Liberal-oriented columns, commentary and archived articles on national and international news and political events--with emphasis on China--by Joseph Bosco, author and veteran journalist who is currently a Visiting Professor of Media & Foreign Policy at the China Foreign Affairs University, Beijing, P.R. China.  

Thursday, April 01, 2004

China Daily, Shame On You!

I do not know if many of you have ready access to the English language print edition of China Daily; we do, it is delivered to our door everyday, courtesy of the Chinese Foreign Ministry for whom we work. It is all but impossible for me to express the rage and vile bitterness I feel as I type these words, and this is some hours after that rage began when I first saw the giant full-color photographs of the civilian contractors' charred bodies being mutilated, dragged and then hung from a bridge across the Euphrates River in Falluja, Iraq, on the front page of China Daily. On the front page! Extra large, in fact, the four-photo montage took up about a quarter of the front page. In one of the photos, we see two Iraqis gleefully savaging one charred body with shovels!

I have seen far more than my share of the horrors that human beings all too often inflict upon human flesh; it came with the territory of being a journalist with a specialty in murder. I have learned to be able to eat my lunch while examining crime-scene and autopsy photos of murder victims. But that was my choice and it was my job.

I cannot imagine what possessed the management of the state-owned press when they made the decision to put such horrific photographs on their front page. I do know how much I at this moment despise them for it. Many of you know that I have a much more tolerant attitude towards the Chinese central government I work for as a professor of media at the China Foreign Affairs University than perhaps most Americans--but not today. I do not know how I will feel tomorrow, or next month. But today, I feel only revulsion and shame for those responsible for displaying such transparently anti-American sentiment on the front page of their flagship newspaper. Goddamn them for it. Goddamn them!
Iraqis drag 4 US bodies through streets

In a scene reminiscent of Somalia, frenzied crowds dragged the burned, mutilated bodies of four American contractors through the streets of a town west of Baghdad on Wednesday and strung two of them up from a bridge after rebels ambushed their SUVs.
China Daily

8:42 PM / Joseph Bosco / permalink

We Will Definitely Get The Truth In The Chen Shooting Now

Dr. Henry Lee, the world's foremost forensic scientist, is leading the forensic team working the Chen Shui-bian shooting. Henry, from whom I learned the forensics of the murder business, is a prominent figure in two of my books, and we have worked other cases that I did not publish. Other than my long deceased father, Henry is the greatest mind and human being I've had the great honor of knowing in a career full of meeting and working with a number of the so-called great minds of the late 20th Century. He is a very dear friend; I miss him. We were supposed to get together this past Spring Festival and winter break because two of the cases we worked together are featured in a new Court TV series chronicling Henry's greatest cases, but bad weather in New Orleans and last minute bad scheduling all around prevented it.

One thing is for sure, with Henry working the case, we will learn the truth about the assassination attempt. Cyril Wecht, the pathologist Henry chose to be a part of the team, I also know rather well, although we have been on opposite sides of a few cases and he can get a bit far afield in his theories at times, but with Henry in charge, Cyril minds his P's & Q's. I suppose Michael Baden, the best pathologist in the business, with whom Henry most often collaborates, and a real favorite of mine, must be tied up on another case. Golly, it's funny, everytime I think I'm out of the crime business, Henry gets a really good case and I'm soon packing a bag, catching a plane and then neck deep in the biz again. But not this time. I am absotively, posilutely retired from the true crime beat. I swear it! Besides, I don't do belly-grazing-wounds.
TAIPEI, Taiwan -- Though 8,000 miles from Taiwan, Connecticut is about to become the Western Hemisphere headquarters for the investigation into the controversial election-eve shootings of Taiwan President Chen Shui-bian and his vice president this month.

Renowned Connecticut forensic scientist Henry C. Lee and state police Maj. Timothy M. Palmbach, who supervises the state police forensic laboratory, are among four forensic experts who will review evidence related to the incident.

Palmbach left Taiwan Tuesday to return to Connecticut with photographs of the shooting scene and Chen's wounds, videotapes, and shell casings and bullets from homemade ammunition, among other evidence.

"Some of the evidence, by its very nature, is going to make this task much more complicated," Palmbach said at a press conference Tuesday, before boarding a plane home. "The ammunition used in this case is not commercially manufactured. It is of the homegrown variety. ... But we do conclusively agree that President Chen was indeed shot." ...

Lee, who was at a seminar in New Zealand Tuesday and then en route to Tasmania, could not be reached for comment. He is expected to review the physical evidence and photographs brought back by Palmbach early next month, then fly to Taiwan for further investigation. Before coming to the United States in 1965, Lee was a captain on the Taiwan police force and has made numerous trips back.

Palmbach stressed Tuesday that their final report could be some time coming.

"This is still a preliminary investigation. There is further evidence we would like to see and that we hope will be made available to us," Palmbach said.

"Forensic science many times cannot provide all the answers that you might be seeking in an investigation," Palmbach added. "As to why and who and from what [circumstances] did this [assassination attempt] develop, that cannot and will not be answered by the physical evidence."

Investigators already have determined the bullets were made by hand and may have been fired from a replica gun converted to become a working model. It is illegal to sell or possess firearms in Taiwan.

Lee, who directed Connecticut's forensic lab for more than two decades, is "retired" now but does a great deal of forensic consulting work.

Lee hand-picked the team for the Taiwan investigation. It includes noted Pittsburgh pathologist Cyril H. Wecht, who investigated President Kennedy's assassination, Chandra Levy's killing, and the fire at the Branch Davidian compound at Waco, Texas, to name just a few of his high-profile cases.

Wecht examined the 4½-inch gash under Chen's navel and concluded it was "consistent with a gunshot wound."

"There is no question at all in our minds that the wound on President Chen's abdomen is what we would call a grazing type gunshot wound," Wecht said Tuesday, after the team's initial three-day investigation.
The Hartford Courant

2:12 AM / Joseph Bosco / permalink

Wednesday, March 31, 2004

In Defense of Freedom, From Dangers Within...

As you undoubtedly know, I am an American journalist and author living and writing in China where the greatest danger to the freedoms essential for me to continue doing what I was born, raised and trained to do--and also love to do--is that things might stay about the same or at the absolute worst retreat just a bit to, say, the way things were a little over a year ago before SARS somewhat loosened the central government's notion that the people's right to know began and ended with what the central government thought they should know. This matter of personal freedoms, particularly the freedoms of speech and of the press, has been very much an abiding issue of late, at least among online writers, Chinese and foreigners, what with the continuing saga of the blocking of certain blog-hosting networks.

I wish I could say the same about the nation I love above all things save perhaps for my immediate family members, America. There, right now, the greatest danger to personal freedoms essential not only to my peculiar profession, but essential for all Americans to be able to continue being the freest citizens on earth, is that the very framework which assures our freedoms is in the hands of people who do not trust the citizenry that entrusted them with safeguarding those very same freedoms.

For the first time since there were good and honest citizens who wondered if in fact the infant American nation might be better served by putting a crown upon the head of George Washington, the mature American nation is in danger of unwittingly entitling a small group of ideological zealots with the divine right of rulership that Mr. Washington and his compatriots fought so fervently to deliver us from. Hyperbole I am guilty of you say? Read carefully, and with a sense of continuity, the following series of columns, essays, and reports in the posts below. If you do not sense something very fundamental and scary afoot then so be it and I will preach all the harder anyway because frankly I am terrified for the future of the United States of America.

7:03 PM / Joseph Bosco / permalink

Josh Marshall Is Asking The Best Question Of The 9/11 Testifying Fracas...

It had become a no-brainer that Condi Rice was going to eventually reverse her official position and testify publicly and under oath, there was too vocal of a Republican Party consensus that it was becoming a political embarrassment for her not to. However, the real news of this day was what came just underneath that bally-hooed story, namely that Bush the Second and Cheney the Great would testify before the commission in tandem!

As any one who has had much legal or law enforcement experience knows, you never want to question witnesses or suspects together. So what's up with this? I am fairly certain that I know, but I think I'll let Josh Marshall at Talking Points Memo lay out the several scenarios and then you decide:
I am a little surprised that the White House's new insistence on a joint private meeting with President Bush and Vice President Cheney hasn't elicited more notice.
Very interesting. My instincts in such matters leads me to pick reasons no. 2 and 3, with 3 being somewhat more dominant in the minds of the strategic orchestrators at the center of the campaign to ensure that America's only Dynastic Restoration stays around long enough for it to take root and supplant the secular, bi-party, equally weighted three-branched democracy we have had since the Constitution and the Bill of Rights formally became the law of the land in 1791.

Talking Points Memo: by Joshua Micah Marshall

6:33 PM / Joseph Bosco / permalink

Arianna Huffington, Guest Blogging on Daily Kos

This guest blog by Ms. Huffington is of interest not only for her thoughts on the presidential race, but also on blogging and politics.
Arianna: What happens if Kerry wins?

by kos
Wed Mar 31st, 2004 at 01:15:37 GMT

(Note: this is a guest blog.)

By Arianna Huffington

What happens if Kerry wins?

How will he clean up Bush's squalid mess? And how can we help him?

A Kerry victory will be due not only to the blogosphere's funding efforts but to the bloggers holding Kerry's feet to the fire. It's bloggers who'll have to urge Kerry not to run away from his voting record, but to embrace his liberalism -- and define it as the foundation of the values that led to this country's great social breakthroughs. It's bloggers who'll have to embolden Kerry to ask the American people to commit themselves to a large, collective purpose that looks beyond our own self-interest -- and to a more just and equitable society. And it's bloggers who'll have to convince him to reach out to the 50% of eligible voters who didn't vote in 2000 -- the young, the poor, the disenfranchised.

The blogosphere is now the most vital news source in our country. I've toiled in the world of books and syndicated column writing, but more liberating is the blogosphere, where the random thought is honored, and where passion reigns. While paid journalists often just follow a candidate around or sit in the White House press room and rehash a schedule, blogs break through the din of our 500 channel universe and the narrow conventional wisdom. For that the blogosphere has my undying gratitude.
There is much more at: Daily Kos

4:11 PM / Joseph Bosco / permalink

The Peking Duck Is Back & He's In fine Form, Kicking Tail & Taking Names!

All who read and admire Richard, the proprietor and author of the The Peking Duck, are delighted to find him up and blogging again after his arduous move back to the States. Those of us who are fortunate to know him personally, while quite happy to be able to read him after a short hiatus, nevertheless miss his actual presence in China and east Asia.

Knowing that he will return one day is of some comfort; but China needs people with the talents, insight and integrity of Richard. For now, we will content ourselves with his keen reporting. Of particular value is his perspective and reportage on what would seem to be an uneven match, the lone Richard Clarke versus the Attack Dogs of Bush the Second's royal court, from the scene of the crime, America. To wit:
Richard Clarke and the GOP slime machine

I watched rather dumbfounded last week when Richard Clarke testified in front of the 911 commission. It was almost as though we were back at the hearings on Clarence Thomas or Watergate. I was mesmerized from the start, when Clarke uttered his now famous apology, which was surely the shrewdest, most brilliant snippet of political oratory I've heard in years.

Equally remarkable, however, has been the take-no-prisoners smear campaign spearheaded by Bush's lieutenants against Clarke, an ugly reminder of how nasty this administration gets whenever it feels threatened. (Remember Paul O'Neill just a couple of months ago? Same scenario, same full-frontal-assault tactics, same game of lambasting the accuser while ignoring the issues he brings up.)
I shan't steal Richard's thunder here, please go click and get the straight skinny. (Don't miss his links to Andrew Sullivan and Josh Marshall, and then Richard's very next post, Condi Rice, meaner than a junkyard dog.)

The Peking Duck

3:50 PM / Joseph Bosco / permalink

GOPers Have No Shame...

Center for American Progress

Foaming at the Mouth

Conservatives are continuing their assault on former Bush counterterrorism chief Richard Clarke, a man who President Bush personally praised upon his retirement. The right-wing attack machine is now resorting to unsubstantiated claims and even racially charged rhetoric to try to change the subject. On Friday, Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist (R-TN) demanded that Clarke's 2002 private testimony to the congressional 9/11 commission be declassified claiming that Clarke "has told two entirely different stories." Frist specifically recounted details of what he said was Clarke's closed-door testimony. But as questions were raised about the legality of Frist's disclosure of still-classified testimony, Frist quickly "retreated" from his claims, admitting "that he personally had no knowledge that there were any discrepancies between" Clarke's 2002 testimony and his testimony last week. On the talk shows, Ann Coulter disparaged Clarke, saying he was just "upset a black woman took his job" while Robert Novak asked a guest "Do you believe Dick Clarke has a problem with this African-American woman, Condoleezza Rice?" But in all of the huffing and puffing, not one Bush official or right-wing pundit has addressed the fundamental question: why was the Bush Administration asleep at the wheel before 9/11?
Center for American Progress


3:02 AM / Joseph Bosco / permalink

The Media Complicity in the Lies of Bush

Center for American Progress

White House Lapdog

With the well-documented charges of negligence by former counterterrorism chief Richard Clarke and with no WMD or Al Qaeda connection found in Iraq, new questions are being raised about why the media failed to ask tough questions of the Bush Administration on the subject of national security. Philip J. Trounstine, former political editor of the San Jose Mercury News, notes that the media "were complicit in gathering support for the war in Iraq and, in part, to a natural impulse, in the wake of 9/11, not to be disloyal to the nation." Not only did the mainstream networks freeze out critics of the Administration and refuse to challenge the White House, but as a new report from Rep. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) notes, the right-wing media regularly packaged the White House's distortions and half-truths as fact, in a coordinated campaign to mislead the public. After Roger Ailes, head of Fox News, sent a personal note to President Bush advising him on his post-9/11 public image, the WP reported neoconservative Fox News contributors like William Kristol quickly became "well wired" into the White House in the lead up to war. They met periodically with top national security officials and "huddled privately" every three months with Karl Rove, who was urging conservatives to seek maximum political advantage from a war.

MAINSTREAM MEDIA – ADMITTING ITS OWN COMPLICITY: In a series of interviews, NYT White House reporter Elisabeth Bumiller recently admitted how intimidated the mainstream media had become after 9/11. Many had expected papers like the NYT (one of journalism's most prestigious outlets) to strenuously guard the media's historic watchdog role, particularly at a time of war and with an Administration bent on secrecy. But Bumiller admitted the media became "very deferential" and that reporters are now particularly loathe to challenge the President to his face because "it's live, it's very intense, it's frightening to stand up there." Ignoring polls which showed the nation split on the Iraq question, Bumiller said the Administration did a "spectacular selling job," and defended reporters' softball attitude, saying, "Think about it, you're standing up on prime-time live TV asking the president of the United States a question when the country's about to go to war. There was a very serious, somber tone, and no one wanted to get into an argument with the president at this very serious time." Read American Progress's Eric Alterman's take on the absence of a responsible media.

MAINSTREAM MEDIA – BURYING CRITICAL STORIES: According to the New York Review of Books, "The nearer the war drew, the less editors were willing to ask tough questions." The few stories that provided a critical analysis of the Administration's war plans were buried in the back pages. And according to veteran WP reporter Walter Pincus, the placement of these stories was no accident: the Post's editors, he said, "went through a whole phase in which they didn't put things on the front page that would make a difference." But at least the Post actually published critical stories. The NY Review article notes, "The performance of the NYT was especially deficient. While occasionally running articles that questioned administration claims, it more often deferred to them."

RIGHT-WING MEDIA – LIES ABOUT WMD: As the new analysis points out, Fox News was complicit in spreading the myth that there was "no doubt" Iraq had WMD that posed an imminent/immediate/urgent/mortal threat to the United States. As early as August 2002, Fox News contributor Fred Barnes said, "We know beyond a shadow of a doubt that [Saddam Hussein] has been pursuing aggressively weapons of mass destruction, including nuclear weapons." On March 23, 2003, Fox headline banners blared, "Huge Chemical Weapons Factory Found in Southern Iraq" - a claim that never panned out. On April 11, a Fox News report announced: "Weapons-Grade Plutonium Possibly Found at Iraqi Nuke Complex." Sourced to an embedded reporter from the right-wing (and Richard Mellon Scaife-owned) Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, the story was soon debunked by U.S. officials. Bill O'Reilly claimed, "you cannot refute, and neither can anyone else" that "a load of weapons-grade plutonium has disappeared from Nigeria" and that Iraq is capable of giving that material to people "who will plant an atomic device, a nuclear device in a city in this country." O'Reilly fabricated the charge from a news report that Halliburton's Nigeria operation had misplaced not plutonium, but Americium, a compound wholly unsuitable for the creation of O'Reilly's "atomic device."

RIGHT-WING MEDIA – LIES ABOUT AL QAEDA-IRAQ CONNECTION: Despite no substantive evidence, Fox News contributor Fred Barnes began to echo the Administration's Saddam-Al Qaeda drumbeat as early as 2002, saying "the CIA now believes there's a real connection between Saddam Hussein and al Qaeda, the terrorist group that attacked the United States." He provided no evidence. Similarly, Fox's Sean Hannity claimed with no proof on 12/9/02 that al-Qaeda "obviously has the support of Saddam," ignoring an LA Times report that same month which stated "U.S. allies have found no links between Iraq and al Qaeda." Hannity later declared on 4/30/03, that he possessed documents proving a "direct link between Osama bin Laden's al Qaeda network" and the Iraqi regime. He ignored a national Knight-Ridder report that month that senior U.S. officials confirmed they had found "no provable connection between Saddam and al Qaeda." Even after the UN and congressional 9/11 commission found otherwise, Fox News contributor Ann Coulter went on the air in September and said, "Saddam Hussein has harbored, promoted, helped, sheltered al Qaeda members. We know that." Today, intelligence agencies conclude there was no operational connection between Iraq and Al Qaeda. See American Progress's backgrounder.
Center for American Progress

2:43 AM / Joseph Bosco / permalink

Another Book Detailing Lies & Deception of Shrub & Twigs...

The irony would be delicious if the consequences weren't so dangerous. The silver-spoon cowboy who came to the White House largely on the backlash against MonicaGate and the less than truthful President Clinton regarding his dalliance with America's most infamous kneeling intern, is now widely acknowledged to be the most prolific liar and deceiver in American presidential history.
Spinsanity announces All the President's Spin

We are proud to announce the upcoming release of our first book, All the President's Spin: George W. Bush, the Media and the Truth, which will be published in August by Touchstone/Fireside, an imprint of Simon & Schuster.

All the President's Spin will provide the definitive non-partisan account of the Bush administration's unrelenting dishonesty about public policy. The book will demonstrate how the White House has broken new ground in using misleading sales tactics to promote its policies and manipulate the media.

Of course, the President is not the only dishonest national politician, but he is surely the most influential. Bush's tactics threaten to change the nature of the presidency and further corrupt American political debate. That is why, rather than attacking his policies or ideology, our book will examine the public relations strategy the Bush administration has used to advance that agenda - its origins, how it works, and why it has been so effective at spinning the media.
Spinsanity - Countering rhetoric with reason

1:36 AM / Joseph Bosco / permalink

Thomas Friedman's Bush & Company Nightmare

Thomas Friedman, The New York Times
I have a confession to make: I am the foreign affairs columnist for The New York Times and I didn't listen to one second of the 9/11 hearings and I didn't read one story in the paper about them. Not one second. Not one story.

Lord knows, it's not out of indifference to 9/11. It's because I made up my mind about that event a long time ago: It was not a failure of intelligence, it was a failure of imagination. We could have had perfect intelligence on all the key pieces of 9/11, but the fact is we lacked — for the very best of reasons — people with evil enough imaginations to put those pieces together and realize that 19 young men were going to hijack four airplanes for suicide attacks against our national symbols and kill as many innocent civilians as they could, for no stated reason at all.

Imagination is on my mind a lot these days, because it seems to me that the only people with imagination in the world right now are the bad guys. As my friend, the Middle East analyst Stephen P. Cohen, says, "That is the characteristic of our time — all the imagination is in the hands of the evildoers."

I am so hungry for a positive surprise. I am so hungry to hear a politician, a statesman, a business leader surprise me in a good way. It has been so long. It's been over 10 years since Yitzhak Rabin thrust out his hand to Yasir Arafat on the White House lawn. Yes, yes, I know, Arafat turned out to be a fraud. But for a brief, shining moment, an old warrior, Mr. Rabin, stepped out of himself, his past, and all his scar tissue, and imagined something different. It's been a long time.

I have this routine. I get up every morning around 6 a.m., fire up my computer, call up AOL's news page and then hold my breath to see what outrage has happened in the world overnight. A massive bombing in Iraq or Madrid? More murderous violence in Israel? A hotel going up in flames in Bali or a synagogue in Istanbul? More U.S. soldiers killed in Iraq?

I so hunger to wake up and be surprised with some really good news — by someone who totally steps out of himself or herself, imagines something different and thrusts out a hand.

I want to wake up and read that President Bush has decided to offer a real alternative to the stalled Kyoto Protocol to reduce global warming. I want to wake up and read that 10,000 Palestinian mothers marched on Hamas headquarters to demand that their sons and daughters never again be recruited for suicide bombings. I want to wake up and read that Crown Prince Abdullah of Saudi Arabia invited Ariel Sharon to his home in Riyadh to personally hand him the Abdullah peace plan and Mr. Sharon responded by freezing Israeli settlements as a good-will gesture.

I want to wake up and read that General Motors has decided it will no longer make gas-guzzling Hummers and President Bush has decided to replace his limousine with an armor-plated Toyota Prius, a hybrid car that gets over 40 miles to the gallon.

I want to wake up and read that Dick Cheney has apologized to the U.N. and all our allies for being wrong about W.M.D. in Iraq, but then appealed to our allies to join with the U.S. in an even more important project — helping Iraqis build some kind of democratic framework. I want to wake up and read that Tom DeLay called for a tax hike on the rich in order to save Social Security and Medicare for the next generation and to finance all our underfunded education programs.

I want to wake up and read that Justice Antonin Scalia has recused himself from ruling on the case involving Mr. Cheney's energy task force when it comes before the Supreme Court — not because Mr. Scalia did anything illegal in duck hunting with the V.P., but because our Supreme Court is so sacred, so vital to what makes our society special — its rule of law — that he wouldn't want to do anything that might have even a whiff of impropriety.

I want to wake up and read that Mr. Bush has announced a Manhattan Project to develop renewable energies that will end America's addiction to crude oil by 2010. I want to wake up and read that Mel Gibson just announced that his next film will be called "Moses" and all the profits will be donated to the Holocaust Museum.

Most of all, I want to wake up and read that John Kerry just asked John McCain to be his vice president, because if Mr. Kerry wins he intends not to waste his four years avoiding America's hardest problems — health care, deficits, energy, education — but to tackle them, and that can only be done with a bipartisan spirit and bipartisan team.
The New York Times

12:46 AM / Joseph Bosco / permalink

Ms. Dowd On Dynastic Restoration

Who’s Your Daddy Party? America has never had a dynastic restoration--until Bush the Second and his crusading benighted Knights restored the royal house that Bush the First had lost in disgrace.
I wasn't sure how to ask John Kerry, so I just blurted it out: "Is there anything we need to know about your relationship with your father?"

I didn't think the country could take another vertiginous ride on the Oedipal tilt-a-whirl. It's hard not to see the Bush unilateral foreign policy — blowing off allies and the U.N. to rewrite the ending of a gulf war his father felt had ended appropriately — as the ultimate act of adolescent rebellion.

"I know what you're saying," Mr. Kerry murmured.

The globe got whipsawed by a father-son relationship so twisty and rife with undercurrents that we're still not sure if W. was trying to avenge his father with Saddam or upend his dad's legacy in Iraq — or both. Or was he just following the gloomy, brass-knuckled lead of his surrogate father, Dick Cheney?

Little Bush cited big Bush as a rationale for war in Iraq, referring to Saddam as "the guy that tried to kill my dad at one time." Now Mr. Bush's ex-counterterrorism chief, Richard Clarke, has said that the war in Iraq "greatly undermined the war on terrorism."

Both J.F.K. and W. were the oldest sons of patrician fathers who had served as diplomats.

But while dutiful son John and the uneffusive father who sent him to Swiss boarding school were able to bond when they talked about foreign affairs, black sheep W. and his effusive father spent more time on sports than foreign policy tutorials.

Junior, as he was known in those days, was disengaged from the policy side of his father's presidency. He ran the political loyalty department.

Senator Kerry is cast as the heir to George H. W. Bush's avid internationalism and tender stewardship of the Atlantic alliance.

Being the son of a foreign service officer, Mr. Kerry says, "gave me a great sense of being able to look at other countries not just through our eyes but through their eyes, and that's, I think, an important asset."

Mr. Kerry's father, Richard, was the anti-Wolfie. He wrote a 1990 book, "The Star-Spangled Mirror," warning that America should not see the world in "black and white," exaggerating our goodness and our enemies' evil, or try to recast the world in our image, "propagating democracy" and imposing our values and institutions on the third world.

W. went along with the neocons' desire to dis Europe and undermine the U.N., where his father once reigned as affable U.S. ambassador.

The president seems oblivious to the swelling doubts about his policy in an Iraq sulfurous with treachery and blood. On Wednesday, he went to a press dinner here and made light of the fact that his rationale for invasion has evaporated. "Those weapons of mass destruction have got to be somewhere," he cracked, showing a photo of himself searching under a table in the Oval Office.

This was awkward for some, because the dinner also featured the first presentation of an award named for David Bloom and a speech by his wife, Melanie. Mr. Bloom, the NBC correspondent who died in Iraq, probably would not have been there without the hyped claims of W.M.D.

Republicans are demonizing Mr. Clarke, who has accused the administration of negligence on terrorism in the months before 9/11.

Bush officials accuse him of playing fast and loose with facts, even while they still refuse to acknowledge they took us to war by playing fast and loose with facts.

Even after a remarkable week in which a simple apology by Mr. Clarke carried such emotional power, Mr. Bush was still repeating his discredited line on Iraq, as if by rote.

"I made a choice to defend the security of the country," he said Friday, in a speech in Albuquerque, adding: "You can't see what you think is a threat and hope it goes away. You used to could when the oceans protected us. But the lesson of September the 11th is, is when the president sees a threat we must deal with it before it comes to fruition, through death, on our own soils, for example."

Even a president who was routinely referred to as adolescent criticized this White House's adolescent attitude.

"They remind me of teenagers who got their inheritance too soon and couldn't wait to blow it," Bill Clinton said. And this, he scoffed, is the "mature daddy party"?

Well, it's the party obsessed with daddy. That's for sure.
The New York Times

12:37 AM / Joseph Bosco / permalink

Even in Israel, Bush's America has become a byword for deception and abuse of power...

Paul Krugman, The New York Times:
Last week an opinion piece in the Israeli newspaper Haaretz about the killing of Sheik Ahmed Yassin said, "This isn't America; the government did not invent intelligence material nor exaggerate the description of the threat to justify their attack."

So even in Israel, George Bush's America has become a byword for deception and abuse of power. And the administration's reaction to Richard Clarke's "Against All Enemies" provides more evidence of something rotten in the state of our government.

The truth is that among experts, what Mr. Clarke says about Mr. Bush's terrorism policy isn't controversial. The facts that terrorism was placed on the back burner before 9/11 and that Mr. Bush blamed Iraq despite the lack of evidence are confirmed by many sources ? including "Bush at War," by Bob Woodward.

And new evidence keeps emerging for Mr. Clarke's main charge, that the Iraq obsession undermined the pursuit of Al Qaeda. From yesterday's USA Today: "In 2002, troops from the Fifth Special Forces Group who specialize in the Middle East were pulled out of the hunt for Osama bin Laden to prepare for their next assignment: Iraq. Their replacements were troops with expertise in Spanish cultures."

That's why the administration responded to Mr. Clarke the way it responds to anyone who reveals inconvenient facts: with a campaign of character assassination.

Some journalists seem, finally, to have caught on. Last week an Associated Press news analysis noted that such personal attacks were "standard operating procedure" for this administration and cited "a behind-the-scenes campaign to discredit Richard Foster," the Medicare actuary who revealed how the administration had deceived Congress about the cost of its prescription drug bill.

But other journalists apparently remain ready to be used. On CNN, Wolf Blitzer told his viewers that unnamed officials were saying that Mr. Clarke "wants to make a few bucks, and that [in] his own personal life, they're also suggesting that there are some weird aspects in his life as well."

This administration's reliance on smear tactics is unprecedented in modern U.S. politics ? even compared with Nixon's. Even more disturbing is its readiness to abuse power ? to use its control of the government to intimidate potential critics.

To be fair, Senator Bill Frist's suggestion that Mr. Clarke might be charged with perjury may have been his own idea. But his move reminded everyone of the White House's reaction to revelations by the former Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neill: an immediate investigation into whether he had revealed classified information. The alacrity with which this investigation was opened was, of course, in sharp contrast with the administration's evident lack of interest in finding out who leaked the identity of the C.I.A. operative Valerie Plame to Bob Novak.

And there are many other cases of apparent abuse of power by the administration and its Congressional allies. A few examples: according to The Hill, Republican lawmakers threatened to cut off funds for the General Accounting Office unless it dropped its lawsuit against Dick Cheney. The Washington Post says Representative Michael Oxley told lobbyists that "a Congressional probe might ease if it replaced its Democratic lobbyist with a Republican." Tom DeLay used the Homeland Security Department to track down Democrats trying to prevent redistricting in Texas. And Medicare is spending millions of dollars on misleading ads for the new drug benefit ? ads that look like news reports and also serve as commercials for the Bush campaign.

On the terrorism front, here's one story that deserves special mention. One of the few successful post-9/11 terror prosecutions ? a case in Detroit ? seems to be unraveling. The government withheld information from the defense, and witnesses unfavorable to the prosecution were deported (by accident, the government says). After the former lead prosecutor complained about the Justice Department's handling of the case, he suddenly found himself facing an internal investigation ? and someone leaked the fact that he was under investigation to the press.

Where will it end? In his new book, "Worse Than Watergate," John Dean, of Watergate fame, says, "I've been watching all the elements fall into place for two possible political catastrophes, one that will take the air out of the Bush-Cheney balloon and the other, far more disquieting, that will take the air out of democracy."
The New York Times

12:20 AM / Joseph Bosco / permalink

Monday, March 29, 2004

Ass U Me: A Cautionary Tale For Bloggers

There is an old saying from my youth that goes: When we assume we often make an ass of you and me. This shop-worn ditty is in my thoughts because it has happened: I assumed something, and in so doing made an ass of myself and a fellow blogger. And therein lies a cautionary tale that I dare say is probably instructive for us all.

Just below this post is one entitled: A Case For "Blocking" Reckless, Irresponsible Words By Fools Who Only Endanger Others Not Themselves.

Let me explain how that post came to be written, and why it was written with much anger, literally dripping with personal invective towards an individual I do not know personally at all.

This past Saturday, while following the latest storyline of the bedevilling blog-blocking in China that has all but consumed the thoughts and keyboards of the Living in China community, I came upon a post of a third party, blogging from America, that was kind of a roundup of the most current news and pertinent posts on the subject. While there were several links to other weblog posts, the third-party blogger (I am using the "third party" moniker because I choose not to further compound unwarranted attention to this truly exemplary journalist and blogger, even though the identity is available in my original post) chose the following quote from a post by Andres Gentry as the centerpiece of the compendium post denouncing the blocking of Typepad and
"Since ideas matter it is necessary to go out and engage in public debate about them. All ideas, even reprehensible ones, must be allowed to be spoken so that we are allowed to show why they are foul.

For those who also agree that politics is to be fought with our minds, pens, and mouths, we can engage with them peacefully, without threat of physical violence.

However, sometimes we must recognize when others do not seek to engage with us peacefully, wish to do us great harm, and who believe the best way to slay an idea is to slay the person who holds that idea. If that is the case then the most honest response is to defend yourself, with violence unfortunately, and to take the fight to them. Fight we must until the enemy unconditionally accepts our right to speak freely, disagree freely, and govern freely. And once they have made this acceptance we should welcome them with open arms into the community of civilized humans."
I read those words in the context of the third-party post as a "call to arms," indeed a call for "violence" in taking "the fight to them," and I am thunderstruck, literally speechless for some time over what to me is surely the most irresponsible reaction possible to, in context, the relatively petty censorship by the central government in an authoritarian system with much greater problems than the loss of a foreigner's right to have his blog read within the mainland of China.

After about two hours of an attempt to let my emotions cool, I ask my lovely wife, Ellen Sander, author of the Crackpot Chronicles, to read those words in that context and then give me her reaction to them. She read their meaning the same way I did: an angry, blocked, Laowai blogger literally calling for violent revolution in a country where such an idea is infinitely more than just sensitive.

With my judgment validated by the best source I know, my full anger returns and I publish the intemperate piece below this post.

The following morning, however, when I check back at the third-party's website in my normal round of weblogs I enjoy, I quickly see that something is amiss: the entire centerpiece quote is gone and in the comment box there is an exchange with Andres Gentry suggesting that his post had been misinterpreted, that the graphs quoted are about the war on terror, not blog-blocking. I am confused and concerned.

Soon, the confusion lessens, but my level of concern for the affair is in fact heightened by an angry e-mail from Andres Gentry.

While there are several e-mails exchanged, the most important at this point is Mr. Gentry's e-mail to me containing his original post as published on his blocked site (which I can not read here in Beijing).

That post, in its entirety, plus an update appended to it after the misunderstanding, follows, and then after that there are the pertinent e-mails:
What makes this human, human

While making the background of your blog is a good protest at the current blocking of Typepad sites, I'd like to make another protest suggestion. Why not explain why you are blocked?

I don't mean in a whiny way. It doesn't have to be in an overtly political way (though for some, like myself, it might very well be rather political). It definitely shouldn't be in a way that holds yourself in too high an estimation. Some people in China have gone to jail for their beliefs: those are the people to respect.

This, on the other hand, is simply going to be a collection of ordinary statements by ordinary people explaining their ordinary thoughts. The power of a network is precisely its ability to quickly move around and past obstructions, like water flowing around the boulders in a stream.

My suggestion is that if you write about what makes you human (i.e., the very things that some people in Beijing feel compelled to "block" others from viewing) please trackback to everyone else who has written something similar. In this way, if someone comes across one declaration of beliefs they can easily link to the next and then to the next and then to the next. I hope this one will be the first of many, not just of bloggers in China but of bloggers around the world.

This is my statement. It's the things I enjoy, the things I believe in, the things I value.

I'm a quiet guy. I'm not a social talker and don't do well with people I don't know. I give the appearance of someone boring, a not entirely incorrect image. However, if you're a friend then some volubility will appear.

The things I like to talk about are news and sports. I've always liked the news. I don't know why. Even when I was a kid I would go to the mailbox on Monday or Tuesday to get Time Magazine before anyone else could get ahold of it. I'm still like that, which is one of the reasons I have this here blog. Vanity is another reason for this web site.

If I respect your thinking I'm happy to argue. If your thinking is sloppy or divorced from the facts though, I'd prefer to speak with someone else. Either way, I'll join a political discussion only if invited: most people aren't interested in politics and forcing a conversation along those lines is too pushy for my tastes.

At my local you'll find three televisions set to either CCTV 5 or Star Sports. Most people don't pay them much attention. If there's a good game on though, I'm prone to pay more attention to the sports than to the people I'm with.

I've come to enjoy watching soccer, but my first love is still American football. Some, perhaps many, see a game of over-sized, over-protected men beating each other for 5 seconds and then resting for 50. I, however, see a grand intellectual match, a clash of strategies between two coaches who must work with their team's weaknesses, exploit their opponent's, and respond to changes throughout the game.

I see Barry Sanders making defenders tackle air, Brett Favre playing one of the best games of his career the week his father died, Reggie White stuffing running backs and quarterbacks with equal abandon, and I see Bill Cowher calling a trick onside kick in Super Bowl XXX.

I see a spiraling football arching down the field, I see someone running through a hole that appears before him and disappears behind him, I see a cornerback stepping up at the last moment for an interception even as the receiver leaps at where he thought the football would go. And I think that is all beautiful.

I am not the hardest worker, some would say I am lazy and many would say I procastinate excessively. They would not be wrong. In a narrow sense, I have rarely been punished for these vices. In a broader sense of course, this lack of discipline was an unlucky blessing.

I like where I am from, America, but this doesn't preclude me from wanting to see many other places also. I want to see the world as it is. I think that is possible.

I am not of the school that all cultures, all values, and all ideas are equal and/or irrelevant. I think that is meaningless thinking.

Sometimes this makes me pessimistic or overly negative. I'd prefer it didn't.

I would like to see a world where liberal democracy is the system of government for every group of people. I think it is the best system of government on offer because people should rule themselves.

If people choose their own government they should also choose the state they live in. In that sense, I believe the further freedom spreads the more we will see that today's national boundaries are imposed and false.

If people choose their own government they of course are responsible for setting the rules for their society. I would like to see the rules ensure that everyone is equal. That means that the state cannot treat its citizens differently according to their different ethnicities. I thus disagree with segregation in the past and affirmative action in the present, though can understand their intentions could not be more dissimilar. That means that it cannot give some rights, such as marriage, to one set of citizens (heterosexuals) but deny them to another set (homosexuals). That means it cannot raise one religion above others as a state religion.

However, perhaps over and above the imperative of the state to treat with all its citizens equally is the need for the state to not be involved in the lives of its citizens unless absolutely essential. Individuals have the right to live their life as they wish, excepting if their actions cause damage to others, and so the state should be extremely constricted in what rights and responsibilities it is given by its citizens. The state is neither good nor evil by definition, nor are humans good or evil by definition, but precisely because some humans are evil the state should not be given power which such
people could use to abuse their fellow humans.

I understand that others might disagree with my emphases and accept that in a liberal democracy I must live under the rules written by the majority. I do not think using the courts or the executive branch is a legitimate method for obtaining the sort of society I believe is best. I do believe that electing like-minded individuals and participating in the public debate with the hope of nudging society a little in my preferred direction is the best method for writing the laws for a society.

I think such a liberal democracy, even with its flaws, is created out of the minds of humans. It is not given to us by nature or even God. So I think ideas matter and ideas have real consequences. I abhore violence to achieve political ends, so even if I agree that 5+1=1 (Ireland) or 3+2=1 (Basque Country), I reject the terrorism some groups use to reach the supposedly similar destination.

Since ideas matter it is necessary to go out and engage in public debate about them. All ideas, even reprehensible ones, must be allowed to be spoken so that we are allowed to show why they are foul.

For those who also agree that politics is to be fought with our minds, pens, and mouths, we can engage with them peacefully, without threat of physical violence.

However, sometimes we must recognize when others do not seek to engage with us peacefully, wish to do us great harm, and who believe the best way to slay an idea is to slay the person who holds that idea. If that is the case then the most honest response is to defend yourself, with violence unfortunately, and to take the fight to them. Fight we must until the enemy unconditionally accepts our right to speak freely, disagree freely, and govern freely. And once they have made this acceptance we should welcome them with open arms into the community of civilized humans.

These are only my thoughts, but they are part of what make me human. They are what the CCP has sought to prevent others from reading, prevent from responding to, or prevent from ignoring. You no doubt have your thoughts. Why not write about them and trackback to others who have also written about what makes them human? Can you accept simply being "blocked" out of existence?

UPDATE: Some people seem to have completely misunderstood the penultimate paragraph of this post, so I would like to make a clarification so I do not have to read ad hominem attacks against my character for something which I did not in fact mean.

I am not calling for some revolution in China. In fact, that entire paragraph has nothing to do whatsoever with China. It simply explains why I support the War on Terror. That's it. Indeed, very little of what I wrote directly deals with China. It is either a general statement of my politics, applicable across the board, or a personal statement of what I enjoy (I hope it is clear that football has nothing to do with the CCP's "blocking" of Typepad sites).

In addition, my call is just for people to write about what makes them human. It is not about "confronting" the block or even talking about the block. It's just to talk about the things you enjoy, you believe in, you think about and thus to indirectly show the absurdity of the block: Why block what is normal, what is human, what is unthreatening?

If that means talking about falling in love with your wife, then you have understood what I was saying. If that means talking about the books you like to read, the places you like to travel to, the pubs you like to frequent, the friends you like to talk with, or the memories that will keep you warm in the dusk of your life, then you will have understood what I was saying.
As per agreement with Mr. Gentry, I am now going to append the e-mails through which this matter is thrashed about, with the full understanding that I will not come off very well in the "raw," but then that is what happens when we assume--I make an ass of myself. The first is his opening salvo at me:

Immediately after Rebecca MacKinnon linked to my essay I posted a comment on
her blog explaining that the paragraph you took out of context had nothing to
do with China and everything to do with the War on Terror. In fact, my comment
is the first on that thread on her blog, appearing before yours which was
posted afterwards, but apparently you ignored it as you raced to your
conclusion about the purpose of my post.

I am disappointed that you did not take the time to read my clarification
before posting your ad hominem attack on me. In addition I am angry that you
missed the point of my post, which has little to do with politics, much to do
with asking people to explain what makes them human, and which in the second
paragraph (and by the sixth sentence of the post) should have made abundantly
clear to a better reader that anything I or anyone other person wrote was on
completely lower plane than what people like Stainless Steel Mouse have done.

"While making the background of your blog is a good protest at the current
blocking of Typepad sites, I'd like to make another protest suggestion. Why not
explain why you are blocked?

I don't mean in a whiny way. It doesn't have to be in an overtly political way
(though for some, like myself, it might very well be rather political). It
definitely shouldn't be in a way that holds yourself in too high an estimation.
Some people in China have gone to jail for their beliefs: those are the people
to respect.

This, on the other hand, is simply going to be a collection of ordinary
statements by ordinary people explaining their ordinary thoughts. The power of
a network is precisely its ability to quickly move around and past
obstructions, like water flowing around the boulders in a stream."

While politics takes up more of my time than it might of others, I explicitly
noted that others would have entirely different interests if they chose to
write in response to my post.

"My suggestion is that if you write about what makes you human (i.e., the very
things that some people in Beijing feel compelled to "block" others from
viewing) please trackback to everyone else who has written something similar.
In this way, if someone comes across one declaration of beliefs they can easily
link to the next and then to the next and then to the next. I hope this one
will be the first of many, not just of bloggers in China but of bloggers around
the world."

Someone who did understand what I was saying posted his response here.

I also explicitly called against political violence.

"I think such a liberal democracy, even with its flaws, is created out of the
minds of humans. It is not given to us by nature or even God. So I think ideas
matter and ideas have real consequences. I abhore violence to achieve political
ends, so even if I agree that 5+1=1 (Ireland) or 3+2=1 (Basque Country), I
reject the terrorism some groups use to reach the supposedly similar

Lastly, I'd like to clarify for you that I'm not white. I would have thought
that was obvious, since my name is Andres, however time and again I am
impressed at the blindness of people who think I am the same as them simply
because I can read and write the same language, English. As for whether I am a
coward because I am angry when people called my girlfriend a whore simply
because she was going out with a foreigner, it seems clear that you and I have
different perspectives on what is appropriate and inappropriate behavior.

I understand the anger you must have felt when you read what I wrote,
especially given the context of your experiences. However, I would appreciate
a clarification on your part since I did not in fact mean what you thought I
meant. I'm pretty angry at being slandered and cursed on your blog for saying
things which I did not in fact say. As you are the second person to
misunderstand that penultimate paragraph I will short put my own clarification
at my blog so that I do not have to see my name dragged through the mud again.

Andres Gentry
I will now produce my e-mail in answer to the above:
Dear Mr. Gentry,

I am first going to copy below an exchange of e-mails between Rebecca and I
from this morning:

From: "Rebecca ZZZZZZZZ
Subject: RE: thanks
Date: Sat, 27 Mar 2004 23:25:52 -0500

As he explains it, he was not calling for violence against the Chinese
government at all, but against terrorism. The problem is, the way his essay
is written it seems like he is advocating violence against those who have
blocked his freedom of speech. However he claims this is not what he meant
so I have to believe him. Something I think all of us bloggers need to avoid
is the temptation to assume that readers of any given post have read our
previous posts and thus understand the context in which we are writing. This
is a dangerous assumption. You may want to contact him directly for your own
clarification. Can't hurt.


-----Original Message-----
From: Joseph Bosco []
Sent: Saturday, March 27, 2004 11:06 PM
Subject: RE: thanks

Dear Rebecca,

I look forward to your visit to Beijing. I am responding to the last e-mail
somewhat later; I tired and went to sleep about 4:00 AM here in China.

By the way, what is the deal with the Andres Gentry post advocating violence
against the Chinese government for blocking his site that you quoted? I was
greatly troubled by it and based a rather scathing post on The LongBow
Papers taking issue with such a dangerous, reckless call to arms. However, I
see that you have taken it down due to an exchange of comments between you
and Mr. Gentry that I do not understand. Is he comparing this blocking situation to
Saddam's murderous regime?



Now I will respond to your e-mail below. I most certainly did not see your
comment exchange with Rebecca before I wrote the post on The LongBow Papers
that you are taking issue with. I read Rebecca's blog much earlier in the day
and let it sit in my mind for awhile before deciding to refute what Rebecca had
quoted from your blog (understand, I cannot read your blog; she can, and after
reading your entire post she came to the same conclusion I did). Why my
comments come after your exchange, I cannot explain other than a technical
glitch; I did not see it when Rebecca and I exchanged comments about which of
her sites were blogged

Before I did respond late last evening, I called my wife Ellen in (an assistant
editor on LiC) and asked her to read the lengthy quotation by Rebecca of your
post. She saw it the same way I and Rebecca did. It is important to note that I
did not take the quote out of context: Rebecca quoted from your essay at some
length. There was absolutely nothing to suggest that you were referring to
Iraq. As Rebecca says, we can only take your word for it, because, no, we do
not read your blog everyday--although it is on my blogroll, and I have
discussed your belligerent style over the months with other bloggers who assure
me that it is not really what you mean. My comment to that has always been that
a writer should not demand that his readers conjure up some past writings that
might have been in his mind when writing any piece that is constructed to stand

If you were not fomenting violence against the Chinese government for shutting
down a network--not you personally--why in the world would such sentences as
those Rebecca blogged be in your essay?

As for what you call ad hominem attacks upon your character: It is not ad
hominem to call a fool a fool when he writes foolish things, such as advocating
violence against authority in a country where that can have immediate and
terrible consequences. I did not call stupid, to the contrary.

Regarding your "racism": Andres is not a "white" name? Your picture sure
appears to be that of a Caucasian. That is not the point, however, you are NOT
Chinese, and that is the point. The posts I have read of yours taking great
umbrage at being stared at had nothing about a girl friend and the word
"whore." I have been in China two years and am stared at constantly, never have
I been offended by it. I also always smile back at the stare. Guess what? Their
stare becomes a smile, then a chuckle, then a "Hello!"

My admittedly spotty reading of your weblog is that it is decidedly racist and
anti-Chinese. That bothers me since you apparently have chosen to work here and
live here, as a TEACHER, I believe--and that does more than bother me, it
angers me. You are exactly the type of westerner that China sees far too much

I have walked with my female students many times in Xiamen and Beijing, never
have I seen any hostility by Chinese men toward me or the student. Yes, I have
grey hair, and an uncle Charlie weathered face, so perhaps that would explain
the lack of animosity--but I doubt it. I do not walk around China expecting the
worst, only the best; perhaps that is why in two years I have never had an
unpleasant encounter with any Chinese person--only other expats.

Now, about a clarification: Send me your entire essay and let me see if it is
clearly stated that your post is about the war in Iraq and not about your
weblog being shutdown in China and I will be more than happy to take back
everything I wrote and publicly apologize. However, it must be in THAT post;
you must not expect me to have read all of your previous posts to understand
clearly what you meant in that one post.


Joseph Bosco
In response to my more than a little self-righteous, pompous e-mail, Mr. Gentry sent the original post in its entirety that you have already seen--assuming you have stayed with this sorry saga this far.

After reading his original post in its natural state, I e-mailed Mr. Gentry the following, even more pompous missive:
Dear Mr. Gentry,

Thank you for your response. Please do not take offense at what I am about to
write and propose.

While you turn a good phrase and, as people I respect have said on your behalf
over other posts you have written which I did not respond to, I see evidence
that you will someday be an accomplished writer, you are, however, in this
instance guilty of sloppy writing and sloppy structure.

In Rebecca's work at Harvard dealing with Blogging as journalism, she
undoubtedly read your piece for its position on the current issue of great
interest to all bloggers: the blocking of blog hosts in China. This is quite
understandable since that is the topic you clearly lay out in your lede graph.

Surely then, since she must read many posts, she read on quickly looking for
the meat to go with your lede. She can be forgiven for glazing over your ode to
American football--although having gone to college initially on a football
scholarship, I rather enjoyed your digression--and finally alighting upon the
graphs that caused the confusion.

In preface to those graphs you very obliquely allude to the IRA and ETA but do
not ever mention the "war on terrorism." Then, with no segue or transition you
are at the "nut" graph of your piece: and that is about violence in defense of
personal freedoms. This, in an essay the thesis of which is how to protest the
blocking of websites: notably "why you are blocked." Since most of your post is
a rather pastoral, even idyllic meander all over the countryside of your mind,
I will not blame Rebecca for seizing upon your "nut" graphs and including them
as the centerpiece of her roundup post on blog blocking in China.

Now, this is where I entered the picture: I greatly respect Rebecca as a
professional colleague in the world of journalism, and since I can not access
your site, I relied upon her accuracy. I still can not fault her accuracy after
having read your piece. While in hindsight and with your explanation I realize
that in the end she was wrong, I also realize that you all but assured that a
quick perusal of the post would occasion a mistaken reading.

There is a lesson in this for all bloggers who have not been trained as
journalists or have years of professional writing experience, namely: Not
unlike a doctor whose first commandment is "to do no harm," likewise the first
commandment of writing for publication is to be "clear" or to be "understood"
if you prefer.

This is what I propose we do: Since no one in the Living in China community can
read your blog, I will post it as it is on mine, right above my post in
question. Then I will write a post explaining the circumstances, with any words
you wish me to include on your behalf, and then it can be discussed in any
fashion people so choose. I will await your response.

I must close for now, Ellen is holding dinner and I have already lost too much
of my day to this regrettable incident: I am behind deadline on THREE books.


Joseph Bosco
Again, as agreed, I now present Mr. Gentry's response to the e-mail above:

First off, thank you very much for your considered response. I do not in any
way take offense to what you wrote in this last email as I also realized after
reading Rebecca's take on my original post that I had been unclear to my
readers which allowed a second unintended interpretation of my writing because
of my somewhat opaque writing style. I take those criticisms on board.

I realize I am sometimes more poetic, or lyrical, or what have you, than I
should be. What I write in this email is, as you propose, part of the public
record. Feel free to quote it entirely or selectively. I trust in this
instance my meanings will be less ambiguous. If they continue to be ambiguous
then I will answer what questions you have.

> While you turn a good phrase and, as people I respect have said on your
> behalf over other posts you have written which I did not respond to, I see
> evidence that you will someday be an accomplished writer, you are, however,
> this instance guilty of sloppy writing and sloppy structure.

As I said above, I take this criticism on board.

> In Rebecca's work at Harvard dealing with Blogging as journalism, she
> undoubtedly read your piece for its position on the current issue of great
> interest to all bloggers: the blocking of blog hosts in China. This is quite
> understandable since that is the topic you clearly lay out in your lede
> graph.
> Surely then, since she must read many posts, she read on quickly looking for
> the meat to go with your lede. She can be forgiven for glazing over your ode
> to American football--although having gone to college initially on a football
> scholarship, I rather enjoyed your digression--and finally alighting upon the
> graphs that caused the confusion.

My initial post was a meandering piece of work because I intended it to be so.
I just wanted it to express some of the different parts of me that make me a
human being. I am not "of a piece" and I sought my post to give a taste of the
thickets of my personality. My hope in calling others to post and Trackback
was to intice other people to write about the avenues and alleyways of their
humanity, not in straight lines but in evocative vignettes, and show how wrong
it is for anyone to block those expressions of humanity.

> In preface to those graphs you very obliquely allude to the IRA and ETA but
> do not ever mention the "war on terrorism." Then, with no segue or transition
> you are at the "nut" graph of your piece: and that is about violence in
> defense of personal freedoms. This, in an essay the thesis of which is how to

> protest the blocking of websites: notably "why you are blocked." Since most
> your post is a rather pastoral, even idyllic meander all over the countryside

> of your mind, I will not blame Rebecca for seizing upon your "nut" graphs and

> including them as the centerpiece of her roundup post on blog blocking in
> China.
> Now, this is where I entered the picture: I greatly respect Rebecca as a
> professional colleague in the world of journalism, and since I can not access
> your site, I relied upon her accuracy. I still can not fault her accuracy
> after having read your piece. While in hindsight and with your explanation I
> realize that in the end she was wrong, I also realize that you all but
> that a quick perusal of the post would occasion a mistaken reading.

I do not fault her, her reading of my piece either. That is why I tried to
correct my mistake as soon as possible when I read her commentary at her blog.
I should have immediately posted an update at my blog, but unfortunately waited
another 18 hours before doing so.

And if I might add a suggestion here, she couched her criticism in a short
witticism, "Aha", and immediately changed her post to reflect more closely or
at least more neutrally my post, which made clear to me that I had made a
mistake without throwing my entire character in question. I appreciated that.

In contrast, your post was quite inflammatory and I most definitely haven't
appreciated that even if I understand how you misunderstood my writing. I
would have liked if you had emailed before making your post, as you said you
might, and clearing up the misunderstandings my oblique writing caused in its
wake, rather than clicking on a link at China Herald and having the blood drain
from my face in anger and disbelief as I read what you wrote.

I am open to debating ideas in public, but aiming a full blast of denigration
at me in public based on what I feel is a misapprehension of my meaning (made
worse since calling for a revolution which I am extremely unlikely to suffer
any direct consequences from would be a serious lapse in my judgement) really
gets my temperature up.

I also, to be frank, take umbrage at the implication that I am racist because I
aim some of my criticisms at China. I sincerely hope that readers realize that
I am trying to point out what I believe is wrong here (according to a hopefully
universal standard) rather than training barbs at China simply because it is
Chinese. When I lived in America, Colombia, or Australia, I did the same
things. You'll just have to trust me that I am a critical person (sometimes
excessively so).

My point of view might be overly negative, something I worry about for its
effects on my psyche, but perhaps I have experienced enough negative things
here that it is difficult for me to keep them inside me any longer.

I have not been here for one, two, three, or even four years. I've been here
for five, I've lived in four different cities, and while I still misunderstand
some things I have some confidence that I do not misunderstand everything. In
places where I have made a mistake in translating someone's words or
misunderstood an event, I am (grudgingly) happy to change my interpretation.
In places where the facts are agreed, I have not shied away from entering the
fray, sometimes to my detriment.

I do not believe I am one of those teachers you described in your previous
email. Indeed, I have not been, strictly speaking, a teacher since 2000. I
have seen true misunderstandings between Chinese and foreigners for all of
these years precisely because my job, as a School Director or Director of
Studies, is to stand between the Chinese and foreign staffs of the schools I
have worked at.

I have seen my sympathies migrate in those years so that I often now cannot
understand my teachers' point of view. It is a lonely netherworld to not
understand those you supposedly should understand and not be understood by
those you now feel closer to. Getting side-swiped by your post, to have
someone publically "call me out" for thoughts and feelings of racism I do not
believe I have and which I do not believe are reflected in the everyday living
of my life, was bracing and angering.

I am thankful that this is getting resolved in private and will be made public
as the dust settles. However, there is, I must admit, a part of me still
unhappy to have had a post of mine made target practice of.

> There is a lesson in this for all bloggers who have not been trained as
> journalists or have years of professional writing experience, namely: Not
> unlike a doctor whose first commandment is "to do no harm," likewise the
> first commandment of writing for publication is to be "clear" or to be
> "understood" if you prefer.

I fully agree and hope to change my writing in the future to more closely fit
those standards.

> This is what I propose we do: Since no one in the Living in China community
> can read your blog, I will post it as it is on mine, right above my post in
> question. Then I will write a post explaining the circumstances, with any
> words you wish me to include on your behalf, and then it can be discussed in
> any fashion people so choose. I will await your response.

I would be happy for you to quote this email in full. I have written it with
the public in mind and hope that it is clear enough to be understood
unambiguously. I truly hope others, once they have read the clarifications of
my initial post, will understand my initial post was simply a call for people
to write about what makes them human and not a misguided expression of
sympathy for a "revolution" I would never suffer adversely from.

Now comes my response, an apology, of sorts--I am such an ASS when I take myself so seriously, which, unfortunately, is most of the time.
Dear Andres,

This time I will begin with an honest apology--with qualifications--because I
am truly sorry that the immoderate part of my temperment occasioned me to write
too much in anger instead of solely in purpose.

The qualifications I ask are that you understand how a call to arms over
blog-blocking by an expat in today's China pierced me to the quick. My life and
career experiences have been such that I have seen too much and felt too much
for me to be still when I perceive a person of safety and means rallying others
to fight against impossible odds. I have jousted with too many mean windmills
that left too many casualties; I will again perhaps take up the gun and gall to
fight another revolution someday, but only when there is absolutely no other
recourse and there is no one younger or stronger to go in my stead.

I am truly sorry that my insults born from anger that in truth was closer to
rage fell upon your good name and character. I will make amends as best I can,
knowing full well that a bell can never be un-rung and that the embarrassment
you felt upon reading my words will be slow to fade away.

Unfortunately, the hour is late, and I slept little last night and I have a
lecture to give early in the morning. Consequently, it will be tomorrow before
I can construct the somewhat complex posts we need to fix this matter.

I can quickly put up a note of retraction saying that more will follow. I hope
that will satisfy your ire for this late night.

Again, my heartfelt apology for causing you embarrassment.


Joseph Bosco
And now, almost the end, I promise, but this had to be laid out in full, the bell was rung too egregiously for me not to make amends as thoroughly as I can.

> This time I will begin with an honest apology--with qualifications--because I
> am truly sorry that the immoderate part of my temperment occasioned me to
> write
> too much in anger instead of solely in purpose...

> I can quickly put up a note of retraction saying that more will follow. I
> hope
> that will satisfy your ire for this late night.
> Again, my heartfelt apology for causing you embarrassment.

Thank you for your apology. I understand your qualifications: like my
explanation of my hurt they put both of our words in better context. When you
have posted your writing I will link to it in a second update. As an example
of the price of ambiguity, I hope my writing in the future is clearer and more
direct for my readers. It's been a difficult weekend and I will be happiest as
both posts make their slow ways down our blogs and into our archives. And then
we can return to our "regular programming schedule".

Finally, the end, my sincere groveling to its natural conclusion.
Dear Andres,

Forgive me, but fatigue got the better of me late last night and I was not able
to put up the brief retraction as proposed. I am now back at the computer after
my first lecture of the day and I will soon take care of this most regrettable
incident as best I can. While I cannot unring the bell, I can somewhat lessen
the sting of its echoing clang.

Again I apologize for besmirching your good name.


Joseph Bosco
As you will see by the time-stamp on this opus, the best laid plans went a'failing when the internet connection went down for a spell here at CFAU. But it is over. And I am truly sorry, Andres.

10:10 PM / Joseph Bosco / permalink

Sunday, March 28, 2004

A Case For "Blocking" Reckless, Irresponsible Words By Fools Who Only Endanger Others Not Themselves

Not unlike my colleagues within the Living In China community of bloggers, I was troubled by the shutdown of mainland Chinese blog hosting services such as BlogCN and Blogbus. I have much the same distaste for governmental interference in personal freedoms as do most westerners born and raised under less authoritarian systems. Indeed, I was so troubled by it that I was the first blog within the Living in China community to post the full English translation of the Tiananmen Square protest letter.

I am also troubled by the apparent blocking of non-mainland blog-hosting platforms such as Typepad and For the two years that I have been in China, it has annoyed me that several universal webhosts have been unavailable to me: Blogspot for one, along with all personal websites hosted on Lycos, Angelfire, Yahoo, and AOL (the central government seems to have a problem with completely unmoderated webhosts). Not to mention firewalling the website of CBS Television ever since "60 Minutes" rankled Jiang Zemin.

However, none of this troubled me as much as the foolish, reckless, empty, but dangerous threats I read today at Rebecca MacKinnon's Techjournalism written by one of our own: Andres Gentry. First, let us quote them:
"…sometimes we must recognize when others do not seek to engage with us peacefully, wish to do us great harm, and who believe the best way to slay an idea is to slay the person who holds that idea. If that is the case then the most honest response is to defend yourself, with violence unfortunately, and to take the fight to them. Fight we must until the enemy unconditionally accepts our right to speak freely, disagree freely, and govern freely."
Friends, throughout my career as a journalist and author I have had more than a little cause to defend the First Amendment rights of free speech and a free press. To my knowledge, I am the only journalist in America who has TWICE been ordered to take the witness stand and reveal sources and unpublished research materials and ordered incarcerated when I refused.

But much more to the point, I know more than a bit about “violence” in pursuit of a cause. I know about authorities using guns and billy clubs and jail cells during the civil rights movement in the American south; I know about making the personal choice to fight a “revolution,” and the consequences of my choice. I know what bullets and clubs and whips do to human flesh, and what jail cells do to the human spirit.

I most certainly know that there are times when violent revolution is the only choice available to oppressed men and women. But I also know what it means: It means death and great suffering. Therefore, a call to arms should never be made lightly or in haste.

Vowing to “fight them,” as this Mr. Gentry does publicly, is a call to arms that I am certain he is not prepared to risk for himself. While he is obviously a fool, he probably is not stupid. Also, based upon some of his posts about his paranoia over being stared at because he is a round-eyed white man in China, I surmise him to be a coward.

So, who is he endangering with his threat "to take the fight to them"? Not himself. He is a "foreigner," the Armed Police will simply escort him to an airport and send him and his puffed up chest home to momma. But how about the Chinese natives who are curious and thwart the firewall and read his words and are somehow found out? They will pay the consequences of Andres Gentry, he who writes like a man with a paper asshole.

I wonder if he knows that what he wrote would be illegal in America? It is illegal to advocate the violent overthrow of the United States Government.

In closing I should point out that he was not singled out for oppression, he flatters himself far too much; the hosting service he uses was shutdown because it is unmoderated and cannot be easily, selectively censored.


1:21 AM / Joseph Bosco / permalink

Saturday, March 27, 2004

Can GOPer Bush Lackeys Sink Any Lower?

The Bush-nosing sycophants in the anti-American way wing of the Grand Odorous Party want to pursue a potential perjury case against Richards Clarke. Have they no sense of shame? They want to persecute beyond the pale the only government official who had the courage to apologize to the families of the victims of 9/11. Unfortunately, these Bush hit-men will surely sink lower still in the months ahead. The future of the republic and its citizens be damned: George the Second rules by Divine Right, with his gawd constantly at his beck and call.
WASHINGTON - Leading congressional Republicans announced plans Friday to seek declassification of 2-year-old testimony from Richard Clarke, hoping to show discrepancies between his recent criticisms of the Bush administration's terrorism policies with flattering statements he made as a White House aide.

"Mr. Clarke has told two entirely different stories under oath," Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist said in a speech on the Senate floor.

The Tennessee Republican and House Speaker Dennis Hastert, R-Ill., want Clarke's July 2002 testimony before the joint House and Senate intelligence inquiry into the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks available publicly. ...

The declassification requests marked the latest turn in a Republican counterattack against Clarke, who has leveled his criticism against Bush in a new book, "Against All Enemies," as well as in interviews and this week's sworn testimony. ...

House Intelligence Chairman Porter Goss, R-Fla., who initiated the declassification request this week, said he feels an obligation to make sure Congress' 810-page report, released publicly in 2003, isn't "contaminated by this new revelation" from Clarke. ...

"We have to dig through this," Goss said, "not only for the continued accuracy and utility of the joint 9-11 report, but now we have this further question: Does this change things, or is it part of a book-selling tour?" ...

Former Senate Intelligence Chairman Bob Graham, D-Fla., who worked with Goss on the inquiry, supported the declassification of Clarke's testimony in its entirety and suggested the administration open the door even wider to include documents ? including Clarke's January 2002 al-Qaida plan ? that could help resolve issues in dispute.

"To the best of my recollection, there is nothing inconsistent or contradictory in that testimony and what Mr. Clarke has said this week," Graham said.

California Rep. Jane Harman, the top Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee, also wants to see more information disclosed, including 27 pages of the congressional inquiry's report addressing the involvement of a foreign government in supporting some of the 19 hijackers ? an item of dispute with the Bush administration.

"This is selective declassification, in my view, and it is all about discrediting an administration critic," Harman said.
Associated Press, News

2:15 PM / Joseph Bosco / permalink

From The Daily Mislead: White House said Focus on Bin Laden "A Mistake", in the Daily Mislead, catches America's Liar-in-Chief and his Mendacity & Associates, Inc. in yet another whopper:
White House, 4/01: Focus on Bin Laden "A Mistake"

A previously forgotten report from April 2001 (four months before 9/11) shows that the Bush Administration officially declared it "a mistake" to focus "so much energy on Osama bin Laden." The report directly contradicts the White House's continued assertion that fighting terrorism was its "top priority" before the 9/11 attacks 1.

Specifically, on April 30, 2001, CNN reported that the Bush Administration's release of the government's annual terrorism report contained a serious change: "there was no extensive mention of alleged terrorist mastermind Osama bin Laden" as there had been in previous years. When asked why the Administration had reduced the focus, "a senior Bush State Department official told CNN the U.S. government made a mistake in focusing so much energy on bin Laden." 2.

The move to downgrade the fight against Al Qaeda before 9/11 was not the only instance where the Administration ignored repeated warnings that an Al Qaeda attack was imminent 3. Specifically, the Associated Press reported in 2002 that "President Bush's national security leadership met formally nearly 100 times in the months prior to the Sept. 11 attacks yet terrorism was the topic during only two of those sessions" 4. Meanwhile, Newsweek has reported that internal government documents show that the Bush Administration moved to "de-emphasize" counterterrorism prior to 9/11 5. When "FBI officials sought to add hundreds more counterintelligence agents" to deal with the problem, "they got shot down" by the White House.

1. Press Briefing by Scott McClellan, 03/22/2004.
2. CNN, 04/30/2001.
3. Bush Was Warned of Hijackings Before 9/11; Lawmakers Want Public Inquiry, ABC News, 05/16/2002.
4. "Top security advisers met just twice on terrorism before Sept. 11 attacks", Detroit News, 07/01/2002.
5. Freedom of Information Center, 05/27/2002.


1:30 PM / Joseph Bosco / permalink

From Dubya's Mouth...

George the Second doesn't always lie when he opens his mouth, sometimes he just says stupid things. To wit, more Bushisms as collected by Jacob Weisberg:
"I would have my secretary of treasury be in touch with the financial centers, not only here but at home." --Boston; October 3, 2000

"You see, the Senate wants to take away some of the powers of the administrative branch." ---Washington, D.C.; September 19, 2002

"I think there is some methodology in my travels." --Washington, D.C.; March 5, 2001

"Governor Bush will not stand for the subsidation of failure." --Florence, South Carolina; January 11, 2000

"We're concerned about AIDS inside our White House--make no mistake about it." --Washington, D.C.; February 7, 2001

12:35 PM / Joseph Bosco / permalink

And The GOPers Thought Lying About Sex Was An Impeachable Offense...

Ms. Rice probably wishes she had some of that to lie about, just for a change of pace.
DISHONEST - RICE REFUTES HERSELF: National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice this week reiterated the President's 'ignorance' defense, but in doing so repeated a lie that she had previously admitted was a lie. In 2002, she supported the President's "had I known" defense saying, "I don't think anybody could have predicted...that [terrorists] would try to use an airplane as a missile." But when presented this month with overwhelming evidence that the Administration had been warned about such a plot, she admitted privately to the 9/11 Commission that she had "misspoken." Yet, even after this admission, she proceeded to repeat the same dishonest claim, writing in a Washington Post op-ed this week that "we received no intelligence that terrorists were preparing to attack the homeland using airplanes as missiles." As one widely-respected FBI terrorism expert said, the Administration's "ignorance" defense is "an outrageous lie. And documents prove it's a lie." See this new American Progress backgrounder analyzing Rice's dishonesty.

DISHONEST – BUSH ADMINISTRATION REFUTES RICE: Rice this week said the Administration had formulated a National Security Policy Directive (NSPD) before 9/11 "that called for military options to attack al Qaeda and Taliban leadership." But according to the 9/11 Commission, "There is nothing in the NSPD that came out that we could find that had an invasion plan, a military plan." Bush Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage was asked whether Rice's assertions were true, and responded, "No."

DISHONEST – RICE DISCREDITS HERSELF: Rice claimed this week that "No al Qaeda plan was turned over to the new administration." But the 9/11 Commission reported, "On January 25th, 2001, Richard Clarke forwarded his December 2000 strategy paper and a copy of his 1998 Delenda plan to the new national security adviser, Condoleezza Rice."

NEW EVIDENCE – BEFORE 9/11, BUSH ADMIN SAYS BIN LADEN FOCUS WAS "MISTAKE": New evidence emerged yesterday that discredits the Bush Administration's claim that fighting terrorism was their "top priority" when they came to office. On 4/30/01 the Bush Administration released the government's annual report on terrorism, but unlike previous Administrations, it decided to specifically omit an "extensive mention of alleged terrorist mastermind Osama bin Laden. A senior State Department official told CNN the U.S. government made a mistake in focusing so much energy on bin Laden." Similarly, AP reported in 2002 that the Bush Administration's "national security leadership met formally nearly 100 times in the months prior to the Sept. 11 attacks yet terrorism was the topic during only two of those sessions."

NEW EVIDENCE – BEFORE 9/11, BUSH ADMIN REJECTED BIPARTISAN COMMISSION: President Bush yesterday claimed that "Prior to September the 11th, we thought oceans could protect us." That is a troubling statement from a President, considering that in January of 2001, the U.S. Government's Commission on National Security gave the White House a bipartisan report that warned of an attack on the homeland and urged the new Administration to implement its specific "recommendations to prevent acts of domestic terrorism" (an intelligence warning of a domestic attack was also given to the White House in May of 2001). Unfortunately, according to Sens. Warren Rudman (R-NH) and Gary Hart (D-CO), the Administration rejected the Commission's report, "preferring to put aside the recommendations." Instead, the White House said it would have Vice President Cheney head up a task force to analyze the threat himself. The Administration then waited five months to officially create the task force, and then failed to convene a single meeting of the task force in the four months before 9/11.
Center For American Progress

1:26 AM / Joseph Bosco / permalink

It's Just A Nightmare, Dubya, And It Keeps Getting Worse...

SUBSTANTIATED – ANOTHER OFFICIAL COMES FORWARD: editor Sidney Blumenthal reports that Clarke's assertions about the Bush Administration's complacency are now being corroborated by another former Bush national security official. "Gen. Donald Kerrick, who served as deputy national security advisor under Clinton and remained on the NSC for several months into the new Bush administration, wrote his replacement, Stephen Hadley, a two-page memo.' Kerrick noted he said in the memo 'they needed to pay attention to al-Qaeda and counterterrorism. I said we were going to be struck again. We didn't know where or when. They never once asked me a question nor did I see them having a serious discussion about it. They didn't feel it was an imminent threat the way the Clinton administration did. Hadley did not respond to my memo. I know he had it. I agree with Dick that they saw those problems through an Iraqi prism. But the evidence wasn't there."
Center For American Progress

12:04 AM / Joseph Bosco / permalink

Friday, March 26, 2004

For All My Conservative Friends: Take A Shot & Win A Prize

This is a chance to back your man:

Beat the Progress Report

Yesterday, on Hannity and Colmes, National Security Advisor Condoleezza Rice said "the assertion that somehow the Bush administration wasn't paying attention when we came into office is just false." But, despite Rice's comments, we were unable to find a single instance where Rice, Vice President Cheney or President Bush said "al Qaeda" or "bin Laden" in public between Bush Inauguration and 9/11. (The closest thing we could dig up – despite extensive searches on Nexis and the White House website – was a routine written extension of an executive order dealing with the Taliban.) During the same period, however, we were able to identify roughly 400 times that Rice, Cheney and Bush publicly mentioned "tax relief" or "tax cut." Prove you're better than the Progress Report! Send any instance of Rice, Cheney or Bush uttering the words "al Qaeda" or "bin Laden" in public between 1/20/01 and 9/10/01 to The first person to submit a successful entry (which we can verify) will receive a free copy of "Deliver Us From Evil" by Fox News Anchor Sean Hannity signed by the members of the Progress Report team.
Center For American Progress

11:45 PM / Joseph Bosco / permalink

Public Record: Bush Ignored Terrorism Before 9/11, From

Since Dubya has staked his presidency, and his reelection, on his record as the Commander-in-Chief of the "War on Terrorism," which is his only choice--by choice--then we will continue to refute his lies and failures in that war. Below is today's Daily Mislead:
In the face of Richard Clarke's well-documented testimony to the 9/11 commission yesterday, the White House is continuing to say that it made counterterrorism its top priority upon coming into office in January 2001. White House spokesman Scott McClellan, echoing similar comments from top Administration officials, said that "this Administration made going after Al Qaida a top priority from very early on" in the face of increased terror warnings before 9/11 1. But, according to the public record, the Administration made counterterrorism such a "top priority" that it never once convened its task force on counterterrorism before 9/11, attempted to downgrade counterterrorism at the Justice Department, and held only two out of more than one hundred national security meetings on the issue of terrorism. Meanwhile, the White House was cutting key counterterrorism programs -- Bush himself admitted that he "didn't feel the sense of urgency" about terrorism before 9/11 2.

According to the Washington Post, President Bush and Vice President Cheney never once convened the counterterrorism task force that was established in May 2001 3 -- despite repeated warnings that Al Qaida could be planning to hijack airplanes and use them as missiles. This negligence came at roughly the same time that the Vice President held at least 10 meetings of his Energy Task Force 4 and attended at least six meetings with Enron executives 5.

Similarly, Newsweek reported that internal government documents show that, before 9/11, the Bush Administration moved to "de-emphasize" counterterrorism 6. When the "FBI officials sought to add hundreds more counterintelligence agents" to deal with the problem, "they got shot down" by the White House.

Additionally, the Associated Press reported in 2002 that "President Bush's national security leadership met formally nearly 100 times in the months prior to the Sept. 11 attacks yet terrorism was the topic during only two of those sessions." This is consistent with evidence Clarke has presented showing that his January 2001 "urgent" memo asking for a meeting of top officials on the imminent Al Qaida threat was rejected for almost eight months 7. At the time, the White House said that they simply "did not need to have a formal meeting to discuss the threat" 8.

Finally, the White House threatened to veto efforts putting more money into counterterrorism 9, tried to cut funding for counterterrorism grants 10, delayed arming the unmanned airplanes 11 that had spotted bin Laden in Afghanistan, and terminated "a highly classified program to monitor Al Qaida suspects in the United States 12.

1. Press Briefing Scott McClellan, 03/22/2004.
2. The George W. Bush Presidency: An Early Assessment, 2003.
3. Statement by the President, 05/08/2001.
4. Process Used to Develop the National Energy Policy, US General Accounting Office.
5. "Cheney: We Met With Enron Execs", ABC News, 01/09/2002.
6. Freedom of Information Center, 05/27/2002.
7. "Clarke's Take On Terror", CBS News, 03/21/2004.
8. "White House Rebuttal to Clarke Interview", Washington Post, 03/22/2004.
9. Freedom of Information Center, 05/27/2002.
10. "FBI Budget Squeezed After 9/11", Washington Post, 03/22/2004.
11. "Officials: U.S. missed chance to kill bin Laden", Helena Independent Record, 06/25/2003.
12. "In the Months Before 9/11, Justice Department Curtailed Highly Classified Program to Monitor Al Qaeda Suspects in the U.S.", PR Newswire, 03/21/2004.

11:20 PM / Joseph Bosco / permalink

Thursday, March 25, 2004

The Daily Mislead: Bush Administration Resorts to Lies About 9/11

From, more lies by Shrub & Twigs:
With President Bush's former top counterterrorism expert Richard Clarke issuing well-documented criticisms of the White House's failure to defend America, the Administration has resorted to outright lies and distortions about its record. The president himself once again tried to deflect criticism, saying 'had my administration had any information that terrorists were going to attack New York City on September the 11' 1 - a statement designed to deflect attention from the specific warnings that he personally received outlining an imminent Al Qaeda attack 2 that could involve hijacked planes 3 being used as missiles 4.

Here are four other explicit lies that the Administration has told over the last few days:

LIE: National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice claimed that Clarke "chose not to" 5 voice his concerns about the Administration's counterterrorism policy. But Clarke sent an urgent memo to Rice in January 2001 asking for a Cabinet-level meeting about an imminent Al Qaeda attack 6. The White House itself admits top Bush officials rejected Clarke's request, saying they "did not need to have a formal meeting to discuss the threat." 7

LIE: White House Press Secretary Scott McClellan yesterday denied Clarke's charge that the president ordered the Pentagon to begin drafting plans to invade Iraq immediately after 9/11. 8 But according to the Washington Post, "six days after the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, President Bush signed a 2-and-a-half-page document" that "directed the Pentagon to begin planning military options for an invasion of Iraq." 9 This was corroborated by a September 2002 CBS News report which reported that, immediately after 9/11, Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld told "aides to come up with plans for striking Iraq." 10

LIE: Deputy National Security Adviser Stephen Hadley denied Clarke's charge that there was an imminent domestic threat against America from Al Qaeda, saying, "All the chatter [before 9/11] was of an attack, a potential Al Qaeda attack overseas." 11 But, according to the bipartisan Congressional report on 9/11, "In May 2001, the intelligence community obtained a report that Bin Laden supporters were planning to infiltrate the United States" to "carry out a terrorist operation using high explosives." The report "was included in an intelligence report for senior government officials in August [2001]." 12

LIE: Bush National Security spokesman Jim Wilkinson claimed that "it was this president who expedited the deployment of the armed Predator" (the unmanned plane) 13. But, according to Newsweek, it was the Bush Administration who "elected not to relaunch the Predator" and who did not deploy the new armed version of it despite "the military having successfully tested an armed Predator throughout the first half of 2001." 14

1. President Discusses Economy and Terrorism After Cabinet Meeting, 03/23/2004.
2. "August Memo Focused On Attacks in U.S.", Washington Post, 05/18/2002.
3. "Report Warned Of Suicide Hijackings", CBS News, 05/18/2002.
4. "Italy Tells of Threat at Genoa Summit", Los Angeles Times, 09/27/2001.
5. American Morning Transcript, 03/22/2004.
6. "Clarke's Take On Terror", CBS News, 03/21/2004.
7. "White House Rebuttal to Clarke Interview", Washington Post, 02/23/2004.
8. Press Briefing by Scott McClellan, 03/23/2004.
9. "U.S. Decision On Iraq Has Puzzling Past", Washington Post, 01/12/2003.
10. "Plans For Iraq Attack Began On 9/11", CBS News, 09/04/2002.
11. "Clarke's Take On Terror", CBS News, 03/21/2004.
12. Joint Inquiry of Intelligence Community Activities Before and After The Terrorist Attacks of September 11, 2001, 12/2002.
13. Fox News, 03/22/2004.
14. Freedom of Information Center, 05/27/2002.,

2:52 PM / Joseph Bosco / permalink

A "Shroud" of Secrecy In The Land of The Free...

Paul Krugman adds his considerable intellectual and wordsmanship skills on the "cult" of secrecy that has been a hallmark of Dubya's administration, dangerously so. This "restoration" oligarchy that is masquerading as the executive branch of the republic must be turned out of office while America still is a republic.
From the day it took office, U.S. News & World Report wrote a few months ago, the Bush administration "dropped a shroud of secrecy" over the federal government. After 9/11, the administration's secretiveness knew no limits — Americans, Ari Fleischer ominously warned, "need to watch what they say, watch what they do." Patriotic citizens were supposed to accept the administration's version of events, not ask awkward questions.

But something remarkable has been happening lately: more and more insiders are finding the courage to reveal the truth on issues ranging from mercury pollution — yes, Virginia, polluters do write the regulations these days, and never mind the science — to the war on terror.

It's important, when you read the inevitable attempts to impugn the character of the latest whistle-blower, to realize just how risky it is to reveal awkward truths about the Bush administration. When Gen. Eric Shinseki told Congress that postwar Iraq would require a large occupation force, that was the end of his military career. When Ambassador Joseph Wilson IV revealed that the 2003 State of the Union speech contained information known to be false, someone in the White House destroyed his wife's career by revealing that she was a C.I.A. operative. And we now know that Richard Foster, the Medicare system's chief actuary, was threatened with dismissal if he revealed to Congress the likely cost of the administration's prescription drug plan.

The latest insider to come forth, of course, is Richard Clarke, George Bush's former counterterrorism czar and the author of the just-published "Against All Enemies."

On "60 Minutes" on Sunday, Mr. Clarke said the previously unsayable: that Mr. Bush, the self-proclaimed "war president," had "done a terrible job on the war against terrorism." After a few hours of shocked silence, the character assassination began. He "may have had a grudge to bear since he probably wanted a more prominent position," declared Dick Cheney, who also says that Mr. Clarke was "out of the loop." (What loop? Before 9/11, Mr. Clarke was the administration's top official on counterterrorism.) It's "more about politics and a book promotion than about policy," Scott McClellan said.

Of course, Bush officials have to attack Mr. Clarke's character because there is plenty of independent evidence confirming the thrust of his charges.

Did the Bush administration ignore terrorism warnings before 9/11? Justice Department documents obtained by the Center for American Progress, a liberal think tank, show that it did. Not only did John Ashcroft completely drop terrorism as a priority — it wasn't even mentioned in his list of seven "strategic goals" — just one day before 9/11 he proposed a reduction in counterterrorism funds.

Did the administration neglect counterterrorism even after 9/11? After 9/11 the F.B.I. requested $1.5 billion for counterterrorism operations, but the White House slashed this by two-thirds. (Meanwhile, the Bush campaign has been attacking John Kerry because he once voted for a small cut in intelligence funds.)

Oh, and the next time terrorists launch an attack on American soil, they will find their task made much easier by the administration's strange reluctance, even after 9/11, to protect potential targets. In November 2001 a bipartisan delegation urged the president to spend about $10 billion on top-security priorities like ports and nuclear sites. But Mr. Bush flatly refused.

Finally, did some top officials really want to respond to 9/11 not by going after Al Qaeda, but by attacking Iraq? Of course they did. "From the very first moments after Sept. 11," Kenneth Pollack told "Frontline," "there was a group of people, both inside and outside the administration, who believed that the war on terrorism . . . should target Iraq first." Mr. Clarke simply adds more detail.

Still, the administration would like you to think that Mr. Clarke had base motives in writing his book. But given the hawks' dominance of the best-seller lists until last fall, it's unlikely that he wrote it for the money. Given the assumption by most political pundits, until very recently, that Mr. Bush was guaranteed re-election, it's unlikely that he wrote it in the hopes of getting a political job. And given the Bush administration's penchant for punishing its critics, he must have known that he was taking a huge personal risk.

So why did he write it? How about this: Maybe he just wanted the public to know the truth.
The New York Times

12:22 AM / Joseph Bosco / permalink

Wednesday, March 24, 2004

"The Canary in the Coalmine"; Robert Boorstin on Richard Clarke

To further counter the reverse and dirty "spin" Shrub & Twigs are trying so very hard to apply to Mr. Clarke, I am pointing you to a fine piece written by Robert O. Boorstin:
In his new book, "Against All Enemies," Dick Clarke – the former national coordinator for security, infrastructure protection and counterterrorism - gives the straight story about what was going on in the Bush White House before and after Sept. 11, 2001. It is not a pretty picture.
Read it all...

8:22 PM / Joseph Bosco / permalink

It's About Lying, Stupid...And Then Lying Some More

The Center for American Progress, formed only last year by John Podesta, has quickly become one of the most effective progressive think-tanks and a much needed source of information on social justice issues that a lot of folks want to hide from a lot of other folks. As regular readers of these pages know, it is a must stop for me in my daily web journeys.

Today you are going to get a double dose of their work--groundbreaking work of late, scooping some of the biggest news organizations in the business as you will note below. They are detirmined not to let this Bush get away with what he and his family have been getting away with for at least 8 decades, lying publicly about almost everything they do--that's right, 80 years,plus; there will be more on that another day.

White House Tailspin

One day after counterterrorism expert Richard Clarke's well-documented criticism of the Bush Administration's lackadaisical attitude towards terrorism, the White House is deploying top officials in a vicious barrage of personal attacks on a man with 30 years of public service under four Presidents. The attacks reveal the vicious tactics this Administration uses to intimidate and threaten truth-tellers, but is so filled with inconsistencies, contradictions and lies that it actually bolsters Clarke's credibility. As Sen. Chuck Hagel (R-NE) said, "This is a serious book written by a serious professional who's made serious charges, and the White House must respond to these charges" – something that, despite the personal attacks, the White House has not yet done. See American Progress's full rundown of the Administration's distortions yesterday, and internal Justice Department/FBI documents substantiating Clarke's claims. Also, see American Progress National Security Policy Director Bob Boorstin's new column.

LIE – CLARKE NEVER VOICED HIS CONCERNS: National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice claimed that Clarke "chose not to" voice his concerns about the Administration's counterterrorism policy, or lack thereof. But the White House itself acknowledges Clarke sent a memo to Rice on 1/24/01 marked "urgent" asking for a Cabinet-level meeting to deal with an impending al Qaeda attack, and that top officials rejected Clarke's request, saying they "did not need to have a formal meeting to discuss the threat." Of course, Rice is the same person who denied ever being warned about putting the false uranium claim into the 2003 State of the Union Speech. When her dishonesty was exposed, she claimed, "I either didn't see the memo [or] I don't remember seeing the memo" from the CIA.

LIE – THERE WAS NO DOMESTIC THREAT: Deputy National Security Adviser Stephen Hadley – the same man who ignored CIA orders to remove false uranium claims from the President's pre-war State of the Union – defended the Administration by saying, "All the chatter [before 9/11] was of an attack, a potential Al Qaeda attack overseas." But according to page 204 of the bipartisan 9/11 congressional report, "In May 2001, the intelligence community obtained a report that Bin Laden supporters were planning to infiltrate the United States" to "carry out a terrorist operation using high explosives." The report "was included in an intelligence report for senior government officials in August [2001]." In the same month, the Pentagon found out that bin Laden associates "had departed various locations for Canada, the United Kingdom, and the United States."

LIE – BUSH "EXPEDITED" ARMING OF PREDATOR: On Fox's Hannity and Colmes, Bush National Security spokesman Jim Wilkinson called Clarke's accusations a "work of fiction," and said the Bush Administration was focused on terror before 9/11. As proof, he claimed "it was this president who expedited the deployment of the armed Predator" (the unmanned plane). But according to Newsweek, it was the Bush Administration which "elected not to relaunch the Predator" and threatened to veto the defense bill if it "diverted $800 million from missile defense into counterterrorism" programs like the Predator. As a result, AP reports, "though Predator drones spotted Osama bin Laden as many as three times in late 2000, the Bush administration did not fly the unmanned planes over Afghanistan during its first eight months." While "the military successfully tested an armed Predator throughout the first half of 2001," the Bush Administration failed to resolve a bureaucratic "debate over whether the CIA or Pentagon should operate" the system, and it did not get off the ground before 9/11.

SLANDER – CLARKE IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL TERRORIST ATTACKS: One of the most odious charges from the White House yesterday was that Clarke was personally responsible for all previous al Qaeda attacks against America. National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice – who oversaw the worst national security failure in American history and yet refuses to testify publicly about it – said, "what's very interesting is that, of course, Dick Clarke was the counterterrorism czar in 1998 when the embassies were bombed. He was the counterterrorism czar in 2000 when the Cole was bombed. He was the counterterrorism czar for a period of the '90s when al Qaeda was strengthening and when the plots that ended up in September 11 were being hatched." Vice President Cheney echoed the very same criticism on Rush Limbaugh's radio show. Rice and Cheney conveniently ignored the President's own "buck stops here" declaration and desire for a "culture of personal responsibility": Both refused to mention that they were Clarke's bosses in the lead up to 9/11, and that they ignored Clarke's repeated efforts to get the Administration to take terrorism more seriously. They also failed to elucidate why, if Clarke's record was so terrible, they called him an "outstanding public servant" and decided to keep him on board at the White House.

CONTRADICTION – WE TOOK TERROR SERIOUSLY, BUT DOWNGRADED TERRORISM: Top Bush officials claimed Clarke's criticism was not credible because, as Vice President Cheney said, Clarke "was out of the loop" after the White House counterterrorism office was downgraded from the top position it occupied under previous Administrations. But this attack implicitly acknowledges that counterterrorism was downgraded as a priority at the White House, and thus disproves the Administration's claims that it was taking terrorism seriously before 9/11. And such downgrading is consistent with other internal Administration documents. As columnist Paul Krugman notes, before 9/11 not only did the Administration "completely drop terrorism as a priority — it wasn't even mentioned in his list of seven 'strategic goals' — just one day before 9/11 it proposed a reduction in counterterrorism funds."

CONTRADICTION – WE TOOK TERROR SERIOUSLY, BUT TASK FORCE NEVER MET: Vice President Cheney claimed "a process was in motion throughout the spring" to develop a "more effective" terrorism policy – an allusion to the counterterrorism task force he was asked to head in May. But, while Cheney convened his energy task force at least 10 times (and had 6 other meetings with Enron executives), he never once convened the counterterrorism task force. Similarly, White House Communications Director Dan Bartlett claimed, "President Bush understood the threat of terrorism when he took office." But when pressed to prove this claim in the face of Cheney's task force negligence and internal documents proving otherwise, Bartlett could only muster, "George Tenet personally briefed [the President about terrorism] every single morning."
That was today's, March 23 UNDER THE RADAR--actually, in China, March 24--from the Center for American Progress. But since everything is so fluid and topsy-turvy--to watch the 9/11 Commission Hearings, I have to stay up all night, give my Media & Foreign Policy lectures in the day time, and write in between it all--I am posting the March 22 UNDER THE RADAR below, for one continuous stream that will help as we all watch the hearings at the same time (I doze a moment or two here and there, I am all too human).


Warnings Ignored

Richard Clarke, a Reagan appointee who was the government's top counterterrorism expert under President Clinton and President George W. Bush, [yesterday] on 60 Minutes said the Bush Administration "failed to act prior to September 11 on the threat from al Qaeda despite repeated warnings." The assertion is fully substantiated by newly revealed internal FBI and Justice Department documents that were published today on the Center for American Progress website. As the documents and a companion American Progress backgrounder show, the Bush Administration received repeated warnings that an Al Qaeda attack was imminent, yet underfunded and subordinated counterterrorism in the months leading up to 9/11, and after. The Administration has defended itself by claiming it set up a counter-terrorism task force in May of 2001 ? but the task force never actually met. Meanwhile, the Administration "downgraded terrorism as a priority" and ended such key counterterrorism efforts as the "highly classified program to monitor Al Qaeda suspects in the United States." Among the victims of the Administration's "downgrading of terrorism as a priority" was "a highly classified program to monitor Al Qaeda suspects in the United States," which the White House suspended in the months leading up to 9/11.

EVEN AFTER 9/11, STILL CUTTING COUNTERTERRORISM: Clarke said the President was improperly attempting to "harvest a political windfall" from 9/11 even though he has taken "insufficient steps after the attacks" to secure America. Again, Clarke's assertion is backed up by the record. As the WP reports on the new documents released by American Progress, "in the early days after the Sept. 11 attacks, the Bush White House cut by nearly two-thirds an emergency request for counterterrorism funds by the FBI." When congressional Democrats sponsored amendments to substantially increase this funding, the President threatened to veto them, and they were voted down.

9/11 USED AS MEANS TO ATTACK IRAQ: Clarke charged the Administration began making plans to attack Iraq on 9/11, despite evidence the terror attack had been engineered by Al Qaeda. And though Administration officials are now denying it, Clarke's assertion is consistent with earlier reports. CBS News reported on 9/4/02 that five hours after the 9/11 attacks, "Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld was telling his aides to come up with plans for striking Iraq -- even though there was no evidence linking Saddam Hussein to the attacks." Similarly, then-Secretary of Treasury Paul O'Neill said the Administration "was planning to invade Iraq long before the Sept. 11 attacks and used questionable intelligence to justify the war." When the Administration denied O'Neill's charges, ABC News reported that his account was confirmed by another White House source.

CONSERVATIVES STILL CLAIMING SADDAM-AL QAEDA TIES: Clarke's elaboration on how the Administration immediately focused on Iraq instead of Al Qaeda has moved conservatives to a new level of dishonesty. As an American Progress video shows, Sen. Arlen Specter (R-PA) claimed yesterday that "the Bush administration never made any claim that there was a connection between Saddam and al Qaeda." (See the full transcript and video). But it was President Bush and Vice President Cheney who repeatedly told the American public that there was "no question" Saddam and Al Qaeda were connected. Those claims were never substantiated, and have now been proven completely false.

SHIFTING THE BLAME: Vice President Cheney and National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice have criticized (without proof) the Administration's opponents for supposedly wanting to treat counterterrorism as a simple law enforcement matter. But as Newsweek notes, it was the Bush Administration who was most guilty of such shortsightedness: Despite repeated terror warnings before 9/11 and urging by the Clinton Administration to focus on Al Qaeda, the Administration "placed more emphasis on drug trafficking and gun violence" than on counterterrorism. The Newsweek story is substantiated by the record: look at this internal document outlining how the Clinton Administration made counterterrorism the "Tier One" priority. Now look at this internal document in which Attorney General Ashcroft highlighted his new goals -- none of which were counterterrorism. Ashcroft was trying to downgrade counterterrorism and re-prioritize traditional "law enforcement."

RICE ATTACKS COME AS SHE HIDES: While Rice continues her attacks, she has "repeatedly declined" to appear publicly before the 9/11 commission to answer questions raised by Clarke and others. As AP reports, the commission issued a formal statement saying "Rice should tell the public what she knows." But, the Administration has fought any inquiry of 9/11 from the beginning. As Newsweek reported on 2/4/02, Vice President Cheney called Sen. Tom Daschle (D-SD) to "warn" him not to open hearings into the attacks. If Daschle pressed the issue, Cheney "implied he would risk being accused of interfering with the mission" against terrorism. For the next several months the White House opposed the creation of the independent commission, attempted to drain its funding after it was created, and tried to limit the amount of time top officials would spend with the panel.

WHITE HOUSE RESPONDS BY MAKING FALSE ATTACKS: The Administration responded to Clarke not by addressing the facts, but by attacking his credibility. Deputy National Security Adviser Stephen Hadley ? the same man who helped insert the false uranium claim into the President's pre-war State of the Union - claimed one conversation between Clarke and the President never happened. In fact, "two people who were present confirmed Clarke's account. They said national security adviser Condoleezza Rice witnessed the exchange."
Center for American Progress

8:03 PM / Joseph Bosco / permalink Is A Winner...At Making Dubya A Loser is a website that all people who wish to see regime change in America--by ballot--should have on their read-every-day list. You learn about another Shrub & Twigs lie or public policy double-cross every day--and every item is sourced, cited and footnoted, making it great for journalists and bloggers. I was tipped to it by my lovely wife, Ellen Sander, the author and proprietor of the Crackpot Chronicles. Today's Bush public policy betrayal is below:
Bush Allows Gays to Be Fired for Being Gay

Despite President Bush's pledge that homosexuals "ought to have the same rights" 1 as all other people, his Administration this week ruled that homosexuals can now be fired from the federal workforce because of their sexual orientation.

According to the Federal Times, the president's appointee at the Office of Special Counsel ruled that federal employees will now "have no recourse if they are fired or demoted simply for being gay." 2 While the Bush Administration says it is legally prohibited from firing a person for their conduct, they have the legal right to fire or demote someone based on their sexual orientation. To carry out the directive, the White House has begun removing information from government websites about sexual orientation discrimination in the workplace. 3

Not only does the new directive contradict the president's own promise to treat homosexuals as equals under the law, but it also contradicts what the Administration told Congress. As noted in a bipartisan letter from four Senators to the Administration, "During the confirmation process [of the president's appointee], you assured us that you were committed to protecting federal employees against unlawful discrimination related to their sexual orientation." 4


1. Debates, 10/11/2000.
2."OSC to study whether bias law covers gays", Federal Times, 03/15/2004.
3. "Gay Rights Information Taken Off Site", Washington Post, 02/18/2004.
4. "Special Counsel Under Scrutiny", Washington Post, 02/23/2004.

5:08 PM / Joseph Bosco / permalink

Dubya, Cheney, Rumsfeld: Busted!

The proof of the level of mendacious duplicity and total lack of character by the dynastic "restoration" oligarchs that are now ruling America comes to us through the diligence of The Center For American Progress.
9/11: Internal Government Documents Show How the Bush Administration Reduced Counterterrorism

March 22, 2004

Backgrounder: TRUTH & CONSEQUENCES, The Bush Administration and September 11

Download: DOC, RTF, PDF

Since September 11, President Bush and his supporters have repeatedly intimated that many of the President's political opponents are soft on terrorism. In his State of the Union address, the President declared: "We can go forward with confidence and resolve, or we can turn back to the dangerous illusion that terrorists are not plotting and outlaw regimes are no threat to us." In comments aimed at those who seek changes in the Patriot Act, Attorney General John Ashcroft said: "Your tactics only aid terrorists." One recent ad asserts, "Some call for us to retreat, putting our national security in the hands of others."

But the real story is far different, as the following internal Department of Justice (DoJ) documents obtained by the Center for American Progress demonstrate. The Bush Administration actually reversed the Clinton Administration's strong emphasis on counterterrorism and counterintelligence. Attorney General John Ashcroft not only moved aggressively to reduce DoJ's anti-terrorist budget but also shift DoJ's mission in spirit to emphasize its role as a domestic police force and anti-drug force. These changes in mission were just as critical as the budget changes, with Ashcroft, in effect, guiding the day to day decisions made by field officers and agents. And all of this while the Administration was receiving repeated warnings about potential terrorist attacks.

PRE-SEPTEMBER 11 - Reno Makes Counterterrorism DoJ's Top Priority

5/8/98 – FBI Strategic Plan: Mission statement from internal FBI Strategic Plan dated 5/8/1998 in which the Tier One priority is counterterrorism. This document clearly proves that the FBI under the previous Administration was making counterterrorism its highest priority. As the document states "Foreign intelligence, terrorist, and criminal activities that directly threaten the national or economic security...To succeed we must develop and implement a proactive, nationally directed program." ...
There is so much more of this ugly truth at the Center for American Progress

1:10 AM / Joseph Bosco / permalink

You Must Read: "The Lie Factory"

In the world of serious journalism, particularly investigative journalism concerning burning issues of social justice, the non-profit bi-monthly, Mother Jones, has very few peers. Perhaps only The Atlantic, Harper's, and often, The New Yorker, carries the imprimatur of integrity among both writers and discerning readers of journalism-in-depth as does Mother Jones.

Why do I give you this insider's assessment of the finest magazines known for the highest standards of periodical journalism? I do this because I am beseeching you to read one of the most important articles you will have an opportunity to read this year, on an issue that has direct implications for the nature of the future of this nation: Indeed the issue is whether our future will remain that of a free people with a government responsible to the will of the governed, or whether we will succumb to an oligarchy that will rule over us carrying out only the wishes of their own peculiarly elite self-interests and personal ideologies.

High-flown words indeed, I know. Think me to be crying "wolf," or that the "sky is falling"? Or guilty of unfounded hyperbole for the sake of presidential politics? Then call me on it. Start reading, if you are not drawn in by a level of truth that you find compelling, then pass on your way and mark me off as a willy-nilly alarmist.

But please give it a moment of your time; simply put, the future of our free nation is at stake. The article, "The Lie Factory" is accompanied by an illustration, "The Intelligence Chain," that will assist your reading of a story that, quite frankly, is almost too incredible to believe, with a structure worthy of a Ludlum novel:
The Intelligence Chain

Illustration by Nigel Holmes

Shortly after 9/11, the Pentagon established a secret intelligence unit to build the case against Iraq. The unit's members -- many of whom were recruited from neoconservative think tanks, primarily the American Enterprise Institute and the Project for the New American Century -- funneled faulty information up the chain of command, often all the way to the White House. By early 2002, the unit had been incorporated into the Defense Department's Office of Special Plans.
The Lie Factory

By Robert Dreyfuss and Jason Vest

January/February 2004 Issue
Until now, the story of how the Bush administration produced its wildly exaggerated estimates of the threat posed by Iraq has never been revealed in full. But, for the first time, a detailed investigation by Mother Jones, based on dozens of interviews -- some on the record, some with officials who insisted on anonymity -- exposes the workings of a secret Pentagon intelligence unit and of the Defense Department's war-planning task force, the Office of Special Plans. It's the story of a close-knit team of ideologues who spent a decade or more hammering out plans for an attack on Iraq and who used the events of September 11, 2001, to set it into motion.
It's a crisp fall day in western Virginia, a hundred miles from Washington, D.C., and a breeze is rustling the red and gold leaves of the Shenandoah hills. On the weather-beaten wood porch of a ramshackle 90-year-old farmhouse, at the end of a winding dirt-and-gravel road, Lt. Colonel Karen Kwiatkowski is perched on a plastic chair, wearing shorts, a purple sweatshirt, and muddy sneakers. Two scrawny dogs and a lone cat are on the prowl, and the air is filled with swarms of ladybugs.

So far, she says, no investigators have come knocking. Not from the Central Intelligence Agency, which conducted an internal inquiry into intelligence on Iraq, not from the congressional intelligence committees, not from the president's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board. All of those bodies are ostensibly looking into the Bush administration's prewar Iraq intelligence, amid charges that the White House and the Pentagon exaggerated, distorted, or just plain lied about Iraq's links to Al Qaeda terrorists and its possession of nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons. In her hands, Kwiatkowski holds several pieces of the puzzle. Yet she, along with a score of other career officers recently retired or shuffled off to other jobs, has not been approached by anyone.

Kwiatkowski, 43, a now-retired Air Force officer who served in the Pentagon's Near East and South Asia (NESA) unit in the year before the invasion of Iraq, observed how the Pentagon's Iraq war-planning unit manufactured scare stories about Iraq's weapons and ties to terrorists. "It wasn't intelligence‚ -- it was propaganda," she says. "They'd take a little bit of intelligence, cherry-pick it, make it sound much more exciting, usually by taking it out of context, often by juxtaposition of two pieces of information that don't belong together." It was by turning such bogus intelligence into talking points for U.S. officials‚ -- including ominous lines in speeches by President Bush and Vice President Cheney, along with Secretary of State Colin Powell's testimony at the U.N. Security Council last February‚ -- that the administration pushed American public opinion into supporting an unnecessary war. ...
Please read on for the sake of the future of the republic as we know it; and, yes, I am dead serious:

12:47 AM / Joseph Bosco / permalink

Monday, March 22, 2004

Coming Full Cycle In The Taiwan Strait

(Xiamen, P.R. China) "It's so close!" the Xiada post-graduate student said excitedly, gaily, of the little island inhabited only by men with guns and binoculars. She was right; it had taken less than 45 minutes to chug slowly out of Lundu Harbor and then traverse some 3 kilometers to Little Jinmen, the closest territory to the mainland still under Taiwanese control. And as tour boat 007 made two slow passes across its southwestern shoreline it all seemed close enough to touch: The steel and reinforced concrete defenses that bristled from every inch of the rocks, cliffs and narrow beaches of this still living relic—shrine, perhaps—to geopolitical irrationality.

"Wave hello to the soldiers," the tour guide said over the loudspeaker.

"There is one!" Someone yelled, as if spotting a celebrity.

"Where?" Someone else cried out. Soon it was a chorus: "There!" "Over there!" "I see them!" "There are two of them!" "Yes!" "They're all over!"

"The soldiers—they're watching us watch them," with binoculars to my eyes, I quietly said to Yang Jie, my student and invaluable assistant from the English Department of Xiamen University. She nodded silently, taking it all in—the surrealism of the ominous island set in the middle of a peaceful bay, the dead-serious KMT soldiers, but especially our disparate boat companions and their reactions to it all.

For all of them it was just a fun boat ride, a festive Sunday afternoon excursion to a place of anachronistic curiosity provided by Mr. Lin Yong Qing, the proprietor of the Wonderful English Chatting Pub in Xiamen. This activity was the first of many bilingual, bicultural events he has planned to promote good will between his patrons.

"It's too close," the post-graduate student said.

"Close? Yes, but also so very, very far," I said quietly into the wind. How could I explain that for me it was a trip that had begun almost 50 years ago and spanned many thousands of miles. How could I explain that though I had never been there before, it had changed my life—that in the course of that short boat ride my life had come full cycle?

How could she understand that what happened there almost fifty years ago could have so affected a middle-aged Loawai from Ocean Springs, Mississippi, USA? Jie knew, of course, which was why she was also carefully watching me along with her keen observations of the enveloping spectacle.

I would have had to explain that the words I had whispered into the wind were words to my long dead father, who at that moment was once again at my side—and only a fool would try to explain such a thing to a stranger.

Frank A. Bosco, my father, was a writer, a scientist, a thinker, but above all, a teacher. Fifty years ago, when a little boy, on a black and white television set, the first one in the neighborhood, watched the flickering images of real bombs and real artillery shells exploding on islands then known as Quemoy, Amoy, Matsu, and wanted to know why, his father cared enough to tell the truth, starting a process that continued until he passed from this world some twenty years later.

He explained the truth, not the slogans popular with many men in the United States government he worked for. It was the same kind of truth that often got him into trouble, and occasioned more than a few concerns for the well-being of our family. He particularly explained why the most populous nation on Earth, the oldest, continuously governed and civilized nation in the history of nations, should not only be allowed to join the UN, but also to determine its own fate free of interference.

And every night during those months in 1954-55, and again in 1958-59, when the events of Quemoy and Amoy led the nightly TV newscasts in America with dire predictions of World War III, even of nuclear holocaust, he truthfully answered more questions, and suggested where together we could find answers to questions he could not answer: Books, first from his library, and when those were consumed, every public library within range of a curious, growing mind.

That was the beginning of a life-long dedication to objective, intellectual curiosity, fairness, and truth—even as perpetually elusive as it will always be. It was also the beginning of my life-long admiration for the People's Republic of China and the Chinese people. It is why I spent my first year teaching in China at Xiada, and not Fudan, or Zhejiang University, or Tsinghua, or any of the other great schools in China that offered me and my wife a position. I came here, to Xiamen, old Amoy, where for me it really all began.

"Wave goodbye," the tour guide, speaking of the Taiwanese soldiers, said over the loudspeaker as 007 revved its engines and turned towards Xiamen.

"It's so close, I don't understand why we don't just take it back," the Xiada post-graduate student said rather blandly considering the complex enormity of what she was suggesting.

Pierre, a young man from France working here in Xiamen because of the scarcity of good jobs back in his country, and Kent, a young man from California here teaching oral English, had already lost any interest they might have had for the opportunity to see the "Front Lines" of the Taiwan issue—happily for all of us they were talking about more important things: the economy, dating, the value of learning about life in another country, another culture, than their own.


5:47 PM / Joseph Bosco / permalink

Is it "Florida" With Chinese Characteristics?

Haven't we seen this movie before? Will a court whose members were all appointed by the candidate with the infinitesimal lead in votes decide who wins the election? Apparently we are having success remaking nations in our image.
TAIPEI, Taiwan, Monday, March 22 — Leaders of Taiwan's opposition Nationalist Party on Sunday demanded a court-supervised recount and an investigation into the presidential election they lost a day earlier and threatened to keep supporters in the streets until their demands were met.

But the administration of President Chen Shui-bian rebuffed the demand for an investigation and said any decision on a recount would have to work its way through the judicial system. In a sign of public anxiety, Taiwan's stock market fell nearly 7 percent Monday morning.

Lien Chan, the Nationalist candidate who lost the election to President Chen by less than a quarter of a percentage point of the vote, said in an interview on Sunday evening that he wanted an immediate recount. He also called for an investigation by international medical and ballistics experts into the unusual shooting incident in which President Chen was wounded Friday afternoon, touching off a national surge of sympathy.

But Mr. Lien went on to say that he would respect whatever decision might be reached by this island's judiciary system. He added that he hoped and expected that the political dispute would not draw in Taiwan's military, which is still led mainly by generals with Nationalist leanings who made their careers during four decades of martial law up to 1987. ...

Mr. Lien said the United States, which has not yet recognized President Chen as the winner, should be concerned about events in Taiwan because they could affect the island's political stability and make it more susceptible to pressure from Beijing, which regards Taiwan as part of China and has criticized Mr. Chen as promoting a separatist agenda. Mr. Lien said, "If the process of democratization here in Taiwan is being undermined or corrupted, the international community, including the United States, should be concerned."

His willingness to accept a court decision is important because late last year President Chen replaced all 15 members of the Council of Grand Justices, when the terms of the previous justices expired.

President Chen won by fewer than 30,000 votes. Mr. Lien complained that the president had put the military and the police on alert late Friday after the incident in which the skin of the president's abdomen was torn by what Mr. Chen's aides described as a bullet that ended up between his skin and his clothing.

Mr. Lien estimated that the nationwide alert prevented 200,000 military and police personnel from voting on Saturday, and said that the military and police usually vote for the Nationalists. Of 13.3 million votes cast, about 337,000 were declared invalid. That was nearly three times as many as in the previous presidential election, an increase that Mr. Lien cited as suspicious. ...

President Chen trailed in most polls before Friday, but appeared to gain a surge of sympathy after he received his wound. The injury occurred as Mr. Chen was riding in a motorcade through his hometown, Tainan, in southern Taiwan.

Nobody in the crowd or the president's guard has publicly acknowledged seeing a gun or hearing any gunshots on Friday. But the celebratory fireworks that greeted Mr. Chen just as he was wounded could have drowned out even loud noises.
The New York Times

11:46 AM / Joseph Bosco / permalink

No Longer Any Doubt: Dubya, Cheney & Rummy Are Not Only Liars, They Are Dangerously Vengeful and Out of Control

Richard Clarke, sometimes referred to as Washington's counter-terrorism czar, a 30-year civil servant who served under 7 presidents--he was Bush's counter-terrorism coordinator from the beginning of his administration--has blown what credibility Shrub & Twigs still had into extinction. This story is so important and fluid in its explosion onto the web tonight, we will post excerpts from three sources below. The first up is from The Independent

Donald Rumsfeld, the US Secretary of Defence, urged President Bush to consider bombing Iraq almost immediately after the 11 September 2001 terrorist attacks on New York and Washington, says a former senior aide.

Richard Clarke, the White House counter-terrorism coordinator at the time, has revealed details of a meeting the day after the attacks during which officials considered the US response. Already, he said, they were certain al-Qa'ida was to blame and there was no hint of Iraqi involvement. "Rumsfeld was saying we needed to bomb Iraq," Mr Clarke said. "We all said, 'No, no, al-Qa'ida is in Afghanistan.'"

But Mr Clarke, who is expected to testify on Tuesday before a federal panel reviewing the attacks, said Mr Rumsfeld complained in the meeting that "there aren't any good targets in Afghanistan and there are lots of good targets in Iraq." A spokesman for Mr Rumsfeld last night said he could not comment immediately.

Mr Clarke makes the assertion in a book, Against All Enemies, published tomorrow. In an interview for CBS's "60 Minutes" tonight he says he believes the administration sought to link Iraq with the attacks because of a long-standing interest in overthrowing Saddam Hussein. "I think they wanted to believe that there was a connection" between Iraq and the al-Qa'ida attacks in the US, he says. "There's absolutely no evidence that Iraq was supporting al-Qa'ida."

Mr Clarke also criticised Mr Bush for now promoting his efforts against terrorism."Frankly, I find it outrageous that the President is running for re-election on the grounds that he's done such great things about terrorism," he told CBS. "He ignored terrorism for months."
The Independent

Now we will quote excerpts from Clarke's interview on "60 Minutes," courtesy of A Moveable Beast since CBS is blocked here in China:
"I find it outrageous that the President is running for re-election on the grounds that he's done such great things about terrorism. He ignored it. He ignored terrorism for months, when maybe we could have done something to stop 9/11. Maybe. We'll never know." ...

"Rumsfeld was saying that we needed to bomb Iraq," Clarke said to Stahl. "And we all said ... 'no, no. Al-Qaeda is in Afghanistan. We need to bomb Afghanistan.' And Rumsfeld said 'there aren't any good targets in Afghanistan. And there are lots of good targets in Iraq.' I said, 'Well, there are lots of good targets in lots of places, but Iraq had nothing to do with it.'"

"Initially, I thought when he said 'There aren't enough targets in-- in Afghanistan' I thought he was joking.

"I think they wanted to believe that there was a connection but the CIA was sitting there, the FBI was sitting there, I was sitting there saying we've looked at this issue for years. For years we've looked and there's just no connection."

Now we will excerpt portions of an article from the Washington Post.
Richard A. Clarke, the former White House counterterrorism coordinator, accuses the Bush administration of failing to recognize the al Qaeda threat before the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks and then manipulating the nation into war with Iraq with dangerous consequences.

He accuses President Bush of doing "a terrible job on the war against terrorism."

Clarke, who is expected to testify Tuesday before a federal panel reviewing the attacks, writes in a book going on sale Monday that Bush and his Cabinet were preoccupied during the early months of his presidency with some of the same Cold War issues that his father's administration had faced.

"It was as though they were preserved in amber from when they left office eight years earlier," Clarke told CBS for an interview tonight on "60 Minutes."

CBS's corporate parent, Viacom Inc., owns Simon & Schuster, publisher of Clarke's book, "Against All Enemies: Inside the White House's War on Terror -- What Really Happened."

Clarke acknowledges that, "there's a lot of blame to go around, and I probably deserve some blame, too." He said he wrote to national security adviser Condoleezza Rice on Jan. 24, 2001, asking "urgently" for a Cabinet-level meeting "to deal with the impending al Qaeda attack." Months later, in April, Clarke met with departmental deputy secretaries, and the conversation turned to Iraq.

"I'm sure I'll be criticized for lots of things, and I'm sure they'll launch their dogs on me," Clarke said. "But, frankly, I find it outrageous that the president is running for reelection on the grounds that he's done such great things about terrorism. He ignored it. He ignored terrorism for months, when maybe we could have done something."
Washington Post

2:40 AM / Joseph Bosco / permalink

Sunday, March 21, 2004

"Many justices have reached this court precisely because they were friends of the incumbent president"

The title of this post is a direct quote from a legal brief written by Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia explaining why he will not recuse himself from a pending Cheney the Great case before the court. It is an astonishingly candid explanation of how one gets appointed to the highest court in the land and sheds much light on why Scalia put his duck-hunting buddy and Dubya into their present positions as the Men Most Dangerous to the American Way of Life by one admittedly "friendly" vote--as UNICO Italian-American of the Year, 1997, I am ashamed that Scalia is an Italian-American.

I am delighted, however, that Maureen Dowd takes that quote, and many others from the less than erudite justice's writing, and turns them around to skewer and roast him with every word.
That incandescent intellect, the Stephen Hawking of jurisprudence, has been kind enough to take time from his busy schedule to explain to us how the Republic really works.

Antonin Scalia has devoted 21 pages to illuminating the impertinence of those who suggest that it is wrong for a Supreme Court justice to take favors from a friend with a case before the court.

Res ipsa loquitur, baby. Why should the justice who put Dick Cheney in the White House stop helping him now? It's the logrolling, stupid!

"Many justices have reached this court precisely because they were friends of the incumbent president or other senior officials," the justice sniffs.

That elite old boy network can really help in those dicey moments when you need to stop the wrong sort, like Al Gore, from getting ahead.

You don't stop ingratiating yourself with your powerful friends and accepting "social courtesies" from them just because you get on the court. Ingratitude is a terrible vice.

Anyway, what's the point of being in the ultimate insiders' club if you have to fly coach, eat at IHOP and follow silly rules on conflict of interest?

Justice Scalia proffers that while he accepted the vice president's offer of a ride on Air Force Two to Louisiana for a duck hunting trip, taking along his son and son-in-law, there was no quid pro quack. "I never hunted in the same blind as the vice president," he says. No need for justice to be blind when the blinds are just.

Not since Tony Soprano discovered ducks in his swimming pool have ducks revealed so much about the man.

The justice elucidates that if he and his family had not accepted a free ride on Air Force Two, there would have been "considerable inconvenience" to his other friends, who would have had to meet a commercial plane in New Orleans and arrange car and boat trips to the hunting camp.

What is integrity compared to inconvenience?

"I daresay that, at a hypothetical charity auction, much more would be bid for dinner for two at the White House than for a one-way flight to Louisiana on the vice president's jet," he writes wittily. "Justices accept the former with regularity." Now there's an argument that requires a first-rate mind: Everybody does it.

Only a few casuistical steps away from parsing the meaning of "is," Justice Scalia writes that it is fine for him to be friends with Mr. Cheney and hear his case as long as it doesn't concern "the personal fortune or the personal freedom of the friend."

Holy Halliburton, whatever were we thinking?

The Sierra Club suit is against Mr. Cheney in his official capacity, not in his camouflage capacity.

"Political consequences are not my concern," says the justice. Unless, of course, it's about picking the president of the United States.

He reassures us that "Washington officials know the rules, and know that discussing with judges pending cases ? their own or anyone else's ? is forbidden." We must simply trust them, for they were bred to lead. Watching Mr. Cheney and Justice Scalia in action is all the proof one needs that Washington officials would never break the rules or engage in cronyism.

"If it is reasonable to think that a Supreme Court justice can be bought so cheap, the nation is in deeper trouble than I had imagined," the justice scoffs.

That's for sure.

Justice Scalia says, "The people must have confidence in the integrity of the justices, and that cannot exist in a system that assumes them to be corruptible by the slightest friendship or favor, in an atmosphere where the press will be eager to find foot-faults." He observes that it would be nonsensical for him to recuse himself simply because the press has the effrontery to point out when someone has done something wrong.

We, the press, are supposed to be the handmaidens and the manservants of our rulers. If we fulfilled our duties properly, our reports would go something like this:

In an admirable spirit of uncommon objectivity, in the pursuit of truth, justice and the American way, Associate Justice Scalia made time to poke around in the marshes of Louisiana with the equally scrupulous Dick Cheney, and then, refreshed by a well-deserved plane trip at our expense, he continued to transmit his enlightenment to a grateful nation.
The New York Times

8:06 PM / Joseph Bosco / permalink

Now We Have "Hackers" Entering The Taiwan Story

If the whole thing wasn't so monumentally serious, the goings on in Taiwan this weekend would be grist for high comedy, and surely a serial TV melodrama treatment. Now we have "hackers" getting into the act.
TAIPEI (Reuters) - Suspected Chinese hackers attacked a Taiwan finance ministry website after the island's elections and posted a protest against the victory of President Chen Shui-bian on the site, a Taiwan official said on Sunday.

The treasury bureau website was closed temporarily, Mark Wei, secretary general of the ministry, told Reuters.

"The website of the treasury bureau of the Ministry of Finance was attacked by Chinese hackers who put onto it some content related to the election," he said.

No other ministry websites were touched, he said.

The United Evening News said Chinese hackers had illegally entered the bureau's website and issued a statement that protested against Chen's victory and his espousal of a policy of Taiwan independence.


7:03 PM / Joseph Bosco / permalink

The "Magic" Bullet...?

Gracious, even Reuters is getting into the bizarre forensics of the Chen shooting and the disputed election that followed it by only hours. The article excerpted below, titled "Magic bullet knocks young Taiwan democracy off course" is most compelling, however, in its analysis of what it could mean to Chen's presidency if the election count holds. Interesting, very interesting.
TAIPEI (Reuters) - A single bullet decided Taiwan's presidential election, disabling the victor, opening up a crisis for the young democracy on an island riven by ethnic divisions and stalling reconciliation with China.

Just hours after surviving a shooting by an unidentified gunman, incumbent Chen Shui-bian scraped back into office by the narrowest margin ever for a Taiwan president but found his credibility in tatters after the failure of an election-day referendum that was the linchpin of his campaign.

Chen's legitimacy was questioned even before he was declared the winner. Nationalist challenger Lien Chan stunned Taiwan with a furious speech heavy with distrust of the electoral process, suspicions over the assassination attempt and demands for an immediate recount.

"This is a young democracy," said Kenneth Lieberthal of the University of Michigan.

"Its institutions are not yet strongly established and, if you have an election that is widely viewed by half the populace as having been stolen, it would bode very ill for political stability and for Taiwan's ability to manage the cross Strait relationship," he said. ...


After Friday's bullet gouged a wound in Chen's abdomen and struck the hearts of voters willing to give the incumbent their sympathy vote, the president faces the challenge of governing by a minuscule 0.2 percent margin of victory.

The view is widespread in Taiwan that the mysterious shooting means he may never be seen again as a legitimate leader.

"I think he realises that without the gunshot incident Lien may be president now, so now is the time for him to bring the country together," said Philip Yang of National Taiwan University.

Chen would now have to reach out to the other side, to the 50 percent of voters who did not vote for him, said Jean-Pierre Cabestan, political analyst at the French National Centre for Scientific Research

"He will have to tone down his ethnic policy, be less Taiwanese and unify the population," Cabestan said of the president whose campaign and whose unprecedented referendum fostered his image as a pro-independence son of Taiwan and not a more recent arrival from the mainland.
There is more at Reuters

6:43 PM / Joseph Bosco / permalink

Is Taiwan Even Ready For Democracy?

Only the second "democratic" election in Taiwan following almost half a century of a right-wing military dictatorship has resulted in an alleged assassination attempt, contested ballot counting, 300,000 votes invalidated by a commission whose political ties are with the incumbent, chaos and even street violence. There seems to be surprise at this turn of events in the west. It has occurred to me that Taiwan's 20th Century history may not be that well-known to readers in the west, particularly America, where any election that does not effect disposable family income, taxes, social security, and biblical scripture garners all the attention of a paint-drying competition.

Most westerners do not know that Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek and what was left of the Kuomintang party, his infamously corrupt, ideologically criminal regime, invaded a still World War II-ravaged Taiwan, methodically killed and suppressed the all but helpless indigenous population who had just been liberated by Allied forces from fifty years of brutal occupation by Japan, in preparation for his evacuation from mainland China when his imminent defeat by Mao Zedong's People's Liberation Army and the Chinese Communist Party became a reality. Then, in 1949, when his ignominious defeat was final, he and his family began to rule Taiwan in the same ruthless war-lord fashion that he had attempted--and at too many unfortunate times succeeded--to rule all of China during the longest revolution in modern world history (depnding upon when you start counting: 1911, when the last dynasty, the Qing, was overthrown, or 1927, when Chiang and the right-wing members of the KMT turned on their partners, the Chinese Communist Party, and started a whole-sale slaughter of leftists of all stripes--and their families--not just cadres of the sapling CCP).

The Chiang (and their in-law Soong) family and their militarist right-wing nationalists kept an iron-fisted control over Taiwan throughout the rest of the 20th Century. "Democracy" was only an illusion the Chiang's used to continue pacifying the Luce publishing empire in America, which more than any other single entity was responsible for Chiang's political and financial survival--other than the "Who lost China?" Birchers and McCarthyites in Washington--since his "house arrest" by the Communists at Yenan, China in 1937.

It wasn't until the dawning of the 21st Century that Taiwan was allowed to "elect" a government. In the area of "free elections" Taiwan's modern history isn't much better than the People's Republic of China. Apparently, they have a long way yet to go before they can be held up as an example of "democracy" in east Asia.

It is way too early to draw any conclusions about the turbulent election just held. However, as a crime reporter of many years, with an expertise in forensics, I will say without hesitation that the shooting of Chen and his vice president is indeed problematic if viewed solely as a hostile attempt to kill Mr. Chen. Everything about the wound itself, the condition of the bullet, the circumstances at the moment of the shooting, the silence on the part of investigators, and several other oddities, at the moment renders much "reasonable doubt" concerning the alleged assassination attempt.

Reasonable doubt is only that; it can change quickly if and when other evidence becomes known. However, at this moment, I do not believe that it is untoward to wonder if Taiwan is indeed a "Democracy" as we know the term in the west.

I am certain to have much vitriol sent my way over this post: so be it. I must use the investigative journalistic instincts and forensic training that I possess as I comment on a still very fluid and rapidly careening story.

The one thing I would urge above all else is to keep an open-mind regarding the election itself. As to my characterization of the modern history of Taiwan, and my question regarding Taiwan's example as a truly democratic state, that is fair game for rigorous debate now. And I welcome it.

TAIPEI, Taiwan -- Taiwan's presidential election plunged into turmoil today as the island's High Court ordered ballot boxes sealed hours after the opposition challenged President Chen Shui-bian's razor-thin victory.

A day after surviving an election-eve assassination attempt, Chen appeared Saturday to have won by a margin of just 29,000 of the nearly 13 million votes cast. But the results were immediately challenged by the opposition Nationalist Party, which demanded a recount of about 330,000 ballots declared invalid by the Central Election Commission -- a number 10 times Chen's margin of victory.

The court early today gave the Nationalists 15 days to provide evidence of their claims of irregularities. ...

Aside from challenging the vote count in the presidential race, the Nationalists contended that irregularities and a series of disputed, confused events leading up to the election undermined the legitimacy of the entire process, rendering the election invalid. They lodged formal legal complaints in three jurisdictions arguing that the results should be annulled.

"This is an unfair election," Nationalist candidate Lien Chan told stunned supporters at campaign headquarters in Taipei after the result was announced. "There are too many suspicious circumstances."

The chaotic developments, coupled with the shock and controversy swirling around Friday's assassination attempt, constitute a blow to what is widely considered one of the most successful, genuine and enthusiastic new democracies in Asia. Turnout for the presidential vote was an impressive 80%.

Emotions exploded into violence early today in the southern port city of Kaohsiung when a sound truck rammed the outer gates of a government building and about 400 Nationalist supporters protesting outside attacked riot police with sticks and rocks. After a police counterattack, the protesters lingered briefly before drifting away just before dawn.

Nationalist Party backers also broke down the outer gates to the public prosecutor's office in the central city of Taichung, while in Taipei, several hundred supporters were joined by candidate Lien and running mate James Soong in what turned into a noisy late-night vigil. Shortly before dawn, the two led their supporters to the presidential office, where the protest continued. ...

Nationalist Party officials have raised questions about Friday's shooting incident in the southern city of Tainan, in which Chen received a stomach flesh wound from a bullet, apparently fired from a crowd of onlookers as he traveled in an open-topped jeep. Vice President Annette Lu suffered a knee wound in the same attack.

No arrests have been made in connection with the shooting, and police have named no suspects.

Nationalist officials Saturday said they believed the attack may have been staged to generate sympathy votes -- ballots that might have been enough to give Chen his slim margin of victory. An independent legislator who once belonged to Chen's Democratic Progressive Party hinted late Friday in widely reported remarks that the attack had been carefully planned.

That legislator, Sisy Chen, maintained that hospital staff had been alerted Friday morning -- hours before the shooting -- that Chen would come to the facility. She also contended that Chen's hospital records had been tampered with and that the bullet retrieved from the president's stomach was a different caliber from the shell casings found at the scene.

The claims, immediately denied by hospital authorities, remained unsubstantiated, but they stirred emotions and helped stoke rumors of a conspiracy that had already begun to circulate through the Nationalist camp.

"We need the facts in yesterday's case," Nationalist Party spokesman Justin Chou said. "Did you see Chen this evening? He looked no different than he always looks. This is very suspicious."

Democratic Progressive official Chang said the party had done all it could to urge the police to press ahead with its investigation into the attack and could not be blamed for any lack of progress in the investigation.

"When the investigation has not even been completed yet, how can you use this to say the election is invalid?" Chang asked.

Chou also questioned Chen's vote total, noting that he had won the election yet lost two referendum questions closely associated with his candidacy. The Nationalists claimed that the questions in the referendum fell outside the legal jurisdiction of the island's new law on the subject.
There is more in the Los Angeles Times...

6:05 PM / Joseph Bosco / permalink

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