AgroWaste Oil Plant Starts Production |
Posted by
on Friday May 21, @12:58AM
from the texas-gold-from-cleveland-steamers dept.
An anonymous reader writes "Yahoo, and others has a story about the first Waste-to-Oil plant going online, and selling the oil commercially. Using TCP (Thermal Conversion Process), the plant is producing 100-200 barrels of No. 4 oil a day, and has the capacity to produce up to 500 barrels per day. With the amount of agricultural waste in the U.S., and many more of these plants, we could possibly reduce our need for foreign oil."
198 of 267 comments
Posted by
on Thursday May 20, @11:33PM
from the what-silly-things-have-you-heard? dept.
Disgruntled-with-Tech-Support asks: "Let's face it: At some point or another, we've had to deal with some form of tech support. Quite often, it's a hit-or-miss experience depending on the level of support required. Occasionally, strange, bizarre, or nonsensical explanations result from the problems reported, such as this one: I had just had DSL installed, only to find it much slower than the 56K line I was looking to get rid of. On calling the provider, I was told (by someone who likely reading off cue cards) to visit one of their internal websites for measuring bandwidth. While there, I observed that they had both bytes per second and bits per second listed, and that the number of bytes/sec != bits/sec * 8, rather a factor around 13 or 14. I pointed this out as a possible problem, and the guy's reasoning: 'Uh, it looks like the bytes are getting through to you ok, but the bits are getting stuck someplace.' What was your worst explanation from tech support?"
572 of 735 comments
) Accused Spammer to Debate SpamCop Founder |
Posted by
on Thursday May 20, @10:35PM
from the high-volume-email-deployers dept.
Weezle writes "Wired News is reporting that OptInRealBig's Scott Richter is going to debate SpamCop's Julian Haight in public next month. Richter had the nerve to file a lawsuit against SpamCop recently claiming that the blacklist keeps his company from sending out 'marketing messages.' (in lay terms, spam) Not surprisingly, Richter himself is being sued for $20 million by NY Att. General Eliot Spitzer. Sounds like it's going to be a real nasty fight."
98 of 127 comments
) Everaldo and Jimmac On Linux Art and Usability |
Posted by
on Thursday May 20, @09:07PM
from the getting-to-know dept.
Eugenia writes "Metin Amiroff of OSNews interviewed the well known artists of KDE and GNOME, Everaldo and Jimmac. They discuss their first steps into Linux, the applicationss they use and why Linux still doesn't have all the professional applications and support they need for their day to day work, their inspiration, the state of the Linux desktop visually and usability-wise, the SVG factor and their future plans for KDE and GNOME."
66 of 91 comments
) Slashback: Fairness, Radioactivity, Recovery |
Posted by
on Thursday May 20, @07:59PM
from the lovely-seattle-day dept.
Slashback tonight brings you an easy way to let the U.S. Congress know how you feel about fair use, an update to the legend of Elena's Chernobyl motorcycle trip, a twofold resolution to the Freenet Project's PayPal snafu, and more. Read on for the details.
4738 bytes in body
111 of 146 comments
) Firefox/Thunderbird Plugins: Is Less More? |
Posted by
on Thursday May 20, @06:48PM
from the fighting-against-bloatware dept.
comforteagle writes "I've published the first of a two part look at the new dynamic duo of Mozilla's Firefox and Thunderbird. While most folks thus far agree with the 'less is more' mantra when it comes to the base applications, the plugins seem to be a different story. Hey, there's little wiggle room to debate that the firefox base application (the subject of the first article) isn't the shizzle, but how about the add-ons and plugins? For that matter, do you agree that less is more. or is too little included?"
286 of 375 comments
) Berners-Lee on the TLD Explosion |
Posted by
on Thursday May 20, @05:57PM
from the good-intentions-and-human-nature dept.
kmccammon writes "Tim Berners-Lee recently released a white paper outlining a number of justifications for stalling (at least temporarily) the expansion of the top-level domains. Among the reasons cited: bad economics. As evidenced by the .biz and .info debacle, more top-levels does not necessarily mean more domain name availability. All it really means is that every .com/.net owner now needs to rush out and buy the same name under each new TLD. Thus, the 'value of one's original registration drops. At the same time, the cost of protecting one's brand goes up.'"
190 of 261 comments
) Cell Phone Directory Coming Soon |
Posted by
on Thursday May 20, @05:10PM
from the baby-i-got-your-number dept.
applemasker writes "According to this story on Yahoo News via the L.A. Times, an upcoming cell phone directory which supposedly includes 75% of all cell users is in the works. Some people are already receiving cell phone spam and telemarketing calls. Worse yet, unless you opt-out at the beginning of your contract, some carriers such as T-Mobile can gladly hand over your info (though the article says that T-Mobile is changing the contract now). Some good news though, Verizon Wireless has said that it will not share its customer lists. Still, maybe it's time to submit your cell number to the Do Not Call List if you haven't done so already." We had a related story last year.
155 of 195 comments
) Google's Software Principles |
Posted by
on Thursday May 20, @04:28PM
from the do-no-harm dept.
Nick writes "Google has just posted a new set of "Software Principles" at their site on how they feel about spyware and the like. It is interesting to see the company whose motto is "Do no evil" trying to get the rest of the internet world to follow, with proposed principles dealing with upfront installation, clear behavior, simple removal, and keeping good company. The question is, though - why would a company who makes spyware (whose very nature is to be secretive and hard to remove) want to follow Google's principles?"
225 of 293 comments
) Games: Nintendo's Iwata - Innovate or Die |
Posted by
on Thursday May 20, @03:50PM
from the games-people-play dept.
Linker writes "CNN/Money has interviewed Satoru Iwata, where the president of Nintendo Ltd. says the gaming industry is in the midst of a crisis of innovation, which could lead to its demise. The idea, of course, is to justify the existence of the upcoming Nintendo DS, but Iwata does point out that the gaming market in Japan has been shrinking in the past few years - and the U.S. and Europe may do so soon."
251 of 309 comments
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