Friday, March 9th, 2001
8:31 pm - Friday night's alright for drinking...
Okay, so it's snowing like hell again outside. Supposed to get up to a foot more snow tonight on top of the 28" from Monday/Tuesday. I love this place.
Just wanted to log something before dinner (Stouffer Lasagna single bachelor special). A little lasagna, a little Jack and Coke...I'm quite the host tonite.
So, what's up with the rest of the world? More later...after my hot date with a preheated 325-degree Kenmore.
I know this sounds pathetic, but I'm kinda diggin' it.
current mood: anxious current music: 'Norm' theme song on the telly
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| Thursday, March 8th, 2001
5:19 pm - Random thought...
Am I the only one who uses an actual picture of themselves? Skip passes the test. Okay, and Opal sometimes uses a somewhat-real pic, but masquerading as another species altogether. The point is, do I need to get out Photoshop and go to town to fit in around here?
current mood: confused current music: virtual doors opening and slamming (AOL IM's Greatest Hits)
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12:01 pm
Another day, more Java adventures. It's a beautiful day by New England standards (mid-30's and sunny as hell). Almost have to wear my sunglasses inside with the glare off the multitude of snowdrifts outside. It's actually kinda beautiful...nice to be out of the winter cave for a day or two.
So, when's Skip/King_Mob gonna post something again? I have a feeling that Opalexian is a much more dedicated user than Mr. Poopypants. Come back, dude. I miss ya. And add me to your friends list already!
Almost lunchtime, but I was tempted by a box of Munchkins in the kitchen, so I'll probably hold off another couple hours.
Why am I writing this stuff...this reminds me too much of 'freewriting' circa 10th grade.
current mood: chipper current music: Housemartins, The - He Ain't Heavy
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| Wednesday, March 7th, 2001
4:39 pm
So, it's almost time to cut out. Heading back to Portsmouth to meet some friends at Margarita's. (a Mexican place, mayhaps?)
Got my very first substantial Java prog done today and compiled and tested and everything. I feel momentarily invincible.
Here's hoping that King_Mob is having a better day. Hope it's not the alternator, dude. Pulling for ya.
Thought for the day: At risk of coming off like a perv, does anyone else watch a movie and decide what the porno version would be called? You know how they do that...right??? Anyway, this weekend I watched 'What Dreams May Come.' You figure it out. Sick vs. Cute and 'Cute' narrowly won.
current mood: accomplished current music: Smiths, The - Please Please Please Let Me Get What I Want
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1:35 pm
Should have skipped the meatball sub for lunch. Point noted. Now I need a nap.
Not too much new in the past 2.5 hrs. Gave King_Mob n' Opalexian a shout out so perhaps they'll return the favor a little later.
current mood: restless current music: Electronic - Gangster
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10:59 am - In my LJ infancy...
Cheers to King_Mob and Opalexian for introducing me to LiveJournal. Now I expect you two to keep in touch!
Just sitting at my desk at work after two snow days at home...yes, you get snow days from work in New England. Nearly three feet of snow in a day and a half...I never thought of Ohio as a warmer clime, but my attitude is changing.
Gotsta get to my Java-fun. More later.
current mood: lethargic current music: Co-worker's playing Fleetwood Mac...I guess that's okay.
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