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joan the english chick

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meme-age [20 Aug 2004|03:52pm]
[ mood : hungry ]

Haven't meme'd in a while.

What Flavour Are You? Mmm, I am Lemon Flavoured.Mmm, I am Lemon Flavoured.

I am bitter and twisted. Expect from me acerbic humour and sharp commentary. While I may seem nasty at first, I'm actually quite good company if I like you, so long as you don't mind a bit of cutting to the chase. What Flavour Are You?

5 ego-strokes|stroke my ego

42 [20 Aug 2004|02:37pm]
[ mood : amused ]

I forgot to mention that while I was waiting for my photos at CVS, the little picture-printing kiosk started in on its little spiel (these machines are motion-sensitive and have a recorded voice telling all about how great the machine is and what you can do with it). It said, "Share and enjoy your digital photos with all your friends and family!"

Share and enjoy! "Did it really say that?" I asked myself. "And if so, where's my cup of tea?"

If you don't get the reference, you may not belong on my friends-list. ;)

12 ego-strokes|stroke my ego

[20 Aug 2004|11:39am]
[ mood : accomplished ]

A belated Happy First Birthday to Lexie, daughter of [info]tezzkatt!

The second half of yesterday went a bit better than the first. I got some work done, got my shower in, ran some errands, mopped the kitchen floor. Picked up the car and was pleased to learn that they didn't charge me for fixing the rear light assembly that had been loose. And I taught Isaac how to push the balls into his little balls-down-ramps toy, which was fun. It's really cool to show him something and then see him really GET it, and do it himself!

I also finally tried out the thingie they have in CVS (drugstore) where you can insert your digital-camera media card and order prints right off it. Pretty cool. I got a couple of prints of the pictures I took of Isaac at daycare with his little daycare buddies on his birthday. I took copies of those prints to daycare today and gave them to the teachers to hang on the wall. :)

Conversation with self yesterday while in CVS buying pantiliners:
Me: OK, self, here's our coupon for pantiliners. Oh look, there's a coupon for tampons attached to it.
Me: But we don't need tampons. We're still nursing Isaac.
Me: Um self, we're on our fourth menstrual period since May.
Me: Self! Wake up and smell the blood! We're back on regular cycles and almost out of tampons!
Me: *pouts, sulks*
Me: *buys tampons*

4 ego-strokes|stroke my ego

preparations [19 Aug 2004|10:34pm]
[ mood : lame ]

Early Saturday morning we (me, Isaac, and my mom) will be leaving to spend three days in Vermont with some friends. It's going to be great, but the packing and preparing is stressing me out. I always overpack, and now that I'm packing for two ;) it's even worse! For three days of lazing around, will I really need five tank tops, three t-shirts, four pairs of shorts and two pairs of pants? No. But will I pack them all? Signs point to yes. ;)

I suck at packing.

3 ego-strokes|stroke my ego

teh suck! [19 Aug 2004|12:52pm]
[ mood : grumpy ]

First of all, in happy news, today is the birthday of the lovely [info]xochiquetzl. *confetti* Many happy returns!

Alas, that's all the happy I've got today. :P Today has sucked!!!! We slept poorly (that's what I get for telling [info]rainbow_goddess that we sleep a lot better these days), then I broke my nightgown strap and Isaac threw a bunch of stuff on the floor and I momentarily lost my temper (that's what I get for telling [info]devafall that I have lots of patience), then Isaac fell down -- twice. The second time, he got a bloody nose. :( Poor little guy! He was so tired from sleeping badly and waking up early, it made him a bit clumsy. After the trauma of the second fall he zonked out, just in time for us to have to leave. Argh!

Oh, and in between there, the termite guy came to do his thing, and told me that the cops were ticketing cars on the street. I knew it was street-sweeping day but I had been keeping an eye out -- not a good enough eye, apparently, for I got a $25 ticket. Double Argh!!

Then I took my car to the shop and they said that to fix the immediate oil leak would be $1200, and to fix the engine so it won't burn oil any more would be $2000 or more. Triple Argh!!!! I guess I'll be looking for a new car. I'm not dropping three grand into this piece of crap when I could get a decent used car for a bit more than that. Sigh. I knew I was going to need a new (to me) car soon, but now I guess it's more urgent than ever. I've been having to put a quart of oil in every 2-3 weeks, which gets tedious (but is still less expensive than fixing it, apparently). Grump.

OK, I'm ready for today to be over, dammit.

7 ego-strokes|stroke my ego

the questions meme [18 Aug 2004|04:21pm]
[ mood : thoughtful ]

[info]devafall asked some really interesting questions in my five questions meme post so I'm going to answer them in a new post.

1. Judaism and Paganism, relationship between )

2. Parenting Advice )

3. Music )

4. An Author to Avoid )

5. Fanfic As Theft? )

The lines are still open, people! Ask away.

3 ego-strokes|stroke my ego

last night [18 Aug 2004|01:26pm]
[ mood : enthralled ]

Isaac enjoyed watching the Red Sox game last night.

He also thought it was pretty funny to come over and pull himself up by my knees while I was pointing the camera at him. :)

(click for bigger version)

5 ego-strokes|stroke my ego

video help? [17 Aug 2004|05:35pm]
[ mood : rushed ]

Quickly, because I gotta run: I have an MPEG of me and Isaac. (Yes, I am that geeky.) It's 29MB even though it's only a minute or so. Is this normal? Is there anything I can do to reduce it in size? (I know that will probably also reduce the quality.)

Also, am I going to have to worry about codecs if I want to show it to other people? I don't even know what the heck a codec is, except vaguely.

Anyway, if you want to check it out it's here:
Let me know if it works for you...!

1 ego-stroke|stroke my ego

[17 Aug 2004|03:10pm]
[ mood : pointless ]

I don't usually do these things, but what the heck. Gacked from [info]tiggrrl this time:

1. Reply to this post with five questions you want to ask me. They can be serious or foolish, I don't care! Get personal if you want.
2. I'll reply to your questions on this journal or in a comment.
3. Do the same thing with your journal so I can ask you pointless questions.

6 ego-strokes|stroke my ego

WORST MOMMY EVER!!! [17 Aug 2004|11:06am]
[ mood : guilty ]

Let me start off by saying that no one got hurt, but, BAD MOMMY!!!!! )


Edit: because I realize it isn't clear -- the above is what I would have written last night if I had been up to posting about it. I'm all better now though, so you don't have to reassure me. Although it's appreciated anyway. :)

8 ego-strokes|stroke my ego

whew [16 Aug 2004|09:51pm]
[ mood : tired ]

Man, I thought he would never go to sleep! wtf?

1 ego-stroke|stroke my ego

out of the mouths [16 Aug 2004|12:11pm]
[ mood : impressed ]

A fun conversation with a friend's son yesterday.

A = the kid
Me = me
L = A's mom

[A asks how old Isaac is and I say he's 14 months]
A: But is he exactly fourteen months?
Me: No, he's fourteen months and [pause to ponder what the hell day it is] four days.
A: Fourteen months and four days! [thinks] So he's one and one-sixth. A little more than one and one-sixth.
Me: (impressed) That's right.
L: (impressed) That's right, A. How did you figure that out?
A: Because two is one-fifth of ten and twelve is two more than ten, so it's one more two, so it's one-sixth.
L: That's very good! So two is one-what of fourteen?
A: (after a little prompting) One-seventh.
Me: That's great math. You're almost ready for calculus.
A: I was ready for calculus when I was like five!
Me: How old are you now?
A: Six.

1 ego-stroke|stroke my ego

the crappiness of this weekend [15 Aug 2004|09:36pm]
[ mood : drained ]

I feel like this weekend when summarized doesn't really sound as crappy as it was, which probably means that what was mainly crappy was my reaction to it, but the fact remains that it sucked and I'm for once going to be glad to see Monday. Unless of course Monday turns out to suck too.

the long and perhaps boring summary )

Anyway, when I type it out, I realize that actually it was just really Saturday that sucked and Sunday actually turned out to be pretty nice. I guess it's just that my bad mood from Saturday's suckage is lingering on. :P

A cute thing that I must relate outside of the cut: After we got home tonight, I was nursing Isaac to sleep in the rocking chair as usual, and he was fighting it -- he stopped nursing and put his head down on my shoulder but kept trying to lift his head again and look around, even though he could barely keep his eyes open. Then he put his head down again and softly said "bye-bye" and waved his little hand. LOL! So I took it as my cue to go put him down in his crib. And there he has been ever since.

1 ego-stroke|stroke my ego

[15 Aug 2004|11:14am]
[ mood : awake ]

Just in case anyone's on the edge of his/her seat waiting for the update to my last post ;), it didn't rain Friday night and they did play the baseball game and we did go, we being me and my mom. The Sox lost but it was a pretty good game anyway. And Isaac did great with his not-very-experienced babysitter (who had babysat him once before)! He actually went to sleep less than two hours into their time together and slept the whole rest of the time! I was so pleased. I didn't think he would sleep for her since he's usually reluctant to go to sleep for a mostly-stranger.

Then we slept over at mom/grandma's place Friday night, and had a very annoying day Saturday. But the rest of the update will have to wait because he's crying again ... sigh ... I suspect there's some teething going on again. Ugh! When will the teething end? ;)

3 ego-strokes|stroke my ego

whee [13 Aug 2004|03:02pm]
[ mood : restless ]

Happy Friday the 13th!

Currently waiting to find out what will happen with tonight's Red Sox game. We have tickets but are kind of secretly (heh) hoping it'll be cancelled. Better to cancel it before it starts, than sit through a few innings and then a delay and then a cancellation. I hate that! And since I'm leaving Isaac with a pretty inexperienced babysitter, if there is a rain delay I'll have to just go home. Which means that if the game resumes, I'll miss the rest of it. Wah.

Anyway, so I'm hoping they'll call it off before it even starts. Considering that the weather forecast says 90% chance of rain, I'm fairly hopeful.

There's also a whole bunch of stuff that we want to do this weekend, and it stands to reason that not all of it will get done. Possibly not even most of it.

In other news, my antibiotic pills smell like rotten eggs. Eww.

stroke my ego

the gore-free details [12 Aug 2004|06:41pm]
[ mood : hungry ]

Well, to make a long story short, I have a couple of clogged sweat glands in my armpit. They're pea-sized lumps that hurt like hell. On the plus side, it's not serious and a quick course of antibiotics should clear it right up; of course on the minus side I'm probably going to grow a few more gray hairs after spending the night imagining breast-cancer scenarios. Anyway, I'm on the antibiotics now and hopefully all will be well that ends well.

The other half of our medical adventures today involved taking Isaac to get his blood drawn so it can be re-tested for anemia now that he has been taking iron supplements (mostly) for a couple of months. Needless to say he didn't at all care for the vampirish procedure, but he recovered quickly. Still, he firmly rebuffed the phlebotomist's attempts to make friends with him afterward. ;)

Anyway, that's the report, boring though it may be.

1 ego-stroke|stroke my ego

felicitations! [12 Aug 2004|04:39pm]
[ mood : hot ]

A very happy birthday to two delightful women, [info]cynthia1960 and [info]lunaris_! Hope you are both having lovely days.

I would have done this earlier, really, but I've been out and about having medical adventures much of the day. And getting into and out of the car repeatedly on a really hot day is just not my idea of a good time. So I'm off to the showers now, and shall post the not-really-very-gory-at-all details later.

2 ego-strokes|stroke my ego

Hey Wendy! [11 Aug 2004|03:45pm]
[ mood : amused ]

[info]ww1614, have you heard about this?
FCC rules that Spuffy is not indecent.
I'm sure we're all very relieved. ;)

2 ego-strokes|stroke my ego

[11 Aug 2004|03:24pm]
[ mood : tired ]

I hate this thing where I feel perfectly well-rested until around 3pm and then suddenly can barely keep my eyes open. 'sup with that?

I also hate this thing where my breastmilk supply decreases dramatically right before my period. It's very stressful when a normal pumping session yields 4-6 ounces and suddenly now I can barely squeeze out 2. What am I going to put in Isaac's bottles tomorrow? :(

Speaking of my boobs, the other day I was looking at a photo of myself pre-pregnancy in a tight outfit, and my boobs looked so small! It was weird. *g* Ah well, odds are they'll never be that small again.

1 ego-stroke|stroke my ego

Freedom of speech is alive and well in NYC [11 Aug 2004|11:51am]
[ mood : impressed ]

[info]mephron had a bit of a run-in with the thought police this morning. But he prevailed! Woohoo!
[info]mephron 1, Censorship 0

stroke my ego

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