Prof. Tor Coolguy [entries|friends|calendar]

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[18 Apr 2004|02:33am]
gah... so lonely... so, so lonely... :(

i hate feeling this way... i really shouldn't want anything more than i have but the feeling is still there... -_- *sigh* i just don't want to be alone anymore :(
5 superheros| c'mon kids

[18 Apr 2004|02:06am]
[ mood | indescribable ]


wow... tonite was crazy... my dad just opened up to me... i mean we argued a bit then we just talked... and talked and talked... he's such a sad person and it's horrible... i hope he takes the advice i subtly gave him (by blatantly saying it) about 30 times of "go to church"... wow... y'know i think that's the first time i've ever seen the man cry... insanity... but it's good he needs a release and i think that even tho he didn't show it i made a positive impact...

4 superheros| c'mon kids

[17 Apr 2004|11:55pm]
[ mood | crappy ]

sometimes i just feel like crap... now is one of those times...

5 superheros| c'mon kids

[17 Apr 2004|02:46pm]
i woke up this morning with fifteen minutes to get to work... not to unusual for me... so i get ready and leave and as i pull into the parking lot of work i notice that my car clock says i'm an hour early... odd... so i proceed inside and see the timeclock agrees with my car... that's when i remembered that friday night i let dad borrow my alarm and last night when i brought it back i must've set the time an hour fast... so... yeah... blah...
c'mon kids

[17 Apr 2004|02:04am]
i'm imperbious to bullets mommy

//kill bill was friggin amazing... just... bravo... what an homage to cheesy kung fu flicks... oh btw it's official i'm growing a fu manchu like pai mei just so i can do that cool flippy thing
c'mon kids

[16 Apr 2004|06:41pm]
alrite tonite's plan is to go see kill bill @ 10:20... leaving now to go get tix... wish me luck ^____^

cell will be on, call during movie and die
8 superheros| c'mon kids

[16 Apr 2004|02:25pm]
most excellent...

sorry for those of you who aren't religious at all but i'd still suggest watching it... it has amazing words for anyone regardless of religious affiliation...
11 superheros| c'mon kids

[16 Apr 2004|12:44am]
ooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.... he got TOLD

//hope everyone who's feeling down (in whatever way you might be feeling down) is doing better ^___^
3 superheros| c'mon kids

[15 Apr 2004|10:54pm]
[ mood | annoyed ]

tonite i gave my father a challenge...

give me one week and during that course of time do not ask me to do anything around the house

you see half the reason i don't do things is b/c doing it not long after he tells me to is justification to him that telling me makes me do things... so i put it off and then he tells me again and basically it starts a cycle of me not doing it to spite him... i have explained this to him before but he still doesn't listen... so i've given him this challenge... i doubt he'll make it through the night...

/edit i'm making a sign and putting it on the wall "whenever you're thinking about telling me to do something... don't!"

/editedit as i was typing that edit he walked in here and began... i attempted to explain him how it works and he just turned his back on me and walked out of the room... now he's walking around the kitchen complaining loud enough for me to hear...

17 superheros| c'mon kids

[15 Apr 2004|02:51pm]
[ mood | happy ]

no work tomorrow w007!

3 superheros| c'mon kids

[15 Apr 2004|02:18am]
one quick note before bed... every single post i see from here on out with that question meme in it i will keep a close eye on and i will answer the questions asked... b/c it WAS my idea in the first place...

the first time i posted it is here but i have done it on atleast two more occasions since then... ofcourse i only asked for one question...
5 superheros| c'mon kids

[15 Apr 2004|01:28am]
ahahahahaha! this is a great series!

saw dawn of the dead tonite... similar to 28 days later except for... stupider... as in the people were stupider... dad is having a conversation out loud in his sleep... interesting... er um... ohyeah that baby was just weird... hmm... something else i was gonna say but forgot... *shrugs* oh well work tomorrow... meh!


a ha! i remembered this was simply too innovative to not share i saw them at 7-11 and was awestruck... i say that someone with a dvd burner could get away like a bandit using these...

/editedit: oh yeah... all you people taking part in that "ask me three questions" meme... i want you all to know that i soo completely started all of that a long time ago...
5 superheros| c'mon kids

[14 Apr 2004|04:07pm]
geh... today isn't going so well -_- everything i try to do just blows up in my face... except for this italian food... it is good... ofcourse saying that will probably have my stomach plaguing me later but i don't care... it's good now... if you wanna know why my day is sucking IM me and ask... not gonna waste any more of your friends page with my mindless drivel

/edit: btw chocolate covered hazelnuts rock my world
5 superheros| c'mon kids

[14 Apr 2004|01:50pm]
and at 1:50pm he finally wakes up now to get dressed and go get his taxes done

/edit: i've begun to dream... atleast that is if last night is an indication of future trends in my sleeping habits...
c'mon kids

[14 Apr 2004|01:13am]
huahahahaha... i love this comic...

5 superheros| c'mon kids

[13 Apr 2004|10:32pm]
been doing heaps of thinking and reading over the past few days...
lifestyle and attitude changes in progress currently...
1 superhero| c'mon kids

[13 Apr 2004|01:40am]
huahahaha... i'm confused but i think that's for the better...

... so um yeah!
3 superheros| c'mon kids

[12 Apr 2004|05:18am]
it's like garfield but... not! :P

//i still refuse to get sick...
c'mon kids

[11 Apr 2004|01:00am]
happy fertility goddess celebration everybody!!! erm... i mean, Jesus day that is ^___^

//actually went out tonite... hung out with my step-uncle... ate some chinese food and then watched SWAT... decent movie... i'd see it again... getting that twinge at the back of my throat again... not good... i will NOT get sick again... have a good easter... bite the heads off a few choco-bunnies for me...

//ohyeah i think i'm gonna learn how to play the bass... just thought i'd put that in here...
1 superhero| c'mon kids

woe is me... [10 Apr 2004|05:35am]
[ mood | crappy ]

personal revelations at 5:30 in the morning whilst sitting on the can...

... for those of you that know... i think i'm just gonna spare myself the trouble and go ahead and buy a scion...

this is gonna be hard... really hard... -_-...

c'mon kids

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