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The following communities are also interested in "cocteau twins".
52 matches:
Interested users
The following users are interested in cocteau twins. More fun stuff can be found on the interests page.
500 matches:
13dreams - The Insomniacs
74redwood - belligerent coffee fiend
_astrolabe_ - Jeremiah Fox
_in_the_air_ - Kate
abcprincess - abcprincess
abderhazy - Abderhazy
ad1025 - Adrien
adianoeta - Adianoeta
aekastar - and I just hate these fluorescent lights
aeondrift - Jenni
aflara - ruuuuuusteeeee
aganfallenangel - l'Ange de la Nuit
aikeaguinea - aikeaguinea
al_iguana - Al Iguana
alceria - Lynn
alchera777 - Logos&Pneuma
alligatorz - Alligatorz
alliloop - scat-master schmalli
amfuct - Lost Boi
andrasta - andrasta
angelabsinthe - angel abSINthe
angelofrepose - leopardskin pillbox hat
ann_gwish - the.owls.are.not.what.they.seem
anomar - Ramona
arafel - our lady of the HPLC columns
arien - Guiding the Sun
artbyair - Esotairika AKA Puff Hummer
artisdead - The Pear Thief
ashersimeon - I am not prince Hamlet, nor was I meant to be
aster80 - Emanuele
astridx - Joya Di Martino
atholbrose - atholbrose
audacieux - Dima
austincharron - austin charron
autumnsweaters - Southbound Excursion
avaluxxx - Savoir Faire is Everywhere
avonhun - just Al
ayanami - Ayanami
baby_groupie - disaster in a halo.
badmoods - annahell
barkis - (who's afraid of)
barn - kenna
baronessvarla - Baroness Varla
baroquelife - john
batvomit - Who Would Jesus Bomb?
beeble - kim's xanax
bendtosquares - :> matt <:
bete_noire - the unlikely Xantippe
betsyb - betsyb
bibe - Luzviminda
bird_mad_gurl - The drunk WHORE
bittybat - Visualistic Synopsis
blackdove - Willow
blackface - unlight.
blakes_7 - Bill Wendling
blinkin - blinkin
blood_of_halos - The Cost of Living
bloodedblossom - Haarlem Honeybush
blueimber - imberspark
bobdole - the high priestess of profundity
bogle - Bogle
bratgirl66 - i lick you!
bri8an - . . . . . .
broicello - They used to laugh at me but I saw the future.
burningskyz - BlueTeeFool
busychild424 - shutterbuggery
byzance - wandering_star
calebcocteau - caleb ben moore
candy_kisses - Nomi
candystripes - : jem
captivesoul - mistress manda
capulet - jenny
caridwen - Goddess Zero
catachresis - James
catbiscuit - baby alone in babylon
catelin - Cate
catravine - Catravine
celestyna - Celestyna [v 1.0]
cesare_bats - Michael
chamber49 - chamber
chaobell - A jug of bread, a loaf of wine, and your mom
cherrysodap0p - cherrysodap0p
cheshireneko - Neko
chinaski - k
chris_kaasi - chris_kaasi
cinderellaman - Eyes wide open, heart undefended
cipher - Indigo Chocobo
cittie - Cittie Catte
classydame - Jamie-Lynn
cobweb - cobweb
commonpeople - The Tale of O
communique - mostly analog.
cordeillya - holly
cosmicstar - kill yr. idols
countrymouse - CountryMouse
creamazazello - creamazazello
crueltysands - CrueltySands
cruxtian - Cruxtian
cryptkdm - REDLightRoXy
crystalbrick - Alexander Eislicht
curefan007 - Christopher
curemadgirl - Xiomara
currentlyautumn - a fashionable thing
dannysgirl - DannysGirl
darkadaptedeye - Dark Adapted Eye
darktemptress - crushedvelvet
dave_over - Dave Overman
dclxvi - DCLXVI
dead_lost_soul - Dead Lost Soul
deadasleep - stephanie
death_kittie - death_kittie
deathclown - ^v^ Deathclown ^v^
deepestsin - Into the Sunset
deliciousdemon7 - Leia
delphiblue - delphiblue
denalyia - denalyia
denmarkadonis - ~ Shou ~
destroika - paniek
deus_x - Leslie Michael Orchard
dev0id - gamma
devilbadtz - Like A Party Without The Fun
diathesis - diathesis
disgustipated - hooray for america
djpekky - A Feminist Latin American Hindu
djzaius - DJ Zaius
dorje - tenzin khado
driveontheright - Michael
dustkitten - A
dylanja - dylanja
dynamine - rocknroll retard
eclipse69 - Flash Gordon
eebomb - e
eeviolet - strong girl rae
eionva - eionva
elasticgirl - -\\\amity
electroly - Brian Luft
elisabat - Elisabat
elliptic - Allison
elusis - Elusis
emotionalsky - Katy
emrecom - the obscure gentleman
eoin - A Glimpse of Religion
epitomeof80s - Megbot
erabarenai - that dreaded Mika girl
eremitan - frankie from the block
esthete - chry
eurydice1 - Kate
eva01 - rocketqueen
everyday_gray - Tiff
faeryqueenie - melisa
fallenicon - my toes are cold
fariewing - Fariewing
feelingisfirst - feeling is first
fictitious - Alter Ego
fierce_kitten - Fierce Kitten
fionnula - Ricca
fireangel_999 - FireAngel
fistybuns - nina
flawedartist27 - [morgan]
flickerkitteh - a figment of your twisted imagination
foil_wrap - foil_wrap
forgedidentity - Homosexuals Are Gay!
fornever - fornever
fortuna - mottekind
fourfourfour - Lee Wang
frenzy05 - ROck OUt witH youR coCK OuT!
frzngoddess - Goddess Athena
galaxina - The Effects of Solar Radiation on Moon-Based Girls
garbarella - Not So Soft
gardengirl - stacy
gawthzilla - Allison
geekber - Amber Nickel
geraldlikesit - Gerald
ghimson - The Ghimmer
gibbernaut - DCLXVI
gique - ::the artist formerly known as datathief::
girlgo - A distorted reality is now a necessity to be free
glenorglenda13 - Carnal Stork Lord
go_the_freak - Daniel
golightly - Tamsin
gomorrah - Caleb
gotherella - a longing for apathy
gothmixtapes - Gothmixtapes
gramaraye - Josephine
greenboi - Ariel Satyr DeHaviland
greenish - it's only me
greenjeanz - Green Jeanz
griphus - Season One Box Set (w/ Special Features)
grishatyevka - Raven & The Bloody 10
gristle - female eunuch
guirex - GuiREX
hadaverde - Sharon GreenFaery
harlotofheaven - HarlotOfHeaven
hehateme2001 - Jason, fo shizzle.
heidicakes - Mita
heliumglow - Xtian
hellkat - Sometimes I Am Me
heronnoire - Daena
hervoodoo - Casual match in a very dry field
hiroprotagonist - Jesus H. Christ, YOUR GOD MUTHAFUCKAH
hisemphaticleg - ThisMortalCoil
hme - Holly
hohum - earth will be taken over by malevolent sea pups
iamnikkisixx - MissPussyMeowMeow
iceblink - The Q-Queen Dingnut
ididntso - mayfly
imasage - kickass
imattv - Matt V
imperia - Imperia
insides - jd-92kf u.177h/ak
insidious - insidious
insomnia - Insomnia
interimlover - the speedwagon
iridescentlotus - Kindling for the Kindred
iris_reed - jennifer reed
ithica_27_9 - thenothingboy
jacksjaffa - Jack's Jaffa
jadeyfish - Laura
jaromil - I am the Clock-Maker
jasonsuterus - WeirdMovementForWeirdMovers
javigo - Astroboy
jerkoff - just like you
jeroenwing - Jado
jgd3 - John Dennett
jimy - Self-absorbed Twit
johnnyvalentine - Johnny Valentine
jubeisaotome - JubeiSaotome
kablammy - everyone else is really boring
kafka - austin
kahoki - Mr. Bingle
karenslostagain - karen
karlito1984 - I Left My Heart...
katblaze - The car driving people smashing pork nazi
katbradley - rizzo
kateherself - sugarkate
keki - -X- evil bunnyhead eater -X-
kezzyau - Kez
kidjo - kidjo
kiss - the only living boy in london
kittencat - frolicking sandwich
klink - a stripey girl
klorine - The Cool Elusive
knepbear - Paul
kowiak - why don't you remember my name
krela - Krela
kristof - cloud
kylec - lupus yonderboy
l7seconds - The Land Of Star Crossed Lovers
l_diggy - The Notorious D.I.G.
lachrymose - Pallantre
lancehk - Lance Hayden-v. Kump
largactyl - idiot
larly - potato
lazuli - Alice
leapielee - Beth
lekiosque - candace
lethalpinecone - rainbow marker on my hands
lhiannanshee - Ich bin ewig Lhiannan Shee
lifelike - on the borderline
lilmissanthropy - Cassandra
locust - My Sci-Fi Lullaby
loveandleprosy - breaking the best of bones
lunarpollen - The mysterious pollinator
lunazeed - lunazeed
luridhue - meshell
luvender - Alek Freider
machina - stigmatophiliac
macnatty - Natalia
madchen - novalee nation
majorcraze - sicky Mc Sickster
majormcjim - Jim
majortom - The Boy With The Thorn In His Side
maldeluxx - Silver M
malloreigh - slave//xxx [dreams from reality
maradeath - Maradeath
marharet - medicated drama queen
masque__ - masque
mattkim - Matt
mermaids - - 2
merrily - Merrily
mew - the first star
mgrasso - Michael Grasso
miabella - miabella
milli - millizillah
mindcage - ~ zoe ~
mindinthorns - Luthien
mindwideopen - Rich
misshell - Miss Hell
missionofmercy - lonnie after midnight
missjustine - Ozma of Oz
misskyrie - Kyrie
mitsu - masha
mmmpudding - Pwnpwnpwn
moder - moder
modest_mouse - i don't wanna dance with cindy sherman.
mogwhy - Nigglesnoosh
moleque - moleque
mond_maedchen - Ahna
monkeygrrl72 - monkeygrrl72
mooncurve - something about the noise of the train
moonfl0wer - inconstant anguissette
moonmaiden - moonmaiden
morbidmachine - Morbid Machine
morning_girl - Windowlicker
mothinflight - moth in flight
mrkvm - mrkvm
msfledermaus - Ms Fledermaus
mstinkrbell - Tinkerbell
multifacetsflux - L. Jewell
murmur - hot on the heels of love
muse007 - -she-
muzer - Vague St. Shamizdat
mypetrobot - erika juliana
mysurial - mercury
naturelad - chrisky business
naun - Naun
neitherday - The Madwoman of Menotomy
nekosama - Synner
neonhalo - 100% pomegranate juice
nephthys23 - Le Chat Noir-
nerdrocker73 - Stepping Stone
netik - jna
neubauten - the experimental orthodontist
nicfaerie - nicfaerie
nicoalesce - miss nicole
ninotchka - imogen esquivel
nnnslogan - No Name, No Slogan
noirelilly - Maschina Inferna
nomi - Naomi
nonsynthetic - Brenda
noremains - Raymond
nothinq - Your Very Own Personal Jesus
notmarsha - Marisha
noxiousangel - Deadly Night Shadow
nycgirl - twenty seven
oakwood - OakTreeChick
obscurityknocks - Unspecified
oceaneyes - out of sight out of mind
octobervision - Derek
onrevolution - "Hef"
ophelia666 - Mildred Hubble
opheliasessions - as we fall apart
orphicget - Orfik
ozgeek - Mike
paleangel - Arsenic & Apple Pie
pandastar - manda
pegs - Pegs
peitso - Kim "The Little" Peitso
peoriapendragon - Leslie Eleveld
phenobarbidoll_ - phenobarbidoll
piscean - with sparrows beneath her eyelids
pistolstar - return days
pixiebitch - ♥ zAnY AnTiCs ♥
pixioto - always crashing in the same car
popbitch - waving from such great heights
porcelain7 - Porcelain7
preciousnothing - ~*doLL*~
princessryo - Heroin Lite: Overdose Angel
projectjason - under the milkyway
protocat - A Cat of Low Moral Fibre
prytania - Prytania
punkjunky - No Duh. Duh is a product of fear.
pwdrd_toast_man - Sterling Jones
queeniex - queenie
radicledgrl - Boobear Sox McNozeLikk
raenyday - Raeny Day
rainbowkiller - this world's a mess, it's in my kiss
raindrops - Rain (aka the Stupid BrokenOne)
rasberryswirl - ophelia
raspberrywater - laura
realvirginmary - Celine
reciteadnauseam - the one i never knew
redmage - Seraphita
rhombosis - King Rhomboid de Rhombalot
rick23 - fluffy
riotproof - Lea
roark - zeke
rosabel_believe - "Rosabel, believe!"
rossmanley - kolby
rozziland - Rosalyn
rroseselavyoui - Pamplemousse
rubyroom - RubyRoom
sadmnky - nearsighted joe death
savonarola - Girolamo Savonarola
scopo - scopo philiac
screamingvenus - criminally vulgar
sebastianne - Aradia
secretime - blue boy ablaze
serizawa3000 - Duncan
seventhsister - SeventhSister
shadowrose - Michelle
shadowstanding - standing man
shane - Shane McConnel
shauna - Shauna
shaunryan - shaunryan
shazam - Captain Underpants
sheeprustler - Representations of the Double Pea-lix
sheilabarbarak - emma mandolin
sherabob - Chrystyne
shivabee - not the hero i could be, but not the dog i was
shoegazeca - Down With Emotional Fuckwits
shoegazergabby - Gabby
shycamp - The Love Machine
silken - Misty
sisterofnight - Audaxia
skattenstar - Holly Wood
skinnypvp - Spiggy
skittles85 - eraser
sleepyfun - charlotte's mouth
slumberjack - funny bird, burning word
slut0rama - kelly
snej - Jens
sophiasophia - Sophia
spellbound - charlotte.sometimes
spider658 - Spider
spiralstairs - Martin
splendor - sweetness and light
spookydream - Amber
spuibnukrpbealn - spuibnukrpbealnlgorrazss
ssull - sam Sullivan
starlajo - starla
stellamaris - jess
steven - The Sarcasm Dispenser
stevenmc - starsaresofar
subculture - boy
sujet - sujet
supa_fly - photosynthesis
suprasonik - peg leg pete
sxoidmal - the Dread Reverend
sykodjiuia - Ducky
sylph4980 - Sylphie
sylvanfae - Lotus Flower
synthetikdoll - Subculture Nurse
talaitha - +fru fru fx+
tangia - jeni
tearintoyou - november spawned a monster named zoie
teknobitch - 1R3n3 Own5 j00
testspecimen - Joe
thecatinside - Sa Benedíca
theczarina - the czarina
thedarksiren - The Branch That You Break
theflir - mo
thegword - Word On The Street
thehangedman - The Hanged Man
theotoky - #4
thequietfox - Boku ka mo shirenai
theslyspinster - sLy
thesnark - the prettiest star
thesuparowl - hate crew deathroll
thevamplestat - Androgyne001
thirdreel - 'drew
thistlelurid - ~the (girl) with a (HUGE) thorn in her side~
thoughtforms - sunkissed
timmer68 - Timmer68
tinnehart - Tinne
tomcasteel - Tom Casteel
total_fat_0g - | Bee Jay Ex Ohh |
totale - ambrose collector
trayce - Trayce
trickmirror - my blue wave
triscuits - Tristan
troyboy - Troy Tolley
true - true~
u_tenjou - Ayu
upaya - The Polite Atheist
upir - Pi-OZZ-Peyot-JeanPiaget-Pit
vagynafondue - Fancy Pants
vainnoir - Vain Noir
vampryixie - Vampryixie
vanitykills - Sherry
vaysha - Extra Strength Wonderlust
velouria - Colleen
vespera - vespera
vicissitude - dragonbutterfly
vintagoth - Miz. Psycho Pep Squad!
violane - Keri
watercolorblue - watercolorblue
watrfae - pasta whore
wayjurn - Ryan
wazieralmout - Wazier a'Mout
weatherman - The Allen
weirdpixie - Mallaidh
wesaidgoodbye - xamberx
whirlandhither - PetalHead
whirlingdervish - sky.
whitelaughter - treason
winterflower - Alana
wreq - wreq
wrongwaybarbie - Doll Parts
wyldkyss - 野生キス
xgirl - *.¤°michele°¤.*
yerpretty - attention slut
youlittlewonder - Eva:Echo
zaen - Zaen
zeromonk - tweve feet tall and staggering
zorn007 - The manifestation between Re and Tarded