such a fangirl
She's not a girl who misses much.when I hold you in my arms and I feel my finger on your trigger I know no one can do me no harm, because happiness is a warm gun.
yes it is.
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5/10/04 10:17 pm
Random thoughts because dammit, I need to update
The OC finale sucked it up. What kind of cliffhanger was that? Oh, I'm so scared--Ryan will stay in Chino! *sob*
The Survivor finale was terrible. Bahstan Rahb and Ambah as the final two was horribly predictable. I wanted to shoot myself when they became 'engaged'. They deserve each other, as far as I am concerned.
Alias finale in less than two weeks (muppet dance).
Band Bounce? Rather tame. Without a real theme to tie it together, it's a talent(less) show.
Took an ACT practice test yesterday. All was of the good (especially reading, hello 30-36), but the science reasoning section (scored 23-28) 'ruined' the rest of my score comparatively. Dangit, a 30ish would have garnered me a 32 minimum!
Lucky Lisa skipped out on sixth hour and went to the park.
No golf match today, because the course was closed. Why was the course closed on such a wonderful, sunny day? Let's see...oh yes, the course was practically flooded by the rainfall from the weekend. The only way we could have golfed is if we brought a canoe. Which would actually have been fun.
Instead, Katie and I went to the movies at 3:00 on a school day, harhar. There was next to nothing playing. We decided on Laws of Attraction, because Pierce Brosnan is yummy. The movie was pretty bad, even for a romantic comedy. But still, it's one of those movies that are so sappy, and you kind of like them but you're ashamed to say it. It was a fun trip though, because we were the only two people in the theater and talked the whole time. We talked a lot about the X-Files, or at least what I remember of it.
The A Wrinkle in Time movie on ABC is horrible. Way to ruin a half-decent book with bad f/x and over the top fantasy. Of course, the book is over the top fantasy, but to ground the film visually with earthy images would have been nice. Instead, it's pure and utter crap. (Interesting note: my sister looks at it for two seconds and says, "This reminds me of Farscape." Dude. Not comparable, and production qualities for the 'scape are soooo higher.)
ETA: I know I'm behind in comments. Should be up to date after prom (snort).
5/6/04 06:38 pm
Some days you just want to shoot yourself in the foot.
5/2/04 01:08 am
Test Tomorrow? %$#&!
I'm trying so very hard to cram for the English Lit AP Test tomorrow. It's not working--I've only made myself more nervous. And I'm freaking out because I didn't realize I had to prepare novels to write essays about. *pulls out Pride and Prejudice* Damn I wish I still had my copy of I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings. Frell.
Soooo, I have to cram more, practice my horn, exercise, and watch Alias. Which I am very much looking forward to, by the way. Isabella Rossellini is back, yay.
Obviously since I have so much to do, I will get none of it done. Sigh.
Hey Matty, Sci-Fi updated their schedule through June. June 1, they are showing a daytime rotation of Farscape. And it should be the pornish episode. Hear that, ryanmatthews?
4/30/04 10:18 pm
Rain Day.
Been another livejournal-less week. Le sigh. I miss you, fannish ramblings!
MEAPs suck. They just do. A standardized test tells you nothing, besides the fact that you are horrible at essay writing.
Seem to be back on track with golf? Today was a 62. I got to golf with Becca! It was great, and very fast. We managed nine holes in an hour and forty-five minutes, woo. Earlier in the week made me want to cry. Had 80 in a match on Monday.
Tonight was Stephanie's surprise birthday party. It was really fun. Sorry for dominating the jukebox for an hour! All your playlist are belong to us.
Can't wait till Sunday--penultimate episode of Alias. Never really commented on the last episode, but "The Passion of The Vaughn" was pretty good. Heck, the whole thing was good. *patiently awaits till next episode*
Next week shall be fun. Monday is the English AP Test and also me giving blood, Tuesday is NO SCHOOL for Diedra thanks to the Wolves Open. Oh wait, 18 holes of golf. Shit.
Is it so wrong that I really want to be drinking right now? Gah.
Earshot: Something / Beatles (love the sap, embrace the sap)
4/25/04 01:26 pm
Last night I went to see 13 Going on 30 with Heather, Margaret, and Lisa. It was sooper cute. Even Lisa liked it (though she felt dirty).
Today I'm off to the dome to try to fix my swing, or something.
4/24/04 10:55 am
I feel like I haven't had time to breathe. Sorry, dearest livejournal, but you have taken a backseat to (gasp) real life.
Golfed a personal best yesterday: 55. After congratulations and hugs, first thing I hear is 'You had a 6 on the first hole?! You were on the green in 3!' and 'You 3-putted three times! You have to practice putting more.'
Hopefully I'll go out tonight. Perhaps see 13 Going on 30. Oh come on, you know it looks hilarious.
4/17/04 10:26 pm
Tears of a clown
What a craaazy week.
Thursday AND today I had 59s for golf. Whoo!
Lisa and I went to Kokomo's yesterday night. Played putt putt. I am not nearly as good as I should be. We got stuck behind some really slow people, so we decided we would try to chip stones into the parking lot. With putters, hee. We actually launched a few pretty far. We saw some idiot on the go carts, and Lisa laughed and said it looked like Sean. After playing skeeball, we found out it was Sean, and also Zack. So we all played Laser Tag, and I was hit so many times I had a negative score.
Best part of the night, though, was when Lisa's parents decided to have Bee Gees night in the car. Teehee. We drove past A&W;, thought it'd be hilarious if Dayle was there--which she was. So we got root beer floats even though we weren't hungry. And whoa, Dayle looked so incredibly strait-laced and nine to five.
And lastly, what the frell is up with the song 'Tears of a Clown'? It is so upbeat! Why is it so upbeat? They should be sad because the poor clown is crying.
Earshot: Tears of a Clown
4/12/04 06:20 pm
Goth Vaughn? Pardon me while I turn into a puddle.
Hmm what did I do today? Oh yes, golf in the extremely cold weather. Brrrrrrr. Couldn't feel my hands half the time, and I ended up for 39 for 5 holes (bad, in case you didn't know).
Got a new pair of aerobic shoes. They are so comfy, yay!
( Thoughts on...what the heck was it called? Unveiled )
4/10/04 02:32 pm
Ganked from lots of people.
Instructions: 1. Grab the nearest book. 2. Open the book to page 23. 3. Find the fifth sentence. 4. Post the text of the sentence in your journal along with these instructions.
Will no one acknowledge that my parking-meter idea has merit?
(Princess in Waiting, Meg Cabot [SHUT UP!])
4/9/04 11:06 pm
Today was really tiring. I got out of bed really late because my alarm clock has broken and I cannot afford a new one at the moment.
I feel unusual because my antidepressants are making me hairy.
I'm so hardcore. Me and Buzz went to the mall today, and I stole a whole heap of stuff. I got a Good Charlotte CD, a couple of DVDs and some new boots. Buzz got caught, but he fought his way out, and then we stole some lady's car and smashed it into a phone booth.
Last night I had to shave my entire body. Apparently, the lice that I caught from Amanda's friend are really hard to get rid of. I look quite strange with no hair and eyebrows. I'd post pictures, but my webcam is broken.
I want to tell the world that I'm gay.
I am updating this journal for the first time in ages, because I've been in prison.
Today, I got a digital camera! Yes! Here's some photos of my cock.
I want to say thanks to simon and Abbey and Dave and the other Simon for helping me on Saturday. You guys are the best. By the way, if you happen to find my wallet, keys or underwear, could you SMS me? Adrian has my number.
I went to the doctor yesterday, and he said I have a terrible skin disease which prevents me from coming into contact with other human beings. And bipolar disorder.
You should all do this quiz! It's amazingly accurate. You just put in your name and birthday, and it will tell you what your favourite sexual position is.
OMG liek Chuck and Manda are my gurrlie chicas to tha max!
That's enough for now. But I'll leave you with my favourite Buffy fan-fiction piece I wrote last year when I was in hospital.
Created with the Gregor's Semi-Automatic LiveJournal Updater™. Update your journal today!
4/9/04 09:02 pm
Yay vacation
Golfed again today--we must be the only spring sport with practice on Good Friday. Not that I care, because really, what ELSE would I do? So, I ended up with 60 for nine holes and had a par on the last hole! Whee!
Other than that I've had a boring day. Hmmph.
4/6/04 09:29 pm
What a day! I shouldn't be on here very long because I have a paper to write...
Golf today was so much fun. Katie and I played a full 9, and I shot a 62, my lowest ever. Eeeeeee! Drives, woods and irons have been amazing. My putting and chipping leaves much to be desired, though.
Eh, government paper, here we come.
4/5/04 09:21 pm
Squee, Farscape mini in Oct/Nov/Dec on SciFi! Wooo!
School lasted forever today. I wanted to put myself to sleep in Genetics.
Golf today was not good. But it was only the first day, I will let it go. I'll just have to do better tomorrow!
(am so tired.)
4/4/04 12:56 am
I'm behind in my comments, but I am so pissed off right now that it will have to wait.
Wonderfalls has been cancelled. After four episodes. Sure, this show was not the second coming but it was funny and likable. Unfortunately, the people at FOX like to base everything on those goddamned Nielsons that arguably do not correctly represent America. The worst part is that all 13 episodes are wrapped--FUX could show them over the summer during repeats. Of course, the frelling blue monkeys that run FOX are not even going to show these episodes. Gah. All I can say is: I want DVDs, now.
Went to see Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind tonight. Go see it, now! It was a very good movie, and I can't say much about it except how wonderful it was. It's confusing for awhile, but worth it to the nth degree. Go see it. Mark Ruffalo dancing around in his undies while drunk and high = comedy gold. Hot comedy gold.
Has anybody else ever wondered what happens with the lockers in malls? You know, the ones with the little orange keys. If you take a key and never return it, do they replace the key? And if so, do they change the key so the old key will not open the new lock? That seems like a lot of work for a mall locker. </silly question>
4/2/04 06:37 pm
Happy birthday, blondie467!
I have spent the past two days rewatching Alias season one because I am a loser. Despite my loserishness, I really enjoyed my time with the DVDs. And I realized how good the first season was. I love the second season, but I love the first season in a different way--I can think of few shows that don't have a blah to middling first season and spend a lot of time trying to find their feet. I love seeing Sydney's relationship with her father develop, seeing Vaughn's naive sense of morality come about, seeing Jack become shades of gray, seeing Sydney find out about her mother, seeing Dixon at all, seeing Francie instead of the Francinator, and heck even seeing Will's attempts to uncover SD-6. I just want Alias to be good again, sniff.
( Cause I'm good at ganking things from my flist )
3/31/04 10:01 pm
What is wrong with you, America?
The LJ userpic server seems to have died. Maybe it saw American Idol and died from shock?
Gah, I cannot believe that Amy Adams was voted off and that John Stevens aka Teen Martin and Jon Peter Lewis aka HOBBITBOY were not even in the bottom three. DSJF^#$JDF%%$J$HJ#&D;^F#J! What little faith I had in America and the general public has been murdered. Gaaahhh.
On a shallow note, Jennifer Hudson has the same jacket from the Gap that I do. I'm not sure whether this is a good thing or a sign for me to take the jacket back stat.
I have done nothing constructive today. Besides exercise.
3/30/04 05:50 pm
( Alias icon goodness )
( resources )
It would be most appreciated if you would comment if sharing any. Enjoy the spring break batch of icons!
3/21/04 08:18 pm
Because I don't have enough time on my hands...
( birthday poll )
2/23/04 09:18 pm
Small smattering of icons
Is smattering even a word? I think I may have made it up.
Gah, livejournal. You know I am your faithful whore. Why must you eat my entries the first time around? You tramp around with all the other users and I don't ask any questions. I probably contracted every disease evar from you and yet I still keep crawling back. Why, oh for the love of Sark why?
So. Iconses. ( Alias icons from over the weekend )
Comment, credit (would be nice), enjoy.