I'm a loser baby, so why don't you kill me? |
[02 May 2004|11:27pm] |
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something on the tv that I left on in the other room |
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So I'm a loser and I hardly ever post anymore. Work has sucked major balls lately and my boss is an idiot to the Nth degree. Which means less time for me to be on LJ.
Tim is gone to Chicago for work for three days and I'm all alone. That means that I have to get Curtis ready for school, drive him to school, and deal with all the stupid obnoxious parents who obviously never learned to read because they can't tell the difference between the entrance and exit of the parking lot.
Is there anyone else out there who thinks that the majority of parents are complete idiots?
Anyway, worst of all, I have to make my own coffee in the morning! Tim has me so spoiled - everyday when I get up there is coffee all ready for me to chug. Of course, he probably does this out of self defense because I am a walking bitch-demon without it.
(2 did the twist | dance with me)
Stolen from Ramonesbrat |
[02 May 2004|11:25pm] |
1.Go into your LJ's archives. 2.Find your 23rd post (or closest to). 3.Find the fifth sentence (or closest to). 4.Post the text of the sentence in your blog along with these instructions
hahaha. she has a hair appointment.*
*I decided to use both the 5th and 6th sentances because it's more fun.
(dance with me)
[06 Apr 2004|12:05pm] |
Curtis's first baseball game was cancelled because the ground was so wet. I was kind of disappointed, kind of not. I don't think he knows what baseball is all about yet. All I have seen them teach at practice is how to throw and how to hit, so it may be a good thing that he will have two more practices before the first game.
My wrist is finally getting back to normal after the surgery. It was so friggin huge for the first few days, and I couldn't really pick Lydia up with both hands until last week. I still don't have even close to the full range of movement yet, but hopefully that will come back soon.
Lydia has been a little turd lately, always wanting to be held. If I put her down, most of the time she will start screeching like a little banshee unless I look at her and make funny faces.
On a good note, she did start sleeping all night long (well, from 9 to 5) a couple of weeks ago, so now I get semi-decent sleep. And Tim always gets her when she's hungry in the morning and brings her to me so that I can nurse her.
(5 did the twist | dance with me)
[12 Mar 2004|05:02pm] |
I haven't updated in forever...things have been pretty hectic lately. I have surgery on my wrist on the 24th. Yippee. I have to wear a brace for two weeks afterwards, which will royally suck. If I still worked at my old job, this would probably keep me out of work for a week or so.
Lydia is getting huge! She lays on her stomach and 'swims' now. I took her in to the office today, and everyone was oohing and aahing over her, which she got a kick out of. Little ham.
Curtis is doing so well with learning to read. I think that it is finally starting to click for him.
I love to watch my children grow up! It is such an adventure every day - they are ALWAYS learning something new and it is so amazing! I feel so thankful that I get to be at home with and to experience these things with them.
(4 did the twist | dance with me)
Blah |
[25 Feb 2004|03:59pm] |
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crazy |
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Blah blah blahblah blah, blah blahblahblahblahblah, blah. Blahblah blahbity blah blah. Blah.
I need to get out of this frickin' house, or else get the kids out. I neeeeed a breeeaakkkkk. Five months of having a little rugrat attached to my boobs every two hours, and now that she's got two teeth it has REALLY stopped being fun.
Tim was supposed to take them to his Mom's for a couple of hours last weekend, but somehow it never happened. So, he tried to be nice by cooking Sunday dinner, which is normally my job. AAARGHHHHH! He stole my job! I do it because it means I don't have to hold anyone. I can justifiably kick everyone out of the room when I am cooking and not look like a biatch.
I need some Calgon. And Bourbon.
(3 did the twist | dance with me)
[17 Feb 2004|09:15am] |
Well, Lydia is feeling a little better. She finally started eating last night, and when we got up this morning she had peed a ton! She still has a horrible phlegmy cough, but overall she is 324534563456% better than yesterday. She's actually playing right now for the first time in a couple of days.
There has been so much going on lately. I have an consultation with a hand surgeon next month about having this cyst removed from my wrist. My Aunt Vickie (the one who had gastric bypass surgery in Dec) just found out that there was a sponge left inside of her and she will have to have another surgery to remove it. I hope she sues that hospital. They do a triple count, and they still manage to f*ck it up.
Ummmm...Tim and I went to a restaurant a couple of weekends ago. It was a docked boat on the river, and it was cold as hell that day, all snowy and icy. My salad was delicious, until I discovered there was a wasp in it. A wasp! In the middle of Frigid February on the Ohio River! Who would've thunk it?
Anyway, hopefully life will get back to normal soon.
Oh, we're finally getting new windows for the house too. For about $10,000 less than we would've paid if my uncle didn't own a window company. Heheh, it's nice to have contacts within the family. So, we will have enough $$ left to carpet the upstairs, and maybe even re-drywall...if we do some of the work ourselves. I'd be up for anything except the actual hanging of it because that shit is heavy.
(7 did the twist | dance with me)
[16 Feb 2004|02:45pm] |
We went to the doctor, and by the time we got there her wheezing was almost completely gone! Maybe it was the cool air or something that helped...I don't know.
The doctor didn't seem to be very worried about the fact that she has hardly peed at all and hadn't eaten in hours. I was very dissatisfied with what he had to say about it. Maybe I'm paranoid, but IMO dehydration in a baby this small is a big deal.
Tim and I have decided to give it until this evening, and if she isn't eating and peeing more we will take her to the emergency room.
Thank you to everyone who kept us in your thoughts...I appreciate it so much.
(1 did the twist | dance with me)
[16 Feb 2004|10:24am] |
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scared |
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Lydia is pretty ill. She was diagnosed yesterday with an infection in both ears, and bronchiolitis. The doctor suspects that the bronchiolitis is caused by RSV.
In any case, she is going back to the doctor today at 11:00 because her wheezing is worse, and I suspect that she is extremely dehydrated. In the past 24 hours she has maybe eaten 1/2 as much as usual due to inability to breathe and from coughing so hard that she vomits. She won't even try to eat now.
Needless to say, I am really worried. I wouldn't be surprised if we get sent to Children's Hospital to try and get her re-hydrated.
So if any of you out there are the praying kind, please say a prayer for my Lydia. Rose
(4 did the twist | dance with me)
[04 Feb 2004|09:52am] |
So I was sitting here at the computer working and holding Lydia, and I keep smelling something that makes me think of cake batter. It was really sweet smelling, and seemed to be coming from the general vicinity of Lydia. I checked her breath, and that wasn't it. I checked her hands to see if maybe she got ahold of something, but nothing was there.
About ten minutes later, I'm still smelling it. I check her diaper. Her poop smells like cake batter.
WTF!!??! She has always had the most obnoxiouslystinkyburnyoureyeballspoop. Why cake batter?
(4 did the twist | dance with me)
[30 Jan 2004|11:13am] |
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Some relaxation CD |
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So Lydia is feeling better, and the pediatrician didn't even seem bothered at all by the fact that she was ill, so there was no debate about antibiotics! Yaay!
When Curtis was a baby he started getting ear infections after he stopped nursing, and had an almost constant ear infection until he was three. He was constantly on antibiotics and not feeling well...until I WISED UP and stopped taking him to the doctor. No doctor= no antibiotics= Curtis's body healing itself. I stopped taking him to the doctor, and when his ears started smelling funny (which was his body's sign of an ear infection) I would put a few drops of Colloidal Silver in his ears before bed, and he hasn't been sick in almose two years.
Since I plan on nursing Lydia for at least a year and have the right information about antibiotics we shouldn't have those problems with her.
I'm going to request another doctor within our pediatrics office, only I can't remember his name. He saw Lydia when she was two weeks old, and he was great. He was very pro-breastfeeding and seemed to be more in touch with my line of thinking regarding medical care. I think the human body is an amazing thing and has the capabilities of healing itself if left alone. I'm not talking about Cancer or Meningitis or anything so serious. I'm referring to simple colds and infections, and maybe a mild case of the Flu. If we don't give our bodies a chance to heal itself, it will never be able to.
Anyway...snow sucks. The city of Cincinnati sucks because they haven't plowed my street yet and it is a hill. The idiot who parked by the corner sucks, because they are blocking half of the opening to the main road.
(1 did the twist | dance with me)
[21 Jan 2004|11:54am] |
Poor little Lydia is sick. She's exhausted but keeps waking herself up when she coughs. I feel so bad for her. We have her four-month check up tomorrow, so hopefully she won't get any worse between now and then.
I'm worried that the doctors will want to put her on antibiotics. I would much rather give her body a chance to learn how to heal itself, but if she would get extrememly ill without them I guess I don't have much of a choice.
Poor baby.
(dance with me)
ganked from ramonesbrat |
[20 Jan 2004|10:13am] |
You will live in Apartment. You will drive a green Honda Odyssey. You will marry and have 2 kids. You will be a hotel maid in Naples, Italy.
I really wanted to be rich for a profession. Oh well, at least I get to be in Italy while I am slaving away cleaning after nasty people.
(dance with me)
Birth Story, Finally |
[16 Jan 2004|09:19am] |
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So, I figured that since Lydia is almost four months old (next Thursday) I should get around to posting her birth story.
It is long and fairly detailed and maybe has a little bit of TMI!
( Birth Story )
(10 did the twist | dance with me)
[05 Jan 2004|08:42am] |
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awake |
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My stupid neighbor's loud ass truck |
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Tim and I have given up on trying to go places without Lydia. We went and saw ROTK on Saturday, and when we went to pick up the kids from his parents after the movie, we found out that Lydia REFUSED to take the bottle. Which means that she missed two meals. I just can't leave her alone anymore if she won't eat...it breaks my heart to think of her being hungry and me out having fun. We have tried six different nipples, and she refuses all of them. Apparantly only Mommy will do when she is hungry. So, our anniversary will probably be spent at home, which is OK I guess.
On a good note, the movie was awesome even though it ended about five different times.
Burlington Coat Factory out by our house is going out of business and starting a sale on Friday, which I will be going to. I swear, I am going to be all up in the baby clothes section. It's on.
(2 did the twist | dance with me)
[31 Dec 2003|03:03pm] |
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Tim LOVED his Christmas present!
We went and saw the play on Saturday, and it was great. I got a babydoll tee that says 'Would you like me to seduce you?' on the front and 'Is that what you're trying to tell me' on the back. Tim likes that too.
Anyway...Tim got me the best gift, something that I've wanted since I was 17. He's going to build me a darkroom in the basement! I am soo friggin excited about it! It's going to take a few months to do, but it is well worth it.
We got to see everyone on Christmas, and Curtis had a blast. Lydia loved her toys (a squeaky babydoll, a soft book, and a plush bowling set). Other than that, everything has been same as ever.
My Aunt Vickie had GB surgery on Christmas Eve, and was out in two days because she did so well, which is amazing considering all of the medical problems she has had in the past.
So, does anyone have any New Years Resolutions they would like to share?
(2 did the twist | dance with me)
[24 Dec 2003|02:36pm] |
So we went caroling at the nun retirement home last night. They all seemed to get a kick out of Curtis and Lydia. Curtis did pretty well, considering.
Anyway, Merry Christmas to everyone!
(dance with me)