Relevant Communities
The following communities are also interested in "lesbian".
500 matches:
_after_the_rain - after the rain
_friends_ - _//Friends\\_
ace1fam - ace1fam
acidkizz - ~LAGoths Unite ~Club, Concert, Gossip, Event Info~
adamsexual - adamsexual's of the world
addmealso - make more LJ friends!
adorkabel - How Adorkabel!
adult_fiction - Adult Fiction
alittleconfused - People all over the world
allergyfaery - * digital help line *
altmarriage - Alternatives to Marriage
amberbenson - Amber Benson Community
americanlesbian - American Lesbian
and_a_twist - ...and so it didn't go quite as planned
androgyny - Livejournal's Androgyny Community
another_love - Another Love
anthro - Anthrosexual
anti_manifesto - I can't believe it's not sXe Christian hardcore
anti_quiz - freedomx
antigonerising - Antigone Rising fans
artemisdiana - Virgin Huntress Community
arthousers - Arthouser
artificialjoy - I want a new reason to live
artsy_folks - artists united!
askpoly - Ask Poly
atlantalesbians - atlanta lesbians
auburn_opelika - Community for Auburn/Opelika
aussie_dykes - Aussie Dykes
australian_ftm - Australian FTM LJ Community
azpoly_rainbow - AZ Poly Community
bad_sex - The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
bare_nekkid - Bare Nekkid
bcdykes - BC DYKEs
bdsm_tng - BDSM - The Next Generation
becauseiam - Individuality
bi_angel - swingers_and_sinners
bi_bears - Bi Bears
bi_lesbians_la - Bi/Lesbian Los Angeles Community
bi_people - bisexual
bicanada - Bi Canada
bifriends - Bisexual Friends
bignsexy - Big and Sexy
bihnsn - Bi Hanson<3
bisexual - LiveJournal Bisexual
bisexual_world - Bisexual World
bisexuallesteen - Bisexual and Lesbian Teens
bitchesna - Bitches Non-Anonymous
bitchyqueens - The Bitchy Queens Community
blackangelx - The Fat Lady Sang
blinking_mynci - drunken_mynci
bloodyecstatic - bloodloven
boycooties - BoyCooties
btvs_slash - Buffy the Vampire Slayer Slash
butch_femme - The Butch - Femme Exchange Place
calgary_poly - Cal Poly
camwhore - CamWhore
canadianlesbian - Canadian Lesbian
captive_couples - Captive Couples
child_free_life - Child Free
childfree - Childfree Community
civil_unions - Civil Unions
claypride - All Who Love Clay, Straight or Gay
closetedyouth - In The Closet
closetoyou - Dancing With The Virgins
clubrainbow - club rainbow
clucky - Help! My body wants a baby.
coldasnight - Xander/Spike Slash
community_envy - fucking tyrants
conn_glbt - Connecticut's GLBT Community
converse_flag - Converse FLAG
cyber_dyke - Cyber-Dyke Network
dachebusting - bust the dache
de_ex - de_exotification
dear_penthouse - I never thought it would happen to me...
deltaofqueernes - Queered Love
demonfemme - loud, obnoxious, goddess with nothing better to do
demonlove - Hot Horned Guys
denver_glbt - Denver GLBT
detroitlesbian - Detroit and SE Michigan Lesbians
dirtygirls - Dirty Girls
divine_oddlings - resplendent intelligentsia
doornumber3 - DoorNumber3
doxer - Paradox
dramafreedykes - Drama Free Dykes
dreamykitten - someoneyoudon'twannaknow
dykes2watchout4 - Dykes To Watch Out For (A Comic by Alison Bechdel)
easternpaqueers - Eastern PA Queers
erotic_crit - erotic_crit
erotic_poetry - Erotic Poetry
eroticpoetry - Erotic Poetry
esoterotica - esoterotica
everyoneisgay - GPD - Gaydar Police Department
fagfriends - Mockery Of Ignorance
feels_so_good - all sex all the time
fella_girly - fella-girly community
fem_ink - Fem_ink
femalemisogyny - FemaleMisogyny
feminist - The Feminist Forum
femme_fatales - the Femme Fatales - feminists in reality
femmelesbians - Girlie Girls and The Girls Who Love Them
fetishcares - Fetish Cares Community
fetishconfess - Welcome To Your Fetish Confession
fiercefemmes - Femme-o-Rama
flamedames - Flame Dames-For Girls Who Love Boys who Love Boys
fratboydyke - Frat Boy Dyke
freakyfatchicks - Freaky Fat Chicks
freestate - Free State Project
frontfacade - Mirror
ftm_undressed - tranny porn ftm style!
fuckedupminds - ABSTRACT THINKERS
gay_alternative - Drown the urge for perminance and certainty
gay_cooks - gay_cooks
gay_geeks - Gay Geeks
gay_icons - Icons On the Other Side of the Rainbow
gay_musicians - Gay Musicians
gay_new_england - Gay New England
gay_rights - Gay Rights
gay_sex_tips - gay sex tips
gay_teens_in_ma - Gay Teens in Massachusetts
gayacceptance - Gay Acceptance
gayandstraight - Gay And Straight Community For All
gayaustin - Queer Austin
gaybay - The SF Bay Area's LGBT Community
gaycams - GayCams
gaycollege - The Gay College/University Scene
gaydc - Washington G.L.B.T.D.C.
gayflorida - Gay Florida
gaygardeners - gay gardeners
gayindy - Gay Indiana
gaymers - Queer Gamer Network
gaymerz - Gaymerz
gaymotorcyclist - Gay Motorcyclists
gayprideusa - Gay Pride USA
gayseattle - Gay Seattle
gayspokane - Gay Spokane
gaystr8alliance - Gay Straight Alliance- promoting equality
gayteens - Rainbow Realm
gaywriters - gaywriters
gayxscenexkids - breaking the stereo type
gayyouthwriters - imawriter
gblt_chicago - GLBT Chicago
gender_petition - Petitioning for More than Two Gender Options on LJ
genuinequeer - GenuineQueer
get_naked_baby - Get Naked Baby!!
giacarangifans - Gia Carangi Fans
girl_parts - Lesbians Click Here
girlboylist - the girl/boy lists
girlkiss - Girl Kiss
girlykiss - Girls Kissing Girls
glbt_cincinnati - GLBT Cincinnati
glbtnckids - glbt nc kids
glbtquestioning - Hetero/Gay/Lesbian/Bi/Trans Youth
glbtrights - GLBT Rights
global_uh - GLOBAL at UH
godlovesfags - God Loves Fags
godspace - Brother's Keeper
good_sex - Lift up my skirt
gothmississippi - Gothic Mississippi
greatbiggeek - Great Big Geek
greenparty - green party
grrlsroom - Grrls Room!
gsanebraska - GSA Nebraska
hairypits - hairy pits
happy_feminists - The Equality Fighters
haunted_by_hyr - Haunted by Hyr
headntheclouds - Your Fairy GodMother
heart_sick - Smashed up heart? or done the smashing?
hellz_angelz - When The Blackest Knights Meet the Starry Skies
hentaicatgirl - Cat Girl Hentai
heteroflexible - (~-^)
holyeyes - Eyes are the windows to the soul
homos4god - Homosexual Christians
homosexuality - A Place For All People Of Alternative Lifestyles
hothead_paisan - Homicidal Lesbian Terrorist
hottiemcnaughty - Hottie McNaughties Unite!
houstonlesbian - Houston Lesbian
hp_girlslash - Harry Potter Femmeslash Fans
human_rights - Human Rights
i_am_pansexual - Pansexual and Proud of it
i_want_friends - Be My Friend
ifiwaspresident - What would the world be like?
ikissgirls - I Kiss Girls
ikissgirls_au - I kiss girls (Australia)
ikissgurls - I kiss Girls (UK)
ikisslegalgirls - I Kiss Legal Girls
immigrate - Same Sex Immigration
imnotpopular - - - - __ unpopular
in_the_life - Space for SGL/GBLT Black folks and our friends
indy17comx - Citizen Q
internetcancer - dth to the intrnet
iwantacceptance - I Want Acceptance
jiaan_haikurah - Jiaan Reiaya
joinusina3some - Searching for a third person? Come here to find.
just_dyke_it - A Place For You
kaizersoze125 - Chongo's Adult Links and Pics! READ THE RULES! 18+
kansascityqueer - KansasCityQueer
keeg - geek
kittenhate - Kitten Hate
kitty_prints - JanderVK's Prints
klamathfalls - How Klamath Falls sucks ass!
l_i_t - Lesbians In Training
lady_penfriends - Ladies "Penning" Circle
lambda_delta - Lesbian Sorority
ldrs - Long-Distance Relationships
leather_rose - The Leather Rose
leatherdykes - leatherdykes
leeches - Axis of Somewhat Evil
les_play_party - Lesbian Play Party
lesbean - Lesbean Community
lesbian - The Official LJ Lesbian Community
lesbian_avenger - Lesbian Avengers
lesbian_chaos - A Community For Everyone...
lesbian_erotica - Lesbian Erotica
lesbian_girls - LG
lesbian_hotties - The Lesbian Community
lesbian_icons - lesbian icons
lesbian_lovers - We love our girlfriends
lesbian_space - Some Wierd Dyke
lesbianation - lesbianation
lesbianpoetry - Lesbian Poetry
lesbians_r_us - Lesbians R` Us
lesbiansingles - Lesbian Singles
lesbianswdisabl - Welcome to Lesbians with Disabilities
lesbigay_mwest - Les/Bi/Gay Midwest Community
lez_sex_tips - Sexual Advice --- By and For Lesbians Only
lezbabes - show us yr pretty gay face
leznbisofcolor - Lesbians/Bisexuals/Gay Men Of Color and Friends
lgbtalliance - LGBT Alliance
lgbtqa_michigan - Safe Space
lgbuk - Lesbian, Gay, Bi and Trans UK
living_d_s - Living D/s Forum
ljsingles - LiveJournal Singles
lonesome_hearts - Lonely Hearts Club
love_bitchrant - love's bitch and rants
love_sucks - Love Sucks
lovemeback - Love is real.
loveofthegirl - Scarpetta12
lpp - Lambda Psi Phi
lustful - Erotica and porn for girls and women :)
luvmonkeys_r_us - Lovemonkeys R Us
lword - Showtime's The L Word
lyricsabound - Lyrics Abound
madhatters - The Mad Hatter
magsa - Massachusetts GSA Members
malefeminists - Feminism as equal rights for all sexes
maletomale - The Male To Male Community
mancglbt - Manchester GLBT Youth - Open to ALL
marriedandbi - For those who love only one but like everyone.
matthew_shepard - in memory of matthew shepard
melbournedykes - Melbourne Dykes
melissaferrick - ferrick fan community
metalhearts - Metal Head Dating Community
mi_scene_free - Michigan Scene Free
michelletea - Michelle Tea Community
michiruka - \\ sea and WiND&;
micksfans - Fans of Micks!
midnightlounge - The Midnight Lounge
midwest_lovers - Chicago Midwest Open Relationships Community
midwestdykes - Midwestern Lesbians (and friends!)
miles_apart - Miles Apart
militarylgbt - MilitaryLGBT
minnesota_queer - Minnesota GLBT
mmmm_voyeur - Secret Voyeurism
molesbianonline - MOLesbianOnline
never_land - We Are Societies Black Sheep
neworleans - New Orleans
njlesbians - New Jersey Lesbians
nnjmetrogaybi - NNJMetroGayBi
nonuglies_v2 - nonuglies... version 2
nonuglygaynlez - The Non-ugliest gays and lesbians
nonuglygays - NonUglyGays
nonuglylesbians - The ugly-dyke hating beautiful-lesbian community
normalnot - Normal? Not.
nowgrrrls - NOW Grrrls
nw_lesbians - Northwest Lesbians
nyc_bookswap - NYC Coffee & Book Nook
nyc_queer - nyc_queer
nylesbians - New York Lesbians
o_r_s - Open Relationships
onceloved - phil dirt
onlyinmyhead - Only In My Head
openlybifemales - Open-minded Bisexual Females
orderofthecock - The Holy Order of the Cock
originalslash - Original Slash
orlandofl - OrlandoFL
outinthisworld - No More Closet
outminds - OUTMINDS
pansy_division - The Pansy Division Fan Brigade
partners_of_tg - Partners of Transgender People
pervworld - pervworld
phillybicurious - The Philly Bi Curious can come together here
plattsburgh - plattsburgh rocks
pmrc - Peoples' Masturbatory Resource Center
poetry_orgy - Poetry Orgy
poly_la - Polyamorous Discussion Group of Los Angeles
poly_youth - I don't think there's just one anymore....
polygender_ppl - Poly-Gendered People
pornorific - Wannabe Porn Stars
pridaho - Idaho has gays, too!
pridegoth - GLBT Goths and Allies, Friends and Family
puckerup - Pucker Up
purdy_lesbians - Lesbians... who are pretty... on the inside!
pussy_palace - the pussy palace
qsusan - LoL!!!!!
queer - queer
queer_as_folk - queer as folk
queer_indy - Queer Indiana
queer_nyc - The Rainbow Pride of NYC
queer_pa - Queer In Pennsylvania
queer_tally - Tallahassee's Queer Community
queeraustralia - Queer Australia
queerbc - Queer British Columbia
queerbiloxi - For all Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgendered
queerboston - queer boston
queerbuffalo - QueerBuffalo
queerdesis - Queer People and Allies of South Asian Descent
queerdorks - Geeks R Us
queerinphilly - QueerInPhilly
queerneworleans - Queer New Orleans
queeroklahoma - LGBTs in Oklahoma
queerpoc - Queer People of Color
queerpoets - Queer Poets
queerporn - Queer Porn!
queers_in_film - Queers in Film and TV
queersandiego - queersandiego
queerseattle - queer in seattle
queerspirits - The Queer Spirit Youth Alliance
queerspots - Queer Hot Spots
queervegans - queer vegans
rainbow_room - single grrls
rainbowgirls - rainbow girls
rainbowse - RainbowSE
rainbowsupport - Support Forum for GLBT
randomboredness - RandomBoredness
rantrave - Constructive Discussion
riotgrrlhangout - Riot Grrl Community
riotgrrrlvtnh - Riot Grrrl Vermont and New Hampshire
ru_bi - Bisexuality
ru_trans - Russian Transgendered
rubyfruitjungle - Pretentious Queer Academic Snobs
rules - Ru Lesbi
ryanslocker - Ryan's Locker
sacredsexuality - Sacred Sexuality Community
sacto_queers - Sacramento Queers
safespace - safespace
sapphos_muse - of Sapphic Persausion
satisfactions - satisfaction 101
satyrs_lounge - The Satyrs Lounge
sc_lesbian - Lesbian & Bisexual Women of the Carolinas
seattlehomos - Seattle Homos
sexanddrugs - Sex and Drugs and Rock 'n Roll
sexuai - sexual
sexual_ritual - In the exaltation of mystical union
sexworkers - Sex Workers' Community
sexyhomos - Sexy Homos
sf_glbt_teens - GLBT Teens in the San Francisco Bay Area
sfpoly - San Francisco Bay Area Poly* Folk
shastaroman - Stoopid
shattered_stars - Shattered Stars
she_bears - Wild Women Against Razors
shsu_stonewall - Stonewall Kats
sidhene - Amy Steinberg
single_life_sux - i hate being single!
sister_2_sister - Sister 2 Sister
slash - Slash Writers
slave4borders - Border's Employee's
socal_trans - Southern California Transpeople
societysucks - society sucks
south_fl_goth - south fl goth
southerngirls - southern glbtq female community
spectrumgsa - Spectrum - The WHS Gay Straight Alliance
spice_girls_ - SPICE GIRLS FANS
stlleslife - St. Louis Lesbian Life
stop_hate - Stop the Hate.
stupid_im_award - Stupid IM of The Day Award
subimmaculate - Subversive_Sexiness
suicidesupport - Suicide Support
sweetongirls - sweet on girls
swingcreative - GLBT Art
sxynhotleznboiz - ~*~ Sexy~N~Hot~Lez~N~Boiz~
tam_research - Tam's transgender research
tegannsara - Hardcore SuperStars
tgcrossroads - Transgender Crossroads - Midwest News & Views
tgpp - Toronto Goth Pervert Posse
the_angry_vulva - The Angry Vulva Café
the_institution - A Refuge For The Mentally ILL
the_personals - I want you to want me
thegorkgang - TheGork
thenewapartment - Domicile Sweet Domicile
thescenario - The Scenario Game
thespecialppl - The Special People
time_lamarette - Time Lamarette
torontobisexual - TorontoBiSexual
tragicchaos - Where the world falls apart, and doesn't get back
transgender - Transgender Community
transmichigan - Trans Michigan
transnews - Trans News
transtexas - Genderqueer
true_directions - But I'm A Cheerleader
uglyqueerkid - uglyqueerkid
ukbdsm - UK BDSM
universalunity - UniversalUnity
unloved_ones - The Unloved Ones
urgekids - urgekids
uss_rainbowtrek - The USS RainbowTrek
veganlife - VeganLife
vixen_zine - VIXEN
warmapplepie - .::how i lost my virginity::.
wearebetter - Elitist
weidontcare - fuck everything
weirdisgood - Weird Is Good
weirdosofcolor - The 5th Blaq Dimension. . .
weluvmstrb8ting - We Are All Our Own Best Lovers
what_do_u_think - Advice and Answers
whatisgay - A Community For Homosexuals Who Don't "Fit In"
whole_enchilada - [[ the whole enchilada ]]
whores_r_us - whore
windfire - Windfire
womenlovers - Women Lovers
womens_studies - Women's Studies, Feminist Studies, Etc.
womyn_hatas - Sheman Womyn Hata's
worldwideuu - Unitarian Universalists of the World
writingworkout - The Writing Workout
yiffystories - Yiffy Stories Community
ymber_hamakaze - ymber hamakaze
yuri - The Yuri Community
yuriarmy - Yuri Army
Interested users
The following users are interested in lesbian. More fun stuff can be found on the interests page.
500 matches:
abcprincess - abcprincess
abortionlover - GoesCrunch
acidbitch - misanthrope aspiring to be a social wanker
adrockergirl - Niki
aishiteru_yo - looking for answers
alanajoy - Alana Joy
alexandra_judge - Alexandra Judge
alexibear - Anna
alnithius - Zyan
alterego - ullneverknow
aly - Perpetually Horny
amazon_waryr - amazon_waryr
anifirebird - Yosha!
anilina - anya, vengeance demon
anotherflavor - oh my god
aradia913 - Ann
arami - Ara, The Softer Side of Evil
aylapolgara - Jen
ayvek - PseudoDionysius the Areopagite
babygurl_x - heather
babyty - I'm French liberation
battleangel - metal heart.
bbwdiva - Diva
beavenged - if sullen girl died..... would i be missed?
beetles - Tserisa
bellvampress - All alone in space and time
beth666ann - Beth
beyondmynorm - beyondmynorm
black_cloud - dani
blackiris - ...
blackrainbow - .Black.Rainbow.
blackvelvet - Jami
blastingcaps - joan
blayze441 - Burstshot's Girl
blindturtle - still here (and waiting).
bluebirds - courtney
bluejadedeyes - Christy
bookgrrrl - Nerdy Girl
brighidn - Brighid N / 巫白雪
brittany_femme - brittany_femme
brokendream - number two is always my luck
bttrflymoth - emarie
bubosquared - Sofie 'Melle' Werkers
butterfly666 - *Glitter*Grrl*
c0ntagion - Brenna
cactusflower - Cactusflower
canadyke - Kari
carbon8 - Amy
caviar32 - cellar door
champagnedvyne - Champagne
chaosbaby - D.B.
chaoticerotic - We are as Gods here....
charcoalgreen - Tonks
chelsiebell - ChelsieBell
chicagodyke - Aimee
chiron33 - ph0t0guy
chloe_surrey - chloe_surrey
clockwatcher - clockwatcher
cloeigrrl - Cloei
clonedsheep - Cloned Sheep
code99 - code99
confusedstate - State Of Confusion
corrine - amy
cosmicgrrl1972 - alissa
crackedeggs - are you still breathing?
crazzie7 - Crazzie7
cricketor - ♥ Lady Cricket Orgasma, the Sex Goddess ♥
curfew - not yr mom
curious_shirts -
cutebug - 99% Angel
cutetpie4y2k - Grown Lesbian
cutiepiekisses - Kelly
cynicgrrl - Meghan
dahamu - Dahamu
dammitjanet724 - Gayle
danceboi - Michael
dancing_angel - ~ally~
dancingflame - DancingFlame
darkgoddess1420 - Bella Morte
daydreambeliver - Sooner or Later, I'll Find It...
dazza - Ashleigh.
deahelene13 - Sara Lee
definition - definition
dementedsprite - Gini
demona22 - Super Queer
devil_eye - Title: Master and Margarita
divasuperstar - Rachael
divided - jodi
dizzyrainbow - Cinderella's Princess
doblaich - Jo
dr_moni - Moni
drowningarcadia - Arcadia Shadowalker
durancureboy - The First Fag of FPC
eeriedescent - bitter useless girl
eirenacht - Seanan Lynch
eisplanet - eisplanet
elenis - Elenis
elsnark - ElSnarko
embracing__ - ..painful as the living lie..
emilyevil - ºemzº
emptyk - Marie
emptyreflection - ~*~
emptysoul - AmyLee
endersvalentine - Key
endsoftheworld - Wolfram
englelek - sylvia
eris - eris
erotic_kitten - Erotic Kitten
erotikino - Lizzy Gnosis
eversave - EVERSAVE
evodora - Luna Wolf-Turtle
evyltemptryss - EvylTemptryss
exceptnot - hardcore
faeriewhispers - OrangeJasmine
falconmitsukai - Falcon Mitsukai
firerescue - Erin The Navlidon
firesparker - Chelsea
fish - Teach Me To Be Fabulous
folkypunk - folkypunk
freespirit1214 - c neejer
frozenfire149 - Mistress Frozen F. Moon
fuboowuzzle - Fuboowuzzle
fullbloom - ellaism_ ella loves me only.
fuzzy_navel - Kizzy
garconfille - Harper Jean Jellybean
gemini - Gemini
gh3tt0_c0wgirl - yEr m0m Iz uH 2 doLLa wh0rE
gigahertz - GigaHertz
girltalk - Girltalk
giz - Jamie Keltz
gothic_rattie - gothic_rattie
gotrego - tre
greeklady - Wandering Woman
groovygrrrl420 - groovy amy
grrlquake - beautiful disaster
grrlriot - Erica
grrrl_scout - lick my legs
guantanamera - Jess
hallowillow82 - turtles357
haltijatar - Haltijatar
harunosora - Megumi
havok - Havok
hayhay - HayHay
heathers - Heathers
hellfires - Slowly Dying
here2pickupchix - ChixDigMe
hobbitblue - Blue
honey_locs - honey_locs
hornylover - Hornylover
hoshiko - Ashaiah
hotseal - HOT SEAL sex shop
hunni77 - Hunni
hunterjames1978 - ordnrygrl
hward18 - Heidi
ichybubble - Just Me
icyvixen - icy vixen
immersion - Florin
immortal1 - Hazel
inaflesh - K
inchcafe - Bueller's other mother
ishpil - ishpil
iwannabejackeeo - don't call me daughter
jabberwockie17 - Lauren
jadewolf - Inara
jall - J to the a ALL
jeffsplaything - Heather
jemkat - cunt lover
jen19h - Jennie
jetice - Jetice Stylus
jett1 - jett1
jiffiner - Jenny
josephine - j
jozz - Jozlyn
juli20 - Juli
julianna007 - Julianna
junglegrrrl - ch-ch-ch-cherry bomb
juwel2u - Devil Girl (Mandi)
kandiwings - .kandi.wings
kaytm - Kayt
killerfemme - Motha of the House of Mo'
kinkytrish - kinkytrish
kissofeve - KissOfEve
kissyfish - Updates
kittypurs - Kit
kittysweetheart - Cat D
koolgaygirl - Kool Gay Girl
krissytragic - Velvet Cunt
kristel - Kristel
kristigrimes - Kristi
krisward - Kris Ward
ktangel13 - Kirsten
kupp99 - Julia
kvin - k v i n
kyre - The Dykeic Hotline
kyrik - Kyra
ladyd - aLice
ladyjosain - Kimmy
ladyrisa7 - Angela
ladyvox - just a silly dutchie
lamia - Lamia, thou art high maintenence
langdon334 - Dani
lapintada - La Pintada
lastnightsdream - Christie
ldyofpain - ldy lynn
leabers - leabers
leanneh - Leanne
legato - E. Mo
leisaie - Molly
leopardesse - Endangerous
lessie - carmen
lethalpinecone - rainbow marker on my hands
liesbyomission - l[iar]iz
light - Chris
lillithlilly - lillith lilly
lionhrteternal - papillon bitchy
liquidskin - LiquidSkin
littlestar2424 - Julie Canfield
liv - livy
logicisunreal - Jaclyn
lonejaguar - Nic
lovelife4 - Ariana
lovesopposition - Courtney
lubphire - Hi, I'm shy! :-)
luciferzchild - . your . muffled . screams .
lukameno - feel so much pain
lunatic - Lilith
lustrous_lime - lustrous_lime
lythe - Lythande
madhouseasylum - Deadbeat Club
mariposadyke - *Jenn~ The Topless Dyke Wonder*
marisscyn - Cyn
matski - Mel
matthewryan - Lindsey
mdnobiesgirl - ChrltSub
mediawhore - Jade
melcfan4life - Jen
mellian - mellian
metalsoul - Metalsoul
milkplus - M+
missyd - Miss D
mistyren - Misty
mizalaina - Subtract one qubit to honor the Goddess of Quanta
mizerable - kait
mjz - Molly Z
mme_domme - Madame Domme
morpheme - morpheme
morri - Chocolat
mspunknstuff - Ty
muldr4scly - «…Muldr4Scly…»
multiplechoice - Elisha and company
musictweaker - don't want to be a boy today
mutante - Mutante
my_timisha - my_timisha
mynothing - Weirdo Face
nauqhtiibunniix - xxnauqhtiibunniixx
ncnolan - femme fatale
nerz_chick - ally
nickyboi - Nickyboi
nickyboisf - NickyboiSF
nickywire - DeadFlower
no - alice
norklover - savannah said mountain
notsoonenough - Not Soon Enough
notxwatxuxwant - notxwatxuxwant
o0o_jen_o0o - Marylou
oboecalypso - Lee
ophelia13 - Ophelia
paintmyeyes - Anna
pakkel - M L Pakkel
passingthehours - Come to bed Laura Brown
paulab - CrystalBall
pcgeek13 - The Boi Who??????
peachcrush - peachcrush
pearpixie - Myxx-e, the lil ravin' DJ
peoke - the vapid
perplexdream - Perplexdream
peter50 - peter
pfenix - emily :^J
phoenix_flames - phoenix
phoenixrising - Alex P.
pixie_mu - Nikki
plaidpanties - Ragin' Shibby Queen
plastic_castle - dreamer
pleistoscene - *~*Suicide Fantasies*~*
poeticdream - Robin
pookafaye - Beth
postorgasmic - Postorgasmic chill
prettyposer - prettyposer
princessrugger - drag queen with a vag
psicogirlny - Marita
punkbitchkrys - This Dyke's For You!
punkygrl21 - Jill
purplepants - naked sometimes
pyrotinkerbell - Havana
quaesta - Alex
queer_suny - queer_suny
questioner - seeker
qweenofdarts - Munchkin
rabbitorf - Rabbit
raeny - Raeny
raeofhope27 - »----»ôVë® ±Hë ®åiñBôW
rambling - Tricia
randomite - never a rock star, always a shooting star
rawknrave - Lizzie
raynangil - i am mine
redraven - redraven
renee695 - Renee
resnullius - jgrl
rhaine - Rhaine
richardevanslee - Richard Evans Lee
riffrandell - Queer Bitch
rnbowkittiekat - Rebel Hippie
rosieizfun - Rosie
rox_anne - roxanne
rucrazy2001xy - A god foresaken cliche`
rukasnotputas - r u k a s not p u t a s
rukatenoh - Ruka
sabrinasmith - Sabrina
sacredrain3 - Gloria Bauta
saharafic - Sarah
sakuragirl - Kitty McCaffrey
samiitiger - Samii Tiger
saritata - sara
saton - Alisin Wonderland
satori - Satori
scienceparkska - Sara Lean, Coke Machine
scumanfsto - micheLe
sdsbchick6 - Carlie
secretime - blue boy ablaze
sextips2 - bill
sexykatie - katie
sexykitten119 - Unknown
sgjill - Lindsey
shaboinkinpolka - k dawg
shamancat_tam - Tam
sharoane - My life is an exercise in inertia
shatteredrose - i'd love you forever, if you'd love me for a day..
sheriecherry - dosirac instant soup junkie
shinigaminoda - Shini
shnigglady - Corinne
shoppingqueen - Daniel
sigmakat - Sigmakat
silencescreams - Silence Screaming
silentcryz - Alone Crying
silentstar - Miss Fully Automatic
silkything - Dance of the Little Swans
sillygurrl - the.first.lost.girl
simoriahnyc - Simoriah
simplyevil - Shannon
sincityvixen - sincityvixen's silent madness
skittlelove - Jessika
slackerwink - slackerwink
slipperyrock - slipperyrock
slippy_hijinx - ±†‡x.Yø§hï.Gïrl.x‡†±
sofabsofine - sofabsofine
softheartedgrrl - Amy
soulrevealed - Aziraphale
souperjen24 - SouperFuck
space_for_rent - Vast Open Space
spiderbeetle - Borghal Rantipole
spiraleyedgrrrl - Bean
spiritualosophy - Serenity DesertRain
starrfairie - Fox Fire
stephster - sTEphaNIe
subtexan - subtexan
suethelesbian - Sue
sugar_cubes - Unknown
sulscherbear - Sulscherbear
superdyke19 - Stefanie
susilou1 - suz
suuanda - SuuAnda [私を殺した私心]
sweetmaddness - Aphony Cree
sweetsoma - Vay StJohn
tanktoper - Danny, the infamous VICKS huffing gayboi
tat2oofrog - caesar's end
technobard - technobard
technodyke - Evil Lesbian Media Whore
tekst - TeksT
tentfun - manda
terrier - terrier
tgjelly - Tg Jelly
the_seether_is - Seether
thebeegirl - Suzie
theninjakitten - Ninjakitten
thepsychosphere - Arcane Addiction
thingwun - ThingWun
tiggery - tigger
titania82 - Meredith
tittybitch - ~Rage More~ Never touch a Raptor
tluv707 - Luv Dreams
tootie23 - Tooties advice for the lovelorn
topknot - Wyndi The Wonder Fag
tornarius - Torny
torontoduck - torontoduck
trajikfreak - Trajik
transdevilboy - Taylor
triumvirate111 - Creatively Lost
twilightspirit - TwiSt, Shanzi for you mundanish types
tylerdurden521 - Lunachick
uber_dyke - Uber-Dyke
unidagger - UniDagger
urbancowbatchik - Sidhiel
val_c - Val
vampirella - Vampirella
vampora - long forgotten
veganvenus - Laura Campbell
velvetindy - willvr
venusenvy - carbon made
verdandi - Valeria
vexain - cinders
vinzdaddy - Charlie
violetfires - Have Faith
virtex23 - n0thinginparticular
voicesinside - Danielle Aka Dani Aka Violet
vow - Vow
wayapack - Andi
weakestlink - Media Whore
webmyrcury - steph
weetziebat - Shannon
weirdchic - Missie
whiteshadow2004 - Tilla
whoa_nelly - Brenden
whoneedsoxygen - jes
whoremiga - miga -soon to be tatiana
witchblade - WitchBlade
witchkeep - Kaelendra
witchlet - Kiara
witchylass - Jessica
xpunkmunkiex - .Dizzy Skitzo.
xxonyxheartxx - Ki
yara - Yara
ynotshadow2 - Kiwi
yonidesire - Alexis
youknowyouwanna - one crucial pickle
yustika - iLnAsTy
yve - eve'spremise
zzsosczz - seg