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Well, what a day.... [16 Apr 2004|02:26pm]
[ mood | jubilant ]
[ music | That one song I wrote about your mom yesterday. ]


Several things have compelled me to update my LJ today. They are the following:

1. Several random people have been emailing me saying that they'd be interested (I am noting that they both managed to spell interested incorrectly, though one had an excuse of not having very good english) in obtaining my livejournal because *gasp* their names are claudia. Granted, I havent been using it recently, but seeing as I used to use it several times a day everyday, I do think it would be fine for me to take a break from it. One of these people offered to pay me, which is tempting.... but I would like ONE THOU$AND BIG AMERICAN DOLLAR$ for it. SO, if anyone named Claudia who's too lazy to think of a creative username of their own would like to obtain my livejournal, please PayPal me ONE THOU$AND BIG AMERICAN DOLLAR$. Thank you.

1) I feel like so many completely random things have been happening to me lately. sometime last week, Rachel went to The Farm, hung out with some farm hippies, smoked some weed and ate flowers and ever since then, my life has been distinctly altered. First off, I've been smoking lots of weed, drinking lots of malt liquor 40s (which I will certify is better than cheap beer) and intermittently partaking in the abuse of generic prescription drugs purchased from the internet (Serbia to be exact). Lots of this is thanks to my friend Kyle, who got trashed last Saturday, hung out in my room and urinated on my floor while I was sleeping. I've been hanging with people in my sponsor group more, randomly going to the beach, getting stoned and eating lots of food. I think that in general I've been hanging out with a lot of random different people and that, mixed in with the flagrant use of substances, has made me quite a few interesting new friends. Wednesday night for instance, I shirked doing my Lit reading (because when do I ever do that?) and my supposed Lit paper and went with the Boo-Boo and Rachel to the Wig patio to join in a guitar sing-along for a while. Our new friends invited us back to their room for their Wednesday night shindig, so we came back, drank a few beers, listened to some music and watched a few videos. I knew a lot of the people before, but not well enough to chill with them and I had a great time. I was also repeatedly attacked by an iguana named Mike Iggy Iggy Mike decided that it really liked to jump on my face and crawl all over me. Eventually it tried to jump on Vivian, but she ducked and it hit the wall, fell on the floor and started running around like crazy. He was detained and held for questioning.

4-- I feel like I'm in a really, really good mood right now. That could be beause I'm still running off of two valium I took yesterday before we went to the botanical gardens. I really have grown fond of gardens and farms. Ahhhh.... plants. I would like to become a botanist, but it's not offered at my school, so I'll have to hang out with the farm hippies to learn some shit. Rachel and I collected a Ziplock bag full of leaves and flowers to make organic teas.

a) I've found that I'm really excited for sophomore year. I'm 90% sure I want to do Anthropology as my major, so I dont feel quite as academically lost. I havent been doing my work recently (except for econ, which I seem to be doing not so well at), but I am confident that my housing situation for next will entirely encourage me to be a more studious... student...

b: As for housing, I HAVE A SINGLE NEXT YEAR!!! I'm so stoked for that because I cant stand having a roommate. Maybe it's just the roommate I do have, but I've found it to be an extremely unpleasant experience. My room is quite spacious, with far more closet space than I could possibly need... well, no... that was a blatant lie. But anyway, I'm going to take a language class at Scripps, seeing as my new dorm will be right in the center of campus and I'll feel closer to everywhere else. I can go to the library more, I'm right next to the sports center so I can work out like ALLL THEEE TIMMMME and I'll be closer to better food and I'm right across from the freaking campus center. It's going to be so sweet. All of my friends will be living in Oldenborg or they'll be sponsors, but it might be a good experience to not basically live on top of my friends 24/7. The Kitty's going to live a few doors down from me, so that'll be sweet. We cut class this morning and hung out instead. 4239074396813047896748396746834176 times more fun than fucking Econ. I love the Kitty. :-)

4564) I'm about to pop TEN THOUSAND BONERS because in T-minus one hour, I will in a car on my way to LaVerne to see KILL BILL! YES!

t- I thought I might chronicle what was possibly THE lamest food fight ever:
SO The Kitty, Becca, Rachel, Ryan and I were eating lunch in the patio behind Frank and Rachel put a gross boiled egg yolk in a glass. I decided that since Ricky threatened me in the dining hall by brandishing two cups at me I should really throw the egg yolk at him to teach him a lesson. So I snuck through the little Stoner's field behind the fountain and threw the egg yolk at Ricky, Eamon and Eric. They later tried to retaliate by throwing chicken at us but it ended up shattering and hitting some girls seated at a table between us. Becca and Rachel thought it would be cool to get some jello and melon and throw it at ricky's table from behind the wall of the patio, but the guys had left before they started throwing food so there was just jello and melons sailing over the wall and getting stuck on the table umbrellas and on this dude who was stealing massive amounts of fruit, a cup of peanut butter and a loaf of bread and sneaking over the wall of Frank. The food hit no one and fruit guy was taught a lesson.

I have so many awesome stories since the last time I posted.... but I feel like they're all poorly told in writing, so I'm at a lost. There's only a month of school left.... it makes me sad. BUT BUT BUT - Coachella's coming up soon and that's going to kick so much ass! I need to save up the like 80 bucks to pay The Kitty's friend back. He already seems to hate enough as is, he'd be especially pissed at me if it took me forever to pay him back. I dont quite understand why he's so hostile to me. I would think I'd have much more reason to be hostile towards him than vice versa.

For the record, I do use my journal, stop being lame and make up your own usernames.... unless you have ONE THOU$AND BIG AMERICAN DOLLAR$ to give me.

Also - tomorrow's my birthday. So any greetings will be welcome.

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Dot Coooooommmmmmmm. [17 Feb 2004|03:31pm]
[ mood | confused ]
[ music | Valentine. *The Get Up Kids*.... soooo goood! ]

Active and dynamic. Decisive and hasty but tends to regret. Attractive and affectionate to oneself. Strong mentality. Loves attention. Diplomatic. Consoling, friendly and solves people's problems. Brave and fearless. Adventurous. Loving and caring. Suave and generous. Emotional. Aggressive. Hasty. Good memory. Moving Motivates oneself and others. Sickness usually of the head and chest. Sexy in a way that only their lover can see.

1. Put your birth month in an entry.
2. Strike out anything that doesn't apply to you.
3. Bold the six that best apply to you.
4. Put all twelve months under a livejournal cut

Read more... )

I think the Get Up Kids are coming around here in about a month.. I'm really excited and I hope I can drag people along with me.

I havent updated in a while... I havent really felt like it. I've been sick for the past few weeks with some annoying shit that everyone has. Maybe I'll get over it, but it seems that Laura and I keep passing it back and forth to each other. Oh well!

Valentine's Day was quite something. I never had a real Valentine until this year and I still certify that it's a lame holiday but it's always nice to get presents and feel special for a day. (I say that should be everyday, but whatever.) I've been pretty happy this past week or so, kind of felt crappy before that for various reasons - all of which are resolved.. i think. I've been stressed out about being poor, but my mom sent me a couple of bucks until i get my paycheck, so yay! I can buy stuff now. I felt really bad because Laura got me stuf for V-Day and I was too poor to buy her anything. I 'll get her back some other time, I guess.

I feel like I have more friends this semester... I guess I do... it's cool.

Uhm, this entry's really boring.... I'll talk about more interesting stuff when my laptop (eventually). taylor's keyboard sucks my

For now.... phlegm and loogies to you all!

(hmm.... tasty...)

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Je suis en peu de mauvaise humeur. [17 Jan 2004|11:41pm]
[ mood | excited ]
[ music | Brushfire Fairytales. *Jack Johnson* ]

However, by this time tomorrow, I will be putting away my laundry in my dorm room!

*unbridled joy!*

For the record:
a) Cranberry Apple juice drink tastes overwhelmingly like apple.
b) Cranberry Raspberry juice drink tastes and smells overwhelmingly like raw meat.

Anyway, this being my last day here I thought I'd really rip it up by being lectured for over an hour by my dad and crying, crying some more, watching The Joy Luck Club, crying at that, crying some more, having Allison call but cancelling on hanging out (even though I've been trying to hang out with her all month) because I didnt think my dad would let me go anywhere and because I needed to pack, starting to pack, listening to CDs, crying, going to sleep, waking up when the laundry room was supposed to be closed, saying "Oh, shit! I need to fucking do my laundry!", sneaking downstairs to do my laundry surreptitiously, trying to call Laura but her not being home and then going online. Next, I get to fold clothes and shower!


Oh man, I hope not everyday is as fun-filled as this! I'm out of control, I do what I want!

On an honest note, I actually did have the best day yesterday, thanks to Lanni. I really missed hanging out with her.

Honestly, I didnt really hang out with her much in school, but whenever I hang out with her and her friends outside of school, I always have the best time, even if we're not doing much. I always meet/re-meet the most interesting people and I think I have some of the most thoughtful/inspiring/mature conversations with Lanni that I dont have with anyone else. I think this is mostly because she's one of the few people who take me seriously and who respects me as an intelligent, talented person. This might not sound like much, but I've come to realise that's what I look for most in people. I used to look only for humour, but I found that without some substance and respect, associating with people simply because they make you laugh doesnt really mean too much. I met up with her at around lunch time and we went to eat at Cosi, a place I think I've been at too much in the past week or so, simply for the virtue of the fact that I NEVER go there normally. However, I had a really, really good salad and Lanni told me about her European adventures with her boyfriend and French friends, punctuated by pictures taken on a spiffy digital camera she found in a taxi cab. I mentioned that I had really wanted to see Big Fish and we found a place where it was playing at nearby.

We missed the first 10 or 15 minutes, but I suppose they werent terribly vital as the rest of the movie was excellent. I generally am a fan of Tim Burton movies, but I do believe that this one is my fav. of his. After the movie, Lanni and I were thinking about much more interesting people's boring everyday stories would be if we added something fantastical to them. Obviously, if I were to say that whilst walking through the Farmer's Market, it was so cold that icicles formed from our noses, that would not be accurate. But it's still more fun than "Dude, it was really cold."

After the movie, we popped into ABC Carpet and Home, which I had never been in before and though most of the things in there are ridiculously expensive, it is now my fav. store. One day, when I am filthy rich (by sketchy or non-sketchy means), I am going to decorate my house a la ABC Carpet and Home, with glass and crystal chandeliers hanging from everywhere, swathes of fabrics, crazy hats, embroidered whatnot and massive piles of pillows all done in jewelry and lit with ballroom tone lighting. We went on to the train station and I decided to not go to The Thift Store and accompany Lanni to going to her sister's basketball game/ hanging out with her mom and Declan.

Declan with hair, by the way, is really attractive. Last time I'd seen him, his head was shaved because he played the friarguy in Romeo and Juliette and I suppose he's just hardcore like that. He was always a really offbeat guy, but I never remembered him saying much when I've been around him before, but yesterday I discovered that he's really funny. There were these two seven-year-old lovely little nymphets gallavanting about the Fieldhouse (someone's little sister and her little friend) and Lanni, Declan and I were checking them out because they were so ooo oooo hot (haha, kidding, but they were/will be when they're mature) and very well dressed with their little jeans and hoodie couture and stylishly cut skirts and wavy, nut-coloured hair. For most of the basketball game (which sucked by the way seeing as Hewitt's team is unacceptably untalented, too bad for Lanni's little sister), we were staring at them and making lewd jokes. Declan mentioned that he had asked a six-year-old (family friend) to Prom and that if she would like to go, she will. That's just priceless.

Also throughout the game, I had a nice little chat with Lanni's mom (also replete with a full display of digital pictures, interestingly enough) about my school, California, Brearley, Long Island, horses and other random things. I really like Lanni's mom, and apparently she likes me too as she wants me to come out to their house in the Hamptons this Summer. I was supposed to go before, but whatever. I've been waiting for someone to invite me to the Hamptons for a long time. That's why I went to Brearley - duh! (Just joshing. I keed.)

Immediately after the game (and a quick dance with Declan), we headed over to Collegiate for their basketball game. Not to be sexist or anything, well no, who cares: boys' basketball is entirely more entertaining, well-attended, and just all-around better than girls'. Comparing the two I saw yesterday, the Collegiate game was easily 9 times better attended than the Brearley/Hewitt game. People actually cheered and caused a scene. Not many people show the same fervour for girls' sports, even though badminton was entirely hardcore and competitive. Hahaha.

We left early and went to a diner to get food. Our server was this great Puerto Rican lady (we asked; Declan and I couldve sworn she was Greek) who seemingly refused to serve Lanni the first two times she asked for something, but who also went out of her way to make sure I got a dessert to my liking. I wanted coffee and pie, but they didnt have any, so she invited me over to the counter where she gave me a whole presentation of the desserts they had and told me which were good. I ended up going with the tiramisu, which I was given a double slice of because the dude in the back though I was soo oooo oooo sexy. My fav. part of going to diner's is the menus. Guaranteed, they will have the best typos. Maybe they are just the best because they're in the menu. Lanni and I spent a good twenty minutes wondering what "Fench Fries" and "Fresh Brewed Decaffeinared Coffe" might taste like. I also had my inquiries about the "Ice cream w/Walnut" and whether or not I could request more than one walnut if I paid extra or if I could substitute my walnut for a pistachio or macadamia nut. I will never forget when we went to Jr.'s diner downtown and Declan asked the server about the sketchy picture of two Greek illustrated people engaged in (anal sex?).

Lanni's friend, Avi, invited over to his house to chill. Avi is handsdown the most interesting character I've ever met. He has a sweetass house, he's very attractive, speaks eight languages fluently, is Canadian, has an excellent book collection, travels frequently, has a great sense of humour, dresses well, tells great stories and is the best male belly-dancer I've ever seen. We sat around talking about random stuff, got stoned and listened to Air and random european music. Avi's funny anyway, but he's several times funnier when stoned because he seems so upright and decorous, then he gets flopsy and squinty-eyed like any other stoner. It's great. He also owns the best stuffed animal ever, which is hard to explain but it's just a green frog with a great big sexually satisfied/stoned off his ass grin. He's got a really big, comfy bed and we all got under the blanket and laughed about random shite. Avi and Declan speak French, Lanni's learning and I'd taken three years so I actually enjoyed listening to them conversing in French. Usually I hate when people do that, but I understood everything they said. And so, I've decided that next year, I'm going to continue my French. I dropped because I had trouble speaking it, but if I can write well in it and understand, there really is no reason for me not to learn more.

We didnt do anything extraordinary, but I love Lanni and her friends are such awesome people (I dont know where she gets them from, all o them that I've met are such, for lack of better words, offbeat, fascinating people), so it was a good, chill time and very well worth me getting lectured for coming home at 2.20a without having called. Omitting today, I can definitely say that I left New York on a good note. Now to finish packing. Squee for fresh laundry.

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This is about my milkshake... and how it's better than yours. [11 Jan 2004|12:47am]
[ mood | lonely ]
[ music | Thiftstore World. *Red Engine 9* ]

It brings all the boys to the yard.

That song smokes so much crack, by the way, but it's catchy as hell.

I'm trying to get into Nazis in America, as presented by (swoon) The History Channel. If The History Channel were a person, it would be Patrick Stewart. And he's a sexy old dude. For some reason, it's Nazi night. Hoorah!

For whatever reason, I'm in a really teary, miserable and anxious. I went out earlier to lunch with Bren, Buggeh, Puppeh and Beani, Beani went off to Scotland, the rest of us putzed around in a movie theater not watching a movie, then we putzed around in Virgin Megastore buying whatnot. I purchased three great buys:

Great Buy Item A: The VERY BEST of Prince
Prince is awesome. For the record. Or at least he was back in the day, the day being the 80s and a lot of the 90s (basically until he figured P R I N C E was too many characters for him). It includes such great hits as Raspberry Beret (oui, the kind you find in a secondhand store), Kiss, Diamonds and Pearls, Cream (Hmm... right there...), Little Red Corvette, 1999 (+5!) and everyone's favourite When Doves Cry. This illustrious collection of a flamboyantly not gay (?) man was purchased for a mere ten bucks! May you live forever in perfect black eyeliner and assless yellow pants, O Purple One!

Great Buy Item B: THE CLASH: The Singles
R.I.P Joe Strummmer!
Also, ten bucks!

Great Buy Item C: Disney's The Lion King Soundtrack, Limited Edition Vinyl, no. 26 of 4000.
This I intend on holding on to for a while and then selling on eBay to some Disney worshipping fool. Though, I do admit, The Lion King is definitely my favourite Disney movie and the soundtrack is so sweet. I hope this edition is really limited, so I can capitalise on it.

Then we played in Walgreen's and went home.

I love hair products, though I dont really use many. I'd love to be a hair product scientist one day. But that means I'd have to take chem and that's just bogusness.

I should call Laura, but I dont really want to feeling like this. It makes me feel bad for not being more cheerful.

I spent more money than I should have today (in the sum of ninety dollars). Having money is so liberating! I should sell more paintings to my highschool teachers. It's always amusing how everyone else takes me as a serious artist. Everyone minus myself. But hey, if painting's going to get me some extra pocket change, then excellent. Then I could save up for a Pentax, finally. I've always wanted my own, so I could take REAL photographs, not that automatic bullshite.

Speaking of shite... I hope Beani can actually get me one of those crazy Scottish caps with the pom-pom on the top. I would so wear that. But actually.

So, I was watching figure skating tonight (and crying....) and I forgot how much I actually enjoy watching it. It is most definitely NOT a bogus sport and I envy all of the figure skaters. I kind of always wished I'd done something noteable with my life early on, and they have competing in nationals and the Olympics, etc. Watching them is just a reminder that I havent really done much at all, and though I'm still young, it seems as if I were ever to do something great, it would probably be too late in life for anyone to give two shits. Much emphasis is put on the first 30 years of life, which makes sense, but that really only gives me 11 more years to be important. Yeah, that's a stupid idea, but much of it rings true. Maybe that's why I'm in a shitty mood. I need to start doing something that matters and I'm not, even though so many other people are so sure I could. Michelle Kwan is my hero. And I'm really liking this Sasha Coenwhatsherface.


I'm starting to read The Odyssey. Not the parts of it that I've already read in Latin or in other places, but all of it. Good luck, me.

Aww, Brenda's going to be gone. :-( I want to go back to school.

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Winter? NO! [07 Jan 2004|03:06pm]
[ mood | chipper ]
[ music | Are You Gonna Be My Girl. *Jet* (I wrote this song.) ]

It's winter. That's so bogus.

Loaded Statement of the Day: I am not bitter and angsty right now!

Normally, surveys are stupid and a waste of time, but this one struck me as clever:

1 - Waking-up Scene: It's a Beautiful Morning. *I dunno... the one they always play in fast food commercials for egg mcwichs or whatevers*
2- Average-day scene: Obstacle 2. *Interpol*
3- Best-friend(s) scene: Hey ya! *Outkast*
4- First-date scene: Moondance. *Van Morrison*
5 -Falling-in-love scene: You Got It (The Right Stuff). *New Kids on the Block*
6- Love scene: My Happiness. *Powderfinger*
6a- Sex Scene: Sexy Plexi. *Jack Johnson*
7- Heartbreak scene: 6th Avenue Heartache. *The Wallflowers*
8- Mental-breakdown scene: Bohemian Rhapsody. *Queen*
9- Driving scene: Go With the Flow. *Queens of the Stone Age*
10- Deep-thought scene: Miss You Love. *Silverchair*
11- Flashback scene: Motownphilly. *Boyz II Men*
12- Party scene: Move Your Feet. *Junior Senior*
13- Happy dance scene: Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go. *Wham!*
14- Regret scene: Idioteque. *Radiohead*
15- Long-night-alone scene: Realise. *Ours*
16- Fight Scene: Smack My Bitch Up. *Prodigy*
17 - Death scene: The stereotypical death march. (As played on a kazoo.)
18 - Closing credits: Daisy. *Stone Temple Pilots*

Anyway, that took way too long.

Brenda twitches violently sometimes in her sleep and it's really funny. She also flips over a lot. Fish! Suprisingly, FiFi was actually nice to me. Maybe because she was wearing a little dog (hooded!) sweatshirt. I would wear it myself if it were, say... 20 times bigger... or a toy poodle.

I was all for going straight to the libAry! from Bren's house, but when we stepped outside and turned the corner, we were buffetted by gale force winds from the Artic. That was superlame, so I just went home. So much for READING. I do have a book to read, but thus far (the first, say, 7 pages) have proved, for lack of a better word, weird. Maybe it becomes intelligible later on. But I doubt it.

So I suppose I am actually going to Hawaii for Spring Break. My parents said, hmmkay. The best part is, if they pay for that, they cant come visit me for Family Weekend. SCORE! It's in February and I definitely wouldve just seen them not even a month beforehand. That would not have been acceptable. So, I suppose today, I'm going to hit them up for money and call Stephanie to tell her I can go. I'm reaaaaallllly excited for two reasons: a) I have never been on vacation before and b) I have never been anywhere tropical before. Yay, black sand and coconuts! And better surfing. And open-pit fires.

Last night, instead of going to see Return of the King again, I got Brenda and Amanda to play Monopolytm with me, me bringing over my dad's 1999 NFL collector's edition, replete with football dice (with plastic helmet dice cup), pewter football dude pieces (with one mini championship ring), various teams to trade and bastardise, mini stadiums and bleachers, and little Monopolytm dollars. Surprisingly enough (to me), the jail was identical to the original Monopolytm jail. Now if they really wanted to make it a true NFL version, the Go To Jail cards shouldve said "CAUGHT WITH POSSESSION OF MARIJUANA. GO TO JAIL" or "DOMESTIC VIOLENCE. GO DIRECTLY TO JAIL." But alas, no.. They were simply going for a general football effect. They still couldve had a jock strap play piece. Nonetheless, it was truly the most entertaining game of Monopolytm I have ever played. I won, of course. By a lot. Monopolytm is MY game. I invented it. But actually.

The cat was thicslose to vomiting on my sneakers. Luckily, I flung him across the hall when he deposited his load.

Me: 1 Cat: 0

Better luck next time, cat. Better luck next time...

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Surprise! [04 Jan 2004|10:18pm]
[ mood | contemplative ]
[ music | I Believe in a Thing Called Love. *The Darkness* ]

I feel in a strangely buoyant mood!

I think it's the Benadryl.

I was checking my email to see what my kitty-kitty emailed me, and I realised that I havent played around on LJ in a WHILE, so here I am, mostly superficially perusing others' lives. And I havent felt quite this good (at least at home) in a very long time, so I'm taking this opportunity to craft a minimally angsty LJ entry. Stalk away, I'm happy. For now.

My winter break has left much to be desired. I have hardly seen any of my old friends for whatever reasons, so I havent had much to do. The few times I have seen people, it was pretty awesome (especially Poo's New Year's partaytay, I actually had an extremely good time there, which I didnt necessarily expect given the random assortment of people and ancient highschool cattiness.... also, I need to understand why people hate David what's his face so much... I was talking to him for a really long time and he seemed alright... things like that always confuse me), so needless to say, I was kind of hoping to see more of people seeing as for the next few years, my presence in NYC will become less and less prevalent. Coming back home made me reslise why I left in the first place: I love NYC, but I HATE MY LIFE HERE. The change in disposition I've experienced coming back is so dramatic that I'm even taken aback. I'm so much more of a positive, motivated, happy (imagine!) person in California. Here... I'm sick, miserable and lonely and, quite frankly, it's shit. If for nothing but health reasons, I should avoid home. I took the initiative since people generally dont like calling me for whatever reasons and I CALLED PEOPLE earlier this evening and made some plans for a few days this week. I want to leave here on a really good note so I wont ever have to regret coming home in the first place. Certain people have not returned my phone calls, but I suppose that is to be expected.

So what have I been doing....? I think I've spent the majority of my holiday on the phone with the Kitty. I'm so happy I have her, because I think she's about the only person who can make me happy. And who else can I talk to on the phone for ten out of twenty-four hours?? It's a little strange conducting the majority of our relationship over the phone as I heretofore had an intense aversion to general phonage. Now, I have come to like it. You're a life-changer Kitty-boo! I need to wear a skirt soon, so I can rock the sparkly blue-striped kne-highs she sent as part of my Christmas present. Hooraaaay! *sigh*

I have been feeling not very well, healthwise, which is upsetting as I felt perfectly healthy for the most part back at school. I think my mysterious malady is brought on my me just not being happy here in general. I'm going to try to get out tomorrow. I'm going to bed early (usually, I'm on the phone with the kitty until 6.30a or so... until she gets sleepy) with the aid of Benadryl. Hopefully, I'll go out tomorrow, cash a paycheck, get some money, have dinner with Janika and romp around "fo'ty deuce." I also have appointments later this week with Brenda and Allison, so hopefully, I'll start feeling a lot better about things.

This post is long.. but whatever.

I am ashamed to admit that I watch an obscene amount of MTV/MTV2/VH1. It's really weird, as it has not been brought to my attention until Kitty pointed it out earlier tonight. It's not even like it's good programming... but an entire show about Christina Aguilera vs. Britney Spears... oh man! MUST WATCH! and I did... all of it. I also stayed up all night watching basically the entire season of The Real World Paris. Hoorah for MTV marathons of quality hit television. I dont know what I'd watch otherwise... I tried to broaden my horizons with an episode of Unexplained Mysteries on psychics. Quaaaaality. (But actually) Speaking of quality... what the fuck is the Billy Bob Thorton movie in black and white? I keep watching it not from the beginning and I cant help but wonder... WHAT THE FUCK?!

My sister suprised me this past christmas by buying me an obscene amount of clothes, most of which I reallllly dig. (Yes, dig) I was surprised. I felt bad for being such a turd all of the time. And then I got over it.

In general, I like how people are post-first semester of college. A lot of people became less of tools, though some became more. Highschool was just not a good stage, it seems.

In any case, this was more of a useless post than I had anticipated... But it's okay. I'm fascinating!


Oh man..... who wants to play K-mart scavenger hunt!?! btw, I finished Requiem for a Dream and it's really a beautiful novel. I recommend.

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hmmkay.... [09 Dec 2003|01:29am]
[ mood | indescribable ]
[ music | Sleeping In. *The Postal Service* (how appropriate!) ]


I'm supposed to be writing my paper.
Trust me - I will, seeing as I went to the lengths of text-iling Taylor to do so, but for now, seeing as I have about 3 3/4 pages left to go of bullshit written for a friend that I'm not going to send because that's just bullshit. Laura came and cheered me up a bit (I'm not sure what I'd do without her, probably cry and sleep a lot more), but I still dont see myself doing anything else with it within the half hour, SO, let's procrastinate!

I did say I would post about The Matrix: Revolutions a while ago. I forgot exactly what I was going to say about it, except for one thing: Damn, were the lines cheesy! Were they generated in the Hallmark greeting card computer? I am certainly not the person to severely criticise something I like, but in this case, it is almost necessary. I cant remember the exact lines in question anymore, but I remember being completely outraged on more than one occasion. Besides that, I was pretty pleased. I was surprised that they didnt try to go for more outrageous special effects than the second installment in The Matrix trilogy. I thought it very cute that they tried to put in more obvious meaning. I think if I had taken notes, I could have finished my Philosophy final paper by now. Maybe I should go see it again and use it as a references. That would be sweet.

In other news, I feel really weird today. Every now and then I get these random dizzy spells and anxiety attacks that result in me temporarily shutting down emotionally. I couldnt work up the effort (or concern) to bother with attending philosophy today, so I came back from ceramics, ate lunch at The Illustrious Coop Fountain with Ryan, Katie, DredDave and Lea (which was really random, by the way, and unprecedented) and went back to my room to sleep until Laura came back from drama and woke me up. I dont think I documented any of them here (and I dont think I ever will because of the sensitive nature of them, but I have really vivid, meaningful dreams when I take naps. The best part about them besides the fact that I remember them fairly clearly is that I know exactly what they mean. Usually they feature something I'm feeling preoccupied with (because I'm probably thinking about it before I fall asleep) and they usually carry out something I want to happen somewhere in my mind, but which hasnt. So I wake up pretty happy, but then I remember it was just a dream. Sometimes I dont know that they were dreams until much later when I realise that they are too ridiculous to be memories. Dreams are great.

and speaking of dreams, Laura and I got really stoned and watched Waking Life Friday night. I think that is my favourite movie, my favourite scene being that when the guy at the pinball machine describes life as a constant question posed to us by God. Something about that strikes me as a beautiful thought. But I dont feel like thinking anymore.

I guess today wasnt really that bad of a day... I had a really good weekend. This is just debt collection on part of part of my biological processes. That's okay. I'm going to drink some tea and mellow out. Oh, and finish my paper... yeah. I kind of feel in the loving mood. I love everybody!

(not... fucking hippy shit.)

I'm just really tired. And I'm really wanting to read Requiem For a Dream. Dave lent it to me under the premise that I'd really like it. I trust his opinion on that. He's usually right about that, even when I put up a fight - as in the case of Malibu's Most Wanted, which I'd been refusing to watch for over a month, but which is so, so, so stupid but so, so, so, so funny. Same thing with Mae, Aqua Teen Hunger Force and cigars. So I give up.

Some girl Kate called me this evening to give me shit. Why? because whilst trying to print 346436346 handouts for the ghettoness that is our psych project, Laura and I actually printed 50+ sheets of random shit to !SPORTS!Kate's computer. The best part about that is that she's not even in our dorm. Somehow we managed to fuck up the network on Ben and/or Eamon's computer such that the printer was set as Kate's. She was !SPORTS!uber-pissed. I dont blame her, but I wouldve thought it was really funny. She thought it was so funny that she laughed really hard and !SPORTS!hung up on me. No, wait. She just hung up on me. She had better be glad she's hot, because I dont think people would normally put up with that bullshit. I'm not. I'm going to spread !SPORTS!rumours about her in the forms of cleverish IM away messages, cheeky feminist humour and photo montages.

!SPORTS!Just kidding.

Blah. Time to pretend like I'm clever.

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bleh. [01 Dec 2003|03:32am]
[ mood | thankful ]
[ music | The Noose. *A Perfect Circle* ]

This would be me in my post-break state, not having handed a paper that was due last monday as well as the paper that was due last Wednesday.


My reasoning: I ran into Chris in the dining hall earlier this evening. He hadnt handed in his ID paper. I win. I then ran into Crazy Mike. He hadnt handed in his Philosophy paper. He then informed me that I should stop by his room later tonight to get a book from him that had a "solution" to the Free Will problem. My solution to every philosophical argument is this: Get a Life (and stop worrying about whether or not it's real).


Wont Oxtoby (SWOON!) be pleased?

In any case, I didnt go home for T-Day, because I dont really care for the company of my family and it's just a ridiculously frivolous expense. Instead, I went home with Laura-pie. Her family fed me, drove me around and put up with my random loud sound effects. And she had a kitty-cat! It made me miss Frick and all his glory. I sort of feel bad for taking him for granted all these years. Something about cats makes me feel like they're just other people.... wondering why their family's on crack.. and why they wont feed them.

Unfortunately, I spent a ridiculously large amount of money thift shopping, buying craft supplies (for my bootleg t-shirts) and buying food for my room. I dont know why did.... I remember being young and thinking how wonderful it was that fifty dollars could purchase so much. Now it buys essentially nothing. It's very disappointing. I can never self-calculate and putting things back on the shelf is embarassing, so I dont. Thus...


In any case, I'm glad I'm back home (home being campus). I realised that this year, I actually feel as if I had something to be grateful for. Sure, I guess I could be grateful for food, shelter, yadda, etc. but realistically, why would I ever think of seriously being grateful for things like that? I dont foresee losing any of those things in the nottoodistantfuture and those dont strike me, a person who generally takes things for granted, as particularly special. I've found that I'm most grateful for the people I've met here. I think I've never felt more like myself than I have here and you know what?


For instance, I went over to ceramics with Jesse earlier tonight and Tommy was there making his piece for the final project. He was explaining to us how it represented his bitterness towards Harvey Mudd and somehow that got into a deep conversation (for ceramics) about life fulfillment, shaping ourselves and college. I was explaining to Jesse how I feel lost now and not motivated to do anything because I dont really enjoy anything I'm doing with my life right now. I also told him that I sort of wish that I had taken a year off to center myself and be all the more excited for the opportunity to learn, etc. He said he had felt the same way after highschool and that taking a year off didnt change who he was at the core of things. My point is that, excepting Lanni, I never had any friends back home who would listen to me and not only relate what I feel to their own experiences but then relate it back to my situation (such that it's actually a productive conversation). Most people I knew would simply relate it to themselves. End of story. I think being around more reflective people has done me some good. And I feel more peaceful.... despite my behaviour.

I have class in 5 hours, but I should talk about the Matrix: Revolutions in my next post, as I have a shit load to to sayabout that.

It feels so nice to be back! I missed everbody.

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Hello, Life.... How you doin'? [26 Nov 2003|04:40am]
[ mood | content ]
[ music | Ballad of a Paralysed Citizen. *The Faint* ]

I'm waiting for nail polish to dry at 4.40a so I figured I'd make a post.

I'm in a very good mood right now! I'm really jumpy and not tired for some reason, though. Dave came into my room at 4.00a looking for freaking DVDs and scared the fucking shit out of me. No one's supposed to be awake now. But I'm not surprised.

I'm really pleased about this whole break thing. I'm tired of school and have been cutting classes at random since last week in anticipation of break. Come tomorrow afternoon, I will have gone to two out of the five or six class sessions I'm supposed to have gone to. Har, har!

I feel like a lot of things are getting better now. Not EVERYTHING, but a big chuk of it. Maybe that's why I feel pretty good. Everything seems cool with all of my friends, except maybe Eamon, who might still be really mad at me for slapping him last week. He deserved it though, because he slapped me first. It's not a long story. We were drunk and playfighting. It's all fun and games until someone loses an eye. I'm actually glad I have people to fight with here. If I werent able to randomly attack Eamon, Jesse or Laura I dont know how I'd get out my pent up rage. Not at them. But general rage.

I have been really bad about my schoolwork. I need motivation and I dont have any. Right now, I'm just wondering whether or not it matters if I turn in things on time, if at all. I reason: I could show up to class fifteen minutes late... or never. I look to Kevin for motivation. He's in charge of all of my important decisions as he is surprisingly reasonable and very convincing when he's come upwith a conclusion for me. He convinced me to go to Philososhit last week and that motivated me to go to other classes I was planning on cutting.

While I'm mentioning Kevin, I suppose I should express my joy at his becoming pseudo-part of The Nunnery now that he has moved into the study lounge next to my room. He's a really nice person to have around and he kind of bridges the gap between the male entities of our sponsor group and us girls. He also attracts guests, which is great publicity for The Nunnery. And I'm all about publicity. Not.

Besides all that.... I've managed to contain my real drinking to Thursday, Friday and sometimes Saturday nights. This doesnt sound like an improvement, but when I was sad,I was drinking literally every night, which is just no good. My Thanksgiving Break start tomorrow, as I'm going home with Laura-poo. I've never actually stayed with another family for any holiday before (besides the Independence Day I spent in Italy), so I'm slightly scared they wont like me. I've come to realise that I have an absurd fear of rejection. I guess Psych class is useful.... DEFENSE MECHANISMS!!! I'm all about those to. But actually.

I called my Dad for his birthday on the 21st, which is highly unusual and surprised me almost as much as it suprised my dad since it's general knowledge that I have a strong aversion to him. I think going so far away from home was the best decision I could have made. I've forgotten how annoying my family can be in real life and I find it hard to harbour any hate for them.

This was boring... but that's okay because I'm all mellow and chill now. yaaaaaa....
I suppose my nail polish is dry by now.. and it's about 5.09a. I have to write the most bogus paper tomorrow: a five-page book review that i then have to write a cover letter for and mail to my "favourite english teacher from highschool." What the fuck is tha shit? WHO DOES THAT?!?! She then wants us to photocopy both the letter and the envelope with the address and the stamp on it and hand it in with my paper. Too bad that the book I'm writing about manages to be the stupidest, most confusing, most pointless book I ever read... I'm going to devote an entire post to it in fact. It will be entitled River of Fire's Greatest sHit!



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here i go... again! [18 Nov 2003|02:29am]
[ mood | bitchy ]
[ music | Carrion. *Fiona Apple* (So hot right... always.) ]

Yes, i do realise that i technically already posted today, but before i do any late night reading, i thought I'd vent in a discreet, nonconfrontational manner.


Okay. That was fun.
I've come to the conclusion that there's really no point in remaining angry at people for long periods of time. just kill them!

Ha. Joke.

Seriously - there's no point, especially when the person you're furious at couldnt give less of a shit. So, no i dont either! Squee!

Since I finally submitted that paper that was due two and a half weeks ago, i havent got much to do for a very long time besides psych reading, so i've decided two things:

Thing A: I'm going to read a non-academic book. That one being Fugitives and Refugees by the illustrious Chuck Palaniuk. I jacked it from Ben's room since he has no business reading for pleasure now anyway. I'm going to learn all about Portland, Oregon. How exciting.

Thing B: I'm going to stop being flaky and do something mildly creative. Like paint. Or draw. Or figure out why my room smells...? My half smells okay. Maybe it's the fridge. Oh... it's Taylor's dead flowers smelling of rotten cabbage. Joy.

With those two Things in mind, I hope to enrich my present experience. I fear that I'm reverting to the bitter, overly cynical, slightly hostile person I was circa eleventh grade. Why cant I stay consistently happy, bouncy and fun?? Maybe I need to do more drugs.

Ha. Joke...

In any case, we took Terra to a fancy Italian restaurant for nahnah dindin. I think I pissed off the Senior Citizen Contigency of Claremont, California. We were being really ridiculously loud and these Old People were shooting lasers at us with their collective gaze. I, lacking tact and luck as usual, leaned over to Jonathan and said, "OH, THOSE OLD PEOPLE ARE MAD AT US." I thought I was fairly quie, but i think a lull in general noise occurred just as i had made that comment. I dont really think they heard that, but my following comment of "Oh... they cant hear us.... because they're OLD" was probably not the best thing to say at a normal conversational volume. I had my first taste of creme brulee, so now I feel uber-classy and oh-so civilised. ooo!

Anecdotes that brook disgust:

I walked out of the bathroom with Laura having washed my hands with that foxy melon handsoap. Since i was sniffing my hands anyway, I thought Eamon should, too, so i shoved my hand in his faceand said "Smell!" He said "No!" but I was persistent. Then he comments something to the effect of "I dont want to smell the love juices on your hand!" I am still aghast at that comment. I do not finger people in public restrooms, contrary to popular belief.

We noticed something about Women's Health for this "No Shop Week" scam (will explain in subsequent paragraph). I'm not sure what the real connection was, but it had something to do with menstrual whatsamahoozits causing Jonathan to comment: "Oh.. I know what that is... Apparently, you're supposed to go into the sea, cut out sponges and shove them up your vaginas." I think he gets most inappropriate commentator of the year award.

No Shop Week is clearly a scam. How? Think about it... you dont buy shit for a week. Then what happens... You need stuff in the following week! And because you havent bought shit for while, you forget how much you need and have no way of gauging a reasonable amount of merchandise needed. Therefore, you buy a wicked ridiculous amount of crap and The Man wins. Again. I hate scams (that do not benefit me.) How New Jersey of them!

This actually turned out to be another completely superfluous post. Oh well.

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Sha la-la. [17 Nov 2003|04:59pm]
[ music | Give It Up. *The Format* ]

Yeah. So it has been proven. Apparently, Rufus Wainwright is flamingly gay. w00t!

Although I certainly have a paper that was due over two weeks ago that I still have not bothered to hand in, I am still going out to dinner with So Hot Right Now, because it's TerraBomb's Nah-Nah. Happy Nah-nah!

So - Once again, I'm in a very bizarre mood. I'm in a very 80s mood, thanks to my trusty Members Only jacket/shirt that I discovered in the back of my long sleeve shirt drawer. I realised that I have an excess of clothing that I brought here that I never, ever wear. I am contemplating butting come of it up to make accessories. Because of course I dont have more than enough already... of course not.

What else can we discuss... my apparent stomach ulcer?

No, that would be exceedingly BOring.

Then I dont actually have anything to talk about, do I?

Thoughts.... thoughts...thoughts... thoughts.... or not.

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on the brink of supreme happiness. [13 Nov 2003|07:57pm]
[ mood | creative ]
[ music | Jesse's theme song: Deliverance. *Bubba Sparxxx* ]

Hello, moto!

So I've been in the 'brary for the past two hours, working on papers. The one I am currently dislodging from my asscrack was supposed to have been due approximately two..... weeks ago. Good thing my ID teacher is a sweetie, because any normal professor would have flipped out and cut my head off. I accidentally sent her a first draft of the latest paper that was (craftily) entitled "Kickass Title" as I normally give my papers joke titles to inspire myself to come up with better ones later. Not only that but it was beridden with terrible typos. So I edited it and resent it with profuse apologies and strict warnings not to read the first draft.

I suddenly feel inspired. The reason I had not written this paper earlier was partially due to a severe lack of inspiration. I ate some orgasmic pie for dessert tonight. I think that inspired me. I was in a very, very cranky mood earlier this evening, but I would say that right now, I am almost Buoyant with Joy. (or Food. Dinner was wicked good.)

I think Jesse has been inpsiring me as well. Last night, he, a very blizzazed Popper and I read and analysed the poetical works of W.B. Yeats for about an hour or so. Why? I dont know. I was working on my paper and Popper was... being blizzazed and Jesse storms in with a 110$ overdue W.B. Yeats anthology and says, "We're going to read some poetry!" And thus, Nightly Lyon Two Westside Poetry Club was birthed. We each took turns opening the book to a random page and reading a poem there. Jesse also showed me his favourite poem, which is now my second favourite poem, "The Second Coming":

Turning and turning in the widening gyre
The falcon cannot hear the falconer;
Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity.

Surely some revelation is at hand;
Surely the Second Coming is at hand.
The Second Coming! Hardly are those words out
When a vast image out of Spiritus Mundi
Troubles my sight: somewhere in sands of the desert
A shape with lion body and the head of a man,
A gaze blank and pitiless as the sun,
Is moving its slow thighs, while all about it
Reel shadows of the indignant desert birds.
The darkness drops again; but now I know
That twenty centuries of stony sleep
Were vexed to nightmare by a rocking cradle,
And what rough beast, its hour come round at last,
Slouches towards Bethlehem to be born?

We analysed it. I surmise that the poem is referring to the pathetic state of the spirituality of man. In the final hour of our existence of earth, we will have no guidance, no reassurance of paradise. How we anticipate the glorious return of our Saviour, yet what we may end up with is a horrible beast of DOOM. How tight is that?

This is my favourite poem, second only to my actual favourite poem, "Do not go gentle into that good night" by Dylan Thomas:

Do not go gentle into that good night,
Old age should burn and rave at close of day;
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

Though wise men at their end know dark is right,
Because their words had forked no lightning they
Do not go gentle into that good night.

Good men, the last wave by, crying how bright
Their frail deeds might have danced in a green bay,
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

Wild men who caught and sang the sun in flight,
And learn, too late, they grieved it on its way,
Do not go gentle into that good night.

Grave men, near death, who see with blinding sight
Blind eyes could blaze like meteors and be gay,
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

And you, my father, there on the sad height,
Curse, bless, me now with your fierce tears, I pray.
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

I guess I have a penchant to bleak, desperate poetry. I didnt used to like poetry, until basically last night. I think I'm going to pick up a Dylan Thomas book on the way out of here.

Yay for literature.

I would hazard to say that I currently have no reason to be upset about anything.

At the moment, I feel confident, optimistic and ready to take on the world.

Time to write that paper...

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yeah, so i'm stupid. [11 Nov 2003|01:15am]
[ mood | indescribable ]
[ music | You and I. *Jason Mraz* (so hot right now) ]

I just spent about 40 minutes typing up a really heartfelt and self-introspective entry about how shitty I've been feeling for the past week or so.

Then I started playing with the cool buttons on Laura's keyboard and it all died.

That = was lame.

I'm not sure that I even want to rewrite all of that because I just realised two seconds ago that I mostly write up entries to sort out how I'm feeling at the time and since I've already techinically crafted an entry to do so....


I guess in summary....

1) I've a really weird, (mildly?) upsetting past ten days. I had a paper due last friday for My Fucking ID Class, but I was too depressed to do it so I tricked my professor into giving me an extension until... whenever.

2) The person I think I actually am is really strange in comparison to how I act in real life, I've come to realise. I'd like to find a way to reconcile the two, but I'm not entirely sure that that is possible given the extremity. I feel like I'm living a double life... which is bizarre as I'm leading it with people I see all the time anyway.

3) I'm scared of going home because I never fit in there in the first place and they're moving on and doing things (e.g. buying a fucking 52 inch television) and I'll just fit in even less. I dont even have a room anymore, so I would just be in the way anyhow. If I didnt miss New York so much and there werent a couple of people I really want to see (Brennddddyyy.... hmm, sadness), I really wouldnt ever need to go back there.

4) I think a majority of my anxiety stems from me not being telepathic. I hate not knowing what people are thinking when it pertains to anything vital. And I'm incredibly bad at confronting them about it in a useful, tactful manner so I just have to sit around and wait.... and feel especially inadequate.

5) I never thought I would be part of a clique, but I am and it's funny because I was never cool in highschool. I'm not generally popular here either, but I do have a fuck of a lot more friends here than I do in highschool, and it's kind of nice to feel loved.

6) Eamon is psychic. And it's not fair. I think he's the only person who can severely piss me off and make me laugh at the same time.

7) Apakarakunes. *claw* You're dead.

8) I dont have any real crushes on anyone anymore. I'm free!

9) I went to see Jason Mraz last night and he was brilliant. I didnt really care for him especially before, I was mainly going because I like a a few of the songs on his CD and I was supposed to be going to the concert with my roommate, but she ditched me of course. I dont know how I feel about soccer being over. It's not that I dislike her, but we dont make sense together and I feel like I shouldnt be around when she is, which is just about all of the time now. I've been camping out in Laura's room lately, mostly to hang out with her but also a lot to simply avoid my roommate. I need to stop being weird I guess, but something about her makes me feel awkward. And like I should leave.

10) I hadnt really talked to Andrew in a while for whatever reason, but I did today and it was nice because I missed his peculiarity and distinctive creativity. Yay, Andrew!

11) I havent really talked to Jesse this weekend. I'm still wondering if he knows what I did to his little brother (who is so awesomely weird, by the way... he's like Jesse + younger-looking x ten billion crack rocks - any normal set of inhibitions... otherwise, they have the same exact mannerisms and laugh and they're really really ridiculously ridiculous.)

12) I havent been working on ceramics. I just started my project today. Good thing Chad moved it back about a week, otherwise I wouldve been screwed.

13) I love love love the Sunday Night Dinner Crew (newly renamed The So Hot Right Now Club, because we're all so hot right now.) I dont know how, but the dynamic of all us together evokes such high levels of CRACK. I have laughed so hard as I've laughed on our dinner adventures.

14) Emm... so I guess things are okay now? Wee?

15) (Most lists have like, what, 10 items?) "What" is officially the funniest EVER.

16) And thank you, Laura, for keeping me company. Bunnie-bunnie. :-)

Erhm, it's almost two-thirty, so I guess I'm going to do some work now. Night.

PS - Nicotine IS addictive. oh well... thanks, Dave.


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UUHHHHHHHHH....................!!!!!! [27 Oct 2003|08:23pm]
[ mood | predatory ]

Library = DEATH.

I've been here for about seven hours. I'm hungry and I'm about to shoot somebody. For food.

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Yeaaaah... right. [27 Oct 2003|02:02pm]
[ mood | cheerful ]
[ music | ......... ...... ....... *..........* (DUH! it's a library!) ]

That subject title is in response to the question: "Is Maya going to get her work done today?" An optional answer can also be: NO.

My highschool class has this Yahoo! club thingy and I keep getting all these emails with updates of people talking about how no one knows about Peanut Butter Jelly Time! WHAT THE HELL!? I thought that people from my highschool were the biggest crackheads ever. And then I went to college. I have never met such wonderfully crackheaded people in my life as the people I have befriended in collegio. I mean, where else does it make sense to murder your nemesis with a PLATINUM KNIFE? I'm starting to question whether or not the real world will be as awesome. Older people keep telling me how college is the best four years of your life. I guess I'm just SCREWED for the other, say, forty some-odd years. Grrrreat!

So, the Sunday Night Dinner Crew went out to dinner (THROUGH THE FIRE!!!!! Actually not, but that wouldve been really exciting), not in Hollywood as originally suggested, but at this random Peruvian restaurant somewhere near campus. I had never had Peruvian cuisine before, but as it turns out, it's just roasted chicken anyways. I guess they have a lot of chickens in Peru. And, by the way, Peruvians have the worst sense of humour ever. We were reading a Peruvian newspaper in the restaurant and it had all of these severely not funny cartoons, par exemple: This guy is standing in a boxing ring and some other guy points and says "Ha! There's your mother!" And then there's another one where this one guy's standing on the edge of a cliff and some other random guy comes and kicks him off. HA - FUNNY!


Crazy Peruvians and their bad humour.

Frank dining hall was far too crowded today, so Jonathan, Terra and I went to OLDENBORG!! to eat international delicacies. As it turns out, the Exclusive Secret Dining Room had a Diaspora Colloquium, so we couldnt eat in there and had to find a table. However, all of the other tables were creepy language tables and none of us speak languages. So we hi-jacked the Iranian table and hid the little flag on it and started a "Languages of the United Kingdom Table." I was a Victorian Gent and I think Jonathan was Irish. I ate Syrian Nut Cake for desert. How scrumptious. Terra called me a Syrian Nut Bitch.

Out of nowhere (actual he was at the Spanish table earlier), guess who joins our merry crew?!? DARREN!!! Wheee! Darren is one of the most fun people ever without actually being fun on purpose. We shall invite him to Lyon sometime to join us in a game of Smash Brothers. That game is dangerous. I started playing last week and I've played at least once a day since then. Out of control.

I guess I should talk about the SoCal Apparent InfernoFest 2003. There was ASH 3verywhere. There still is actually. For a few days it was raining ash. Today I decided that Class + Ash = CLASH! so that it is not necessary for me to go to class today. So I'm not. Class is over in 10 minutes anyway. I'm supposed to be working on my unfinished psych lab which is due in about 2.5 hours. It can wait a few more minutes while I recount the tale of how much of a crackhead my dad can be.

So my on-campus job is that of "student caller" which requires me to call up Pomona-related people (alumni, parents, blah) and trick them into pledging money to me. Actually, to the Pomona Annual Fund. For this, I get awesome bonuses and prizes, like money. And waterbottles. And pens. And unlimited snacks. Yesterday, we were calling the parents of people in our class (I actually called Luke's dad and now we're buddies because he's the funniest dad EVER). I asked if anyone had called my parents to hit them up for money because I wanted to call them myself and be guaranteed an awesome bonus for getting a pledge. Ashley, one of my co-workers, told me that she had just called my dad ten minutes earlier and talked to him. However, she was talking to him about fires for a really long time and never got around to asking him for money. Therefore, my dad concludes that Pomona had set up a FireHotline and were calling people's parents to tell them the campus was on fire and that their children were stopping, dropping and rolling all over Southern California. Or something. My dad, forgetting that my roommate's name isnt Ashley, but Taylor, calls my room and starts freaking out and asking Taylor if I'm okay and if the school was on fire. She said: No. I called my house to ask them for a pledge, seeing as Ashley had not and my dad picks up asking me if I'm on fire and if the school was okay. I tell him that the campus is securely fire-free and that No, Pomona does not have a FireHotline for people to call up parents and random discuss fires with them. I then proceeded to not on get a pledge for the Parents Fund, but also a pledge matching that amount for myself. See how fire = profit? And I got an awesome bonus. And a Dr. Pepper from the fridge.

Life is good.

PS - Get psyched for Saturday Surfing Bonanza Adventure Part Trois! Last Saturday was superhellawickedmadphatcool,yo, though I swallowed a bucket of water because I need to learn that one cannot laugh underwater as that can be a cause of death.

PPS - Get psyched for Halloween because the Lyon Death Squad Team (Formerly known as the Sunday Night Dinner Crew) has/will have the most awesome costumes ever. Still debating if I feel like conforming and going to see Naughty By Nature in the Althletics Center...

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ohhhh... yeah..... [24 Oct 2003|03:21am]
[ mood | satisfied ]
[ music | Always on My Mind. *Phantom Planet* ]

i need to sleep and i'm kinda still drunk right now, so i will make this a quick sketch of a list of things to think about:

1) Why does Jonathan amuse me so?? I know you're reading this know, so heeeyyyy buddeh!

2) Why have i not been able to do work for the past couple of days? i am severely uninspired...

3) Why are certain people of the male persuasion being such tools to me sometimes and then not at all other times?????

4) Why are of people of the male persuasion STALKING me????

5) Why do i basically have a single?

6) Why am i enjoying that fact?

7) Kill Bill has to be the most awesome movie i've seen in forever, if not the most awesome movie i've seen overall. brilliant. i'm going to see it again sometime this week.

Damn, i forgot the really important things to think about. I felt really sad earlier this week and it doesnt help that one too many of my friends are feeling downtrodden, as well. other people's moods affect me so much. I had a good night, so i'll be satisfied with that and let myself sleep soundly. i wish all of my bunny-bunnies could be happy. especially Ryan, as he gouged his finger tonight... and Stephanie, who just needs happiness right now.

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sleep... who needs that what? [21 Oct 2003|05:58am]
[ mood | rejected ]
[ music | Ana's Song. *Silverchair* ]

So hi,
it's roughly six in the morning and i am definitely still awake....thinking....

I have realised that i'm really loud and that i talk too much. Laura tried to go to bed at like, 11.30 and i just left her room about a half an hour ago. I love telling my childhood stories; while i cant say i enjoyed a majority (in fact, i was a hopeless piece of crap until this past year) of it, I find that I am now able to look back at it and laugh really hard. that's good for me. Maybe i should write a book. or it might make for a fun cable television show. weee.

fall break is almost over and i've done not much in the way of constructive. i needed to read a few hundred pages of this book for my ID class, but i didnt do that because i was too busy socialising, surfing, drinking beer, eating fruit, driving in cars and feeling emotionally manipulated by certain confusing boys. (i'm not even going to get into that because i think i delved into that issue enough for one day.) fun! i actually did have a pretty awesome weekend. i got to know Terra a little better and i met her entire family (who are all really great people and overly nice to her random crackedout college friend). i also met some really great seniors from pomona and pitzer and some really great guy who's in my class but whom i had never seen before. i talked to him today wandering through the halls of harwood. he's a cool dude. and he's got a pretty sweet board. I stopped by Darren's and paid him a visit. I think Darren is simultaneously the coolest, funniest and creepiest person ever. Being around him is constant entertainment. i was playing "Where's Darren??" in his highschool yearbook and i realised that he looks really old. not lke grisly old but more mature in features than most people his age would look. he easily could have been 28-32 in his highschool pictures; it was rather bizarre. at the same time he showed me a poem he wrote about his microwave and played me some "Sacramental" angsty post-grunge rock that he apparently listens to, much to my surprise. he never ceases to amaze with his sheer level of eclectic cool. i wish more people like him existed.

I guess tomorrow i should go hang out with my mentor because i told him that if i didnt stay away from the whole weekend, i'd let him know so we could make up for not going to the movies together last week. i'm kind of nervous about that since i feel like he takes a lot more interest in me than i would expect from someone who doesnt really know me that well. i think that's because he wants to be a really good mentor but Eamon insists that there's something going on between us, when there isnt. at least not from my end.

i think i'm really confused now, with how i'm doing in school, how i fit in with my family, what my relationships with my friends are. i feel like any and all of those things could exist just as easily as they could not. what a limbo. where's jonathan? "what a limbo" would make for a great t-shirt. ohhh..... my business partner! i've only become pretty good friends with him recently but i miss planning random things with him! i used to do that with popper... oh how things/people change. *sigh*

btw - I *heart Laura*. I realised earlier today that college wasnt the same without the usual blue kitty dry wit, obscure visual references and semi-silent laughter. I miss Dave, Beccaboo, Jesse and the Ryan/Jeni phenomenon, too. I hope I'm not getting overly attached to people because that would be a little creepy of me...

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Obviously not doing work..... [15 Oct 2003|01:22am]
[ mood | crappy ]
[ music | Thinking of You. "A Perfect Circle* ]

So - I am clearly not doing any work like I should be. I dont necessarily hate all of my classes, i just have no invested interest in them besides ceramics (which is brilliant). I dont give about scepticism (for reasons as follows: a) it's tedious, b) it's pointless and c) who cares besides Parker and he's on the crizzack anyway)and i certainly dont give about my ID course. psych is a little boring simply because it's really easy to understand on the intro level and the only thing i really need to do is read the text. class is just full of random experiments and notes on shite we should have read the night before. But whatever, intro courses are things that needs be dealt with in the best, most mature way possible. Procrastination and fucking around.

I should just go to bed. what i keep doing is staying up late with the intentions of doing work, but actually just goofing for undisclosed periods of time. I.e. last when i stayed up with Eamon and Dave until 6.00a. i did help eamon with his paper, but i think i read like 15 pages the entire night and we mostly just sat in the hallway talking about random shit. I have to remind myself to go smack him later because he made me mad today.

Starting tomorrow, i'm going to try to be a better, faster, stronger, more diligent student. I know i said that yesterday, but tomorrow's today and will soon be yesterday as well. I got a shitty grade on my psych "midterm" which is not good and has motivated me to actually try to give at least a little poop to my work. i'm sure it's all worthwhile. i'm just not very inspired at the moment.

have class at 9. will wake at 8.45. sleep now, will get 7 hours. seems excessive. cant focus. will sleep instead. better sleep now because i know for sure i'll be up all tomorrow night because of my attrocious time management non-skills. I'm not going to allow myself to be in a crappy mood. it's ridiculous. i'm going to postal service myself to sleep.

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nothing. [12 Oct 2003|06:05am]
[ mood | guilty ]
[ music | Blue. *A Perfect Circle* ]

listening to Dave made me realise how absolutely pointless my life is and how little meaning it bears on anything that matters. I guess i should try to change that. Dave really is a beautiful person.

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Name = Ass Machine Teapot, Yo. [07 Oct 2003|05:29pm]
[ mood | content ]
[ music | El Scorcho. *Weezer* (in honour of you, Andrewman) ]

"Uhhhhhhh....!" as Jesse would say. Where's he at now anyways?

I think my last poast (!) was the best post ever invented. Ben's room inspires me so much. Actually, his room IS my room, so I inspire myself so much. I hope no one knocked the Beeramid over because i worked really hard on that shite. Kevin almost knocked it over last night and then i wouldve had to murder him. And then Iris... for just being Iris and NOT LETTING THE PAST DIE!!! Hakuna matata. did she learn nothing from Disney's The Lion King?!?!

I've been half asleep all day, but it was pretty awesome. ly hot. I wore my white hippie skirt today. it makes me feel like an angel, gliding around so gracefully...blessing people with my serene benevolence...shooting lasers out of my eyes. Ahhh....!

I have a confession to make:

I'm terrible!

I've become so flakey. I am so flakey. Observing Brandon and his flakey ways has open mes yeux (so to speak --- mind you, that was 1000% a joke) to my own flake-itude. Par exemple - I was supposed to go visit my "mentor" over the weekend and I didnt. Not because I forgot, but just... because I didnt. Now why didnt I? I wasnt lazy - I went to every other dorm on south campus. In fact, one time I went into that dorm to show Laura that bogus-ass picture of SponsorChris. I think I know why I'm so flakey - it's for subconscious reasons. i dont do things for reasons unknown to me. i'm going to have to figure out all of those. those reasons. crazy reasons and their craziness...

I got the same seat for the Jason Mraz concert as I did for the Michael Moore thing. That means something. The odds of me getting the same exact seat for two completely different events is highly unlikely. especially since i didnt buy the michael moore tickets and didnt pick out my seat. I love that we have concerts like that on campus. naughty by nature is coming for harwood halloween. as ben would say: "That is so tight." Whatever that means.

I wont drone on about how uberly awesome pomona is, because i dont need to. What i need to do is eat Chicken-in-a-Biskit for 2 minutes then go to work. I also need to find some shoes. eh, no i dont.

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