^V^THE QUEEN OF DECAY^V^'s Deadly -- Inscriptions
^V^THE QUEEN OF DECAY^V^'s Deadly Inscriptions [entries|morbid delights|zombie daze]

[ born again zombified | come join the undead ]

[01 Sep 2003|12:03am]
Strawberry or Rocky Road?
That is the question!
20 MakInG ZoMbIe PoRn LoVe ThE DeAd

Well.....Farewell [31 Aug 2003|11:47pm]
[ mood | mellow ]

I will be returning to Long Beach tomorrow....
back home to finish my vacation....have a beer relax....
So of course no computer access again...

but i am glad to see my communities have not come
to a halt....the members are keeping it moving quite smoothly!!

Thanks guys....!!

If any of you wonder or want to check them out they are.....

[info]acromania sick & twisted shit!!
[info]warp_asylum Rob zombie community
[info]tatted_n_torn tats and piercings
[info]exorcist_fans horror films
[info]the_unexplained UFO's, ghosts, etc.

So check em out!!

LoVe ThE DeAd

WELL SLAP MY ASS AND CALL ME A BITCH.....LMFAO [30 Aug 2003|12:17am]
[ mood | shocked ]

Livejournal Mood Ring

is happy.

You're a rosy-cheeked ray of f'ing sunshine 24/7. I bet you smile a lot and little things don't get you down. Must be nice. Fuchsia's definitely your color.

brought to you by [info]interim32. wanna know your livejournal's mood ring
color? enter your username and hit the button.

7 MakInG ZoMbIe PoRn LoVe ThE DeAd

[30 Aug 2003|12:07am]
[ mood | excited ]

Who wants to buy me this.....

5 MakInG ZoMbIe PoRn LoVe ThE DeAd

Got to fucking love it!! [28 Aug 2003|11:42pm]
[ mood | mischievous ]


10 MakInG ZoMbIe PoRn LoVe ThE DeAd

Is there anybody out there!!! [28 Aug 2003|09:55pm]
[ mood | happy ]


Yeah yeah.....Where the bloody hell have i been.....!!!

Well i no longer have computer access....and i am not sure if i will in the next month or so. My computer is at my uncles still.

But i am now living with Matrix and My boyfriend in Long Beach. Yes i am back home....Woooo Hooooo!! We have a kick ass pad that i like. We are going to be buying a house in the future....But this will do for now......Good god!

There is no way in hell i am gonna catch up on all of you so i will be online for a bit!!! I am in Lake Havasu for five days....Vacation!!! Yeah Go Me.....Yeah us zombies hate sun...I didn't say i was going out to bathe in it i am just visiting family!

See you all around!!!

19 MakInG ZoMbIe PoRn LoVe ThE DeAd

[04 Apr 2003|09:19am]
[ mood | loved ]

Well today i go into work at 2:30pm....so i get to spend the whole morning and afternoon with my man....We are going to go to breakfast i suppose...I will be home late...but i will be able to be with him again....aaaahhhh....sweet pleasures of new love....

tomorrow we are going to a party....and getting well fucked up..i am sure....we will have fun there.

My parents want him to come out to havasu so they can meet him....we will be going at the end of the month....that will be fun!

Well enough for now..i will return again!!

8 MakInG ZoMbIe PoRn LoVe ThE DeAd

[27 Mar 2003|10:40am]
Got my nipples pierced last night!!!

I love them!! Woooo Hoooooo!! didn't hurt at all!!!
11 MakInG ZoMbIe PoRn LoVe ThE DeAd

[26 Mar 2003|09:38am]
[ mood | content ]

My posts seem to be far and in between anymore....
i have been quite busy with the outside world that by the time i come home and do what i do....i have no time to turn on the computer.

But i will be getting back online again in the near future once i get my own place.

So hello to everyone!

zombie kisses!!!

12 MakInG ZoMbIe PoRn LoVe ThE DeAd

[13 Mar 2003|02:10pm]
i am undecided on whether or not i should wear my Nun outfit tonight or my long velvet dress....hhmmm.......*blink blink*
7 MakInG ZoMbIe PoRn LoVe ThE DeAd

[ mood | nostalgic ]

Well Tonight we are going to Perversion!! Anyone Else going?

Been working as usual. Had a doctors appointment today. But i had to cancel it....EEEPPP!! BUT I REALLY AM IN NEED FOR BIRTH CONTROL PILLS.... i do not need to have a baby....!!

Went out last night to a bar in Long Beach again. With My friends Yvette, Kym, Mary, Brian, Frank, Denver and Marty. We had fun....only thing is we didn't know it was Kareoke night....LOL...so yeah that was quite entertaining watching a bunch of drunk asses singing Limp Bizkit, Red Hot Chili Peppers etc....My friend Brian got up there and sang some rap song Pimpin' it....Quite funny i must say.

So yeah now i am going to perversion with Marty, Irma and Sterling tonight....So if any of you are there say hello to me....:)

1 MakInG ZoMbIe PoRn LoVe ThE DeAd

[08 Mar 2003|08:39am]
[ mood | busy ]

I am having a party today at my house. About 20 people are coming....just a small get together.

got promoted at work to Night Shift Supervisor.....
So wooo hooooo....lol...anyhoo
off to shop for food...

10 MakInG ZoMbIe PoRn LoVe ThE DeAd

Sleep Is Extinct!! [26 Feb 2003|10:40pm]
[ mood | sleepy ]

yeah so i have been working and spending much quality time with Marty...LOL...And playtime...LOL

Tomorrow we are going out....where? not sure...
We went and saw Rakit on Saturday and the Key Club in Hollywood....with HTTH grea show!!

Sunday i will purchase our tickets for Metallica, Linkin Park, Limp Bizkit, Mudvayne and Deftones!! that is going to be a fun show.....Its a Week after my Birthday....Wooo HOoooo!! LOL
Tiz Good!!

Well i am off for now....

3 MakInG ZoMbIe PoRn LoVe ThE DeAd

[13 Feb 2003|09:15am]
[ mood | cheerful ]
[ music | Interesting drug .....Morrisey ]

Hey everyone!! How are all my morbid delights!

I have been working and doing the typical shit lately.
Went to Dungeon last saturday....Had fun. I got my
ZOMBIE PORN MAKES ME WET T-shirt in the mail yesterday!! got One for Marty as well....

Well i watched zombie halacaust The one movie that was said on the internet to have ZOMBIE PORN IN IT!!!

Well it didn't!!! Marty and i were pissed!!! the movie was a great cheesy horror flick!! but no ZP!! I also got zombie by Lucio Fulci!! that movie fucking rocks!!

I have a doctors appointment today....and i am all bruised up...i don't know what i am gonna tell the doctor..LOL...I guess just i like rough sex....LMAO!!

well i will try to update more often....see you all!!

12 MakInG ZoMbIe PoRn LoVe ThE DeAd

[06 Feb 2003|10:09pm]
[ mood | sleepy ]

Well i have been busy...
thats a good thing. I am working of course tomorrow.
just left the boys..now i reside in my room for quiet time.
i have begun work on my first oil painting wooo hoooo!

goodnight all....

1 MakInG ZoMbIe PoRn LoVe ThE DeAd

[01 Feb 2003|07:23pm]
[ mood | drunk ]

Sat here today....for 1'2- 3'4
with my cousin....
listened to music
got faded...
watched mullholand dr.

now i am done.....
that will be all...
off to read...
night night

1 MakInG ZoMbIe PoRn LoVe ThE DeAd

[31 Jan 2003|09:01pm]
7 MakInG ZoMbIe PoRn LoVe ThE DeAd

February 7th at la luz de jesus in Hollywood!!!! [31 Jan 2003|08:27pm]
[ mood | artistic ]

"Calendar Girls"

Cartoon expressionism is how The Pizz describes his work. A longtime staple of the Lowbrow art scene, The Pizz made his mark back in the early 1990s with his Serial Killer Trading Cards. His album covers for various bands on the Sympathy For The Record Industry label has garnered him a faithful constituency amongst the alternative music scene that began in the nineties and carries on today. His paintings have been exhibited in major galleries across the United States and hangs in private collections all over the world. Most recently, his efforts have been immortalized in the book, Atavistic Avatar: The Cartoon Brut Art of The Pizz. Pizz’s new show will exhibit drawings featured in his new pin up inspired calendar.
1 MakInG ZoMbIe PoRn LoVe ThE DeAd

[31 Jan 2003|08:05pm]
[ mood | happy ]
[ music | ozzy osbourne dreamer ]

yeah so i have been busy working and partying i suppose....i was supposed to work tomorrow...but i am not now. Well yeah and i said that my friend that i would not do anything with him again...well we did again tuesday...HEE HEE...but he was the aggressor this time...so i don't feel like i am taking advantage of anything...suppose its something we both wanted.
I am going to release the bats again this month....many things coming up!

2 MakInG ZoMbIe PoRn LoVe ThE DeAd

[27 Jan 2003|07:34pm]
[ mood | cheerful ]
[ music | bauhaus.....1979-1983 volume 2 ]

Well i dyed my hair again...So i am back to normal...lol
it was faded red...so now its black again.
Well...So much for backing off from my friend and fighting not being with him...uuuggghhh...LOL....I was doing so well too. but Like every night we hang out and he gets so close to me physically and i move and he is right bam there again. one point last week i sat on the floor and he put his head in my lap....i wasn't sure what to do i didn't wanna be rude and move....So last night was the straw that broke the camels back....We sat on the floor in the bedroom listening to Red hot chili peppers....talking as usual after [info]razorbabe and [info]torninocence left. And at about 1:30 am....Bam!! it happened...We ended up doing the DEED!! LOL... EEEEPPPP!!! Of course nothing will come of it...because i don't want anything and neither does he. So i don't know really what you would call it...hee hee!! Just sex ;) So today we just hung out and watched Lost Highway. We didn't say anything about it. It was all to soon to speak about it i think. Really not much to say though...LOL And since we live together....well...we will just have to deal with it...so he is now added to the pile of boys of which i play with...lol such an evil zombie i am.....

On to other news....i am off tomorrow again.

4 MakInG ZoMbIe PoRn LoVe ThE DeAd

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