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User:kaasirpent (843996) Paid User kaasirpent
Serpentine Tales
Random Spewings
Website:Kaa's Lair
Location:Atlanta, Georgia, United States
AOL IM:AIM status KaaSirPent (Add Buddy, Send Message)
ICQ UIN:ICQ status 8076333 (Add User, Send Message)
Yahoo! ID:Yahoo status Kaa (Add User, Send Message)
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Bio:Snake! BIG snake! Coiled. Darting tongue. Blinkless. HAS eyebrows, so get over it. From that book by that guy. You know, the one with the snake. Yeah. He's wearing a cute little white turban on his head.

Well, that's the me that others on TinyTIM know, anyway. As for the real me, I'm 39 (which is so close to 40 as to actually be 40) and live in Atlanta with one cat in a 4-BR house by myself. I love to cook, read, write, and hang out with friends. There is no SO in my life, and I don't have a problem with that. One of the few ways you can instantly offend me is to make it your business to see to it that I have a SO. I say this only because there are people out there who can't seem to comprehend that alone != lonely. My Myers-Briggs Type Indicator is ISFP (Introverted, Sensing, Feeling, Perceiving), so I don't have a lot of trouble being by myself, nor do I have a problem being around groups of friends.

That being said, if you're reading all this, I hope I amuse you or make you think, or at the very least, don't bore you to tears. :)

Memories:99 entries
Interests:138: 1984, 30 minute meals, 9 to 5, age of mythology, alabama, alfred hitchcock, alton brown, animals, anthimeria, apples to apples, arrallakeeni, arrallins, atlanta, babylon 5, bach, being southern, books, books on tape, brave new world, c++, calvin and hobbes, cats, caveman, celtic music, coding, comedy, computers, cooking,, cyndi lauper, dark chocolate, darwinism, davinci's notebook, dead zone, dean koontz, dee dreslough, dilbert, dimar, dinosaurs, discovery channel, dogma, dr pepper, dystopian literature, elf only inn, ellen degeneres, elvira kurt, enya, escher, eschewing obfuscation, evolution, fantasy, fantasy writing, fiction writing, gaming, gayle greeno, get fuzzy, gilda radner, good eats, green sky trilogy, hitchcock, horror, humor, indian music, jeff dunham, josh groban, katharine kerr, kevin & kell, knowledge, ladyhawke, learning, lily tomlin, loreena mckennitt, lovely bones, lyda morehouse, m*a*s*h, macroscope, madeline kahn, madeline l'engle, maire brennan, mel brooks, mp3s, mystery men, mythology, napping, narnia, night, paula poundstone, piers anthony, procrastination, programming, quantum physics, rachel ray, reading, recipes, red dwarf, replaytv, rita rudner, robin williams, rolemaster, rosie o'donnell, rural towns, sci fi, sci-fi, sci-fi writing, science, science fiction, science fiction writing, scrubs, serpents, sheri tepper, short stories, sixth sense, skeptic magazine, skepticism, sluggy freelance, small towns, space, stephen king, stephen lynch, susheela raman, the jungle book, the south, thinking, thunderstorms, tinytim, tolkien, urban legends, user friendly, utopian literature, vb,, vocabulary, wendy liebman, wholly moses, whoopi goldberg, writing, xanth, zilpha keatley snyder. [Modify yours]
People81:acapnotic, adsmguy, awl, bananarob, bigmeanie, binkieband, binkiegirl, biophile6, bookwitch, bramblekite, brightspot, camber_jkd, candledamachine, cfred, chend, craftsman, crittersitter, ddreslough, dietbubba, dilettante, dmntdbutterfly, dollraves, dorsai, dsibilly, earlthesquirrel, elims, etherial, friend_soscho, frozenrhino, gala, girlblah, goldispikes, haloumi, happy_buddha, hippyrn, hoo, ian_smith, isabel_rapunzel, izmeina, jadefu, jaypee, joeylemur, jost, kaasirpent, khaosworks, kieron, kiersten, kiltypleasure, kiteflier98, kungfoogirl, ladyimp, lexanlet, lorac, lyssrose, marmota, meanieweds, moonchsr, napp, obviouspseudo, oxlahun, pantsie, peteyfrogboy, prunesnprisms, rachelmichellek, reo, scirocco, siercia, skreeky, smurfbrother, smurfchick, solcita, ssmouse, status, swisscheesed, tangel, tbons, telleestmavie, thespian, vulcan_rc, winkymonkey, xanthe42
Communities23:abstractthought, atheism, atheist, atlanta, bink_peej_house, binkiecooks, blindwatchmaker, bookreviews, cd_exchange, comm_news, conlangs, cooking, dimar_snippets, evilgeniuses, lj_maintenance, ljatlanta, mainstreetphoto, news, replaytv, skepticaldebate, thecommittee, tinytim, wordoftheday
Feeds13:calnhobbes, fanaticalapathy, kuro5hin, memepool, nonsquitor_feed, officialgaiman, oneword, orangebrownies, rhinosnewblog, sinfestfeed, space_com, thinkgeek, wilwheaton
Mutual Friends:76: acapnotic, adsmguy, awl, bananarob, bigmeanie, binkieband, binkiegirl, biophile6, bookwitch, bramblekite, brightspot, camber_jkd, candledamachine, cfred, chend, craftsman, crittersitter, ddreslough, dietbubba, dmntdbutterfly, dollraves, dorsai, dsibilly, elims, etherial, friend_soscho, frozenrhino, gala, girlblah, haloumi, happy_buddha, hippyrn, hoo, ian_smith, isabel_rapunzel, izmeina, jadefu, jaypee, joeylemur, jost, kaasirpent, khaosworks, kieron, kiersten, kiltypleasure, kiteflier98, kungfoogirl, ladyimp, lexanlet, lorac, lyssrose, marmota, meanieweds, moonchsr, napp, obviouspseudo, oxlahun, pantsie, peteyfrogboy, prunesnprisms, rachelmichellek, reo, scirocco, siercia, skreeky, smurfbrother, smurfchick, solcita, ssmouse, tangel, tbons, telleestmavie, thespian, vulcan_rc, winkymonkey, xanthe42
Also Friend of:1: bwsiii
Member of:14: atheism, atheist, atlanta, bink_peej_house, binkiecooks, blindwatchmaker, conlangs, cooking, evilgeniuses, ljatlanta, paidmembers, replaytv, skepticaldebate, tinytim
Account type:Paid Account

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