Relevant Communities
The following communities are also interested in "erotica".
500 matches:
666cheerleaders - Satan's Cheerleaders
7thcirclemag - Seventh Circle Online Magazine
_just_like_that - Just Like That....
_skin_ - Erotica In The Flesh
_wow_ - Wow
ac_after_dark - After Hours
adrianwelch - Adrian Welch Fantasy Art
adult_fiction - Adult Fiction
adulternatives - Adulternatives
allporn - Now That's Dirty!
alt_erotica - Alternative Erotica
alt_expressions - Alternative Expressions
alt_models - Alternative Models
altporn - subcultural erotica
anal_sex - Things your mom wont tell you.
analplay - Anal Play
anime_fantasies - Anime Fantasies
animeadult - Anime Adult
animehetsmut - The Friends of Anime Het Smut
anitainchains - Anitaverse
anne_rice - Anne Rice Fans
annerice - Anne Rice Discussion
anti_porn - Against Pornography
antisocial_jax - Events of the Antisocial Jax People
ardentenigma - Delusion
ariablaire - Autumn -:- Sparkles
artordata - art or data
artsy_folks - artists united!
ask_seductress - Ask a Seductress: Seduction Tips
askday - Sex Advice
assignments - writing exercises
atlantasmmedia - Atlanta SM Media Community
atw - .::All Things Written::.
audioerotic - Auditory Erotica
aus_fetish - Australian Kink & Fetish
autoerotism - Jack Hoffer
azpoly_rainbow - AZ Poly Community
bad_sex - The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
bad_smutfic - Bad Smutfic - The Fandom Menace
bare_facts - bare facts
bare_nekkid - Bare Nekkid
bbnonuglies - bbnonuglies
bbw_camwhores - Curvey cam gals
bdotcom - U know
betareading - Betareading Community
bfslash - Battlefields Community.
bi_angel - swingers_and_sinners
billsbdayharem - Bill's Birthday!
bio_etching - Beautiful Scars
blackangelx - The Fat Lady Sang
blissful_amy - The Grrl of Milk and Honey
blooddolls - Blood Dolls: Gothic Beauty Discussion
bloody_glitter - Bloody Glitter
blue_cherry - Blue Cherry
bodies_of_art - strange & beautiful
booksluts - Literary masters and Book whores
boring_people - Anybody & Me
bratty_subs - Bratty Subs
bunniesofdoom - When Bunnies Attack
camel_toes - Camel Toes
camwhores - alcohol + cam = flesh [flash your bits]
candid_gals - gals who can outstrip anyone
chemical_valley - Adventures in redneck hell.
chergasm - we love cher. yeswedo.
cirquedunoir - We'll Hurt You
claim_an_m_song - Claim a Madonna Song
cocknpussnation - CocknPuss
cocksrus - we LOVE the cock!
compersion - Love Without Jealousy
confessionsofa - Tell the Truth
consumer_voice - rants, raves, reviews
crackhaussanta - Sucking For Jesus
crazydecadence - Children of the Revolution
creamyourpants - Cream Your Pants
creepypeople - creepypeople
crudamelpomene - Bleed, Melpomene!
crypt_angel - Crypt Angel
cumswallowers - Cum Swallowers
cyber_dyke - Cyber-Dyke Network
cybercrux - Cyber Crux
cyberotica - g33k s3x0r
cybersex - CyberSex
dailyporn - Daily Porn
dark_agenda - Dark_Agenda literary community
dark_images - Dark Images
darkarts - The Art of Darkness
darksideofebay - The Darkside of eBay
death_eaters - Death Eaters Anonymous
decadence - decadence
denofsin - Boinkington Manor
devilish_d - Devilish Deviance
dictures - Dictures!_Show us you Cocks and Asses
dirtygirls - Dirty Girls
diru - Dir en grey
distorted_gizz - [<D.I.S.T.O.R.T.E.D. G.I.Z.Z. Z.E.I.T.>]
divine_oddlings - resplendent intelligentsia
djinanna_recs - Djinanna's Fanfic Revue
do_me_amsterdam - Do Me, Amsterdam
dolphinbutcher - Dolphin Butcher
dracophilia - The Dracophiliac
dream_visions - Art & Words inspired by the Dreamworld
dreamaking - the Dreamaker
dreamsanderos - Dreams And Eros
drownedxworld - Madonna Fans
ds_limted - Explorations In Creativity
ebanned_auction - Ebanned Online
elektricfans - Fans of Elektric
elitism - The Elite
erotic_artforms - Erotic Art in many forms
erotic_crit - erotic_crit
erotic_poetry - Erotic Poetry
erotic_posts - CM's hot house
erotic_power - Erotic Empowerment
erotica - Erotica
eroticadventure - Sextingles
eroticastration - fuck censorship and rape taboos!
eroticbpm -
eroticchallenge - The Erotic Challenge
eroticfantasies - Temptation
eroticgothic - €ROŦIC GOŦĦIC
eroticpoetry - Erotic Poetry
eroticvisions - For Erotic Photographers and Models
erotifemme - Women's Erotic Fantasies
erotillectuals - Erotic Intellectuals
esotericon - Esotericon
evil_geniuses - Evil Geniuses for a Better Tomorrow
eyecandies - Eyecandies - The "fair" rating community
fab5fans - The Ultimate Porn community
fan_of_danielle - Fans of Danielle
fantasy_salad - To Be Announced
fat_art - The Art of the Fat Body!
fat_love - fat love
feddyliau - feddyliau afon
feels_so_good - all sex all the time
femmeslash - Femmeslash
fetishconfess - Welcome To Your Fetish Confession
fetishicons - Fetish Icons
fictionpalace - Fiction Palace
florida_fetish - Florida Fetish
fooderotica - Food Erotica
for_art_sake - For Art Sake
foxyfata - Succulent Wild Girlie Group
fresh_quill - A Fresh Quill
ftm_in_bed - FTM in bed
ftm_undressed - tranny porn ftm style!
fufeminism - The *Fuck-You* Feminism LJ Community
fuzzypussybunny - Am I A CamWhore
ga_group - Blood Dolls news journal
gagme - tied up tight
gasmaskfetish - gas mask fetish
gcat_inc - Gcat-Inc
generationof03 - the generation of 03
george_fan_club - George's Fan Club
get_naked_baby - Get Naked Baby!!
get_ur_rocksoff - AdultStoryTime
girl_writing - Real Girl
girlsaware - for girls who like porn
glam_freaks - Glam Freaks
glassceiling - Glass Ceiling
gloriousvanity - Beauty Is Never Just Skin Deep
good_vibrations - Vibrator Lovers
goth_idol_comp - Gothic Idol Competition
gothboisngurls - Goth Bois & Gurls
gothconvergence - GothConvergence
gothic_babes - Gothic Babes
gothic_beauty - Dark Art Community
gothic_fetish - Gothic Fetish
gothic_rants - Gothic Rants
gothicbookclub - Gothic Book Club
gothicpleasures - gothicpleasures girls
gothmississippi - Gothic Mississippi
gotterdammerung - Götterdämmerung
greatsex - Mind Blowing Sex
grrl_noir - Girl_Noir
gutterdump - I am hentai, I am smut! Let us oil you all up!
haemosexuality - haemosexuals
hentai_bliss - Hentai Bliss
hentaicatgirl - Cat Girl Hentai
honestds - D/s with Honesty
hotelaftershow - Queen Adreena
hottietotties - We're HOTT cause we say so!!!!!!
hp_outer_circle - The Outer Circle
hp_writersguild - Harry Potter Writers' Guild
iconoclasmatic - we give good data
idiot_diaries - The Idiot Diaries
ilovememri4ever - Worship Memri
imnotmyself - I'm not myself at The Rainbows End Inn
in_the_darkness - In the darkness...
indecency_club - Let The Discussions Begin
ineedtogetlaid - ineedtogetlaid
ink_blot - ink blot
inky_knight - Loyal Knights of the Inkwell
internetcancer - dth to the intrnet
intosin - intosin
it_turns_me_on - Turn it On
ivanatosoff - Sex Explosion
jilling_off_ - jilling off
joinusina3some - Searching for a third person? Come here to find.
joshtin - Joshtin Love
just_write - The Writing on the Wall
keeg - geek
kenmorekids - Kenmore Kids
kenshinyaoi - Kenshin Yaoi
kfmt - Kung-Fu Mystery Theater
kindersluts - The Kindersluts
kinky_ones - SexUaL DeviAnT
kinkyhobbits - The Kinkiest Hobbits of Them All
kinkykouples - A Place for Couples to Share Stories, Photos, etc.
kissandcaress - Merry Gentry Fans
kizzandtell - KissAndTell
lasciviolent - :llusion
laughingvaginas - Laughing Vaginas
leather_rose - The Leather Rose
leather_u - Leather U
leatherpetpost - The Pet Post
lesbian_erotica - Lesbian Erotica
lesbiancafe - Cyber Dykes Inc.
liberal_fascism - Hiding Behind the First Amendment
like_a_prayer - Like a Prayer
linotteliterary - the linotte literary society
literaryanation - Literaryan Nation
literoticature - Your Wildest Dreams
littlepiggie - scknthehed
ljanonymouslj - Anonymous
ljbooty - LiveJournal Booty
ljladies - Lovely LJ Ladies
ljsextoys - Live Journal Sex Toy Users!
ljupskirts - LEGS & MORE
llbnf - [a new misery]
losethelube - Lose*the*lube
lovechains - Erotic Chain Stories
lunacon - Lunacon
lust_over_love - erotic like me
macabreparlor - The Macabre Parlor
madonna_icons - Madonna Icons
madonnamusic - Madonna Music
male_dom - The Male Dom/Femme Sub Forum
malewebcamguys - Cam Guys
malleusmalefica - Malleus Maleficarum
marital_arts - Ever Upward
mass_lesbos - Lesbians of Massachusetts
masturbationto - Masturbation Togetherness
material_girl - Natalie
megahalspeaks - MegaHal SPEAKS!
mens_studies - Men's Studies
milking - spreading the love
mindkandi - MindKandi
mirror_me - Mirror Me
mmmm_voyeur - Secret Voyeurism
mortualis - some state of war
mtf_undressed - naked trannie girls and their friends!
murasakicircle - - murasaki circle -
museycal - Muses
my_vintage_self - Vintage EROTIC Self Portraits
mynameisdita - Hardcore Madonna Fans
mystery_dept - Department of Mysteries
naked_famous - Naked Celebrities With No Clothes On
naked_flesh - naked
naked_mods - Naked Mods
nakedboyparts - nakedboyparts
nakedparts2 - Naked Parts and More-show us your naked parts
nakedworld - nakedworld
narcissistick - Narcis~sistick
naughty_goth - naughty goth
nefarious_girl - Nefarious Girl Dark Decorating
never_land - We Are Societies Black Sheep
niteblade_fun - Diversions of Adam
njgoths - New Jersey Goths
no_colo_de_eros - Pela curva do teu corpo
nofaux - No Fauxxx
nothing_but_ink - Nothing But Ink
novelleidee - What A Novel Idea
nyc_bookswap - NYC Coffee & Book Nook
obscenism - The Obscenism Movement
occult_uk - UK Occultism
odd_ramblings - thoughts of the geeky, odd, crafty & devient
omnisexual - Omnisexual
oneartistsway - TheCreativeOnes
oral_fixation - Orally Fixated
oralobsession - Oral Obsession
original_look - Models that are more than cookie-cutter!
ourbookclub - American Gothic Book Club
pbz_bangers - Childfree Yaoi-ists
pee_erotic - Watersport Erotic
penny_birch - Penny Birch Community
perfumed_garden - The Perfumed Garden
pervworld - pervworld
pervypages - The Perverted Coloring Book
philly_artists - Philadelphia Artists
phillybicurious - The Philly Bi Curious can come together here
photo_erotica - ~:: Erotic Photography ::~
photoart - The Beholder
pitch_black_ - Pitch Black
planetperth - Perthanoidz
playfulpain - fetish fun
pmrc - Peoples' Masturbatory Resource Center
porn_palace - Porn lovers
pornrocks - The Ultimate Porn community
pouroutyoursoul - People sharing the stories, poems, etc.
power_slut_grlz - Sugar, Spice, and everything Vice
princezzjen - Let boredom rain free
pro_anal - Pro Anal Sex
pseudo_art - Dadaism, Surrealism, Pop-Art, and Pseudo-Art
puckerup - Pucker Up
purgatory666 - Hell
queer_couples - happy together
queerporn - Queer Porn!
randomuse - The Muse Within
ratingprep - Ratingprep - Practice for rating communities
rawly_pained - the burning lust.
razorotik - The Razor Fetish Journal
rejects_galore - Get Rejected? Join Here
reves_mouilles - wet dreams
ringasm - Ringasm
riotsnotdiets - girls en large
roguescorner - Jolly Roger
roguevla - The Naked Writer
roissy - Roissy
sacredsexuality - Sacred Sexuality Community
sacredyew - The Sacred Yew
salacious_dream - ~*A delve into the unknown~
sancorazon - Stories From The City Of San Corazon
sapphic_sisters - Sapphic Sisters :: Girl Erotica
sapphos_muse - of Sapphic Persausion
satisfactions - satisfaction 101
satyrs_lounge - The Satyrs Lounge
scarlet_letters - The Scarlet Letters
scorpionz - Pictures of Male and Female Erotica...all welcome
sdfetish - San Diego Fetish and BDSM Community
sdmbfiction - Doper Fiction Exchange
sea_biscuit - Sea Biscuit: An Andromeda Community
secret_lj_crush - I've got a crush on you!
seedy_city - Seedy City, All Smut All Hours
sex_anime - SEX & ANIME
sex_comm - Sexuality & Gender Communities
sex_fiends - sexfiends
sex_notes - Scenes of a Daddy and His Princess
sexadvice - Sex Advice
sexclub - sex club mistress
sexfiendscomic - Sex Fiend
sexiestalive - The Sexiest Girls Alive
sexinboston - SEXinBOSTON
sexsounds - eargasmic
sexstories - TheEroticOne
sexsupport - Tired of Tech Support? Now theres Sex Support!
sexual_mischief - dirty secrets
sexualscifi - Erotic Fantasy and Science Fiction Books&movies
sexworkers - Sex Workers' Community
sexworkpartners - Partners of Sex Workers
sexworkprojects - Sex Work Projects
sexy_goth_bois - Sexy Goth Bois
sexy_stories - Sexy Stories
sexydeadguys - Sexy Dead Guys
sharedstories - Interactive Fiction
showyourbits - Bring On The Naughty Bits
shutter_2_think - Shutter To Think
silent_x_sins - Silent.Sins
skin_mechanics - skin mechanic
slashnation - slash*nation
slashybooks - Slash girls' book exchange
slave_kennel - Slave Kennels
slutscribe - the slut scribes
smutaddicts - Addicted to Smut
smuttyclassroom - The Smutty Classroom
something_vauge - that feeling you get
sopretentious - sopretentious
spookygirls -
stateofinsanity - State of Insanity Community
stigmata - room of the blue light
still_alive - The Figurehead is ||[ s t i l l ( a ) l i v e ]||
sulchie - Meridae's NaNoWriMo
sultry_stories - Sexcapade
support_morax - WE SUPPORT MORAXIAN
sweet_serenity - A Weakness For Words
sweetmeats - The obsessed
switchhitters - Pick up some switchhikers and fuck like banchees
sxynhotleznboiz - ~*~ Sexy~N~Hot~Lez~N~Boiz~
sylphidsaerie - sweet air
t_and_a - T and A
tainted_lust - Tainted Lust
talent_pool - A few good characters
temple - temple of beautifultoxin
the_booth - The Confessional Booth
thediaryof - The Diary of Anaïs Nin
thehedonist - pursuit and devotion to the pleasure of the senses
thelustposse - The Lust Posse
thequilt - The Quilt
thick_garter - thick garter straps and more!
thou_fans - The History of Us Fans
three_some - Threesomes
tornado_sex - Lovers of Tornado Sex
troyslash - Troy Slash
twisted_tails - Jackdragon's Twisted Tails
vampirefreaks -
vampirerotica - Night Lust
vanillasucks - Kinky Erotica
venusdesires - venus' wants and desires
victorianlife - Victorian Life
wanderwords - wanderwords
wanton_ink - Intelligent Depravity
wdcritique - WD Critiques
weird_weather - weird weather
well_read - Book Lovers
whipme_chainme - Gothic Slut
wicked_parts - All parts wicked
wild_kingdom - Wild Kingdom
wildgrrrls - Everything from the dark side of the Moon
wnyadultfriends - Afraid To Try
writers_haven - Write a Story
writersdesk - Writers Desk
writingworkout - The Writing Workout
xcandyxcuntsx - x Candy x Cunts x
xfetishx - everyone has a fetish...
xvcandy_landvx - .come play with me.
xxfourxx - FOUR
xxfriendsxx - Sex Files
yiff - YIFF!
yiffystories - Yiffy Stories Community
youmakemehot - Pin me up
Interested users
The following users are interested in erotica. More fun stuff can be found on the interests page.
500 matches:
007mac - 007mac
0eye0static0 - classified
9mm - Back in the game!
_esoterica_ - always someone's pretty little riff
abcprincess - abcprincess
absinthe_angel - Absinthe Angel
adageon - emmanuel delfin
adelwolf - Jor
adpaz - Down to Your Last Teardrop
adrenalynkitten - ~*UltraViolencE*~
ajo - ajo
alexacam - AlexaCam
alleypat - Galaxy Gurl Alley
amazon_waryr - amazon_waryr
amazoncam - Xotica
amythyst - Crystal
anais - Anais
andragon - Andromeda Dragon
andrianna - Kiss of Death
angereveur - Jamie
angllbabie - Angelina
annabelablue - Annabela Blue
anthacat - anthacat
antifluff - Amber
aria - Aria Maris
arkhamrefugee - Badger Lord Arkham
asim - Woodrow Jarvis Hill
astererebos - Lux Antiquus et Veritas Antiquus
aswtwrita - Amanda
aurayana - Aurayana
aurie - EnigmaticPassion
aurynrant - Auryn
autumn_angel - Intellectual Moodiness
autumnthought - Autumn Thought
azcra - Sweetie McPie
bandit_art - bandit_art
bardiva - BarDiva
bccarolynbc - Carolyn
bearblue - Bearblue
beautifultoxin - m. Shakti
beckmermaid - Becky
bellicaneko - Nina Lauren Marie Threadgill
bentlilies - Reina
birdyjae - Thalia
blackhawk - Blackhawk
blackrainbow - .Black.Rainbow.
bleaux - Bleaux
bluemoon - BlueMoon
blueskiesinhell - King Badger
blustocking - J
boing - boing
bostondave - Dave, part-time Ruler of the Universe
bpk - bpk
brianinspace - Brian in Space
bsgi - Ancient One
bunglehead - jen the II
bunicula - Bunicula the Vampire Rabbit
bunnyboy - BunnyBoy
bytetim - bytetim
cacophany - Everybody Else's Girl
calamity - Calamity
calico - Happy Fun Hair
catelin - Cate
cato - organic machina
cemeterygates - Delilah
ceryn - Ceryn
chaoticerotic - We are as Gods here....
chef_troy - Chef_Troy
chinasaur - Chinasaur
christiann - Christiann
chrisx - Gir
ci - Claudette
cicirossi - Cici
cloud612 - Holy smokes, this is Zach
cobweb - cobweb
coldsteel - Torque
conjurman - R.A. Melos
controversybob - Controversy Bob
copernicus - Copernicus
corachaos - Cora Chaos
cos - Cos
cottoncandy - ::.*.::Sugar Plum Fairy::.*.::
crazygal - Unforgivable Sinner
crimsyn - Air
crowho - nina
crunchystars - Skie
cyka - Cyka
cynicgrrl - Meghan
daemon16 - drifter
daisys - daisys
dangerbunny - Changeling
dark_happiness - I Am. I Will. I Create.
darkewolf - Padraig MacIain
darkkevampyre - †Darkke Dragon†
darkroomman - Get Sirius
darkzine - Jeanette
decayed_teeth - Amy Irene
deepestsin - Too Fast to Live, Too Young to Die
demona22 - Super Queer
denisem - Maraschino Cherry
deravyn - Deravyn
desar - Lucien Desar
devina - Grace Under Pressure
dom - Dominic
donaithnen - DonAithnen
dorkiness - Trace & Co.
dragondark - Screaming Sincerity
drcristin - Dr. Cristin
dredlockblu - Jessica
drownophelia - one femme revoloution
duchess_webb - Duchess Webb
duckydoo - Ducky DooLittle
dwaggie - Journal .. OF DARKNESS!
e6 - e6-
efilsgod - Zen - Efil's God
eiffel65 - eiffel 65
eiffelgirl - Girl Strange
elektric - Elektric
elite - I Can't Go Back - I'm A Human Sacrifice
elysiangirl - funky boo-boo
elzbieta - Jaded Beauty
empressphoenix - the mad plaid-er
emptyk - Marie
ericjevitts - Eric Jacob Evitts
erisian_fields - La Popesse de Discordia
erockxxx - Erock
exoticspider - 10 P.M. Sunday
fallendarkangel - Flux
fallingdarkness - Eclipse
felinasm - Felina SilverMoon
feline - Ms. Feline KittyKat
femmie16 - the femmie.
filialuna - Pandora
firefaery - rebekah the firefaery
fireflesh - fireflesh
flare22 - Sara
folterte - folterte
fool_in_spirit - Little Big Man
foxforce5 - Sylla
freehand - Oliver Twisted
fuzzy_floyd - ron st.pierre
galaxy - Ariel
geg - Greg
ghostfire - ghostfire
glennardo - glennardo
glimmergirl - glim
gliterybuterfly - Unlucky in love
glitterdyke - the best minds of my generation can't make bail
goethe_engel - Tadzio
greekgoddess - Kristinoninopolous
greeklady - Wandering Woman
gypsy_kitty - Jennifer
gypsybrat - Kristina
h2bhc - Spinario
hamadryad - Hartz Wacky Cats
hatelust - Kristen B.
heathrow - Heather
hellkat - Narcissistic Drama Queen
hereticxxii - Heretic
hermy - run for cover motherfucker
heybebe - Diane
hinkeypunk - diesel
hisbeauty - Shaylaine
hisslavekitty - kitty
hollygen - Holly Gen
hubcapriotriot - the cactus where yr heart should be
ianthe - ianthe
icyvixen - icy vixen
ileah - Ileah
im_not_jr - Bobby Ewing
imacmike - iMacMike
in2oblivion - Tonya
incognita - The Princess Incognita
indigobynight - The Girl without a Clue
inebrigoth - Twirley McFallsALot
inle - Inle
itsalotlikelife - Bela
ivystung - murr
jamzilla - just along for the ride
jenacam - jenacam
jeniejenie - Jen
jenx - JenX
jesusislord7771 - JesusisLord7771
jher - jher
jkingfish - Jack-Lined Johnny
joggingguy - Joggingguy
johnflagg - Dr. Sarcasmo
jrtatsc - John
jucifer - a little slice of heaven
julylorelei - Cana Lorelei
jwdarklegion - Evil, UNLIMITED
kabbit - Trenton
kakurete - PhrenetiK
kalani - kalani
kali_devi - Kali
kenta - Tangelo Supreme
kerkyra - kerkyra
kevo295 - Kevin
kherren - Kherren
killer69 - Political Junkie
kirstyn - good old trousers
kissyfish - Updates
kiui - Kiwi
kizei - Kizei
kkscatnip - kat
knightdragon89 - Bear
koj - koj
konundrum - Konundrum
krazyleesa - Krazyleesa
kristof - cloud
kristylicious - Kristylicious
la_monday - Monday
lamia - Lamia, thou art high maintenence
larisa - Rissa Law
latexflesh - Billy
leather - Scene Reports
leevine - Lee Vine
legendofthehawk - Legendofthehawk
lianna - Cinnamon Girl
littlecritter - Courtney Lynne
livvyelf - Enfys
lizbit712 - Liz, Beth, Elizabeth
lonejaguar - Nic
lordshell - LordShell
lostsouls - Toni
lsdchick - i'm boring, don't read this
lyekka - Lakshmi
lynspin - That Blonde Girl
lyublyu - Haruko
m00n - Eric
m00nsault - mood swing *this*
maab - Maab
machinery - Bree
magbastard - The Magnificent Bastard
maldorora - maldorora
maleficence - Maleficence
manicfiction - liam
margoeve - Ms. Cellophane
mariahx - Mariah
mathewg - Mathew
matilda - two beers in a tucket. motherfuck it.
mcoletti - Late Night with Piprrrrrr
meade - meade
melliebee - Melliebee
melon1997 - melon
mhues - monica hues
michele - Michele
mici - Michelle/Erunáve
mickr - Mick
microchaotic - Crystal Lyn Moran (Catalyst Echo)
mightyaphrodite - Mighty Aphrodite
milosgirl - Miss M
mindylou - Mindy
minette - Hong Kong Phooey
minnamuffin - Vanessa Natalie
mischa - [ anak ng bayan ]
missalined - m'issa
missfox - miss fox
misskris - Dorkus Malorkus
missv - Varla von Funkenstein
misteropinion - Mister Opinion
mizzvampyr - eat lolly
mlvc69 - Robyn - *Michelle's Little Vixen*
mollilolli - molli
mommameow - Ruth
monicanagent - what was
moonbaby52501 - Amélie (aka Amethyst Silvermoon, ex-sparklykittie)
moondanzing - jenna
moongirli - Nightengale
moraxian - Moraxian Agrianopoulis
morbidart - Morbid Art
morganalefay - Morgana
mr_dark - Mr. Dark
mremile - MrEmile
munkyspace - Tawny
musicisdead - {you can't touch me>>and you can't hold me<<}
myfnix - Mock Duck
mylemon - checkmate
nabinea - nabinea
naesa - Kait
naivete - marianne
nameless - Nameless
namey - Mykyll
nataliewitch - Soror Noctua
necrophagi - Hauptsturmführer Shane (Eisenvater) Von Russell
neopixie - zanna, do!
neopolaris - Artemisia Synchroma
nextproblem - Emily
nexussix - >_<
niffer - Niffer
nigelthezebra - Nigel
normal - Azhael
nude4ru - nude4ru
number42 - Dan Traut
oakdragon - Oak Dragon
obanion - Irish Deluxe... With Cheese
octavie - octavie
odddecay - hug a revolutionary
ogonzoo - dr robert p maloney
opacous - some june day
opheliasennui - OPHELIAS ENNUI
opium - Opium Poppy Fields
pale_forest - pale_forest
paperdoil - Never Number One
pen - Pen
pieta - Pieta
plnsng - Jill
polexia - Polexia Aphrodesia - Infamous Band Aid
poliwitch - The Seamstress Muse
ponderosa - ponderosa
poorprncesstina - Your Personal Pro
poshglam - PoshGlam
prettygothboy - Steve Wild
projectjason - ☆ELEKTROFLESH☆
prufrock - anyone but Bush in 2004 (including invertebrates)
psychokitten - she
pudgym - PudgyM
pundit - Jai Maharaj
purekitte - Pure*Kitte
purple_person - Charm School dropout
purplesparklies - manda
pyromancer - pyromancer
q - Ray
quaesta - Alex
queenbe - Eve
quietkarma - Simple Male
quipper - Tina Serraphim
radu - Radu Valteros
raeofhope27 - »----»ôVë® ±Hë ®åiñBôW
ragdoll - Pretty Vaycant
rainer3 - Rainer
randall - Rbhess
rao - Paul Fisher
raspdrmr - raspdrmr
razorbladekiss - A Groupie
rebequa - Re'bequa
redcanna - redcanna
relievedgrace - Grace
rhino - Man Slut/Onion Boy/Timotei Man
rhondak - RhondaK
riotgrrrrl - her name is rio
risingentropy - Chuck Eats Bugs
riven - 割れた妖精
roachspray - Roachspray
roadnotes - Carolina Day Wren
roaming - -in-the-gloaming
robsplace - The Dane
rozzygurl - Kiss My Natural Black Ass
rydia - The Little Monkey Mermaid Girl
samedarkclouds - Same Dark Clouds
sangsmith - Smith
sarafern - Drucilla
sardonic - sardonic
sariah - sariah
saton - Alisin Wonderland
satyr - The Wild Satyr
scarfboy - scarfboy
screamingnympho - Screamin' Sam
scubadiva - Scubadiva
seadragon1066 - Wanderer
seelie - Seelie
seiry - seiry
serendous - Serendous
severina - miss marvelousness.
shadowrose - Michelle
shevampire - SheVampire
siannan - Siannan Aingeal
silver - Tristanna
silverflare - halcyon
simonmarshall - Si
simplysara - I'm your little pee whore
sinfullyintense - ..†.Stephanie.†..
sinnocence - Kitty Shitt
sintimate - Sintimate
sirreal13 - Mikhail
sistercarrion - sistercarrion
skits - skits
skull - Steve
sky133 - ~m
skyes - I Left My Heart in Boston
skylion - Marshal Zombie
sleepysachi - SaChErZ
smmerbreze - Squeeze me...I'M JUICY!
smoothoperator - SmoothOperator
snowbunny - Julie
sockhead - Sockhead
sorchawench - The Monster Under Your Bed
sparklegirl - I am not as well adjusted as Emily Gudgel
sphaelar - Lucas
spryghte - Spryghte
spyder - Spyder
staceylynn - Punk Prettie
star_traveler - star_traveler
starsinmybelly - captain obvious
stellarstar - intostellar
subbes - subbes
surz - Surz
sweetlou - SweetLou
sweetmrs - Candy
sweetprince - Sweet Prince
sylph - The whispers inside my head
talamasca - Talamasca
tamih - tami h.
tanseyo - tanseyo
tarpo - Not a little white dog
tatian - Noa Imi Loa
temima - Tara
tempting_soul - Ideal Temptations
tenshi_neko - tenshi_neko
terrible_rhi - terrible rhi
the311goddess - Laura
the_hierophant - The Cornflake Girl
theletter - The Letter
thelovelylass - The Lovely Lass
thepoet - The Saint
theronin - The Ronin
theverdantchloe - Chloe Margarita
thirdlaw - Bastard
thoughtcrime - .o
threegee - threegee
timepiece - timepiece
touchofheart - Sara
towanda - The Valar protect you on your path under the sky
trillium - Trillium
tristania - maldorora
tritia - tree shah
trov2k - Raius il'Terali
tsarin - tsarin
twistedwit - The Innocent Pervert
twjordan - Tony-Moe
tyg3r - stompy kitty
tygre - tygre
tyler1968 - Dark Beer and Sore Fingers
tymat - ton2
unbitterolly - Molly
unfinis - 会いたくてでも会えなくて
unitzero - Proto Type
unstrung - e
vampy - +Vampy+
vampy_aob_619 - Vampy
vane - Vane
vasagi - Vasagi
velvet_satin25 - Michelle
velvetsun - Holly
verdandi - Valeria
verotika - Verotika
wallace - Dallion
wastededucation - The Executive Chef of the Atomic Cafe
watrfae - pasta whore
weirdchick - Alisha
wild_angel - HarleyGirl
wildchyld - WildChyld's Warped World
witrack - witrack
woitiki - the one on the network
wondergirl - occupational hazard
worfpunk - worfpunk
writtenkith - Written Kith - A Book Journal
wyndwyck - Wyndwyck
xandria - Mercury in your veins
xaotica - :: regarder of the cries of the world ::
xaracam - xara
xenia - Xenia
xrosebudx - Caitlin
xvuilx - xvuilx
xxlilyxx - Lily Bleu
yourjuliet1 - Your Innocent Distraction
yozakura - Yozakura
zancro - Zan Cro