Friday, May 7th, 2004
3:06 pm - to the big poly wedding we go
nick and i are leaving in just over an hour to go to STL for the wedding of four of our dear friends. they are marrying each other. they are doing this in a posh hotel in front of family and loved ones, with a full reception to follow. cag and kat and gwendy will be joining us tommorrow. there will be rmta-ers there that i have not seen for literally years. hell yeah!!! i'm so psyched. i love how fearless and open these guys are being about their committment to each other. they make me so happy.
i had an accidental happening with my hair yesterday. instead of turning out ginger auburn like on the box, it's more copper penny. but i like it! i bleached my eyebrows nearly translucent, and with my anime buns in, i look very odd indeed. wheee! and nick bought me two new silk and lace tanks last night to replace the shirts of mine he ruined. double wheee!
if anyone needs me, you can call the cell, which i will have with me. or you can call the house or email cag. if show stuff comes up, it will just have to wait until i get back for the rehearsal sunday afternoon.
oh i must not forget to pack my witchy boots. or condoms. that would never do.
current mood: chipper current music: nick prancing about getting ready
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| Wednesday, May 5th, 2004
9:38 pm - enough and more
what i've had enough of:
-people flaking out on me for various dumb reasons -this craaaaazy barometric pressure change action -my allergies -last minute changes to the fetish event -dumb pervert wankers online -gwendolyn's aversion to sleep this week -cleaning the house -bigotry and martyrdom and general drama-seeking -the tiny little black ants in our kitchen
what i want more of:
-nice touches -time alone with cag -time in general -money, or resources -hot sexxxy gentlemen who let us tie them up and tease them -actual phonesex CALLS -honesty
current mood: annoyed
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| Thursday, April 29th, 2004
3:12 pm - PDA! PDA! PDA!
yesterday, after a long couple months of deliberating, losing my nerve, and a good amount of blushing and giggling, i asked kat to be my girlfriend.
she said yes.
*skipping and hopping about in mad lovestricken glee*
i love kaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat! kat loves meeeeeeeeeeeeee!
current mood: loved
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2:44 pm - motherfuckin' OW
my tattoo session yesterday freakin' hurt. as in Not Good Pain. :( i don't know if it was the frame of mind i was in, the colour needles being used instead of the outlining needles, or the fact that i hadn't eaten quite enough yesterday, but i was brought into humility by the mighty tattoo gun. i ordinarily have a very high pain threshold, but during the session, my body was literally trying to get up and run away. my thighs were tensing. i had to grip the back of the chair i was sitting on. this annoys me. i can handle so much, and that session just kicked my ass. and we've got one more to go! just the faeriecat's gown and tail and some detail work. john estimates maybe a couple hours. yesterday we did her hair, her wings (omg they are incredible!) and her eyes, as well as more shading. i will be very very pleased when this is all done and healed up and i've got this amazing backpiece to show off and i can say i withstood ten hours of pain for her. wahoo!
more on the pain front, and possibly some tmi... ( about my butt )
current mood: irritated
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| Wednesday, April 28th, 2004
12:36 pm - and i volunteer for this why?
i have another four hours of being stuck repeatedly with tiny sharp needles to look forward to today. wahoo! i keep reminding myself that my faeriecat will be finished after today, and i will have this gorgeous huge backpiece forever. and that i handled the first four and a half hours very well until the last twenty minutes. i can do it! i just don't want to do it alone, and i probably have to. boo. :(
last night nick rubbed my legs for me b/c they hurted, and in the process he spilled about one-third of a bottle of clary sage oil in a huge puddle on the bed. argh. that stuff is about thirteen dollars per *small* bottle, and it smells Very strongly. at the point that it got spilled, i was already pretty far gone on sleeping pills, so i was too out of it to get up and change all the bedlinens. nick blotted some of it up with a towel, then got our spare comforter for us to use, but damn, the entire room reeks of clary sage. i really hope it comes out of the blanket and sheets, but i don't know. essential oil is ridiculously difficult to remove from things.
gwendy and her best friend orange kitty are drawing pictures on the futon behind me. she is speaking nine word sentences these days. she can do just about anything she sets her mind to. she sings little made-up songs. she can count to four. she generally kicks ass, and i am so pleased to be her mama! watching this creature develop and grow has been such an honour.
my legs still hurt. darn rapid weather change.
current mood: worried current music: madonna's "like a prayer" album
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| Monday, April 26th, 2004
11:18 pm - earth day shenanigans
wooooooo! earth day was fantabulous! we had a beautiful vendor's table complete with shade tent that kat, evanne and i fearlessly constructed in only a manner of minutes. we had lots of visitors, from teenaged girls to grandmothers to single moms to crotchety old pro-life men to an entire family of ladies with their kids and husbands. we handed out condoms, information and dum-dums. we sold a lot of our wares, as well... condom lollipops, safety fun kits, evanne's jewelry, and our friend hollie's beautiful one-of-a-kind faery portraits, drawn right then and there. we saw a lot of our friends and loved ones and got to peruse other vendor's stuff, as well as network, and of course frolick in the park and the streets. of course a certain obnoxious psycho had to pass our booth about fifteen times in two hours and shoot us dirty looks, as well as send emissaries to tell me that "a lot of people don't like me"... hee hee. vastly amusing and rather disorienting to be spoken to as if i were fifteen, and as if i cared. and it's true, a lot of people don't like me. but that comes with the territory of my lifestyle, and of being fearlessly open about it. *shrug* i'd rather be hated than in the closet.
i wore my big huge faery wings that i had painted violet and silver, and my black pleather skirt, and my big ass-kicking boots and a purple teeshirt. kids were irresistably drawn to me. i got asked if i was a real faery a lot. of course i answered yes. ;) i even got asked if i could do magic. i offered lollipops instead. kids make me so happy. they don't think it's impossible for a faery to be standing on elm street with a tray of dum-dums. they think it's perfectly normal.
there was a knife and sword vendor at the street fair, and i bought nick a lovely dagger that i told him he could keep if he did bladeplay on me that night. mmmm, i love the sound of the blade sliding along my skin, being drawn down my torso, across my wrists... *shakes self*. sorry about that. ;) the boy was so kind as to tease me for nearly an hour and then fuck me silly. while cag watched, nick later told me. i was so blissed out that i had no idea. i was aware, however, of a huge overabundance of sexual energy in the room, that i could not contain, and that even several huge orgasms did not release. i was literally screaming into the pillows. i came hands-free two or three times *after* we had stopped. it was am amazingly wild ride. of course once i knew cag had been there, it made sense! the three of us raise a ridiculous amount of energy together. if we ever are organized to send it to any specific purpose (and who is, in the throes of passion?), it could be very impressive.
today was considerably more sedate... i slept late, was served breakfast in bed (pbj and some brita water) by a very sweet nick, hung out with gwendy, and went grocery shopping as a fam. that was interesting. i had never noticed how freaking *fast* nick and i are until we were with cag and gwendolyn at the store. it took us nearly twice as long. that was actually okay... once we got into the groove it was fun. but a totally new dynamic. we have a system, y'know? part of it was my fault b/c i kept seeing fun stuff to stop and ogle, and i wanted this "chat noir" poster for the dining room, and kept micro-managing things and couldn't find some stuff. but it was really nice to be out and about all together. we took gwendy to the park last week, all of us, and that was very nifty as well. she is so fearless about slides and swings and everything!
our mailing list is already well-populated! folks are introducing themselves and generally making nice. join up if you like... we're "polite conversation" on yahoogroup.com.
current mood: contemplative
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| Thursday, April 22nd, 2004
11:09 pm - more shameless self-promo
the ladies of fyrefae will be vending at earth day this sunday, near ninth and elm, from noon till seven pm. come out and see us, or at least the ruckus we cause for being sex-positive and outspoken about it (which is already starting up, btw)! we will be offering free safer-sex supplies courtesy of the health department, condom lollipops, honesty cards, safer-sex fun kits, information, crafty-arty stuff, and of course a chance to schmooze with us. ;)
AND! come one come all to our fetish ball! Beltane Bacchanal will be held on Thursday May 13th from 9pm to 1am at Club Shattered in downtown Columbia. There will be live darkpagan fetish performance art all evening, as well as vendors, psychics, lots of eye candy, audience participation, dancing, darkwave/industrial dj, and general merriment. this is an 18 and up event, and cover is $5. some proceeds will benefit mid-missouri pagan pride.
current mood: cheerful
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10:48 pm - my favourite subject
i would like to proudly announce the inception of fyrefae productions' official yahoogroup mailing list, "Polite Conversation"! the name is a little poke at the whole "that's not a polite conversation topic, we don't talk about those things, not around the children, blah blah blah" type mentality. we discuss all topics of sexuality and sexual issues on this list, and it is open to all interested, respectful adults who wish to join. we have a lovely staff of moderators, and of course the listdomme, to make sure everyone plays nice. we'll also use the list to announce upcoming events, either ours or another of relevance, as well as keeping everyone up to date on what deviousness we're getting into next. questions, topic suggestions, general blather, and a whole lot more are entirely welcome.
it will be FUN! so JOIN! it's at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Polite_Conversation
current mood: excited
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| Wednesday, April 21st, 2004
9:58 pm
today started out very sloth-like. i was loath to roust myself from the nice soft comfy scozy warm bed... it was just sooooo nice in there! *sigh* but once i finally got my lazy ass up, i managed to get a lot done. i did some pagan pride work online and on the cell, read lj, had a shower, shaved the girly bits (woo!). then i went to the post office to overnight a cheque to megan for the corset she is making me for the beltane bacchanal. it will be lavender brocade satin with dragonflies, and have a bustier neckline rather than the usual boobie shelf. pretty pretty. i can't wait to see it! i also hit the bank, and then travelled to wal-mart to find a folding table for our earth day festival vending, and lollipop sticks for the condom suckers i am making to sell.
we also managed to have dinner together at the same time, and for cag and i to scamper upstairs and have yummy sex followed by french chocolate. oh goddess, if you have not tried nestle lion bar, you must before you die. so. damn. good. i thought kinder bueno was good, but lion is amazing. my mouth was overwhelmed. european chocolate is sooooo much better than american crap. the stuff they make in the us is like brown wax.
things on the pagan pride front seem to have died down, which is good. i received a lot of support from various sources about the inadvertent showdown, and some good perspective as well. the newsletter is going to print tommorrow. dana, our editor this time around, is perfectly happy to shorten things up if they need it, and will take the flack for it too. yay dana! i *heart* her so much. she's so good to us. fyrefae productions and feylin's pride also became sponsors, mostly to balance out clan awfulwaffle. ;) so it's all good, and we are forging ahead.
now i am just waiting on my paycheque... so many things to spend it on... eeek. contact lenses, groceries, gas, second tattoo session, some kind of top to wear to the quad's wedding, and whatever else i am forgetting. it's so not going to stretch that far.
current mood: bouncy current music: "tonight's the night", pink
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5:00 pm - let's talk about ME
1:01 pm - those darn pagans ;)
well, as usual, i caused a big ruckus and involved innocent bystanders. eeeeek.
we've been having some problems with a local witchqueen wrt pagan pride. cult of personality and all that. promoting her coven and herself because she paid her paltry $25 sponsorship fee, instead of just shutting up and pitching in to make our event and our organization a success. demanding lots of last-minute changes and then not offering to help with anything. going on about how old her group is, how long she's been dedicated to the craft, showing up to events and not paying the donation fee, trying to run rituals sponsored by another coven or group, etc etc etc.
so finally last night i stepped forward and said something to her on our mailing list. about how inappropriate this all was, and it was not the point of pagan pride, and it really needed to stop. i was relatively polite and low-key. i was also quite pointed. this resulted in a huge html post from her today whinging and moaning about being attacked, being outraged, and saying that she is going to ignore kat (who apparently is included merely b/c of her relation to me) and i from now on. i laugh at this. kat is the damn web designer and master. if raven-dear-one-darling wants to have her coven listed on the site she'll have to speak to kat. i am on the pagan pride committee, as well as organizing vending for the event. if she wants to have a booth she'll eventually have to deal with me. whatever will she do now? *tsk*
i feel really bad that cag had to tell us to behave, and that he's all stressed out now. i certainly didn't mean to get him involved. not like he doesn't have enough to deal with. :( so for his sake, as well as for the sake of the organization, i will hold my tongue on-list and at meetings. i will say what i need to say, but i will not make everyone else listen to it or get involved in it. *thwaps self* my problem is that i feel so strongly about being direct and letting folks know how i feel that sometimes i do it even when i know no good will come of it.
and no i don't want to be the witch-queen of mid-missouri. i am indeed an alpha female, and that's not going to change... but i can work well with others to get things done, and definitely know how to step down when i need to. i also have no patience for those who demand that things be done their way, but don't actually do any damn work to make that happen. so grrr.
current mood: bitchy current music: gwendy singing to her stuffies
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| Tuesday, April 20th, 2004
10:59 pm - talk dirty to me...
| Sunday, April 18th, 2004
10:29 pm - i'm the luckiest domme in the world
lara's visit was fabulous. it's always always good to see her, but mmmm when you combine birthday gifts, lunch out, dinner cooked together, ice cream, and a really fucking hot play session involving her, myself and kat... *melt*. soooooo much fun. i had a lovely girlie weekend and i *really* needed it. happy happy koren. oh, and lara got me donnie darko on dvd, some sparkly flavoured hello kitty makeup, and this incredible sugar scrub. squeeeeeee!
cag gets home in a couple hours, hopefully. cannot WAIT to see him. miss him ever so much. gwendy will be so excited to see him tommorrow morning! i told her he's coming home after she goes to sleep tonight and she's been saying "dada coming back!" all day. she's been really happy too. we played outside a lot, and she dug in the dirt and frolicked with bucko-cat and looked at bugs and squirted this little squirt bottle i got for her and ate mac-n-cheese on the porch for dinner. what a life. and then we had a bath and i blew touchable bubbles all over the tub for her and she was in heaven.
wow. i forgot i was writing this. hee. i went off into PSO land. cag will be home in an hour or so. *bounce* i need to finish my work up and get the living room tidied and stuff.
current mood: awake
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| Friday, April 16th, 2004
1:10 pm - happiness in drudgery
cleany cleany cleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeean.
how did my house get so messy and dirty? it's not like we don't do chores around here. oh. it could have been that party we had last saturday and didn't completely tidy up after until, like, today. heh. well, i'm remedying that.
done so far today: swept and mopped filled brita pitcher cleaned off kitchen counters wiped off the dining table folded and put away laundry hung a hooky thing for dishrags opened all the windows cause it's 75 degreeeeeeeeeees out! sorted trash and recycleables outside cleaned the car some more
to do still today: clean bathrooms make big bed upstairs get nick's room ready for lara vacuum and dust
oh. some dorkwad is virus-bombing my fyrefae email address. um. it's not working, genuis. quit it. you're wasting your time. *arches an eyebrow in SLAD's general directions and giggles* aaaaaaanyhoo, back to cleaning. oi.
current mood: busy
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12:49 pm - stolen from magpiegirl
1. What do you do for a living?
You mean, how do I make money? Mostly through phonesex these days. I'm very pleased with how well I am doing with this endeavour now. I make a minimum of $150 per week for Very part-time work. :)
I still do professional dominance, though it is very sporadic and I am very picky.
2. What do you like most about your job?
It's fun, and often funny. I get to hang out with my girlies and be silly and chat while we work. It is also really a fascinating look into peoples' psyches and how arousal works. I have learned so much about sexuality and fetish through talking with clients, even more so than I did as a pro-domme. I have also become almost entirely nonjudgemental about what gets peeps off... as long as you're not hurting anyone and it's all adult, I'm cool.
3. What do you like least about your job?
Freebie seekers and strokers. The former is a client who bugs an operator for a "free sample" or "just this once" or "don't you ever do it for fun?", etc. They drive me Crazy. I usually just put them on ignore in chat or IM, but ohhhhhh they get me riled up. The latter is a client who just surfs around looking at our pics and trying to engage us in cyber while doing it so he can get off for free. I can tell them a mile away. I have really good lines for both kinds of guys, and can usually shut them up right away.
4. When you have a bad day at work it's usually because _____...
I haven't made calls, or the calls were short and boring.
5. What other career(s) are you interested in?
I'd love a degree in human sexuality so that I could either be a counselor or just add that to my credentials for leading workshops and the like. I would love to write a book about my experiences in sex work. But really, I am quite pleased with my career, and would probably not change it even if I could.
current mood: busy current music: gwendy yelling for her "gook"
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12:06 am - that's better
my evening was SO much nicer than my morning. :)
i got two paycheques in the mail! this week and last. w00t! so gwendy and i went and deposited those, and then we collected nick, and went over to kris's apartment so muriel could jump lucretia. those are our cars, people. ;) lucretia was feeling under the weather and needed a good jolt. kris nearly electrocuted herself in the process, which was impressive to watch. we are glad she did not become toast. we got to meet her cute hamster named doggie too. he is very sweet. after that we and the untoasty kris went to taco bell for some food-like substance, and had the unfortunate luck of arriving just after an entire busload of Future Farmers of America! they were very well-behaved, though... it just took forever to get our food. but i did get a sparkly eeyore sticker out of a vending machine while we waited! and when we went outside to the car, kris kept asking me for "the oar". over and over she asked me for it. i could not imagine why. i had no oar at all, let alone The oar. finally it became clear. she wanted eeyore, not the oar. ahhh. we put eeyore on the bumper and took kris home, then went to wal-mart.
and who did we see there in the meat department, ogling the steak cuts? the Future Farmers of America!!! awwwright! we did a huuuuuuuuuge grocery run, and made off with a nice bright lamp for the dark dim living room as well as a new recycling bin. boy howdy, we know how to have fun.
lara arrives tommorrow for belated birfday shenanigans. i am pleased. we plan to get lunch with kris and joe and kat, and shake our heinies at shattered saturday night as well. nick has a glass bead making class that i paid for as his valentine's day present on saturday morning, and has to work that night, but it's all rather conveniently arranged.
and cag gets back sunday night. THANK GODDESS. we will be so glad to see him. i hear he's been having a fantastic time in gay pairee... even speaking the language some. i think it's very good that he did this. he so rarely does anything just for himself. he needed it. :)
i have more to write about but i can't remember it now. gah.
current mood: bouncy
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| Thursday, April 15th, 2004
3:56 pm - and two more things
the weather is amazing today.
my faery backpiece is amazing too. even half done it is breathtaking.
*bounces around*
current mood: content
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3:39 pm - ack. pfeh. bloog.
today did not start out well at all.
i got in the car to take nick to work (oh yes, sonic asked him to come back), only three-quarters awake, and smelled paint. i turned around to look in the back seat, and there on the floor behind the drivers' side was nearly an entire gallon of "stained glass" purple paint. spilled. i had been carting the paint around for a couple weeks, meaning to take it inside eventually, and just never did it. of course there was *stuff* on the floor as well, so it all got soaked too. luckily nothing that couldn't get washed or was important. after a teary little freakout from caffeine-addicted koren, we got nick to work, came home, and spent the next hour and fifteen minutes cleaning paint out of the car. there was so much of it i was literally scooping it out by the handful and putting it back in the can. seriously. i eventually graduated to using an ice scraper to scrape paint out of the carpeting and dump in the can. and then finally just using paper towels to blot. at least i really like this colour, because there was no way i was going to get it all out of the floor of the car. so i just got out as much as i could and let the rest dry. the upside to this is that gwendy got to play outside while i cleaned, and we had many interesting discussions about rocks and trees and dirt and sticks and the wind and bucko the cat. then we made lunch and sat on the porch and ate it.
after i put gwendolyn down for a nap a couple hours later, i went outside to see if i could consolidate our two weeks' worth of trash (easter sunday confused us b/c we thought the trash would be a day late and it was not). after bagging a good amount of it up into the bigger black trash bags the collection trucks insist we use, i realized that our trash can Really Stank. la. i peered inside and found a good six inches of standing water, with all manner of absolute ick floating around in it. this could not be tolerated! i donned gloves, dumped the water out on a far corner of our property, and pulled out all the sodden trash. *shiver* it was. so. gross. then i filled the can with about two gallons of hot water and mr. clean, let it sit, and sloshed it all around. our trash can is a much better place now. but ew. just... eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeewww.
the rest of the day has been considerably better. i've been mostly cleaning and decluttering. i had a good long shower. gwendolyn is sleeping. she's been sick with some kind of tummy bug, and today was the first day since sunday that she's eaten normally and not been weepy and oversensitive. yay!
she misses her dada SO much. she keeps saying things that just break our hearts, like "no hugga kissa dada. dada outside.", and the other morning she woke up crying for him wretchedly. we've been keeping her mostly distracted; going out to eat downtown (where she ate a ricecake), visiting the library, having kat over to play, etc. time goes faster when you are busy. she talked on the phone to cag yesterday and really liked knowing he still existed, so that was good.
my birfday ROCKED. *beam* we had a really good party, with all manner of hot sexy dressed up peeps, and very good drinks mixed by cag. we played "i never" and only two guests got obnoxious drunk and had to be given a talking to. i got spanked! *pouts* but i also got a million happy wishes from livejournallers, given family, friends and strangers, which just made me all fuzzy-feeling. i really appreciate the love. :) it was a good way to start being twenty-nine. i think this is going to be a good year. i can feel it. the year to prepare for the next decade of my life. thirty is going to be amazing.
time to awaken the poosk.
current mood: happy
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| Saturday, April 10th, 2004
2:06 pm - BIRFDAY!!!
i am 29 today.
*does the happy it's my birfday dance*
pink is in the cd player.
i have a huge faeriecat backpiece tattoo.
i have been sung to and called on the phone and kissed and snuggled.
i hung with members of apox and soda ash last night.
i feel loved.
and now, a nice shower complete with extensive shaving. tigger pj pants and hand me down green zipup hoodie from nick does not a birthday outfit make. hee!
current mood: cheerful current music: "oh my god" pink
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1:54 pm - slad = sad
well well well. the hole just gets deeper. and you know, it's really fun to watch these wankers dig it themselves and then complain about the lodgings. talk about karma. what goes around comes around.
just to clarify, i have nothing to do with the spamming and such that's going on at slad. didn't even know about it until two days ago, because i have not been back since i was banned. seems more folks than we realized were pretty offended by the way me and mine were treated there, and they have run with it. snowball effect. and the momentum is a wee bit too powerful at this point to do much about. really, darlings. you brought this on yourself.
and what i LOVE hearing is that after we left, traffic just ground to a standstill. didn't have anything to talk about. i mean, sitting around kvetching about some peeps who are not there anymore only gets you so far, and without intelligent, opinionated folks to actually stimulate convo... things get passe quickly. hee.
*sits back to enjoy the show*
current mood: giggly current music: pink, "last to know"
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