Trying cases to juries often involves choosing between alternative theories of the case. The great trial attorney Bobby Lee Cook once said that there are only two defenses to a murder charge. The first is “I didn’t do it.” The second is “the s.o.b. deserved it.”
While either of those arguments may prevail, it is necessary to choose between them. To argue in the alternative (e.g. “I didn’t do it, but if I did the s.o.b. deserved it”) merely convinces the jury that neither is true.
I was reminded of the necessity of choosing a theory of the case by a recent column by Stephen Moore. Moore argues in favor of higher speed limits. I found Moore’s argument unconvincing for two reasons.
First, Moore seems to be engaged in hyperbole (or perhaps a bad case of honest assessment). He begins his column as follows:
I've always argued that the two most important reforms that the Republican Congress has passed to make life here in the United States better were the capital gains tax cut and the repeal of the federal 55mph speed limit law.
Secondly, Moore undercuts his credibility by making inconsistent arguments. He has trouble remembering the argument he made in the second paragraph of his column by the time he reaches the end. In the second paragraph, Moore argues that that the increase in the speed limits has provided beneficial savings of time:
Today almost all states have gotten rid of the "double nickel" limits and have raised their speed limits on local and interstate highways to 65 or 75 mph. This has led to shorter commuter times for those of us who travel or commute by car and more time on the job, at work or at our kids' soccer games.
Also, higher speed limits haven't increased deaths because speeds have not increased significantly on the highways. People were already driving well over the posted limits even when we had 55 mph limits. The 55 mph speed limit law was probably the most disobeyed law in American history.
Is it really too much to expect a Senior Fellow at the Cato Institute to be able to hold a thought for the length of an entire newspaper column? Apparently so.
Not only is he wrong about fatalities not increasing (see here) but the article also completely misses another reason why the 55mph law was enacted - to conserve fuel and reduce pollution.
Posted by: Elayne Riggs at December 3, 2003 11:00 AMSo, Republicans voted to remove the speed limits because they are not beholden to the environmental lobby? Yet another screw-up by the Republicans. I'm convinced that Republicans have done absolutely nothing beneficial to America since the Emancipation Proclamation in 1864. Of course, the media spins that Reagan single-handedly killed Communism, but the reality is that Communism buckled under its own weight. Eisenhower presided over McCarthy's red scare, under which many were jailed for suspected communist sympathies and sent advisors to Saigon. Nixon opening China? The US would never have a large market for its goods, so that was inevitable too and Watergate, well enough has been said about it by others. Reagan sold arms illegally to Nicaragua, using proceeds from the sales to free the hostages in Iran, against Congress' explicit ban on dealing with terrorists. The first Bush didn't hang around long enough to do much damage. His son, however, is a different story: the PATRIOT act, pulling out of Kyoto, not supporting the International Criminal Court in the Hague, "No Child Left Behind", and I could go on and on. To get back to my original point, I can't think of ONE good thing that Republicans have done since the civil war ended.
Posted by: Hasan Diwan at December 3, 2003 02:16 PM