Below is user information for Pogrebin. If you are this user, you can edit your information (or choose what information is considered public) at the Edit Info page.
User: | pogrebin (981565) |
| under the spreading chestnut tree i sold you & you sold me |
Name: | Pogrebin |
Website: | zero |
Location: | The Kremlin, Moscow, USSR (former) |
Birthdate: | 02-06 |
E-mail: | |
AOL IM: | i sold you and (Add Buddy, Send Message) |
Yahoo! ID: | purebloods_only (Add User, Send Message) |
Bio: | "If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face--for ever."
George Orwell- 1984
Master List of HP Breathplay Fics
all my fic.
Memories: | 58 entries |
Interests: | 30: 3am ideas, black and white photographs, black autumn rain, blood love, blue smoke rings, brave new world, christmas in summer, cliché, coffee breaks, galaxies in your mouth, going native, hitler/stalin, it's always too late, kierkegaardian leaps, la politique c'est tout, off with their heads, oppressing the masses, orwellian dystopia, owning your obsessions, plate-swallowing birds, ruby chokers, sisyphus, the emerald drop, the lenin mausoleum, tom/dickie, toulouse lautrec, viddy this, waxworks, white on white, wide-angle camera shots. [Modify yours] |
Friends: | | 254: | 0100111, 1968, _iodine, abbycadabra, acadine, actriz_k, adolfa, ajaxbreaker, akthomps, alchemine, alegriagraciela, aleph_0, alibi_factory, alicamel, alice_and_lain, amatia, ambyr, anenko, angelspit, anvers, ari_o, arrmaitee, ashesofautumn, ataniell93, aylapascal, biichan, blackbanditt, blackkeywaltz, blademistress, bnfwatcher, bookofjude, bruno_greengras, bryt_brown_eyes, caesia390, calligramme, cathexys, cedarlibrarian, cercaluna, cette_vie, chasehunts, cheeze_it, cherii_emrei, childofautumn, clearly_unable, countermelodic, crimson_stained, crysanthia, curia_regis, cursive, cyanei, daisy_baggins, darkeyedwolf, darkxandria, dawn_came_dim, decayingdoll, deepsix, demeter918, deralte, djinniyah, dovielr, downtheavenue, dragonelle_fics, duchessdollydot, eilanhp, electricandroid, elfiepike, ella_macmillan, elynrae, ev_vy, eva_c, evajames, ewacat, fable, faite_, faith_werewolf, fasterthanlight, fee_absinthe, fennie_snake, fiendling, fishandimprov, flats, flourish, flutzgried, fruce, givemehistory, grimmauld, gringomalfoy, grotesque_, hanacandi, hepkittyn, hilarita, hoarmurath, holographis, i_smile, icarusancalion, icarusinwax, idees_fixes, idiotparade, idlerat, ikhor, imbigatroll, isiscolo, j00j, jetamors, jo_rowling, juliana__, just_clodia, kagyakusha, kaitoujeanne, kallirhoe, kaluptein, kangeiko, karmic_circuit, kashuarashi, katers007, kay_taylor, keziahsaid, kiss_me_hard, kitsune13, laboresolis, ladylisse, lassiterfics, laylah_r, lesstraveled, lilelfgirl, lilith_morgana, lilypiper, little_needle, lizardspots, lizbee, ljash, lokapala, losselen, loverlies, lysrouge, maeglinyedi, magdellin, malecrit, manubai, mark356, marksykins, marvolo, mary_re, mctabby, meghanjinx, memorycharm, miladysboudoir, mirakate, moireach, monochromal, mononym, moondanger, narcissam, niche, nicolae, niqaeli, nokomis305, notoccamy, nottoscale, novoyemyshlenia, ntamara, ociwen, oczypiwne, of_bad_faith, oktober_ghost, one_if_by_land, painless_j, painted_destiny, panegyrium, pauraque, pennyworldpipit, petitemillicent, petitio, poetic_licence, pogrebin, polpotter, postboxdaisy, potions_master, prettytothinkso, prettyveela, primavera8180, prurient_badger, ptyx, punker_pyre, ragtime_to_time, ravenchel, resonant8, rhoddlet, roxannelinton, roz_mcclure, ruedifference, s8219, saeva, sangredulce, sanguinesque, schiarire, schmevil, scribbulus_ink, seelechen, sezamus, sifelaver, silverthistle, sine_que_non767, singingweaver, siriaeve, sistrgoldenhair, sizequeen, skye_black, slashroyalty, snitchnip_chill, snowmadder, spare_change, spookykat, stephiepenguin, stiletto, suaine, subtleparadox, suckeriove, swatkat24, switchknife, syddle, t_winkle725, tabellae, tagore, tarnationawaits, tartanshell, telepwen, the_gentleman, themostepotente, theo_fabula, theothethumper, thistlemeg, tinderblast, titti, tocada, toft_froggy, tomcanty, unrequitedangst, v_vconservative, vanillacrystal, vignette00, wabbitseason, wankstar, wayfairer, weekend, wired_lizard, wodwo, wrongintimacy, xandria, yeats, zasranec, zauberer_sirin, zeelee_penguin, ztrin | | 49: | _witchinghour_, after_fanfic, btv, buggerthat, calautica, current_affairs, daily_snitch, elster, eroticalphabet, fa_nifflers, fan_the_vote, fandom_random, fanfic_fanfic, fic_fairy, fish_and_improv, genfic_hogwarts, hogwarts_verse, hp_essays, hp_fictalk, hp_pg, hp_qotd, hp_recycles, hp_remix, hp_synergy, hpinterviews, hpmetalist, lesfleursdumal_, lg_projects, literaryquotes, lostgeneration, mkfoundation, mobiliavis, mouseai, nocturne_alley, novaculae, pornish_pixies, potter_drawbles, potterpostings, puckle, quibbler_recs, quickquote, quotingquickly, special___k, styletemplates, thefactory, voteworks, vstaff, witchdaily, wordspy | | 3: | bbcnewsworld, queerday, the_guardian |
Friend of: | 258: 0100111, 1968, _iodine, a_reading_list, abbycadabra, acadine, actriz_k, adolfa, ajaxbreaker, akthomps, alchemine, alegriagraciela, aleph_0, alibi_factory, alicamel, alice_and_lain, amatia, ambyr, anenko, angelspit, anvers, ari_o, arrmaitee, ashesofautumn, ataniell93, aylapascal, biichan, blackbanditt, blackkeywaltz, blademistress, bnfwatcher, bookofjude, bruno_greengras, bryt_brown_eyes, caesia390, castophrenia, cathexys, cedarlibrarian, cercaluna, cette_vie, championlurker, chasehunts, cheeze_it, cherii_emrei, childofautumn, countermelodic, crimson_stained, curia_regis, cursive, cyanei, daisy_baggins, darkeyedwolf, darkxandria, dawn_came_dim, decayingdoll, deepsix, demeter918, deralte, dinchtly, djinniyah, dovielr, downtheavenue, dragonelle_fics, duchessdollydot, eilanhp, electricandroid, elfiepike, ella_macmillan, elynrae, ev_vy, eva_c, evajames, ewacat, fable, faite_, fandom_bitch, fasterthanlight, fee_absinthe, fennie_snake, fiendling, fishandimprov, five_x_five, flats, flourish, fruce, givemehistory, grimmauld, gringomalfoy, grotesque_, hanacandi, hepkittyn, hilarita, hoarmurath, hp_hatred, hp_serialadder, hpbnfdm_lives, hpfan_grudges, i_smile, icarusancalion, icarusinwax, idees_fixes, idiotparade, ikhor, imbigatroll, intrant_lola, isiscolo, j00j, jetamors, jo_rowling, juliana__, just_interested, kagyakusha, kaitoujeanne, kallirhoe, kaluptein, kangeiko, karmic_circuit, kashuarashi, katers007, kay_taylor, keziahsaid, kiss_me_hard, kitsune13, laboresolis, ladylisse, lassiterfics, laylah_r, lesstraveled, lilelfgirl, lilith_morgana, lilypiper, little_needle, lizardspots, lizbee, ljash, lokapala, losselen, loverlies, lysrouge, maeglinyedi, magdellin, malecrit, manubai, mark356, marksykins, marvolo, mary_re, mctabby, meghanjinx, memorycharm, ... |
Member of: | 38: after_fanfic, btv, civilitas_ooc, current_affairs, elster, eroticalphabet, fan_the_vote, fandom_random, fanfic_fanfic, fish_and_improv, genfic_hogwarts, hp_essays, hp_fictalk, hp_girlslash, hp_pg, hp_recycles, hp_synergy, lesfleursdumal_, lg_projects, literaryquotes, lostgeneration, lunatics_asylum, mkfoundation, mouseai, novaculae, paidmembers, pete_repeat, pirategasm, pornish_pixies, potter_drawbles, potterpostings, quibbler_recs, quickquote, quotingquickly, styletemplates, voteworks, vstaff, weasleyworship |
Account type: | Free Account |