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Happy times and moving house [04 Jul 2002|12:23am]
I havent written for a while, which is frankly not a good thing to be saying after only two rather disjointed entries. I havent done much, appart from working a lot, but thats really the story of my life.
Im in the middle of moving house at the moment, which is a pain in the rear, but its got to be done. At the moment I live in a shared house with three other guys, or as I prefer to think of it now, two friends and one lunatic.
Our land lord decided he didnt want to rent the house out any more, and I think when we go hes planning to sell it, but when we heard the two friends and me decided to move together, which made sense as its no fun moving into a house with people you dont know, and Ive done that twice in the past, so this time with the option to go with people I knew I jumped at it. We also decided to leave the lunatic behind. He doesnt know we're all moving and just leaving him, and I would rather he didnt. My conscience has been bugging me about it and I dont need the guilt really. Im packing my life into boxes right now, which I always find really depressing for some reason. Im not really a 'possesions' type of person, which means I dont really have that much stuff, which is in part depressing, but also nice that I seem to be happy without having to have loads of stuff. Thankfully I am happy at the moment. I've had some bad days recently, but right now the good is far and away more than the bad.
So I think Ive rambled enough now. I'll go to bed. - R
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Personality [20 Jun 2002|11:24pm]
A few day ago I did a thing called a Myers-Briggs personality test. Ive done lots of personality tests before on the net at places like thespark.com and emode, but this one was different becuase it was for my job. First of all let me explain that I work for a large American company with offices all over the world. I work in the IT department, and Im the most senior techy in Europe, which means when things go badly wrong people expect me to fix it. The personality test was part of a day long team exersise supposed to make me able to identify better with the people I work with. In that respect I suppose its probably worked well. Its certainly also helped me to put my finger on some strengths and weaknesses I know Ive got but never really been able to identify. Apparently Im an SF, which stands for "sensing-feeling". It means I adapt to the situation, Im felxable, forgiving and compassionate. It means I worry about hurting peoples feelings a lot, and because of the way the test was done it also means Im now a doormat for the people I work with. When the tests were complete the room was split into the main types and as everyone dispursed out to the four corners it quickly became clear that I was alone in my SF world. As the psycologist walked around he pointed out the strengths and weaknesses of each group. This was okay at the time, but Ive come to realise that without the luxury of a group of people he may as well have been reading off a list of all my faults. Ive noticed people treating me differently, probing for the weaknesses he highlighted and seeing what happens.
I know the day was suposed to be a learning thing, but I think the best thing I learned from that particular day was that its best if other people dont get to see the ropes and pulleys that work behing the scenes to make me who I am. I dont like having my whole personality mapped out for the world to see and scrutinize.
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Hello [17 Jun 2002|04:11pm]
Hi, this is my very first entry to Live Journal. Im just learning to use the site really. I dont have much to say right now, but Ill think of something and be back later.
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