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Slightly Damaged

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I love nicole. [Mar. 1st, 2004|05:28 pm]
Oh nicole,
It was suppose to be a surprise!
I am coming out there, and I will be dead sexy and ready to rock Seattle out with you and the rockstars I dream to be apart of.
I will be famous and I want you there to dj for me, dj nikki!
you won't believe how good I have gotten...
and it is so time to have the fucking rockinest band ever to emerge from Seattle, don't you think? :)
I love you, I love you.
Don't forget that... we've been through a lot & we have a lot more to do...
Berningman this summer...
I will live in Seattle till December because I want to go to Purchase but, must get a real portfolio together and impress the hell out of those people!
But that takes time... so Seattle here I cuuummm ;)
Nicole, please understand that I really want to be there with you and see how awesome you have become. I want to be a part of, but I'll stuck till may.
I am making some cooler friends here so, If I waited till you got out of college in June...
you could come here... chill with some of my newer friends...
Then we can drive all summer, where ever...
I want to, I don't know how to prove it, except to do it.
so I will
we should talk soon :)
love ya gurlie *winks*
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Fake fucking people.... [Feb. 23rd, 2004|12:04 pm]
[mood | pissed off]

So I like when my "friends" blow me off.
Especially after you try calling them several times...
Life that busy?
Ahhh ha.. I see your just so cool now that you don't have time for the people that really cared about your ass and where there to shell out money and time when it was needed the most.
Forget what I said, It don't mean shit now then.
Obviously all the comforting and concern was just in vain and turned out to be pointless.
Maybe I should just be like my other friends and treat everyone like shit and make you feel guilty so you could send me some drugs that I'll just get pissed off about cause it smells funny instead of appreciating the jesture..
I think I just had it wrong all along... my mind set has just changed so I can be a straight up dick face and asshole and then you can buy me stuff.
Thanks for you help
Fuck you all.

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[Feb. 18th, 2004|09:28 pm]
[mood | disappointed]

I don't see the point in reading cocky entries
people change I guess
that's to bad.

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Alcoholic Found... [Feb. 2nd, 2004|05:26 pm]
So I went to Oneonta... or should I say Stoneonta over the weekend.

That shit sure was crazy.
The first night I went to a Wine and Cheese Party!
Ohhh yeah ;) I got really drunk off of some fancy White wine... couldn't tell you what it was... Ummm.. walked with Lauren to another party at around 12:00am, smoked some pot... then fell into a few snowbanks until we stumbled into a club that was really dead...but me and Lauren danced anyway! Then I had some guy wrap his arm around me for a while... saying o.k. you lead... Urrr.. then he left, but told me to meet him in the "alley".. yeah whatever... So we go to the bus stop after that to go home and possibly find Paul cause his ass got kicked out of the party... to drunk.... to many drunk people... but he was already asleep.

Next night
We smoke all day with Lauren's friends Justin and some guy... begins with and "S" ahhh... I doesn't matter... so everyone was sharing weed... and I got really high... but the conversation with them was kind of dragging... they were very concerned with the Freeza Saga and Dragon Ball Z, so we bounced. Watched the Clockwork Orange and then got ready for the Around the World party. Holy Shit. My head was spinning around the world that's for sure.
I had around 6 jello shots, 2 huge glasses of some Caribbean mixed drink, at least 2 shots each of tequila and whiskey, Numerous shots of amaretto, some vodka and a lot of smoking. I had some guy profess his love for me in a mirror... we were sooo meant to be cause I was so beautiful... and he kept kissing my face, but I just couldn't make-out with him.. mainly cause his like brother or something was just standing there watching.. kind of creepy. Then I made it to the cab when all the alcohol I had been drinking finally caught up with me and hit me like a sack of potatoes!
For the rest of the night I was violently pucking and trying to chew on a cracker, but just couldn't, then drank water only to see it again in about 10 minutes... hahaha..
Somehow made it into a bed and in the morning spent some more time pucking and waiting for the opportunity when I could blast myself again. ha ha ha...

Can't wait for next weekend ;)
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Its like my first day of school. [Jan. 30th, 2004|08:35 am]
[mood | confused]

So I have finally made it to my audio class.. woopie.
IT haS been 2 weeks, but whose counting? :)
I kind of do need this class to graduate however.... so maybe I should go.
I really need to transfer after Dutchess... cause I'm beginning to doubt that if I do take a year off... I probably won't return to college... but I really need to. That piece of paper meANS the difference in my paycheck, so yeah need to get my head straight.
What to do? I need to be smart like Nicole and get a free ride somehow :)
I'm thinking my musical instrument skills shall aid me in this one. Play trombone for ya in the band
(lord knows thats not a popular instrument)
possible guitar too. But what shall I major in?
God, to amny damn decisions and no one to make them for me :)
My field of interest is ranging from oceanogrophy, to preformance arts, to ceramics, so anthropology, to psychology... and the list goes on... yeah the list goes on....

help :)
I need somebody
Help, not just anybody....

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[Jan. 21st, 2004|05:31 pm]
What Makes You Sexy? by eva71
Sexy Body Part IsYour Boobs
Special Talents AreBlow Jobs
Created with quill18's MemeGen 2.0!
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Uh.. back at Dutchess... [Jan. 21st, 2004|05:00 pm]
[mood | shocked]

Welll well folks,

     Dutchess has once again entangled me. I am here.. again.. forth and final semester.. I will make sure of it. I look forward to the day that Seattle calls me home.. well for a brief one year stay perhaps. All might change once I am there.. but for now I am comfortable with my decision.

While I work the overnight.. I have come to realize that the CRAZIEST people flock to Hannaford around the 3rd hour of the morning... oh goodness. I spent almost 2 AND 1/2 hours discussion this guys relationship with his ex-wife and how he was a male stripper.. and did porn videos..and how he pleases women.. it sure was interesting... Later on good old Jamin shows up at Hannaford being buddy buddy.... says he wants to "hang out" and take the road trip to Seattle with me and NIcole... Im thinking ... uhh no... but who knows? I think I would have a better time if it was just me and NIcole... but who knows? I guess if he throws us some major cash.. like $250.00 .. maybe...

   Got plans for the Jersey shore, westchester and good god Buffalo in the air.. all I need is the lincoln.. isnt that car fun fun!! Triburough Bridge for life.

yeah thats all .


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Almost over I pray... [Dec. 3rd, 2003|11:27 am]
As if my schedule just wasn't a little hectic already..
So... I go into Dutchess expecting to just put my audio stuff to my movie and be done with it.. but OOOHHH nooo.. that doesn't happen..
I was using the Schools hard drive because hard drives go for about 100 dollars.. and I just didn't have that kind of money.. especially since the class is ending in like a week.. so anyway.. I load up the hard drive and as I look through the files.. I discover someone has erased all of my fuckin movie!!! a common occurrence I soon find out.. but that was almost 6 hours of work I put into that shit.. and guess what! it is do to be turned in BY THURSDAY!!! sooo... my whole Wednesday is dedicated to finishing this shit so I can graduate in may... and to top it all off.. I haVE to do my audio project again because I said it as a data cd instead of an audio... super duper.. shoot me. hahhaha..
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Humans bent on distruction? [Nov. 12th, 2003|12:28 pm]
[mood | annoyed]

So I watched a very depressing movie on Global Warming in Earth Science today... and basically we will be the death of our own race, Im sure of it...
The amount of fossil fuels and minerals we use and burn in a day is flabergasting...
and it's only getting worse... wonderful India has got it in thier head to industrialize...and thier population is passing China's as we speak. That means that they will be using up approx. 3 times more material to industrialize then the U.S. did... and I mean in a way I do see thier point, who are we (be that I mean the U.S.) to tell them what they can and can not do? We had the opportunity to industrialize and so should they if those principals apply, but... we are doomed in that case. Not only are the fucking monopoly gas companies fighting any sort of green peace efforts, everyone is opposed to change it seems. No change will occur until it's to late.. hasn't then been proved time and time again... so sad.. I'm sorry to say I'm part of this race sometimes... The amount of Co2 we are pumping into the air will kill us all... and it has been proven that the atmospheric tempurature has risen 1 degree... "oh what's the big dealll then"...I'll tell you... the effects of what we are using today will not show up for sometime... so already we have risen the tempurature a degree....and the recent Co2 usage (meaning the past 50 years at least) hasn't even effected the atmosphere yet! So in other words.. I have come to the conclusion that this in turn will lead to another ice age.. how sad.. I hope I die before then... but then again.. are we not living in a eternity.. that just leads to another eternity? what a paradox.

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Some free time on my hands... [Oct. 28th, 2003|01:34 pm]
[mood | productive]

So,.. Im at Dutchess.
Ya this is where I spend a huge amount of my time everyweek...
So, so fun
I guess IM going to my friend Matt's band performance thingy at the Chance.... Im just really going to amuse myself because Matt tries very hard to impress me..and that makes me laugh.. anyway...
He's pretty hot actually... just a little annoying... oh well I'll put something in his mouth that he can't resist ;) hehehehehe
Then he probably will have a party afterwords were I can then make-out with all his little friends like.. urr... Justin :) he is a cutie to...
then on Saturday another party tara?
I want to see you!
I don't know..I have to work overnight! isnt that fun :) not today, but thursday and friday... that sucks.. Halloween is Friday... but I'll probably be going to the really awesome costume competition at the WAVE! hahaha... Im be sarcastic by the way...
I don't know...we shall see..
and untill then be down with the Pcp's (well it rhymed anyway)
peace out.

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LIfe [Oct. 26th, 2003|01:41 pm]
I think I was opened up to a new light last night...
I said to myself... ya know what Colleen?
Everything is as it should be.. just like the good ol' Buddha man said and I really think I will be abiding to that from now on.
Life's a bitch
then ya die
fuck you bitch!
lets get high :)
well that's how I feel
I love my friends always
remember that if nothing else.
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Another day in the mirror. [Oct. 22nd, 2003|12:57 pm]
[mood | indescribable]

I sure am....and I don't know where I am going
In one hand lies an opportunity in Manhattan
and parallel to that is a completely different coast...
I don't know
to take the train?
to go shoot my video?
to take a plane?
all options seem equally bad or good in their own respect...
have you ever felt like this?
maybe that is the meaning a life...
to look at the roads you have been given
and just get up the courage to walk down one of them...
to hell with the other ones because this is the one you have chosen and NOW it's ON!
time to face the world with a bowl in my hand

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well hello [Oct. 13th, 2003|02:33 am]
[mood | quixotic]

Yeah, it's been awhile
I don't have time to do anything except work and school. On my spare time I sleep.
a nap here, a nap there...

Anyway... I'm going to a concert in Rodchester (I know I spelled that wrong ) with Ahren and the drive there is going to be about 5 hours IF we don't get lost...which will just make me laugh really hard anyway... on with the show... So what are me and Ahren going to talk about for 5 hours you ask? Moving plans to Seattle, Washington of course :)
I suppose we have other things to talk about too.. like.. Uh..? I don't know..maybe playing guitar or something to that affect..
Sooo... I meet this cool girl from Montreal while is was in Manhattan this week-end. She's awesome and she wants me to go up there and party with her sometime...I might just take her up on that...
While I was down in the city I had a Hatian man basically gravel over me the whole time. He called me his "princess" and kept on saying "I get you WHATEVER you need, anything! I can get for you.." It was kind of scary.. then it got even better when he kept on saying over and over again all I want to do is touch you and taste you and blah,blah...ha ha is all I have to say.. cause no way.. was I going to go there... ha. Me first.
There is more to the story, but I don't think it's appropriate for the viewing population.. so I stop there.
I can't wait for Novemeber.. I miss my girl Nicole already.. having fun wit school and parties I jus know it :)
wellll I'm going to sleep now.. cause it's a big day tomorrow in the auto shop again! hooooooray.
P.S. please don't hate me tara.. I wanna see you! I just have a VERY BUSY schedule unfortunatly.. Im sorry..... I have off tomorrow and tuesday.. but I have to work the overnight.. I don't know.. I hope we can hang out soon :)
Nighty night all.. and happy vacation time

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[Sep. 13th, 2003|11:03 pm]
Flight Summary

Highland,NY 12528

*********Confirmation Number: UDKGBQ**********

Date Booked: 09 Sep 03
Modified: 09 Sep 03
Booked By: 30889


16 Sep 03
Flight # 83
Depart-New York, JFK 8:00pm Arrive-Seattle, WA 10:59pm 0

there ya go :)
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[Sep. 12th, 2003|10:32 pm]
I have nothing to say anymore
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A Trinity United [Aug. 16th, 2003|12:58 am]
[mood | contemplative]

They say all comes in three's
could this perfect three be?
Finally addressing the traits we hate in each other...
Reaching euphoria at the waterfalls...
and then all nearly dying.
A strange twist of fate has befallen us
Shall it makes us stronger?
Shall it make this trinity last longer?
Near death experience tells me that it is so
so to the water again shall we go
cause in there lies the answer we seek
and in there shall we finally be

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warp tour you damn rip off [Jul. 30th, 2003|11:30 pm]
[mood | complacent]

ok nicole...heres the deal

Tickets to warp tour a.k.a. Vans warp tour apparently this year are gonna be $75.00 for the one in New York...and $70.00 bucks for the one in New Jersey..if you really wanna go tell me soon...cause it seems like these tickets are gonna be sold out soon!!!
get back to me asap..and I will order them ahead of time..and then you pay me back llatteerr...
and Uhh...if you feel like making some more chocolates I have some very interested buyer that will shell out some *cha ching* :)
I will talka to ya laterez

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Yo, yo world........... [Jul. 27th, 2003|11:39 pm]
[mood | artistic]
[music |Ummm.....I hate get friends]

Yo niggas :)

Soo........I got fired from one of my jobs...but I dont cure..cause I was gonna quit that shit anyway motha fucka!

Im moving to Seattle in January to live with my faery gurl :)
And I can't wait till August 6th rolls around..and oh yeah everyone...MY BIRTHDAY IS AUGUST 4th....DONT FUCKIN FORGET IT!! OR ELSE ILL STAB YOU :)

Umm...yeah Im thinkin I should leave the front-end at good ol Hannaford cause it blows worse than a transvestite does and that aint fun :0 hehehe...I think the produce is calling me....oh Cherries ohh...grapes...oh bananas...umm...super

I wanna get those shrooms via mail
chocolates for my sweet
who likes crack?
I like crack

uMm.....I feel at a loss for words...
shuuga cube
get some lube
theres a boob!
thats so crude
but I guess that a dude
wouldnt mind

so thats my story
im stickin to it
and I end on that note

peas and corn

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Im writing [Jul. 18th, 2003|01:31 am]

there ya go Nicole :)
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[Jun. 24th, 2003|07:08 pm]
slightly damaged
Magic Number17
JobSerial Killer
TemperamentPussy Cat
SexualWhatever, Whenever, Whoever
Likely To WinA Free Coke
Me - In A WordChinny
Brought to you by MemeJack

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