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Abril 20, 2004

With the daisies

Brain has abandoned ship. It can be found outside frolicking in the sun, flitting from one flower to the next, playing with the butterflies.

ooh pretty sparkly happy colours

Posted by munin at 09:32 AM | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)

Abril 19, 2004


Pulled out one of my driving CDs this morning, Any Given Sunday (Vol. II). It had been sitting on our CD rack for quite a while; unloved, untouched and unplayed, as I’ve not gone driving in a long while. I had forgotten that I quite enjoy the CD. It has a bit of everything on it. Old style blues in the smooth tones of Ella Fitzgerald, a little bit of soul in the vocal stylings of Nina Simone, R&B;, funk, and what I like to call, “wake up music” OR “pumped up music”. All in all a good long road ahead, travelling CD. [Another favourite road CD is the Hackers. Don't ask. It just is.]

There is a motivational, do or die speech from the movie that Al Pacino gives, entitled “Inches” [sample track]. I love Al Pacino voice in this piece, there is a rawness to it that gets you revved up, ready to go out into the world and fight for every inch that life has to offer.

It may well be trite, it may well be one giant cliché, but on some days the speech just fits.

Posted by munin at 06:26 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)

Abril 16, 2004

Awkward requests.

Bras have an uncanny ability of twisting out of shape such that they become uncomfortable devices of torture at the most inopportune moments. [i.e. when there is no discreet place to go to, to fix the bloody thing] This results in weird and awkward requests to fellow female coworkers if they would be so kind as to circumspectly untwist the torture device. I always feel slightly odd requesting this of people I don’t really know. Good friends no problem, but asking acquaintances that I sort of know always leaves me feeling mildly embarrassed as I am never sure how they will take the request. So, what do you do when your brassier becomes the torture device from hell?

Posted by munin at 06:01 PM | Comments (2) | TrackBack (0)

Abril 15, 2004

Drooling DVDs

Not to be confused with odd banjo music and DVDs. But I am interested in the future deliverence of the following DVDs this year.

Continue reading "Drooling DVDs"

Posted by hugin at 12:43 PM | Comments (4) | TrackBack (0)

Abril 14, 2004

Insanely busy

Due to impending layoffs our contract with “the company” ends in a week and designs that were due at the end of the month are now due a day before we leave. Saying that we are busy is an understatement, and to be honest I am not sure that we are going to be able to finish up the designs before we leave. But c’est la vie not much we can do about that. As for what is going to happen after this contract, I don’t know, which leaves me feeling angsty, nervous and snappish. I don’t deal well with unknowns, especially when the unknown is going to affect my ability to pay rent. Lets just hope that our company has something already lined up and that things at "the company" will pick up soon so that we may grace them with our presence once again.

Until the madness stops, I give you pictures, some truly gorgeous pictures* and a promise to pop in sporadically to vent, kvetch and leave scribblings, mild ravings and off beat notes about life in general.

*separate links. Yes love. This note’s for you. [teasing smile] ;op
Posted by munin at 06:43 PM | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)

Abril 13, 2004


From one of my favourite books, which was oddly enough, one of those in a pile close at hand.

Ishak had induced obedience to his treatments by the gravity of his manner and the weight of his sonorous, beautiful voice. ~ The Lions of Al-Rassan. Guy Gavriel Kay

via Ni Vu Ni Connu.
1. Pick up a book.
2. Turn to page 23.
3. Pick out the fifth sentence.
4. Post it to your blog with these instructions.

Posted by munin at 09:44 PM | Comments (3) | TrackBack (0)

Abril 12, 2004

Note to self # 3562

When rifling through a stack of paper do not position your fingers such that the fine edge leaves a painful paper cut right at the spot where your skin meets your nail.

From a friend and because it made me smile. large coffee to go...* Enjoy.

*Warning: Explicit language. Maybe not be work safe.

Posted by munin at 05:36 PM | Comments (3) | TrackBack (0)

Abril 11, 2004



Posted by munin at 10:31 AM | Comments (4) | TrackBack (0)

Abril 08, 2004


A word of caution: those of you who feel that the topic of breasts will leave you feeling squeamish, affronted, uncomfortable or just plain old huffy, please do not click “continue reading Breasts”. Instead we suggest that you either read another entry, use the blogroll located on the right to escape the topic and find another site or simply close the browser. Still here? Well then on to the topic at hand: Breasts

Continue reading "Breasts"

Posted by munin at 07:24 PM | Comments (7) | TrackBack (1)

Abril 07, 2004


Gods what a week! Stress, too much work, not enough employees and more layoffs on the horizon. I think that this pretty much sums up my day! Tomorrow, we'll be expecting much of the same . Tonight, I am going to huddle up in the couch, with lots of blankets, a large strong drink, my love, and Babylon 5. I'm going to pretend that the world known as crazy technical contracting employment does not exist...

Chiquita. Sending you lots of hugs and snuggles. Chin up girl. It will all work out in the end!

Posted by munin at 07:31 PM | Comments (6) | TrackBack (0)

Abril 06, 2004

Tartan Day 2004


We only have a little tinsey smidgen of Scottish in our heritage. So remote and tiny a speck that you need a magnifying glass to find it, but we sure do love our single malts. Happy Tartan Day to all.

Posted by munin at 07:32 AM | Comments (3) | TrackBack (0)

Abril 05, 2004

Quote of the evening.

“…some days I close my eyes and pretend I’m a big fat juicy pork chop.”

The context of the quote wishes to remain anonymous such that the sources innocence may be protected. The source has pleaded the fifth and refuses to comment, citing that any retort, explanation or further justification of the above would only result in further criminalization of said individual.

Posted by munin at 08:09 PM | Comments (2) | TrackBack (0)

Abril 04, 2004

Rubber Ducky...'re one one or me!

Captain Quack Rubber Duck Quiz

Via the yummy Da Goddess

if anyone's feeling generous... hint. hint. fluttes eyelashes at Hugin

Posted by munin at 11:10 AM | Comments (3) | TrackBack (0)