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I don't need to say that whatever you do, please stay polite and concise, do I? Monday, March 29, 2004
Atrios on bipartisanship: More generally, I think anyone who preaches the joys of bipartisanship is a fool who has little understanding of how American politics does and should work. Partisanship is a good thing. If the opening position is compromise then the public never receives a healthy debate over the merits of a particular policy. Sometimes I wonder if that's really what members of the Broder school of political analysis really want - to cut the pesky people out of the process. Atrios is quite right on this. The main complaint with politics in the Netherlands is, because no government can be formed other than as a coalition of parties, that there is no room for debate. Before the government has been formed the coalition partners will have negotiated a roadmap for their government and since each coalition will have a majoruty in parliament is is only rare that debate, let alone significant changes, are forced through. Posted 2:34 AM by Martin Wisse
Archy on domestic terrorism: Why has Byck been so absent from discussions of terror? Is it because it was thirty years ago? Byck's incompetent plot took place during the golden age of hijacking. Had he succeeded, he would have killed about four hundred people (and rather abruptly ended the Watergate crisis). Certainly, any discussion of hijacking, airport security, and the danger of airplanes as missiles should include our closest previous near miss. Is this just another one of those things that we can blame on the lack of historical sense among Americans? Or is it because Byck was a white American citizen. Just as Oklahoma City and other right-wing domestic terror rarely makes it into our public discussions of the current threat, do we exclude Byck from our historical memory simply because he wasn't Cuban or Palestinian? Posted 1:54 AM by Martin Wisse Friday, March 26, 2004
The AFL-CIO is holding a Show Us the Jobs tour, taking 51 people, each from every state plus Washington D.C. to look for where their jobs went. Naturally, these people blog their experience. Posted 3:28 AM by Martin Wisse Monday, March 22, 2004
Archy on the Bush administration's ongoing politicalisation of the civil service:
Posted 2:50 AM by Martin Wisse Saturday, March 13, 2004
Public Nuisance on the Bush administration's effectiveness int he War on Terra:
Posted 3:56 AM by Martin Wisse Tuesday, March 09, 2004
Ezra, you bitch: It is spectacularly unfortunate that the qualifications Andy demands from a President are a mere moderate hostility to homosexuals and an idiot savante-like reliance on the words "terrorism" and "Al-Qaeda". Don't put him in a concentration camp and repeat Osama Bin Laden's name like a Buddhist mantra and you've got the critical Sullivan endorsement. Ah Andy, can you do no better? Posted 1:35 PM by Martin Wisse Thursday, March 04, 2004
Calpundit gets cynical:
Posted 4:42 AM by Martin Wisse
Archy on the state of US politics: One aspect of the polarization of American politics over the last decade or so, is that politics is mostly a grim and unpleasant business. It's hard to measure the long-term practical effects of groups like the Kabouters, Yippies, and Merry Pranksters. One thing that is certain is that they made the whole process of politics a little more entertaining. I think that's a good thing. And along the way they occasionally came up with some simple optimistic ideas. I'm not sure what kind of people came up with the metro book project in Mexico City, but I would like to see more of this kind of thing in the States. This is the kind of activity third parties need to engage in to gain legitimacy, not quixotic runs at the presidency. Posted 1:42 AM by Martin Wisse Tuesday, March 02, 2004
Friday, February 27, 2004
The fake patriotism of Bush apologistsCrooked Timber has two posts up about Ann Coulter and Mark Steyn's smears against Max Cleland, one by Ted Barlow and a followup by Chris Bertram. Both drew a lot of Bush and Coulter apologists trying to excuse the smears; reading them made me think about how Bush and co use patriotism. What I (once again) realised is that Bush and his apologists for the most part only use patriotism as a political weapon, rather than being genuinely patriotic. A genuine patriot would respect Cleland for going to war for their country and would respect him even more so for the sacrifices he made by doing so: the loss of three of his limbs. Genuine patriots would not belittle these sacrifises in order to glorify their own side. But clearly, this is what Bush and co have been doing. Bush and very many of his cronies have never had to make the same sacrifices as Cleland made and in fact have gone out of their way to avoid having to do so. At the same time, they have also gone out of their way in creating the image of Bush the uberpatriot, while bludgeoning political opponents with it. Which is why John Kerry and Max Cleland are so dangerous to Bush now. Because they have made sacrifices and their patriotism is more than skindeep. Because they've learned their lesson when Cleland lost the Georgia senatorial election in 2002 when he was smeared as anti-American. Kerry and Cleland know that Bush will again try this strategy and as recent events have shown, they are ready for it. Posted 6:38 AM by Martin Wisse
Orcinus provides an in depth review of The Passion of Christ:
Posted 2:42 AM by Martin Wisse Thursday, February 26, 2004
Why some people see no difference between Bush and the DemocratsVia Atrios comes the news that one Democratic Party candidate for congres supports Bush on his constitutional amendament regarding gay marriage:
And in a later statement: Stephanie and her campaign team understand the reaction to yesterday's news. Stephanie's position on the amendment is consistent with her position of the Defense of Marriage Act -- she believes the issue ultimately should be left to the states, whether they decide it individually under federal legislation or collectively within the ratification process. In this election year, we truly hope this issue doesn't distract from important discussions on issues like lowering the cost of health care, creating jobs, and getting our economy moving in the right direction. Fucking weak. This sort of lilylivered pandering towards people who in all likelyhood won't vote Democratic anyhow explains why the party is in the mess it is in. Everytime a principled stand is expected from it, it caves in in favour of short sighted, small minded "eelctionability". I had hoped after the disastrous mid-elections of 2002 the Democrats would've learned this lesson, even more so after the various Democratic presidentful hopefuls finally started laying into Bush good, but alas. It is not worth getting Democrats elected if they're only going to be Republicans-lite; people chose the original over the copy most of the times anyway. Posted 3:30 PM by Martin Wisse Tuesday, February 24, 2004
Pandagon on "nascar dads":
Posted 1:47 PM by Martin Wisse
Mary Beth Williams, of Wampum has decided to stand for state office in Maine. Good luck to her and if you are in her state, vote for her in the Democratic Party's primary on June 8th.
Posted 5:22 AM by Martin Wisse
"I think all foreigners should stop interfering in the internal affairs of Iraq." Boot Bush and give:
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