Wednesday, April 28th, 2004
8:46 pm - new hope garbage-picking SCORE!
so tonight on my way home from work i see this fantastic bookcase on the side of the road. i stop and pull over and it was totally fabulous, dark wood, sturdy construction so i snagged it. mine mine mine! had all good intentions of filling it tonight with all my books but instead my tummy decided to be upset (stupid devil dog) and i laid in bed in pain for an hour. after some sympathy from absolutegoddess i feel better and am running a nice hot bath to further relax my achy tummy. just when i think i can eat how i want, im reminded i just cannot. so....anyways i forgot to take my medicine last night and i was freaking out that the tummy upset was a result of that but it was just too similar to what i experience when i eat sugar that i know it was the devil dog. tomorrow night my dose doubles from the 25 mgs to 50. im nervous. so far ive had none to little side effects from it and have actually been feeling happier and more like myself. im going to Mommas house tomorrow night. JR is off from work so im gonna head up there early so we can hang out for a little before i go to bed. im gonna take my medicine when i get there just in case it makes me feel yucky so i dont get sick or anything while im driving. i cant wait to see my Momma. im missing her like crazy. im waiting for her goodnight phone call and then im heading off to bed. early day tomorrow for me with the crazy lady. thank goodness though for this 2nd job. the money is helping me to catch up on some bills and really the hours are ideal. its just that working for a woman who is prone to screaming fits and constant tears is draining. anyways im off. kisses till tomorrow.
current mood: sleepy
9:14 am - date night with dawn marie
last night i had a most wonderful evening. i picked my date up after work and we went to this little bar in hamilton that dawn assured me had the best pizza. she was so right. we chowed down on mini tacos, salad and pizza. we decided to see a movie another day when we realized it was "real world" night. a quick stop at wawa for diet coke and diet snapple then back to her house, changed into pj's and watched the drama unfold. oh man i love frankie. shes so cute! and that little schoolgirl outfit and pigtails. kinda girl. next weeks episode looks awesome. bring it on. we both had permission to drink last night since neither of us were driving. we spent a half hour opening this damn bottle of wine, breaking the corkscrew in the process. eventually we had to pry the cork out with pliers.*giggles* then we both had about half a glass each and went to bed. lightweights LOL!! dawn tucked me in all tight and read me a story about a bear who snores. i woke up this morning to a sweet e-mail from my Momma. it was just a wonderful way to start my day. im a lucky little girl.
current mood: loved current music: regis and kelly on tv
Tuesday, April 27th, 2004
3:19 pm - NO COMMENT!
Monday, April 26th, 2004
8:47 pm - snipped from like everyone
Post a memory of me in the comments of this. It can be anything you want.
Then, post this to your journal and see what people remember of you.
11:45 am
Momma just called JR my big brother. could i be a little happier right now? i have no clue why this thrills me to no end but it just does!!! *hugging myself with happiness*
current mood: ecstatic
10:34 am - bills
look i know im not the only person on the planet who's in debt or is irresponsible with money but i just feel like such an asshole when i look at my bills and then i look at my salary and i cant remember what i even bought. i have some financial amends to make. shopping is put on hold indefinitly unless i win the lottery. my goal is to be out of debt by my birthday and today i am making some payments on credit cards and such. i am doing what i can afford and i am not asking for financial help. i am so resolute in this. i have to prove to myself i can do this! my parents are ready willing and able but then what do i learn? if i go to them over and over itll be 10 years from now and ill be 37 and still in debt and asking them to bail me out. this is me, stepping up to the plate. here i go *deep breath*
"Courage allows the successful woman to fail-and to learn powerful lessons from the failure-so that in the end, she didn't fail at all." -Maya Angelou
current mood: determined
Sunday, April 25th, 2004
9:19 pm - tea party NO BOYS ALLOWED
i almost forgot the coolest thing! on the way home Momma and me passed this place called the blue butterfly or the butterfly room or something like that and it was all decorated with blue butterflies and she said it was a tea room and that when me and dawn marie earn our white gloves that we can go there for a tea party maybe *swoon*
current mood: giggly
6:46 pm - weekend in review
saturday morning i got up and headed over to Mommas house. we headed into NJ after a quick stop for some sandwiches, munchies, and drinks. first stop at stevies house for some hugs and kisses and catching up. i sacked out on the couch and did my best to be quiet as a mouse. i think i really didnt succeed but i was pretty well-behaved. sometime later on in the night all the girls piled into cars and we drove to this fabulous hotel in woodbridge. our room was super nice. it had a living room, dining room, little kitchen area a big huge bathroom with two sinks and vanity area and the best part was there was a jacuzzi! and a 4 poster king size bed. i had to jump on it!! i love big huge beds they make me feel so teeny tiny. we settled in with our munchies, ordered up room service and talked till about midnight when Momma instructed me to go run the tub for us. after a little temperature adjustment *snicker* seems Momma didnt wanna "cook" in the 6 million degree water. after our tub time we put on pjs and i sacked out in the bed next to Momma and conked out while the grown-ups staayed up late. i felt Momma pull me close into her while i was sleeping and whisper "i love you" i cant be certain but i think i slept with the biggest grin ever. woke up all snuggled up next to her, played alarm clock and then had the best bagels ever! we went to woodbridge mall so Momma could shop at Torrid, said our goodbyes and headed back to PA. a trip to NJ isnt complete without a stop at Yaccos hot dog king and i chowed mine in 5 minutes flat then paid for it later but oh it was so worth it. im home now relaxing in the palace. so glad to see my dumb baby has joined LJ. welcome to lil_kevin. well im off. kisses to all.
current mood: good current music: Christina~Dirty
Saturday, April 24th, 2004
8:00 am - let the good times roll
i woke up a full hour before my alarm went off. why do i do that? *rolls eyes* anyway im 100% awake with no chance of going back to bed so a little LJ action and a head start on some Sunday chores are in order. last night was wonderful! i never stay home on a friday night. i took a bubble bath, shaved my legs and my no-no. i did a little facial, watched American Wedding (a good rental glad i didnt pay to see it in the theatre though) chatted on the phone with Momma and dawn marie, went through some bills, took out the garbage, did all my laundry and even put most of it away. it felt really good to be in my apartment relaxing alone. now i know why Momma likes to take a night to herself. yesterday i also got my nails and toes done oh and got the oil changed in my car. my toes are this pale pussy pink color and i had the lady cut my fingernails down to a more manageable length. ill be heading up to Mommas house around 10 since we are on our way to Northern NJ for a girls night out with some of her friends who are moving far away. i know shes been looking forward to seeing them before they go and will miss them so much. its gonna be a fun night, we all got a hotel room and were gonna sit around in pj's ordering room service and "tormenting the subbies" (Her words not, mine *giggles*) im so glad the sun is out and shining, it matches my sunny mood today! gonna hop in the shower, stop at the store and get on my merry way! kisses to all.
current mood: cheerful current music: Ben Folds~Annie waits
Friday, April 23rd, 2004
4:28 pm - post coital bliss
between last night and this morning i am sore and happy. yesterday we both took "sick days" and im still feelin a bit under the weather LOL so im off today also.
Momma called me yesterday around 12:30 in the afternoon and the conversation quickly turned dirty and nasty and before i knew it i was racing home against lunchtime traffic. i beat her home by about 10 minutes and soon after she arrived the afternoon delights commenced. the bedroom, the living room, the bathroom...yeah we still havent christened the kitchen though. hmm another day *smiles* i gotta say was the best sex weve ever had. we fucked, we made love, we kissed, she caned me, fisted me, not in that order per se but it was all there. there was some biting. yeah love to get bit. still have one set of teeth imprints in my right breast. hmmm what else? oh yeah there was QT with the puppy, some incredible mexican take-out, a run to the volvo dealership and more huggin and kissin. i didnt want her to leave so i pouted for a minute this afternoon and she kissed me all up and i felt better. its so hard for little girls to say goodbye to their Mommas even though i know ill be seeing her tomorrow morning and then we are going away overnight. *giggles* i just cant get enough of her! i have a nail appt in a half hour which as of this minute is the extent of my friday evening plans. maybe i will rent a movie from the on-demand digital cable thinger. blondie invited me to pop over her house if i got too bored so i think im covered.
i take full responsibilty for the downfall of the cake. i asked for a slice before she iced it cuz im not a fan of icing and well it kinda went downhill from there. *snicker*
thats all for now. more later, im sure. kisses!
12:14 am - Suzy Homemaker
Wednesday, April 21st, 2004
3:27 pm - *warning* the peanut is heavily medicated
yep. zoloft. 25 mgs for 7 days then 50 mgs a day. i dunno is that alot? sounds like alot. possible side effects is a decrease in libido. im confident this wont affect me. even if it lowers my sex drive...ill still be above average in that area. *giggles* im not ashamed...depression is a disease and medicine will help me. i miss the old me...if this helps me get her back its worth it. today in the docs office the nurse who weighed and blood pressured me saw i had gastric bypass surgery on my chart. she was very overweight, gorgeous girl, a year younger than me. she was ful of questions and i could feel her pain. it was tangible and i had to fight back tears. i wanted to reach out and hug her so very bad. i wanted to take her by the hand and tell her i knew what she was going through. ok now im crying. im such a mush. i hope i handled it well...i stayed to talk to her even though i knew it would make me late to work.
the kids will be home soon. ill update about my shopping bounty later. i did pretty well for myself :)
current mood: optimistic
8:41 am - true story from last night
my mom has this shelf with all these fairies on it. theres an elf on one side smoking a hooka and a sad fairy all the way on the other end. im lookin at the sad one and my mom comes up to me and says "wanna know why shes so sad?' i say yeah and she points to the hooka smokin elf and says "this was her boyfriend, he got stoned and cheated on her."
*crackin up*
current mood: amused
Tuesday, April 20th, 2004
11:02 pm - quick update from NJ
im sleeping at my folks house tonight. got a shopping date with my mom in the morning even though she just couldnt wait and weve already hit target tonight. i got this adorable striped tank top, jean shorts, a black summer dress and this fantastic pale pink terry short sleeve dress with a hood. the perfect beach cover-up although im already so in love with it that it may have to become a loungey knock around the house type dress. i made her put back a million things because otherwise shell be trying to buy me the store. tomorrow is the mall and ive told her 14 times..all i need is shorts and sandals. i dont wanna have to fight her. shes small but shes tough *giggles*. im gonna repeat this to her in the car on the way there..shorts and sandals mom thats it. im grateful she wants to treat me but i am not going to take advantage of her generosity.
i heard from my Momma tonight after an extremely nail biting day. the verdict is in but it is not my news to share. she will update the outcome of the vote this evening when she gets home.
im off to sleep. kisses to all but the very biggest ones to my Momma.
current mood: sleepy
3:08 pm
12:31 pm - Tinkerbell isnt a princess *pout*
11:19 am
♥ before i get into my normal everyday boring posting i just wanted to send out some special thoughts for my Momma. i have the strongest faith that all will be fine and we will have much to celebrate and be thankful for after the vote tonight. ive been praying for days and days but today and tonight will be the hardest prayer of all. i love and adore you so very much and i cant wait to get that joyful phone call tonight. as always..both you and JR are in my thoughts and prayers.♥
so i went to my part time job this morning. im really starting to dread it. the woman is just so massively insane. i actually left early with "vague and strange stomach upset". i called the nanny agency to vent or something and the one girl i always talk to was teling me even more crazy shit. seems this woman calls them all the time says she cant do it anymore...threatens to run away and leave if they dont send her someone quick. i feel so beholden to these children, like i cant leave this job no matter how wackadoo their mom is and how nuts she makes me. *sigh* i feel for all of them. i paid my car insurance today. the accident has spiked it up to nearly 200 bucks a month. im still filled with gratitude though that nobody was hurt. now i have 30 bucks till thursday. ugh. all other issues with this job aside...the fact remains i need the money.
well its a gorgeous day, ive got all the windows open and im loving the breeze! im not ready to put the air conditioners in. i hope it stays mild like this. i know itll be sweltering soon enough and Heather does not do "hot". my electric bill is gonna be crazy but there will be no sweating in the palace.
well im off for now. kisses to all. more later, im sure......
current mood: optimistic current music: Dixie Chicks~Theres Your Trouble
Monday, April 19th, 2004
10:45 pm
8:54 pm
too tired to update. ill just let the dresses speak for themselves *smiles*
( my two new dresses )
current mood: sleepy
8:27 am - post shopping update from Dawn Maries living room
yesterday was fantastic! shopping with the girls was just what the doctor ordered! the day began with a nice drive down the turnpike in trinitys jeep with the top down. i was quiet and just enjoyed the sun and the wind. we hit torid first and i picked out 2 things for Momma then off to hot topic where i got this fantastic dress. pics tonight when i get home *smiles*
hello kitty store, journeys, um shoe store, accessories store then off to dinner at Jose Tejas in woodbridge. just one more thing Dawn Marie and i both love. a little more running around then slepover at dawn maries house. we were in bed by 10:30 wiped out by all the running around and shopping goodness.
on a totally different note...Dawn Marie had a little visit from an ex who revealed some most interesting information about a former friend. seems the fairytale princess has fallen from grace and a liar has been revealed.although i had my doubts surroundiing the truthfullness of her story i had hoped against my better judgement that the topics in question were things that a woman could never lie disgusted and apalled at the lengths desperate people will go to for attention or maybe its a mental problem. who knows? i dont get it. im just glad i removed myself from the situation when i did. drama like that, i dont need.
well im off cuz dawnie wants to update and this is her computer after all. *giggles*
kisses to all. more later, im sure.
current mood: awake current music: MC Hammer~Cant Touch This