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Brushfire Fairytales. *Jack Johnson* |
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However, by this time tomorrow, I will be putting away my laundry in my dorm room!
*unbridled joy!*
For the record: a) Cranberry Apple juice drink tastes overwhelmingly like apple. b) Cranberry Raspberry juice drink tastes and smells overwhelmingly like raw meat.
Anyway, this being my last day here I thought I'd really rip it up by being lectured for over an hour by my dad and crying, crying some more, watching The Joy Luck Club, crying at that, crying some more, having Allison call but cancelling on hanging out (even though I've been trying to hang out with her all month) because I didnt think my dad would let me go anywhere and because I needed to pack, starting to pack, listening to CDs, crying, going to sleep, waking up when the laundry room was supposed to be closed, saying "Oh, shit! I need to fucking do my laundry!", sneaking downstairs to do my laundry surreptitiously, trying to call Laura but her not being home and then going online. Next, I get to fold clothes and shower!
Oh man, I hope not everyday is as fun-filled as this! I'm out of control, I do what I want!
On an honest note, I actually did have the best day yesterday, thanks to Lanni. I really missed hanging out with her.
Honestly, I didnt really hang out with her much in school, but whenever I hang out with her and her friends outside of school, I always have the best time, even if we're not doing much. I always meet/re-meet the most interesting people and I think I have some of the most thoughtful/inspiring/mature conversations with Lanni that I dont have with anyone else. I think this is mostly because she's one of the few people who take me seriously and who respects me as an intelligent, talented person. This might not sound like much, but I've come to realise that's what I look for most in people. I used to look only for humour, but I found that without some substance and respect, associating with people simply because they make you laugh doesnt really mean too much. I met up with her at around lunch time and we went to eat at Cosi, a place I think I've been at too much in the past week or so, simply for the virtue of the fact that I NEVER go there normally. However, I had a really, really good salad and Lanni told me about her European adventures with her boyfriend and French friends, punctuated by pictures taken on a spiffy digital camera she found in a taxi cab. I mentioned that I had really wanted to see Big Fish and we found a place where it was playing at nearby.
We missed the first 10 or 15 minutes, but I suppose they werent terribly vital as the rest of the movie was excellent. I generally am a fan of Tim Burton movies, but I do believe that this one is my fav. of his. After the movie, Lanni and I were thinking about much more interesting people's boring everyday stories would be if we added something fantastical to them. Obviously, if I were to say that whilst walking through the Farmer's Market, it was so cold that icicles formed from our noses, that would not be accurate. But it's still more fun than "Dude, it was really cold."
After the movie, we popped into ABC Carpet and Home, which I had never been in before and though most of the things in there are ridiculously expensive, it is now my fav. store. One day, when I am filthy rich (by sketchy or non-sketchy means), I am going to decorate my house a la ABC Carpet and Home, with glass and crystal chandeliers hanging from everywhere, swathes of fabrics, crazy hats, embroidered whatnot and massive piles of pillows all done in jewelry and lit with ballroom tone lighting. We went on to the train station and I decided to not go to The Thift Store and accompany Lanni to going to her sister's basketball game/ hanging out with her mom and Declan.
Declan with hair, by the way, is really attractive. Last time I'd seen him, his head was shaved because he played the friarguy in Romeo and Juliette and I suppose he's just hardcore like that. He was always a really offbeat guy, but I never remembered him saying much when I've been around him before, but yesterday I discovered that he's really funny. There were these two seven-year-old lovely little nymphets gallavanting about the Fieldhouse (someone's little sister and her little friend) and Lanni, Declan and I were checking them out because they were so ooo oooo hot (haha, kidding, but they were/will be when they're mature) and very well dressed with their little jeans and hoodie couture and stylishly cut skirts and wavy, nut-coloured hair. For most of the basketball game (which sucked by the way seeing as Hewitt's team is unacceptably untalented, too bad for Lanni's little sister), we were staring at them and making lewd jokes. Declan mentioned that he had asked a six-year-old (family friend) to Prom and that if she would like to go, she will. That's just priceless.
Also throughout the game, I had a nice little chat with Lanni's mom (also replete with a full display of digital pictures, interestingly enough) about my school, California, Brearley, Long Island, horses and other random things. I really like Lanni's mom, and apparently she likes me too as she wants me to come out to their house in the Hamptons this Summer. I was supposed to go before, but whatever. I've been waiting for someone to invite me to the Hamptons for a long time. That's why I went to Brearley - duh! (Just joshing. I keed.)
Immediately after the game (and a quick dance with Declan), we headed over to Collegiate for their basketball game. Not to be sexist or anything, well no, who cares: boys' basketball is entirely more entertaining, well-attended, and just all-around better than girls'. Comparing the two I saw yesterday, the Collegiate game was easily 9 times better attended than the Brearley/Hewitt game. People actually cheered and caused a scene. Not many people show the same fervour for girls' sports, even though badminton was entirely hardcore and competitive. Hahaha.
We left early and went to a diner to get food. Our server was this great Puerto Rican lady (we asked; Declan and I couldve sworn she was Greek) who seemingly refused to serve Lanni the first two times she asked for something, but who also went out of her way to make sure I got a dessert to my liking. I wanted coffee and pie, but they didnt have any, so she invited me over to the counter where she gave me a whole presentation of the desserts they had and told me which were good. I ended up going with the tiramisu, which I was given a double slice of because the dude in the back though I was soo oooo oooo sexy. My fav. part of going to diner's is the menus. Guaranteed, they will have the best typos. Maybe they are just the best because they're in the menu. Lanni and I spent a good twenty minutes wondering what "Fench Fries" and "Fresh Brewed Decaffeinared Coffe" might taste like. I also had my inquiries about the "Ice cream w/Walnut" and whether or not I could request more than one walnut if I paid extra or if I could substitute my walnut for a pistachio or macadamia nut. I will never forget when we went to Jr.'s diner downtown and Declan asked the server about the sketchy picture of two Greek illustrated people engaged in (anal sex?).
Lanni's friend, Avi, invited over to his house to chill. Avi is handsdown the most interesting character I've ever met. He has a sweetass house, he's very attractive, speaks eight languages fluently, is Canadian, has an excellent book collection, travels frequently, has a great sense of humour, dresses well, tells great stories and is the best male belly-dancer I've ever seen. We sat around talking about random stuff, got stoned and listened to Air and random european music. Avi's funny anyway, but he's several times funnier when stoned because he seems so upright and decorous, then he gets flopsy and squinty-eyed like any other stoner. It's great. He also owns the best stuffed animal ever, which is hard to explain but it's just a green frog with a great big sexually satisfied/stoned off his ass grin. He's got a really big, comfy bed and we all got under the blanket and laughed about random shite. Avi and Declan speak French, Lanni's learning and I'd taken three years so I actually enjoyed listening to them conversing in French. Usually I hate when people do that, but I understood everything they said. And so, I've decided that next year, I'm going to continue my French. I dropped because I had trouble speaking it, but if I can write well in it and understand, there really is no reason for me not to learn more.
We didnt do anything extraordinary, but I love Lanni and her friends are such awesome people (I dont know where she gets them from, all o them that I've met are such, for lack of better words, offbeat, fascinating people), so it was a good, chill time and very well worth me getting lectured for coming home at 2.20a without having called. Omitting today, I can definitely say that I left New York on a good note. Now to finish packing. Squee for fresh laundry.