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Street Fight
Google is going to need Wall Street more than Wall Street needs Google.
Tipping the Scale
Super Size Me may be inconsistent, but that doesn't make it balanced.
The Recall That Matters
Can democracy exist when people outside the government play by the rules, but people inside the government change them...
Second Hand Joke
Looking at the basis of the latest second-hand smoke hysteria.
The Greening of Higher Education
Environmental ethics education will not breed politically motivated individuals.
One Step Back, Two Steps Forward
Despite setbacks to the Iranian reform movement, the Islamic regime in Iran edges closer to implosion.
Faith-Based Activism on Patents?
The international debate over how best to combat deadly diseases in the developing world just got more interesting.
If you don't own REITs, get some. They'll add ballast to your portfolio, and you'll reap nice dividends along the way.
Patents and Life
If patents in this area are not allowed, or left ambiguous, much of the research will have difficulties reaching a...
The Innovationist
Arnold Kling reports: "For an innovationist, nothing is worse than complacency or satisfaction with the existing order."
Second Best is No Solution for Iraq
The point of the Iraq action was to begin to reduce the number of times America would have to step forward.
The Peculiar Prosecution of Frank Quattrone
The Michael Milken comparison is apt, because history will show that just as Milken was needlessly prosecuted, so too...
If Memory Serves...
A war memorial should serve two purposes: first, it should properly commemorate those who fought; second, it should be,...
Revolutionaries Join Europe
"If Mr. Glassman hates Europe so much," said the head of the Belgian farmers' union, "then why doesn't he leave?"
Which 'Legacy' Regulations?
Before throwing out the '96 Telecom Act, senators need to be clear about their goals in deregulation.
Prison Dilemma
Enough standing around. It's time for the Bush administration to pick up the roadkill and fix this Iraq disaster --...
Clearing the Air
Other western nations should follow suit by creating their own national environmental audit agencies.
Weight Loss in the Supermarket
Soon, in addition to parking rage outside and trolley rage in the aisles, British supermarket shoppers are to be...
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Jacob Sullum looks at the latest from John Banzhaf.

[ 05/07 12:26 PM ]
Get well, Glenn.
[ 05/07 8:03 AM ]
Does regulation lead to more crime?
[ 05/06 7:48 AM ]

Bill Kristol and Eric Cohen say playing defense on bioethics isn't enough. Discuss among yourselves.

[ 05/06 6:30 AM ]