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14 matches:
Interested users
The following users are interested in raymond chandler. More fun stuff can be found on the interests page.
469 matches:
0archimedes - Accessory to being a bear
2manyfetishes - Charming, but nonetheless depraved
3rd_rate - The Pitch - Director's Journal
3rdrate - 3rdrate
_flaming_june_ - flaming june
_jolielaide - Fancy
_the_last_tape - Andrea
abjectlament - b.
activelow - Ex Nilo
aethucyn - Aethucyn de Merwlyan
akalucycat - akalucycat
alan1957 - Alan1957
alchemi - Mike
alexkaufmann - alexkaufmann
alienist - Brian
alleahna - Alleahna
allegedly - arsoniste
alodyne - david
alpharyoko - The Life Reclamation Project
alternateb - Known as the Rhythm Rogue
andrew_tsks - a firecracker waiting to blow
andystardust - Andy
angelrox - Just ASHLEY
angelwings0713 - Missi
animalogic - Nemo Swift
animated_max - animated_max
annabanana017 - annabanana
anthershrtruind - Agnes Lozelle
apathy4free - Katie
apistatcommando - Cover my ears, drown out the world
archeon - in a role he was born to play...
archieleach - archieleach
argetlamh - Dan Vince
artbroken - Patrick
artless - artless
asim - Woodrow Jarvis Hill
asimaiyat - Sarah
astvinr - astvinr
atheenah - she's a rainbow
atomatic - BennyC
atomicnumber51 - Antimony Azazello
auringossa - auringossa
aysha_moondust - Aysha
babyhuggles - babyhuggles
badmammajamma - Piggy McFatty
bastardcat - BoyCat
beckastar - absolute imperfection
beleraphon - beleraphon
bellsouth - BellSouth
benpeek - Ben Peek
beowulf1723 - beowulf
berkprotocols - Kakofonous A. Dischord
bezique - bezique
bibliofiend - my nose in a book
bigdaddyfix - Fixer
biggster - "Graeme"
bizdog - nick
blackbeltjones - Just A Soul Whose Intentions Are Good
blackcustard - matt noircrème-anglaise
blondethespian - blondethespian
blue_condition - the wage slave at the end of the universe
blurdk - blurdk
bogartx - bogartx
boojumlol - Lol
bossanoville - L
box10 - box10
brawdymchwil - Brawd Ymchwil
brettw - BrettW
bricoleur - Madame Mehitabel
brightpirate - Ravenne
brokenladder - maggieg
brotherriparius - Andrew "Reasonably Standard" Jenner
browncoat - Mark Smullen
buzzbattlecat - Jen
c2002 - c2002
calamityjon - Dr.Dyper, reformed sniper ...
calcutta - Fever Dreams & Ice Cream
calfan - Chronic
camels_nose - camels_nose
caoilte - Mr Teeth
capnjimbo - cap'n jimbo
capt_peyton - capt_peyton
carapace_green - Victoria
carmen_de_grana - No temo la muerte
carraway54 - Match
cartespostales - Les Cartes Postales
catelin - Cate
caudelac - Rabbit
chaoticbliss81 - ~*Chaotic*Bliss*~
chaoticeuphoria - Ms Nikki
charlieblue - Ian
chelseagirl47 - chelseagirl
chikkiboo - Jane Johnson, Girl Reporter
childeric - Simon
chordam7 - the man who fell to earth
ciaoenrico - The Darkness
cinesnob - This is the way we wash our hands...
cinnap - Cinna
cirrussundog - Cirrus
citizentim - Stuff
citydrifter - citydrifter
cmarakasu - Calliope Marakasu
colecash - Cole
conniecochlea - Connie Cochlea
crazycloud - Ikkyu Sojun
crazyquilt - CrazyQuilt
crea_tu_mentira - electronic surgical words
creed_of_hubris - Fred
croupier - No Name No. 5
currawong - Bill
dadafountain - Macaronic and Cheesy.
dagneytaggart - Jen
daltone - daltone
dannyhawaii - dannyhawaii
darkphoenixrisn - Danielle Ní Dhighe
darthmollusc - darthmollusc
dasein_fiasco - Dr. Joseph Mengele
davidcapeguy - David Gustafson
deadfemme - dead femme
deaf_skribbler - deaf_skribbler
deathfugue - deathfugue
delicatecut - fell a victim
demeanour - Naomi
derghaust - derghaust
detective_cole - Isaac Cole
dherblay - d'Herblay
dickumbrage - Dick Umbrage
dictator88 - Kraft durch Schadenfreude
disgruntledgrrl - Disgruntled_Girl: Harbinger of Chaos.
distant_beaches - The Man, The Legend, Psmith
divakitty - Rosa Luxemburg Saks
doghousereilly - Pete Milan, Lovable Rogue
dominque - Alex (andra)
dondlion - Roland Al
dorothymonkey - Dorothy Monkey
drfaust - John Faust
dropjohnson - The King of Carrot Flowers
dslartoo - Phil Carter
dtaylor - Geekly McGeekerson
dullscythe - dullscythe
dyfferent - contains mild peril
dysrhythmic - nico
e7ili - my nothing
ealgylden - Joan
edasner - Rob
elfreshmaker - The Freshmaker
en_ki - Hemlock Wooly Adelgid
encyclops - encyclops
ephender - Pip Smith, Jr.
ericcoleman - Punkest...Santa...EVER!
estimatdprophet - Chris MacLee
everclaire - Claire
evilredhairgirl - Evil Red Haired Girl
eyesickle - xero
faeryhead - Q train biscuit
farceuse - flashes of merriment
ffenics - Persephone Jones
filigreeshadow - brooke/brooklyn/brooxie
filmfemmezan - Zan
firepower - S. Cessus Aequus Paul Frank
fishbuns - fishbuns
fishtrap - trapper of fine fish
fkafka - fkafka
flying_blind - rejectomorph
flynngrrl - A Girl Made of Flynn
folktraveler - writing my secrets on hornet nest paper
forioscribe - John Palcewski
frou_frou - Miss Nicky
fugaciouslover - I am that I am
funwithmonkeys - funwithmonkeys
futch - Still Life with Sewage
g_gary - Loki, the doer of good and the doer of evil
gabi_hime - Gabi-hime
gables - Primatology
gallowglass - Coriakin
gamahucheur - Daniel
gatiss - Emmanuel Gatiss
gattopardo - David
gennosuke - Gen
gentleman_bard - gentleman_bard
ghosting - where the hero died
gideon8787 - Brock
glamourned - pearl
glaucon - cmb adams
gmslegion - The Hipster Dad
gnash9 - Henry
gordonzola - Gordonzola
grand_illusion - coming of age with kahlua
grittynoir - Good... Bad... I'm the guy with the gun
groopunk - groopunk
gumtreecanoe - kolossal Ueberschiebung
guvnor - Troy Wood (confessions of a Sacramento music geek)
gypsysp - gypsysp
hakuin - st
halo_goddess - Kat
hanuman - Jack Bebop
harpofhyperion - The Harpist Hyperion
harvey - Swick
hathos - eRic
hbdeath - James R.
hecateshandmaid - hecateshandmaid
heidinabucket - Frank
hellblazer99 - Matt
hellbomb - KTO
hellebore - Black Hellebore
hey_stranger - Lara
heymonkey - heymonkey!
hiddenleaves - Matt
holborne - holborne
homohabilis - Count Strachwitz von Gross-Zauche und Camminetz
huskerdude1 - ...And Then You Die
huskyteer - Rib-tickling, for YOUR pleasure
iamandyouare - iamandyouare
ignatzmouse - Jacob
im_dandy - Wele
incase - just in case
insekta - insekta
irishbanshee - Rowan
issacsnillof - An accident, Poor Aaron!
italian_job - k.A
its_damiana - kathybobathy
jacflash - Hiding in Plain Sight
jackie_treehorn - Narcoleptic Quaker (j.)
jdquintette - John Doheny
jerrykimbro - jerry kimbro
jesseh - Jesse
jfb - Erik
johnboze - Ten Wildebeests in a Teacup
joolzie - joolzie
jpkmets - Justin
juanitadark - Juanita Dark
judge_death - Judge Death
jupitah - the I, she, or it that thinks
kabob27 - kabob27
kalinichta - On the tip of your tongue
karlgreat - Dr. Badass
katee - katee
kenderlord - David
kenkola - Ken Kola
kf4hbr - Brian Claeys
kiladogg - kelsey
knomey - [pixilated notes]
kodomo - 子供
kohiinoneko - kohiinoneko
kokopopo - Kokopopo
kokyu - Terry and the Pirates
konamicode - Ray
krypt_kycker - Krypt Kycker
ktnflag - The tractable apostrophe
kyrieliaisons - Kira Merci
lacquer - elaterite Elizabeth
lagreyeyes - Vanity Will Get You Everywhere
landofgeekery - D.J.
lasergirl69 - Lasergirl
laughingfreeman - Laughing Freeman
lazarusl - LazarusL
lelila - Les Villes et Les Montagnes
lhasa7 - Wentzel Jamnitzer
licha257 - alicia
lillianleitzel - Carolyn
limacine - The Lowest Form of Life
lint138 - Switchblade Kick
liukeshi - K...C?!
lostgun4hire - LostGun4Hire
lot49 - of no significant consequence
ltheory - epistolary
lucienne - Lucienne Beausoleil
lucretius - Lucretius
ludditerobot - AKA Autodidact
ludellablack - Miss Black
lunarcamel - gazing at the stars and listening to the waltz
maccy - Matthew McIntyre
madhav - Madhav Nair
maggie33 - Maggie M
mahoni - ...
marckorbin - Count Of verMillion
marieofroumania - Brooke
marshal_law - F.
martinova - Martin
matgrad - Tim
max71 - Max
mendel - rich lafferty
mikeneko - mikeneko
mimiru - Fake Wings
minniethemoocha - Retarded is the new Awesome
minorsubversion - Maximum Tony
misadventure - gabriella, the walking disaster
misanthropoid - Stand up Philosopher? Ohhhh, a bulls**t artist
misroi - Dead Flesh
miss_wonderly - Helen
misterchurch - Churchy
misterp - Tai
moochia - Moochia
mooncurve - school of cha cha cha
moreteawesley - Jonathan
morthy - Morthy
mr_rakshasa - Paced For The Trades
msdenisewight - Wolfgang Amadeus Thelonius Von Funkenmeister 193/4
mspinstripesuit - Elaine
mudo - Mudo
muggleton - Lodewick Muggleton
murcianobaby - Djuna Rykiel
musesfool - the cavalcade of whimsy
mydarkstar - Twi
nachtstalker - Kaneda
nathanblack - Nathan Black
nekha - Кинд
neonwaterfront - Andrew
nepenthene - Nepenthe Garland
niban - handsome pete
nick_kaufmann - International Bon Vivant and Raconteur
nickynuisance - Nicky_Nuisance
nikkster - Johnny Winter No-Show
nogoodnewsboy - Carlo
noirbettie - Annika
nonicetrees - Flogging y'ass with dead bunnies and stuff...
nuriochi_sol - MegaNuRioChi
nvrsynvr - cosmochickplitan
o_joshua - Joshua Hilst
octopus - sick & ill
oh__indeed - mmm, tastes of democrat
oldbenway - donny van zandt
omphaloskeptic - omphaloskeptic
ooohlaalaa - Val
optic - optic
orso_amoroso - orso amoroso
outpost31 - Ronin
pachelbel_girl - Pachelbel
pandorassox - a plentiful lack of wit
pastor_saturn - Pastor Saturn
pbredneck - pbredneck
peachke - Peachke
perich - sanity is conformity
petalmcmako - Petal McMako
peterdz216 - Peter
petermarcus - Peter
phantastes - Nick
phillip_marlowe - Doghouse Reilly
philochs - The Blue Dahlia
phr33k_uk - Ged
piha - Shannon
pitofsky - Nat
polrua - Pól
porchsongs - k
posey_fossil - posey_fossil
probablydave - probablydave
psychoant - Marco
puppytime - Leo Puppytime
quietjenn - aqua seafoam shame
r4z0rg1rl - iliad joyce
raceylane - CareyBomb
rad_jose - radly j. phoenix
raminagrobis - raminagrobis
rampion - Lil' Debbi
ravy - ravy
raygungothic - RaygunGothic
recuerdo - isobel tscheussi
rezendi - it's a vain pursuit but it helps me to sleep
rhiannon333 - Rhiannon AKA Megan
rifty - Pete
robin_d_laws - robin_d_laws
roboticgrape - Victor
robotknives - signed, your doppelganger
rockstartist - mechpencil
rockuloid - The Inimitable Rockuloid
rockwriteralex - Alex D.
rogersteele - Tom
rottenmilk - whit
rubymydear - rubymydear
rue_deday - Enlarged to Show Texture
rwx - Zeitgeist (and his amazing technicolor dreamcat)
rynnmaxwell - jane
salaryman - Salaryman
samschoiceus - D. Eduardo McCormick
sarchasmic - Our Cultural Fear of Oompa Loompas
sashal - Sara
satan_pingu - Michael O'Sullivan
scanner_darkly - Seth Lindberg
scarfacerabbit - Rabbit
scarindarren - Darren
scopo - Scopo Philiac
seanmoon - Cubist of Parma
seekyr - seekyr
senordildo - Aquarius, Prisoner of Sex
septicemic - sapiosexual and slatternly
seraphimsigrist - Seraphim
shanghailad - The Lad From Shanghai
shaunathan - Cosmic Castaway
shesaidlaube - Mr. Munen
shocho - Shocho
sirvinegar - Gregg
skammah - Lunchbox
skidspoppe - Coffee Shop Whore
slearner - Slow F. Learner
somecamerunning - Kitten With a Quip
soosh - soosh
soulman82 - From The Crossroads
south_wind - a life of mixed metaphors
sparky6892 - sparky6892
speakbitterness - Leonard
squirrelette - Belochka
starpaw - St. Jimmy
stopremembering - everything is pretty much totally fucked
storiaallineare - storiaallineare
strictlytrue - strictlytrue
strontium90 - Strontium90
studebakerhawk - Sebastian
suave_steve - SteveClapton
suburbanbeatnik - Joanne Renaud
suffire - Shanghai Triad
sw1_andy - sw1_andy
tagplazen - tagplazen
taraljc - ljc
tavekh - Rachel
tenthet - Tenthet
the5ftflame - the5ftflame
the_automatik - some new romantic looking for the tv sound
the_white_rhino - the_white_rhino
the_wicker_man - Eli
thebebopcowboy - thebebopcowboy
thechildintime - The Child in Time
theoldanarchist - Charles Liam MacCanannain
thetrystero - thetrystero
tikipagla - tikipagla
timlewis - TheCorinthian
tinka777 - TiNkA
tricelt - Tricelt
triplehex - triplehex
troublebox - troublebox
troubler - trouble at home
truepenny - Sarah Monette
tstein - Tara Steinke
turtle_147 - Helen of Troy
twangntweed - dagored
ubu - ubu
unsated - unsated
vaci - Vaci
verdandi - Valeria
vhale - Vhale
viedma - viedma
violetisblue - Roger Corman's Insane Ninja Child
virtualmongoose - virtualmongoose
vlock1 - histrionic justin
w2monkeyhouse - Katie
weasels_of_fire - crack and/or ham
whatsagirlgotta - whatsagirlgotta
whatwouldggdo - Bryn
wheelyapplegate - The Ghost & Mr. Chicken
willbillis - billiswillis
williamcampbell - williamcampbell
wingedsandals - wingedsandals
wintermute6000 - Dances With Snails
wire_mother - simon whateley
wishda - William
wldcard - WldCard
wol - wol
woodyallen66 - Baba O'Riley
wordissuperfly - Dan
wordsampersand - wordsampersand
worstplace - Cheap as free
wretchmuffin - wretchmuffin
writerpo - Peter Padraic O'Sullivan
writers_blocs - chris
xquerenciax - The Heart and Spleen of Querencia Zine
xyla_pajmina - Mistress Xyla Pajmina
zeeaap - Biscuits & Gravity
ziggy5yrs - Kenny
zoidberg - Zoidberg
zoneseek - Nick