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[01 Oct 2003|05:45pm]
i always thought it was odd and kinda stupid how people would have something like a livejournal and then make it friends only. but now, i'm gonna join those ranks. though it's not arbitrary at all.

so that's it kids. from now on... friends only.
2 lushes| you're a touch overrated

[29 Sep 2003|04:40pm]
wow, i post afi lyrics and get the most comments ever in my journal :) haha, but only because tifni and i were talking on aim ::and:: commenting in each other journals for like ten hours last night. we're comment whore. yes we are.

and we're dead boy whores too... no no, now don't think that... we're not necros... but we decided when we go to howl o scream, we're going to walk around searching for boys who look like death and then we will hit on them when they try to scare us. mhmm. that's the plan. dead boys for tifni and ashley...i'll take two :)

i got a ninty-one on my test this morning...danielle and wendy got like sixties on theirs. i kick ass.

and i ordered that damn playing by heart dvd like ten years ago and i still haven't gotten it! stupid people, ship me my movies already. jeez.

okay, well i just got off work, and i'm yucky, so i'm gonna shower. i think i might skip class tonight and just catch up on all the homework. i hate sitting in that class, all he does is read what's in the book anyway. i can figure it out on my own.
you're a touch overrated

morning star. [28 Sep 2003|11:28pm]
I saw a star beneath the stairs glowing through the melting walls.
Who will be the first to begin their fall?
Or will we become one?
Am I the star beneath the stairs?
Am I a ghost upon the stage?
Am I your anything?
I saw a star beneath the stairs glowing bright before descent
and in the morning there is nothing left but what's inside of me.
And I don't want to die tonight; will you believe in me?
And I don't want to fall into the light.
Will you wish upon?
Will you walk upon me?
I don't want to die tonight.
Will you.
13 lushes| you're a touch overrated

[28 Sep 2003|04:52pm]
i have two tests tomorrow morning... one is a pretty big one too, cause we only have like three or four tests in that class. but have i begun to study? noooo. i've been sitting in front of the t.v. all afternoon. i watched like two hours of that newlyweds show [there is n o t h i n g on] and oh my gosh...half the time i just want to beat jessica simpson over the head, then again she prolly wouldn't even notice if i did. what a ditz.

so since that shirt i saw that was black with red stars was a tank top [and i hate tank tops] i decided to make myself one. i went to walmart this morning and got plain black shirts and some felt and some safety pins. i've almost finished actually looks pretty cute. i'll never be able to put it in the washer though, i suppose i'll just have to febreeze it.

who ever it was that got me saying 'retarded' in the context of something cool or badass being 'retarded' ....yea they should be shot.

i sold like five more cds on amazon in the last two this rate i'll be able to quit my job and buy an escalade [on dubs, of course.]

florida's weather is insane...earlier this afternoon it was storming like the world was ending and now it's nice and sunny and my car is begging me to come wash it....though i'm sure it'll rain as soon as i take it out of the garage again if i do wash it. oh well, i can use the sun....i actually am beginning to form faint tan lines since i've begun washing my car every week. and it only took three months for me to acquire them.
6 lushes| you're a touch overrated

[27 Sep 2003|11:38pm]
ah today. today i did more shopping than i have in forever. and i didn't buy a single damn thing.

alisha, tifni, and i went to orlando...almost everywhere in orlando too. i actually did find an okay [yes, just okay] pair of dickies at one of the first places we went to, but they were forty bucks and i was positive i'd find other better stuff elsewhere....and then no. i did not. but we saw really hot billy martin and davey havok look a like boys workin in hot topic, so it was all good. then we walked around the food court and got free chinese food samples. and what the hell, the candy store there gives out samples too....that's insane, i think there should be someone in front of every single store handing out samples of hershey's dark chocolate. that would rule my world.

i guess i'm not quite over being sick yet, cause towards the end of the night i got this horrible headache and wanted to die. so i popped some pills and then felt drowsy and like i wanted to die. and then i started hating myself even more because in my quiet blah state i thought [grrrr] and realized that i can't go give stinking minutes without thinking / mentioning something about chris. i swear, i must have talked about him all day long. god. i really miss him. i whole lot. there are times when i would feel ten thousand times better if he were just holding my hand. ugh. boys. i hate you all.

but. tifni and i made plans to go to howl o scream..... and halloween horror nights.... and taking back sunday in november. rock n roll. i need sleep.
3 lushes| you're a touch overrated

[27 Sep 2003|01:58am]
i can't sleep. and sis isn't online. rawr. where is she? she's been gone for a couple days.

i'm so glad it's the weekend and that i actually have the weekend off... i don't have to get up and work a ten hour shift tomorrow. and my ten hour shift today wasn't too bad... i was actually allowed a long enough break to come home for a bit, and my dad had made my favourite thing....these yeast rolls with walnuts and cinnamon and i took two with me, and joey and i ate them with coffee when i got back.

luke has taken to calling me dumb ash. and smart ash. and fat ash.
i told him i was going to kick his ash.

my boss frogged me today. god that hurt. but what can i do back? he'll always win, cause he can just say "oh, by the way, i'm not signing your paycheck this week." bastard.

crystal is goin to see the charlie brown play this weekend... i told her to take a tomato and throw it at daniel.
or at least give him the finger.

well...i'm kinda tired now... maybe i can actually fall asleep? if my mind would calm down for two seconds.
you're a touch overrated

[24 Sep 2003|11:06pm]
so i'm sitting here minding my own business and i hear someone on t.v. say an exact quote from one of the first episodes of coupling, but with an american accent....and i ask what the hell that was and dad says it's a commercial for coupling the american version...and i'm like holy shit, what are they gonna make the exact same episodes down to the same exact words? that's bull. what a rip off.

you know what else is great? not only do i still feel like poo after staying home today, but on top of that i started today too....yay.
screw this. someone cut my uterus out. please.

i still haven't seen the end of house of a thousand corpses.

aw sis, your troll replied to your comment but not mine. gah you're so cool. i'm gonna have to beat you up now.

tbs live again in six weeks. sooo exciting.
best friends means i pull the trigger
best friends means you get what you deserve
best friends means i pull the trigger
best friends means you get what you deserve
best friends means i pull the trigger
best friends means... there's no such thing...
1 lush| you're a touch overrated

[23 Sep 2003|11:46pm]
i still think my throat is bleeding. it's progressively getting worse. i hate being sick. especially when being physically sick coincides with already feeling emotionally sick. if i didn't want to throw up before, i really do now. this is me giving the world the finger.

i chewed joey out [as much as i was able to, hardly being able to speak] within two seconds of walking in the door today because i was not in the mood to deal with him being a shitface, it would have set me off and made me cry. [when i get sick, i get really weak, and when someone hurts me when i'm weak, the only thing i know how to do is cry] he was too scared to even speak to me for about two hours, because he knew i was right and i had called him out exactly as needed to be done...and then he felt really bad for being stupid. he made me hot tea with lemon [which is what i always make him when he's sick] and was extremely attentive to me all night. it really did help. i love him lots.

hey alisha, if you see this before saturday, could you burn me a copy of that simple plan cd that i burned and then gave to you because i didn't want any more? hah. i saw their new video today and i've been craving that song.

i took some pictures today. i'm gonna try to make some new icons. maybe tomorrow though. i'm soooo tired.

and that concludes my journal entry that was mostly messages to specific people. yay.
you're a touch overrated

the shooting star that destroyed us all. [22 Sep 2003|11:18pm]
i saw danielle today. hadn't talked to her since prolly january or february. we only had about ten minutes to catch up between classes, but now that we know where to find each other, i'm sure we'll spend more time together. i'd really like to start hanging out with her again. she was cool, lots of fun, one of those girls that's usually one of the guys like i am, so we girl bash a lot. and of course we guy bash too. and we are :so: going to the i lakes haunted house this halloween.

i really love a static lullaby. they're great. very moving, and so comforting right now.

oh, and is outkast the shit, or what?

we got put in groups of three in economics and since everyone in the class is all social, they all knew what groups they wanted before we were even told we were forming groups. and there ended up being one group with only two people...guess what, i got stuck with the last guy. a boring little shit that is quiet as hell, doesn't look too bright, has chris harry's facial expressions, and just makes me generally want to scream.

too much writing for today.

A star up in the sky
A poem to the dead
Let this mistake bring a vivid crystal to her eyes
So drain out my lungs before the fluid brings a choke
I can not inhale the sparkle of your voice
Now let me walk on highwire of rusty nails, barefoot, shedding the flesh of our exisitence
I wanted to break the fall
Nows the time, the more i try, the more i lose but today will you remember me, your eyes they shine
Walking home street lights go out
you're a touch overrated

[22 Sep 2003|07:29pm]
i'm in class. i'm on my break.
there are only six students in this class. it's so boring.
and i love how the professor refers to lone black guy as "fella" and the rest of us he calls by our first names. nice.

after two weeks of being sick, i bought cranberry juice and downed it allll [64 ounces within about ten hours] and it made me feel so much better. but now [another two days later] it's slowly coming back. i'm hitting up the cranberry juice after class. it's starting to scare me though, when i first started drinking it, i couldn't stand the taste....but by the end of the night, i didn't mind it, and now that i haven't had any for two days, i started craving it today. oh the powers. give me some juice. rawr.

i really like how just as brent and i are getting to be good friends, he's moving to kentucky. doesn't it figure? it totally figures that everyone i want around isn't [or doesn't want to be, or won't be soon] but the people i don't want around just won't go away. yea. ::totally:: figures
i'm going to miss my brenda.

i was wearing my a.f.i. shirt today and mum said i looked "gothic" and asked what afi meant. jeez. i'm twenty. give it up.

i got a nice little phone call from daniel last night.
"hey, chris and i are moved in to our apartment. wanna come over for a three way?"
word for word, i shit you not. i promptly hung up the phone.
although, it's kind of good, because now it gives me a valid excuse to call christopher. [something along the lines of 'your boyfriend needs to quit harassing me... sooo how've you been?'] maybe not such a good idea, but i will prolly do it anyway.

i m i s s h i m s o m u c h.
2 lushes| you're a touch overrated

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