolated incident...I think it's just rare that these things go public. I'm astounded at the assertion that there were no procedures for treatment of prisoners. What about common fucking decency? The excuses people come up with sometimes. Invent a memory of me and post it in the comments. It can be anything you want, so long as it's something that's never happened. Then, of course, post this to your journal and see what an interesting life you might have had in a parallel universe. Don't be dumb and end up posting a REAL memory in response to this meme. brought to you via vorpalbla water nonperishable foods and can opener first aid kit sleeping bag cash keys flashlight and batteries copies of important documents battery/solar operated radio for toilet: 5 gal. bucket garbage bags kitty litter toilet seat Extra supplies for animal companions and/or children. The first birds to introduce themselves to the Beaknik & Bushy Tail Cafe (my balcony sprinkled with seeds and corn) were two morning doves. And as I make preparations to move, I see that they are back. I will miss them and hope the next resident is a bird lover who will put some seed out for them. This quote is funny and profound at the same time :) It's better to urp a burp and bear the shame than squelch a belch and die in pain! --Anonymous http://www.nfnc.org/ |