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Privacy Policy

Our promise to you

All the information we collect from you will be for statistical and demographic purposes only. We will not give out your information or sell it to others. Further, we will not send you junk mail either. The only things we email you will be things you explicitly ask for (like a password reminder), mailing lists that you sign up for, or notifications about your account status.

Information We Gather

The following is a table that summarizes all the information we collect from users and how we use it:

Email Address

Your email address is collected to have an address to send you lost password notifications. Also, collecting email addresses serves as a way to limit abuse of the system, in that we only allows accounts to remain active when the email address has been verified.

Your email address is only displayed publicly on your user info page if you have selected the "Show my contact information" checkbox in your user profile.

We will send you a confirmation email when you create your account to verify your address. A message is emailed to you if someone requests lost user account information for your account to be sent. If you file any request with our support or abuse department you will receive email notifications. You will receive emails regarding comments that have been posted to your journal if you've selected the option in your preferences. Payment notifications will be sent through email, if possible. Membership confirmation emails will be sent when you're added to a community by its maintainer. Also, we may send you "LiveJournal news" if you select that option in your user profile.

Your email address is never given away or sold to third-parties.

Name/Handle When creating a journal, we ask that you provide your name or handle to be listed at the top of your journal. This does not have to be your real name if you'd prefer.
Birthday We optionally ask for your birthday, for our own statistical purposes. You may leave this blank.
Gender We optionally ask for your gender (male or female), for our own statistical purposes. The default is (Unspecified) and you may leave it like that if you'd like. This is not displayed publicly, although be aware people can often guess your sex from your username, name, and/or journal entries.
Website You can optionally enter your website's URL. If you list it, it will show in your public user information page so others may visit your website.
AOL IM, ICQ, Yahoo!, MSN Messenger, & Jabber If you check the "Show my contact information" checkbox and you also provide any instant messenging contact information, they will be displayed publicly on your user information page so that others will be able to more easily contact you.
City, State, Zip, Country All this information is optional. If you provide it, and also choose to be listed in the user directory, then this information is used to determine what region to show your link under.
Your Picture You do not have to upload a picture. However, you can choose to upload a picture of yourself, your cat, a drawing, whatever. Whatever you do upload will be used to represent yourself in various parts of the site, along with your name and username.
Phone Number Your phone number is only necessary for Post by Phone support, and will not be given away or sold to any third party.
IP Address Your IP address is tracked and is used throughout the site only to control traffic. Individual account owners may choose to log IP addresses for comments received; these IP addresses are only available to the account owner.
Credit Card Information Credit Card information (only used for purchases made in our Payment Center) is not stored at this time.


We will never knowingly request personally identifiable information from anyone under the age of thirteen, to remain consistent with the Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) of 1998. Read our complete COPPA policy.


One exception to this policy is that we will release specific information about you or your account to comply with any valid legal process such as a search warrant, subpoena, statute or court order.

Anything else?

Are we forgetting anything? Do you have any other questions we can answer for you and place on this page so others don't have the same questions? Contact us by emailing privacy­@­

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